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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Does anyone really expect this guy to claim otherwise?
  2. yeah i know... but sounds a lot better when saying Brit haha..
  3. It is my opinion that if i am having to pay taxes, then i should not foreigner charged for buying or doing things. If you are a tax payer then the country should treat you as one. Not treat you as an extended stay tourist. Are we not paying enough already being overcharged just because we are foreigners? I know for sure the extra costs we incur are surely more yearly than any tax i would need to pay. This article sheds no new light on any rulings we need to know about as a long staying foreigner. As of now, nothing has been settled as to the standard we must follow. However, I think the government should consider the facts about what we actually pay by living here. The additional expenses that NON-Taxpaying citizens and the few tax-paying citizens enjoy with cheap prices. I have been considering buying an air machine from the government hospital. They told me as a foreigner I would need to pay 25% more than the listed price. That is almost 20,000 baht more than the cost for it simply because I am a foreigner here. Ridiculous.
  4. Probably a Brit. What makes you think the other guy is also a Scotsman?
  5. Wow! I did not know you knew Trump personally. Were you his psychiatrist?
  6. You miss the point of retirement. It means not working. Relaxing all day without worry. Going out occasionally to do something different. I agree with your assessment of sitting in a room all day bored. But who said they were bored? Also, did you see if they do this 365 days a year? I am retired in Thailand. I have my daily routines and mostly it is at home with my wife and kids. I travel with them several times a year, Travel alone several times a year. Do what i want, when i want and how i want. Sex who I want. My week goes by very quickly as well as the months. Very seldom do I feel bored but when I do, I go out and do something I have never done before. Even though i am retired, I still feel young and full of vitality. Not many retirees in US or other countries can say this or show it in their actions. I think you misjudged the people you watched rather than asking them if they are happy with their lives. I would bet most would say yes. As for their places to live, it was a choice they made. Perhaps a better choice than having your kids put you in a old people nursing home which could and most likely would happen in your country. So have a happy life in your country getting old. I think when that happens you will be worse off than the people you saw in Pattaya. Hopefully you will rot in your recliner there and the spider webs will accumulate on your crotch from lack of use. But, I know for sure you not find yourself in a better position than the people you have so cruelly judged in Pattaya.
  7. I seriously doubt you will see silence from them. Even though he got convicted he can still run and become the next president. This case is not a case that would put him in a prison. As for the actual words being convicted it may even boost his following. More than 80 million people in the USA have been convicted of a crime there. With about 4-6% wrongfully convicted. That is over 1/3 of the population. Then there are many, many people who think this was all a political scam to ensure a win for Biden. Then one has to consider how many people think Biden needs to be in a courtroom also for crimes. Point is, that Trump can still change the outcome of the case simply because the judge was biased with kids making money off of his cases. Having many gag orders to prevent him talking about things or people. and many other irregularities in the case itself like using only the testimony of a proven criminal and proven liar to other official inquiries. I can not say for sure how this will affect the elections. But it seems to me that the people will not be deterred by his loss of this case. It may backfire instead and we may still find Trump winning the presidential elections.
  8. now comes the can of worms trying to take the blame away from the guards and on the foreigner. I would bet that tomorrows news says charges against the foreigner have been made or that the guards have said sorry with a wai and everything is settled.
  9. can say the same for most nationalities when it comes to politics... keep hoping the one you like will do good and always turns out bad..
  10. I believe it means they will increase the amounts of tax to be paid so they can prepare to pay an aging Thai society.
  11. So, the people are finally beginning to see the Putz they have in office now. I am favoring neither party but understand why Bidens ratings are declining in his Democratically controlled states. People are seeing him for what he really is and what he has failed to do during his presidency. Trumps rise is just another facet of this. When he was Prez te economy was good. Unemployment was low and the country was not dishing out billions or tax money to allow and keep and support so many illegals entering the country. I do not know if Trump will win. But really think sure Biden will lose in the elections.
  12. confused, what effort? they got a tip and found the man had a warrant from 13 years ago and arrested him. I seriously doubt they spent 13 years tirelessly tracking this man down when he has been in one province for all that time.
  13. Covid only last 1-2 weeks.. They should reschedule it as fast as possible. Also, he is still on probation. Why hasn't a probation officer come to check on his health. Where is the doctors report from a hospital stating testing positive for Covid. Does this article mean that if i am scheduled to go to court. That my lawyer can make any unproven excuse to change the court date?
  14. sounds to me more like they invited friends and the friends called and tipped off the police. Doubtful this was a random raid.
  15. It makes me wonder why these people think the government really cares if they lose money. Especially since the way they passed these new laws makes so that no=one can claim their losses to the government and the government is not responsible to compensate for any losses.
  16. read the article... maybe you will see it Here... it is not the same word but has the same results. Drafted to join the army The Russian man, tearfully explaining to authorities, said he came to Thailand two years ago to avoid conscription into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict
  17. Thailand was and will always be the LAND OF SMILES when a foreigner has money in their hand ready to give them like the bar girls. . For the majority, they do not care and will not smile at you simply because you are a foreigner. Even when giving them a smile first.
  18. What is sad about it? He is a draft dodger. right or wrong the reasons for being drafted he must adhere to his countries whims or leave the country and become citizen in the other country. Running away did not solve his problem.. Now he is poor and asking for others to support them. Why come to Thailand where he can not work and needs visas quarterly to even remain in the country? He chose this situation so why help him? I feel really bad his family followed his poor advice to come to Thailand but I also think there is more to why he chose Thailand instead of another country that would accept him and allow him to easily obtain work. But that feeling would not make me sympathize with them enough to send money to help. They knew what would happen when they came here. Now it is time to pay the piper.
  19. the church, only changes its position because they want more members. i find it hard to believe that any clergy from before these changes actually accepts them. Even the Pope. If all he said was Who is he to judge them, then he is correct. As in Catholics only judgement is made in the hereafter. These LGBT people are so fast to take offence for any comment that does not openly advocate for them. I would compare them with a cult. If they do not like what other religions are saying or if they are agreeing men who think they are women should be treated as a woman.. Then they should make their own religion like the Thais did with Buddhism.
  20. Bob.. I am thinking you went ahead and got naturalized? Nto holding a Thai passport? So in regards to your comment here. Ask yourself this? HOw would a Thai know you had that done? You may walk up to them speaking fluent Thai.. and the Thai people will be more cautious what they say about you when you are near. You may be close to several Thais in your home area but what about everyone else? 12 years in this country i have learned we will never be treated the same. We are not in their hierarchy and if accepted into some group like that then it is only to show your white skin to make them look better. WE are walking ATM machines. Perhaps to the woman we love and married we are more than that. Perhaps not. In the end we are cash machines expected to adapt to Thai way and look the other way to everything and pay double or more for the same as Thais. There are only very few people who would think of you in the same class or social status as they do their Thai friends. You are an outsider always, welcome with your gifts or money. Unwelcome for anything else. Believe it or not, I was told this by Thai woman at a restaurant when I first arrived in this country so many years ago. I what they said was the truth. You may or may not have a small social circle of Thais you call friends. But they would be the only ones. Anyone else would see you simple as a foreigner with a big wallet.
  21. thesetat

    Soi 6 beatdown

    The guards could have easily detained the men and got the cops to come sort it out.. If what the poster says is true about breaking some girls nose then off they go to happyland prison after paying their bill and the costs to settle with the woman. But what those guards is nothing more than a gang beating. Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. All of those guards should be arrested and carted off to happyland prison also. And the one that kicked the guy in the head in the end should be charged with attempted murder as well as various other charges. As of yet, my wife cannot find anything about this in the Thailand version of news to see what is being done about it. But, in all reality. Soi 6 just lost a lot of customers from tourism for this. Anyone that sees the video or reads news about this would be hesitant to go there. Even if they are usually a good boy and never get into trouble. One could easily have been pulled into this beating even if they were bystanders. Christ, I have seen tourists with kids walking down that street. Imagine if a bystander got hurt from this? Something needs to be done about this anti-foreigner ideology that seem to be prevalent now as well as the need to react with such violent force.
  22. It was hard to discern reading the OP... He said, she did... it kept jumping around. Only the photo of a beaten man confirms it was a gay interaction between men. I sure wish the new owners could actually read what they send us first and leave out the confusion and misnomers.
  23. Who writes this stuff? a shootout? really? IT reads only the police shot their weapons endangering many people trying to hit the tires. Then shot him in the leg after he showed he had a gun also.
  24. Never fear.... Thaksin is here.
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