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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. It seems pretty obvious to me that they really do not want to find out what really happened. It is an extremely difficult task to strangulate yourself even by hanging. Takes a lot of nerve to do it that way... Or a lot of crazy... But the OP insinuates they thought he was sleeping and tried to wake him... If he hung himself they would have knows he was not alive. Perhaps this is just a translation problem. The most confusing part is why they waited to get medical services and then why it took over 12 hours for investigators to examine him. Also, why they did not move the body to a cooler location rather than allowing rigor mortis to set in and his body start to rot? The small animal bites could be from as simple as rats in the prison. a nip here a nip there while he was dead or asleep..Not unusual either way. I guess the best part is that the guy got his Karma fulfilled. Lifes a beach haha..
  2. I'd say the only prank is on those golfers who were stupid enough to sign their names on a picture of a distorted elephant without knowing it. My guess is this guy will hang it on the wall inside his establishment at SUPERPUSSY.
  3. I am aure you are correct in this. Even in America blacks fill the prisons more than whites. Now, if the black was a trans or woke as a white man. He would probably get a better sentencing. I understand your government is very supportive of the LGBTQST society. Isn't that the reason for this OP? They wanted 40% female recruits to train as pilots and discharged 30 males to make their quota?
  4. WE are thinking same here. Why give a teen so much money? It does not matter if the child can only use the money at certain stores. Those vouchers can be easily sold as well as being used for the things blacklisted. It only takes the sale as being shown for a certain allowable item but can easily be given anything they sell. This method of vote buying should not be allowed. Especially to kids who are still in school.
  5. It's about time the police went after the owners also... However I suspect the owner is a foreigner which is why it is in the news. Normally in the news there is no mention of the owner also getting charged and fined.
  6. True but none of those net the police thousands of baht for each instance. They go where the money is. Foreigners pay the highest baht.
  7. Why do you consider the people haters and racist? You must be on the side of terrorism and racist just to say that. Just because someone wants the people who enter the US to follow laws and to be legal as well as supporting the US.. Does not make the any of the things you accused the poster of..
  8. agree!! or perhaps they have illegals working there or something else that would put them into problems with the police. Either way, i hope the police catch these guys and send them home. They will face a lot worse when they arrive back to China.
  9. You can not say what happened Jan 6 was terrorism... It has never been deemed this except in your own brain. False equivalency? Thailand is promoted and being democratic. How is it false?
  10. Hogwash... she is PM in name only. if i said more the censors in this site would take it away and block me...
  11. Inciting support for a terrorist organization is most likely illegal. It is one thing to have freedom of speech. But quite another to encourage others to support and aid terrorism. I would love to see what would happen to you if you went and stood outside your embassy protesting against something Thailand was doing. For sure arrest and deportation would follow.
  12. This law is not new. Just the Dems never enforced it. Breaking the nations laws even in Thailand invites immigration to revoke your visa and deport you. I have yet to understand why these immigrants think they can come into America and break the laws and expect to stay? It is about time the US government starts getting rid of non-citizens when they violate the nations laws.
  13. wasn't he the one posting about being offended by the bar girls whistling at him and trying to get him into their bar? I think poor Bob has lots of girls. I met a man like him once in Pattaya. Every bar girl he managed to get to his room cheap he called his GF. It did not matter that they never ever returned after that one time,short time. haha... To him, they were his. I imagine it is the same as his wife. He does not give her a lot of money probably because he does not see her a lot but he is her regular customer for long time already...
  14. how does this confirm it was accidental. The man could have been drowned in the water that contained sewage by the other guy or someone else. presumptuous comment to say the least. I am extremely curious how a kayak sinks? They are made to take on water normally without sinking.
  15. I have found the wearing a ring of whipped cream has the same effect as a ring of steel. More so I think because of the extra attention you get there from your lady.
  16. All of these activities for better health seem ok.. but you really only need one activity daily to help with all the areas listed here for better health... and it does even more by aiding in preventing prostate cancer, clogged arteries and many other physical and mental health.... It starts with a nice warm shower. Then at least 15 minutes to an hour or really good sweaty sex. Then a cold shower to feel invigorated again. Doing this will take away your need to do all the other things listed in this OP. Trust me I know from experience.
  17. Lots of well documented vdos about this as well as testimonies from people who managed to escape NK. I especially liked the one about all the food there available only to have it shown as a scam. Setup up to look stocked when really the store was empty.
  18. Ohh come one... The Thai said it was unrealistic because of the repercussions it would face from China.. Can you not understand this in the story/? They said the offers were unrealistic simply because they worry China will retaliate at Thailand for allowing them to be sent to other countries.
  19. haha... i stopped reading it as swoon as i saw the information came from The Guardian...
  20. The Thai teaching system is rote learning. They children are discouraged from asking questions. They are taught to just do what the teachers tell them to do. I have personally seen Thai teachers strike a child for asking a question or giving an opinion to the Thai teacher about how to do a subject.
  21. Cutting edge haha... These are old warship bought 2nd hand and did not even have a working engine. I serious doubt they will have the latest technology that other warships have. They have not even been able to get an engine yet.
  22. There are just so many things wrong with this story.... a 13 year old driving a motorcycle to school? The school recommending that he discontinue learning and instead to go get a job? The parents actually considering this and planning to remove him from going to school? It is no wonder the kid has learned instead to use violence when angry. This kid has grown up with people who do not seem to care if he learns and becomes successful in his future.
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