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  1. this is the lamest use of words trying to justify murder or make it as just a small tussle or minor altercation.. 2 against one dragging him down wrapping legs around his neck while punching him and beating him. Even if he had a heart attack at 28 years old, these men should be charged with murder.
  2. i do not think this incident will tarnish Pattaya outstanding reputation... After watching the Vdo wife wants we go to Pattaya with the kids. She says a lot of excitement and free shows on the streets happening like this one about every week.
  3. Are you the pot calling the MAGA black?
  4. Did you even bother to read that? They have not checked since 2008. About time they do it again/ don't you think?
  5. I am sure the police can catch this guy easily. Noone steals so much without intending to sell it. All they need to do is watch the bars and tourist places for a man selling weed.
  6. They would not be having any difficulties if it was another innocuous inmate. Seems Thaksins money machine has slowed the wheels of justice pretty easily.
  7. I do not think he is trying to stop SSI. I think he is trying to stop the fake payments of people who died already as well as any other mistakes made when approving people to receive it.
  8. Of course she is out having fun with no worries. Her daddy has her back. She can always claim ignorance and doing what he tells her.
  9. Can show that since I currently deposit money monthly for 65000 baht for the past few years through wire transfers from my US bank.. I am curious though. I receive letter from Social Security about my yearly and monthly income from them. Can that not be used at Embassy and Immigration to get notarized and use as proof of income?
  10. Is there a special type of account to use if wanting to use the monthly income method of 40k sent from the USA? Or can it be any type of account? Also, can the money sent monthly be made by wire transfers?
  11. Well, clearly the guy has violent issues. Also, clearly deportation would be the best option after he is prosecuted for his assault. There is a positive sign to this OP though. There is a talented young woman who will be available soon if not already. haha... How she ever got entangled in this idiot is beyond me.
  12. I am not an elevator expert but don't elevator doors have a release catch that allows you to open the door? Also, don't the elevators have a hatch in the ceiling that opens to allow escape from a trapped elevator? I would have thought these things are standard elevator safety protocols. So why the hour long drama prying open the doors?
  13. No, these judges are listening and adhering to their Dem bosses who are set out to prevent Trump in anyway possible from succeeding in his campaign promises.
  14. Alright Bob... You have been snitched out. Now we know why you are saying a ladyboy a day... You have been a naughty boy. What would the wife say haha... What kind of idiot shopowner allows a customer to walk away with a promise to go to ATM machine and return with money? Bad business, They deserve to be shafted just for being so stupid.
  15. So many police there watching her with smiles. Is she so worried about being attacked that it takes a regiment to oversee her activities?
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