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  1. Apparently the latest in the news in about the internet in Ukraine. It seems that they are getting Starlink for free there supplied by the US. The Us has sent billions to them in weapons and supplies under Biden. Now in the news Trump wants that reimbursed with minerals to compensate the governments expenditures. He said that if Ukraine does not want to repay the money with minerals then the US would cut the countries access to Starlink effectively leaving them in the dark with the world. The Biden admin has dumped so much money into the Ukraine without anything to show for it. Win or lose the US/Ukraine posture does not change. It seems feasible that if the Ukraine war continues they will be begging the US for more and again without any reimbursement. Those are American taxpayers money used to supply the Ukraine war for the last 3 years. With nothing in return except their hands out for more.
  2. So stupid these farangs are.. Put a few drums in the background and they bounce around like monkeys. Where do they think they are? One would think from the video they are visiting some small tribe in Africa trying to act like the natives. Is this what they do while on vacation? Jeez...
  3. I do not think so. The Intersex meaning is speculating about being transgender. But really the definition states a physical problem like have ovaries but no opening to them or producing menstruation but unable to expel it monthly.. Or an enlarged clitoris. I do not think there are many with the physical problem. Surely not 2% of the population. So I think the OP is using the term including transgender. If 2 % of the population has physical defects then they should be studying what is going wrong with the genetics of them that is making this occur. I think the LGBTQTRSVLFSRT#$FJWL group is trying to twist the meaning so they can have a win to get their money back. If a baby is born with a Intersex physical problem then they will be medically diagnosed as male or female and surgeries performed as a baby to fix the problem allowing them to lead a normal life. You can not fix a transgender since it is a mental health issue. Just like you can not fix a sadist or child molester. Their problem with identity is not physical. The groups advocating for these people are surely not happy they lost their money and freedoms to enter toilets of the opposite physical sex. The HHS is doing the right thing. The OP is clearly trying to create controversy over this when there is none.
  4. CNN was one of those News services getting money from USAID. It does not surprise me that anything that could be damaging to Biden would have been given any newsworthy time or space in their service. Just as this woman, If she actually reads what her employer puts out as news. Should not make a difference. She should be fired simply for not investigating things relevant or comparative to her story.
  5. Smart man getting the same lawyer. In the end though it will not make a difference. He should be lucky the police did not plant incriminating evidence in his home wile there. He should know better than to make waves this way especially doing it online. Someone will get angry and make problems for him.
  6. The boy was only wrong for driving. Not for his actions while being chased and threatened by attack from those dogs. The motorist was not at fault at all. The man who owns the dogs was responsible for not ensuring they were locked up from trying to attack passersby. This is a problem that happens everywhere. The man deserves to be praised. Not many a Thai would accept their responsibility for such an instance. Most dogs on the street have owners but when something happens caused by the dogs, They become stray and soi dogs only being fed by their owners. No responsibility is ever accepted.
  7. So a few unruly Israeli's have now caused many events that seek to demoralize and control as well as supervise, check, and cause chaos with those from Israel because one area attracts many to specific areas for tourism. Talk about overkill hmm... Drastic measures implemented to all simply for because a few made the news.Typical Thailand
  8. I think he means... If he leaves the country. It utilizes the re-entry stamp and does not cancel the extension to stay on retirement visa. In which case he would need to wait to leave the country until his extension and re-entry expire. Or he could go to immigration and cancel the extension hence the re-entry stamp also. If he leaves with the re-entry still valid. When he returns his extension will still be valid also. As for the border run, why use an agent when you can take a train that goes directly into Vientiane, Laos for less than 1000 baht?
  9. Although I understand your complaints, but you chose to live near that without thought about what happens at night. I am certain that they did not just decide one evening to turn up the music in a private residential area. You should have given thought to your surroundings prior to living there. I also fail to see what this has to do with killing someone over their need to repair their plumbing during normal day light hours. The man who did this must have had some issues with the one he killed prior to this incident leading to his anger being so much. Although Thais, generally fly off the handle easily and escalate things quickly and without thought.
  10. Thus is a fine example of the morals and values that have been taught in Thailand. Attempt to kill a family member because they do not want to give you some money making you angry at them. This has happened quite a few times already in the past year in Thailand. The government needs to take a hard look at what os taught in schools as well as in the homes. Sad for the old man, and hope he does not die from the wounds inflicted. The man needs to be sent to prison for a long time.
  11. ONe iphone is valued at over 1000 USD. A felony charge. You know if they plead guilty they will have their sentence halved. So 2 .5 years behind bars is not that severe. They were idiots, stealing using a bike rented under their name. I mean really, that goes beyond stupidity. They should get 2 years just for being so stupid
  12. freelancers are asking 1500+ for an hour... more if the girl is cute or sexy. My friend said some he chatted were asking 5k and all of them short time only. The BF experience is over..
  13. not higher cost for a woman short time in the US... Actually the bar girls here cost a heck of a lot more now here. Not to mention to 1-2000 bar fine... the drinks.. the room if getting short time at the bar.. then the girl cost of 1000+.... You can find a street walker in the US for 30 or more. Less than 1000 THB...
  14. Well since they basically stopped the Bf experience and most women are wanting thousands for an hour with them. The bar scene there is boring. So many of the bars have older and fatter women now and all wanting quickies for alot of cash. . along with a lot of drinks bought prior to any side deals in a bedroom.
  15. yeah.. I see them almost in tears outside of 7 when they are refused... I watch them while i am drinking my beer in the bar across the street. about the only way changing the Thai law for selling beer would generate 10b would be to stop banning drinking on Buddhist holidays and during elections. Otherwise, simply changing the times when buying alcohol in a store will not generate very much more income than it already does.

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