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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. ONe iphone is valued at over 1000 USD. A felony charge. You know if they plead guilty they will have their sentence halved. So 2 .5 years behind bars is not that severe. They were idiots, stealing using a bike rented under their name. I mean really, that goes beyond stupidity. They should get 2 years just for being so stupid
  2. freelancers are asking 1500+ for an hour... more if the girl is cute or sexy. My friend said some he chatted were asking 5k and all of them short time only. The BF experience is over..
  3. not higher cost for a woman short time in the US... Actually the bar girls here cost a heck of a lot more now here. Not to mention to 1-2000 bar fine... the drinks.. the room if getting short time at the bar.. then the girl cost of 1000+.... You can find a street walker in the US for 30 or more. Less than 1000 THB...
  4. Well since they basically stopped the Bf experience and most women are wanting thousands for an hour with them. The bar scene there is boring. So many of the bars have older and fatter women now and all wanting quickies for alot of cash. . along with a lot of drinks bought prior to any side deals in a bedroom.
  5. yeah.. I see them almost in tears outside of 7 when they are refused... I watch them while i am drinking my beer in the bar across the street. about the only way changing the Thai law for selling beer would generate 10b would be to stop banning drinking on Buddhist holidays and during elections. Otherwise, simply changing the times when buying alcohol in a store will not generate very much more income than it already does.
  6. meaning. They will see if the foreigners threw the frst blow to determine how much money to collect from them then charge them and deport hopefully. If the Thai women started the escalation they will be asked for the standard 500 baht police fee and sent home. Just guessing of course, but seems pretty standard from previous incidents there.
  7. I disagree. They seem to be in the news quite a lot working very hard to destroy ethics, morals, and values as well as allowing anyone enter the country to protest.
  8. Actually i think this happens in most of Thailand. The police are too lazy to do their own investigations or they lack qualified personnel. I hope the guy did what they said and found a place that has video of the pickpocketing. But sadly I think even if they supplied videos the police would not react the way he hopes and the criminal would never be searched for. On the other hand. Perhaps he did not provide the police with enough incentive to do anything? Hmm
  9. I would suspect the reasons ofr their not wanting to provide these details would be because someone warned them he was carrying drugs. I have been through the airport arrivals screening so many times i lost count and never have i seen them do more than a cursory scan of baggage which would hardly show a small baggie of 4 grams for them to want to open and search them. Jeez! 99% of the times I arrived at that airport the xray screening for baggage was never open and the only place i stopped was to get my entry stamp.
  10. The BBC knew about the kids family but chose to use him anyway. Perhaps they did it specifically for that. to gain sympathy for the Hamas. Unfortunately the BBC will never truly apologize until the people speak out there and they are investigated for providing this type of false information to their viewers. I am really surprised the governing force for news services are not fighting it out right now trying to justify their actions and prevent losing their licenses to air such drivel.
  11. No. Last i read he was angry ar bar girls for touching him when he walked past and I suggest he return to the ladyboy side of the road so he would feel more comfortable being touched by them
  12. I'm sorry @Old Croc But want to thank you... You made my day. By far your OP is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Even my Thai wife is laughing at you and your conspiracy story here. Keep up the good work with leftist stories like this. I want to laugh this way every day. Thanks again.
  13. i agree wholeheartedly... The school needs to not only admit they are partly responsible they should take action to make sure something like this never happens again.
  14. Have no fear. No-one will be asking or disclaiming there is proof of what you say
  15. If i leave Thailand and my retirement extension is cancelled. When i return to apply for a marriage visa will I still be required to show any documents for the time i had the retirement extensions?
  16. I claim to have a 12" pecker too..
  17. Speculating. How do you know she is really a victim?
  18. Yeah but where are the outraged Thai netizens? I guess that BOlt driver will not be sharing videos of crimes he encounters anymore as well...
  19. I guess she was asking for more than 600 and not satisfied with the amount offered. Without proof it was rape and a testimony from the man she is grasping at straws to act. Her comment the man confirmed raping her means nothing. simply because no proof...
  20. Who said they were WIn drivers.. Or that I ate my lunch there at the BK? I never said that?
  21. Vaccines cost money that some Thai parents are unwilling or unable to pay for. if the Gov really cared they would issue vaccines in the schools for free. My kid is getting the HPV vaccine free in the school this week. The flu should be the same.
  22. Yeah, In Hua Hin just 2 days ago, I wanted a motorcycle taxi to take me to the burger king for lunch. He said 100 baht. I walked out onto the street and looked down the road and the burger king was only about 300 meters away. I laughed at the taxi driver and walked there instead. On my return the driver still had no fare and was sitting there. I told him his fee was breaking the Thai laws and he laughed. They have no fear or repercussions for overcharging.
  23. thanks.. i know the general information... i need someone who can help me with a specific situation so they need to know the ins and outs of the topic...
  24. Does anyone know who in this forum has the most knowledge on the most feasible ways to change my retirement visa to a marriage visa? I have specific personal options I wish to ask about that can help me choose which suits me best.
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