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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Media uses AI now to help their stories get sensationalized. This way they get your attention with just a few words in the heading. Does not mean they are always factual either. Hinting something is not actually saying it. All bases covered that way to reduce drawback and critics. Then there is censorship that prevents critique from remaining in view of everyone else. Tis the sign of the times my friend. Be grateful we are not being charged money to read the news online... haha...
  2. Haha they tried to do it in New York many years ago.. Until the Italian mafia put them in their place.
  3. ok so maybe the payment would be a bit more. But i doubt it. Especially when you see so many many of them calling the ugliest and oldest men walking by "handsome man" haha...
  4. So how do they leave the gold shop with a wad of cash without knowing it was given by mistake. Something tells me this is fictional and that the kids bragged at school about all the money and the teacher made them return it with this made up excuse. I just can not imagine anyone not knowing you were given 3 wads of cash with some 50 baht notes without noticing the amount greatly exceeds what you were supposed to get back..
  5. As for as I know. There is almost no chance to lose your child if they get sick from their flu-stricken mother. I am also very sure that all hospitals have visiting hours that permit family/children in to see their mother unless she was in special care ward. Do not think a few slaps should have happened though. He could have easily gone to the hospital admin and admonished this nurse and gotten his way. The director of the hospital could have and most likely would have made a way for this just to save face for the hospital.
  6. Wow.. So desperate for sex that this man feels the need to rape a 57 year old woman... Pathetic when so many younger women would havev allowed him to sex her for a little monetary payment. I do not think I will ever understand the logic here in Thailand for the need to rape someone, anyone when it is offered for a small payment so easily. Especially to rape an old lady whi is most likely all dried up already.
  7. this is why they will start investigations. These Senators are not aligned with the PTP.... Hence they must have bribed or coerced their way into the Senate and will most likely be the only ones investigated. They vote against the PTP and the leader.
  8. Yeah... Just like the russia mafia in pattaya and now in phuket... and the yakuza in pattaya.. and the chinese gangs.. all fake news as you said....
  9. Don't get caught doing it by immigration.. Even though you are volunteering it is still within the rules for needing a work permit... So try to get the school to get you the work permit..
  10. Where is the link about these allegations?
  11. I always thought that Employers were required to provide documents that allow the foreigner to get a work permit and then keep a copy of the work permit in the business also. But this seems to have been forgotten in the OP. I guess the police got what they came for. Arresting a foreigner and leaving the restaurant unaccountable so they can do the same thing again in the future.
  12. HEHE.. You must be dreaming. Thailand does not care if criminals arrive from other countries. They do care that more foreigners means more money to be spent. So what if they violate laws when here, the police will eventually catch them and make them pay one way or another.
  13. fear mongering again? The Op clearly states nothing was said about other vaccines. Yet your Trump rhetoric tries so hard to twist the story causing people to think more than what is real. Get a life @Tug not everything Trump does is bad.
  14. This story says they were about to land in Singapore. The 2nd story says they had just took off from Bangkok. Surely the flight is not that quick. So why the differnet scenarios for the same incident?
  15. Your use of the word moaning is misleading. Should have used bitchy. whiny, nagging. Moaning I usually reserve for those sounds made during copulation to show pleasure. However, most of the time those sounds are fake or uncontrolled and done to make you feel like you are satisfying her as well. Your whiny laundry girl should be kissing your butt. I would have told her to f-off and get another machine. You were at least SO KIND in removing your clothes and moving them to another machine.
  16. Yeah... are you in Bangkok? As I know it.. First, your school may be wanting a government level check from your own country. You should ask to be sure about this. See if they will accept the RTP special branch... Here is what it looks like. I worked previously and when the school asked I showed them this and they accepted it. They have an office only in Bangkok as i know. It takes about 3 weeks to get it sent to your school... You need to bring your passport and contract from the school when going there to get your fingerprints scanned. The process is simple but they take awhile to mail it to you. They may accept bribes to do it faster if i recall.. If the school will not accept this.. Then the only choice you have would be to get one from your own country. FBI would be where in the USA... I am not sure about other countries.
  17. My friend told me their agent said this new banking crap does not affect those who already have their visa. It does not affect extensions also. So your comment seems to be biased quite a lot towards people who may not be bad people just not having millions of baht to keep in the bank..
  18. Perhaps one of those fellowship that were cut hid the data? Hmm.... CNN is trying to create a scandal just by hinting at something without any proof DOGE lost the data. I may have been hidden as retaliation to the cuts being made
  19. I do not see it through your blurred vision. Musk has his job with DOGE... He does not make policy or laws. He does not address military or anything else that the President has to deal with. Why spread this fake homemade youtube link from someone likeminded who twists the truth to make conspiracy about Musk and Trump look that way when none of it is actually happening.
  20. I do not know about the part of being about sex... But it sure is a big part of a marriage. Especially since you are supposed to be bound to that one individual to have sex with while married. With cause for divorce and monetary payments should your pecker stray to spread its semen elsewhere.
  21. I had that with me... haha... They were clueless and thought it was a normal income letter.
  22. Haha probably related to them as well.... These kids take brazen acts because they feel they are protected and immune to getting into any real kind of trouble for their actions. Lets hope this is not the case in this OP
  23. naw... Thialand finally decided to act when famous chinese people were found as victims to kidnapping and being hauled there to work promoting their scams. Then the Chinese got involved. But what really did it was the fact that in China the news is telling how unsafe it is to travel there and the latest Chinese new Years flop for tourism dollars not to mention Japan being Chinas #1 tourism spot. Everyone already knows when Thailand loses tourists or loses face they act quickly and decisively to make a show. Then it all will be put together again and happen again once to fanfare is over.
  24. This type of reply seems to be automatic when concerning this topic. The school does not want their reputation ruined by a scandal so it is better if they try to sweep incidents like this under the carpet. No investigation and disbelief something like this could happen by one of their employees. Imagine the amount they would have to pay if it really happened as the child said? And the loss of students due to the fear in parents that it can happen to their own child. The school gets the double whammy.
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