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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. In China free speech is allowed as long as it is not against the dictates of China...
  2. Probably because most of these people were recruited and are returning through Thailand. My friend who works in China has told me that the social apps are booming with rhetoric based on this against Thailand or Thai people. Not Myanmar. He also says he knows and talks to many that hae cancelled plans to come to Thailand for holiday based on these fears discussed in their social apps.
  3. And this is the reason AI should never have been developed. Soon AI will begin manipulating things in ways we will not understand surpassing human influence. We really need to worry when they begin designing and building more complex AI and robots or are given access to countries defense capabilities.
  4. For anyone that understand the reasons for this action. And the case problems associated with Jack Smith. It was not his job to do what he did. He had no authorization to act on Trumps case. He managed to get the a court date set before this information was learned. Anyone that knows about court cases also knows you only need to show there is reasonable doubt to obtain a court date. Even if this means using collusion with other things to show a chance they might win in a courtroom.
  5. Sounds more like the boxer parked his bike where the taxi mafia claimed as their own. As for who started the fight? If there is vdo of it then why is it not in the news also. Another discrepancy would be no charges filed and no arrests made. The boxer was taken to the hospital but not to the police station.
  6. You do it to set an example of what will happen to others if they also fail to repay loans. A weak show though. As an Italian we would kill the persons family also..
  7. She looks cute in the photo. Perhaps the drugs were left there by someone putting their hands in her cookie jar from the bar. I know i would not have minded doing the search of her persons.. I bet the police rather enjoyed it as well.
  8. Yeah, Happened to me also. I dropped him off about 100km from where I picked him up and then continued travelling. Upon my return though. The same monk was in the same place I picked him up at before. Even though the monk had said he was enroute to Chiang Mai, some 800km from where were were.
  9. This has been going on for quite awhile now. Most AirBnb rentals are from condo owners circumventing the building codes for their condo units. The put the combination locks to make it less accessible to anyone but the renter. In those without a combination lock, they leave the key card in their open and unlocked mailbox and give the renter the combination to their front door lock. To say the condo building staff is unaware of it is ludicrous as I have seen some staffers handing out key cards to obvious renters as well as some of them actually being the agent for the owners and arranging the cleaners after the renters leave.
  10. Haha... The new Russia. You are quite funny. Security services purged? Where do you see that? send us links.. Military decapitated? Send links for that too.. Intimidation to neighboring countries? Trump threatened them so he could get them to bargain. The trade between countries was never made even to help both countries. The USA has always been the loser in trade agreements. Trump has not threatened anything about annexing the neighboring Canada. Show the links for all these lies you are making in your comment. As I recall. Trump has not done any of those things.
  11. Well, I guess you all were wrong about the initial story. Trumps approach with UK demanding the 500 Billion in Minerals seems to have gotten Zelenski to agree to come talk to Trump and make a deal with their countries minerals. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c337461n3xlo Albeit, he did not yet agree to reimbursement of the 500 billion the US already gave. But i am certain with Trumps negotiating skills that this will also be something Zelenski agrees to.
  12. Why would this attract more quality Chinese tourists? Is there such a thing anyway? 99% of the chinese that come do not spend money when here except for shopping things that are cheaper than in their own country. They rarely eat local foods or shop in local stores. I would guess it is because of the sheer numbers showing the Chinese how unsafe and risky Thailand is to come to. Perhaps you are mistaken. Last month it was in all the news that the Chinese were travelling to Japan more than Thailand now and was their top choice in destinations. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Travel-Leisure/Japan-overtakes-Thailand-as-China-s-most-popular-destination
  13. Mute question since the room is called a condo and is owned by an individual.. You must mean who is renting the condos out.. The condo owner is. The building has no ability to rent out the condos inside. The owners use AirBNB to illicitly rent out their condo usually bypassing security rules and the rules of the building.
  14. Horrific to do these things to a small defenseless child. The man should not only be arrested, but made to suffer. These kids will be traumatized for a long time over such things.
  15. Not so shocking considering the things Thai kids have been doing in Thailand recently.
  16. He said he was so ugly that he would not even post his own photo here. His only option may be to find a single mother working at bar and convince her to stay with him with a salary of course. A Thai woman wants security in their relationship sure, but they do not want people to look down on them for being with someone who is butt ugly. He should find the girl who is saying he is handsome man and be happy he has that hmm...
  17. In other words. Dems like to see the money pouring in as an incentive. The donors have slowly seen they have been lied to consistently by the Dem party. Obviously, the donors were given something in the past they considered an investment in supporting the Dems. Which is not supposed to happen. Favoritism granted based on the amount of support given to an election is supposed to be illegal. It is no wonder why they now feel their investment failed so why try again when the Dems are still in denial as to why they lost the elections in every part of the US government. The Dems have no say in anything anymore for a reason though.
  18. Hmm.... I have been stopped once only driving down the long road to my mountain home. The police were coming the opposite direction and they stopped in front of me blocking my way.. But even then they did. not ask for my passport. They stopped me for a photo op... the 3 of them wanted pics with a farang haha...
  19. Watching or downloading and even keeping them in your pc is illegal as i know it. But if you recall.. The police can and have prosecuted those who shared porn content as well as other types they deem illegal..
  20. The biggest problem is that many many of those working for the scam centers are not victims and willingly went there to make money doing this. Just last week a girl friend of mine chose to go to work for a scam center in that country. Voluntarily. The housing conditions may be bad but they are not that bad. They share a room and can not leave except once a week and are limited to the amount of money they can bing with them for shopping. My friendd gave me some details about how they are treated. Working 12 hours a day. But she said the money is really good and a chance to save a lot. So, Thailand needs to wake up and investigate all of them to see who is actually a victim and who worked there willingly.
  21. getting rid of them did not include housing the thousands of workers for the scam centers....
  22. I think... If you have been in Thailand so long, that you should know better than to allow the Thai to pick which fruit (or even veggie) they will toss in your bag. You should have selected the ones you wanted instead. As well you should know this already...
  23. The TAT try so hard to blame reduced numbers of Chinese tourists strictly because a handful were take to become scammers. But what about Thailands picturesque appeal. That is gone as well with smoke and pollution. If I saw pictures like Bangkok now covered in smog when i was planning to relocate here. I would have found a place a lot cleaner than Thailand. I am most certain not all of the cancellations were made out of fear of being kidnapped. Who wants to lay out in the sun wearing masks just so you can breathe. Or go shopping and walking around with the air so thick with pollution?
  24. it would not surprise me if the police go after those who watched it and shared it or commented positively on it.
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