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Posts posted by ggt

  1. I watched and listened to a good bit of this conference as it was live on CSPAN TV...there seemed to be some more emphasis on expanding the party to include the disenfranchised minorities of the US...some social and economic engineering to bring spending under control and put people back to work in jobs that pay above the minimum wage...tackle immigration in a rational and fair manner...and address the healthcare debacle with fairness to those who would otherwise not have healthcare coverage were it not for the outrageously expensive Obamacare...

  2. There are enough small and large fires going on at any one time around Pattaya to corrupt the air you breathe...I take an allergy tab everyday to help me cope with potential breathing problems...I hear it is worse at times in Chiang Mai...

  3. Living in Thailand is like living in the midst of a TV soap-opera...everything one does or says has a "drama" value and must be repeated and enhanced to give it more value...Thais live for this stuff...This is Thailand...

    Your only privacy...may be when you enter the toilet and close the door...but I am not sure about that either...

    • Like 1
  4. All of this sharing of pictures and profile information is nothing more than a smoke screen for the real issue...that is targeting you and everyone you know with some advertisement over the internet...I do not like the "cloud" for the same reason...seldom give out my phone or email address as one is then subject to be inundated with calls and emails trying to sell you something...

    I like to share...but the cost to my privacy is too great...and it is not just FB that is after your personal information...

    • Like 2
  5. But in principle it was an unnecessary and unjustifiable TOTAL RIP OFF.

    A man of principle in Thailand may go mad trying to figure out why he keeps getting ripped off at every turn...

    Best go with the flow...do not dwell on these little acts of Thainess...otherwise you will worry yourself sick...and find it difficult to enjoy your stay in the Land of Smiles...

  6. The Thai Government should hire jilted ex-pats to give a mandatory orientation to incoming newbie tourists and retiree ex-pats at the airport...before they ever set foot outside the terminal...to at least prepare them as to what is considered a common relationship by Thais where foreigners are involved...which may include having more than one provider/sex partner without any form of remorse or regret...who would not want to be able to go to more than one ATM machine to draw out cash when needed?

  7. I have seen the government at work boosting tourism...

    Limited hours to buy booze...a major attraction for tourists...

    Tourists and expats being harassed and scammed at immigration, taxis, real-estate deals and on and on...

    Yep...they are definitely making people want to come to Thailand...the land of government mandated Thainess...

  8. It is called collusion...it is a worldwide problem...governments printing gobs of fiat currency trying to make up for the lack of employment and commerce...Japan has printed more than they can ever justify...the US has stopped for the moment...and now Europe will take up the banner...the printing of money with no true economy to justify the printing...is a form of Ponzi scheme and will end badly with all fiat (paper) currencies in a serious down turn...as a worldwide recession...if not depression...takes its toll on the financial instruments... stocks, bonds, and followed by governments stealing whatever wealth they can from the public to stay afloat...

    The poop could hit the fan as early as this year...

    • Like 1
  9. Is it true...that the next restriction for foreigners...is that they will be required to either go to church or visit a Buddhist temple once a week...and someone has to vouch for their attendance or their next visa will be denied...

    Immigration will require witnesses...photos of you attending...and 3 copies of receipts where you have given of your earnings to the religion of your choice...

    Man...what will they think of next?

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