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Posts posted by ggt

  1. I feel your pain bro...my gf's 8 year old would come down stairs...from playing the gaming computer I had given him...and use the one toilet that he knew that I was the only one to use...and piss all over the seat...he was so proud of himself showing that farang how he felt about him buggering his mother...

    Got tired of her going away to stay with her mom...and her Thai "brother" would bring her home in his nice truck....um..hum...

    Told her I had to return to the US for some medical procedure concerning my heart...gave her a fist full of baht and said goodbye...

    One of the better decision I have made lately...

    Good Luck!

    • Like 2
  2. The GOP is standing up for the rights of unborn children...who can not defend themselves from this inhumane death of convenience...women's rights...a woman made her choice when she had unprotected sex and got pregnant...why should her own flesh and blood have to die for her error in judgment?

    Yes...I know...I am now ready to receive my punishment for being so cruel and not understanding of woman...right!

  3. Then, the passenger, despite being warned repeatedly not to move, stepped out of the Jaguar, his hands raised about shoulder level.

    It is hard for us to imagine why the officer felt it necessary to shoot an unarmed man with his hands in the air...but then again...we need to walk a mile in his shoes...see what he sees everyday...and know what he knows...to get the rest of the story...

    • Like 1
  4. Your brain has finally woke up and is asking your heart...what the hell are doing...causing your nervous system to go bonkers...thus the jitters...

    You absolutely do not have to be married to have a wonderful relationship with a Thai...marriage will likely reduce your financial holdings considerably...and if you should run low on funds...do not expect you unemotional bride to stay with you...

    Be honest with her...tell her you are not ready to take the plunge...now or ever...(you may want to hold off on the ever part)

    You can still take care of her financial needs without being married...

    Good Luck!

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  5. GOLD . sounds the ticket, i might have to do some homework here. which online site is best and secure ? cheers,

    I am not promoting or endorsing any of these sites...however...their is a wealth of useful information to be had by perusing their info...(helpful hint...look for free shipping and a low rate for storage...as a start)

    This is a random order and not prioritized: This should get you started...don't be afraid to follow some of the links suggested by these sites:


    Kitco.com (they have a free app that allows you to see the price of precious metals on your laptop or smart phone in real-time)





    Gata.org (This site has scores of links you could take a look at)

    Please understand that most all investments are essentially gambling...Gold's high so far was almost $2,000 per ounce...and the low was $1,140 per once just as recently as last Oct...this is a strategic long term investment...a hedge against inflation and the devaluation of fiat currency (paper money printed with no real value other than the perceived value given it by governments to the naïve public)...

    There is ample proof that governments manipulate the price of gold as they are afraid that if not manipulated and left free to follow the real gold market...it would go much higher than it is today and crush their near worthless paper money and economies...

    Good Luck Friend....(If you have any more questions...contact me by personal message on this site)...by the way...I am retired and have no financial interest in any transactions you may consider when buying your precious metals...

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