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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Haha this is normal reaction for Thai at a restaurant where they think you are supposed to be grateful for anything you get there. I once stopped at a restaurant and ordered food and some coke for me and my family. The coke was already opened and flat as hell. I complained about it and said they needed to send me a fresh bottle. They threw me and my family out because of that request. Next time, take video and make it obvious you are making a youtube or other social media video about restaurants service and food in Thailand. See how they react if it happens again.
  2. Haha.... you send me a link about a virtual debate. That is not a real debate. Come up with something better ok. Biden does not want to debate in front of anyone to see. Easier that way to pause cameras and go to commercials and control what the people see. Totally against what a debate is supposed to be about. Letting the people see your real reactions and replies and feelings about issues and how you will manage them.
  3. What a crock... AS expected the first person to comment is a Trump hater and spouting B.S. Biden is the only one who ever backed away from doing a debate with Trump. Get your facts right ok. I loathe both parties but loathe even more when people make stupid and baseless comments about someone just because they do not like that person.
  4. They are guilty and must now prove their innocence now. This is Thailand. I get the feeling this is coming out from a bust where they found kids being sold for sex and then the kids told the police who recruited them and the details of how they began selling themselves to strangers. This does not seem like something found out of the blue. So would put my bet that guilt is going to be found.
  5. It is not safe anymore to be outside in Pattaya. This is becoming a common occurrence with groups of teens causing chaos and injuring people Thais and foreigners alike. Perhaps what is needed is for the Mayor and police to initiate a curfew for minors like they did in Phuket. And have the police arresting the minors and taking them home. It can not imagine the amount weapons to be found if that happened. It seems every teen now is equipped to kill or mame someone.
  6. Haha i was thinking the same thing as read this OP.
  7. You do not actually believe the drivel this story is dishing out, do you? It is an advert made to get UK residents an idea that moving to Thailand is better. ONLY. For a young woman and child their costs will be enormous in Thailand. Medical, schooling, along with almost everything else will increase. Only the housing to rent will be cheaper, if, they move outside to a rural area. They will get no support if they can not pay their bills. No help from the Thai or UK government if something happens medically and they can not pay their bills. If they work, the money paid will be substantially less as well.
  8. Fishing expedition? Seems you do not read facts about these probes and cases at all. Why is it called a fishing expedition when there is truth to it all? If you are leaving the home 3 nights a week to go have beers with your buddy and leaving the woman behind. But her friend tells her she sees you with another woman. Is it a fishing expedition for your woman to try to find the truth if you are with buddies drinking or with some other woman? Seems you have made your opinion based on your feelings against Trump instead of on facts and what happens in real life.
  9. Just received an Email from the US embassy warning Americans not to attend these due to increased chance of violence occurring. At least the Embassy is aware of the violent nature of Ladyboys and giving warnings like this.
  10. What does anything you said have to do with laws? Are you telling me that transcripts can not be blotted out for security reasons? Words can not be changed knowing the president would support or even promote those that aided in what he wanted? Were you even listening to the arguments made as to why the tapes should be handed over? or perhaps you are just thinking JOe Biden is the greatest and should do everything he says? The senate has other tapes that were never released to the public as stated in the hearing. To say they would release these is Democratic propaganda. To say they could be used in a future case of impeachment would be more accurate. The facts as stated were that the Senate has the right to demand the best evidence. Also, there was a time limit to use the Executive privilege which was not met. Also, by releasing the written version releases any privilege as well. The written version was released to the press prior to giving it to the Senate. Why would they do that? Perhaps there is something underlying here we do not know about yet. Biden tried to use his power as President to break laws. The contempt charge should be upheld and was by vote. So whose messing with MORALS now. Seems there is much the Dems are trying to do that is on the shady side and perhaps even violations of laws recently, including many that are being used against Trump in his cases. Right or wrong, the Senate has a right to demand the best evidence and it was requested and denied by the Prez. Good they upheld the contempt charge and are still demanding that evidence. You need remember this is an oversight committee. Put together to keeps the checks and balances of the untouchables in order. To make sure the leader does not abuse his power and is fit to do his job. They are the only thing we have to protect ourselves with our voted leaders. Why refuse them unless hiding something?
  11. So either they are afraid Biden will look like a twit. Or they deleted things in the transcript that they do not want anyone to hear. Given the mishandling of documents and untrustworthy testimonies with people that are proven liars in official capacity. I would tend to think that they are trying to prevent this simply because they know it will show involvement in Biden trying to use the court system to break Trump and prevent him from running for President. In every case against Trump, there are problems with how the cases are using laws that they do not seem to want Trump to be able to use.
  12. If this were true. Thai police would not be able to issue tickets to drive rentals when you are in Thailand. Yet hundreds of foreigners daily get stopped and fined and made to pay for no license in Thailand. The police here do not even accept the international one I think.
  13. I have gotten several and never needed it while travelling. However, the process is quite simple. Go to the drivers license office and show them your Thai license. You will need a letter from immigration showing your residence. Easily gotten for a couple hundred baht. You will not need take any tests. Bring photos (if i recall correctly) That's it really. They just do the paperwork and issue you a paper permit. Probably best to get one if you are ever stopped while driving. But do not think need one if using to make a rental when there.
  14. The thing is... most of those wires were not being used. Common practice is/was to leave the wires there even if the service was terminated. When new service was needed they would install new wires. Seems their work is only on the cables for TV and phones and internet.
  15. Wow really? why he can not think and say what he believes? True to fact that a man can never produce children, can never have periods, will never lose their male hormones no matter how many female hormones are injected. Only surgeries can make the facade look real but not really real. That is physically. Mentally who can say except for the trans? They may think or feel they are a woman. Act like a woman. Dress like a woman. But in the end they are lacking the most important ability to procreate.
  16. Why doesn't he just ask daddy and family to help? Surely they do not want to see their son in jail. Even in the USA it has been shown that enough money paid to the right lawyers can make any case win. Perhaps there is an ulterior motive to this that has yet to be shown. Like maybe the lawyer knows now he is really guilty.. Or perhaps he got tired of making payouts for testimonies. Either way, I am sure it will hurt his case more than Biden already did.
  17. not only taking time to begin taking action... but also waiting a couple weeks before telling anyone in the news services about the curfew haha...
  18. Not so hard to believe. But can it be proven? Just his association with Jeffrey Epstein is enough to make anyone attempt to accuse this if money can be made. But does his association with that sex molester mean he also did it? I do not think so. This man could have had any woman he wanted to at the peak of his career. And most likely did. Why drug or coerce when it would have been offered freely?
  19. A tiger who has accidentally tasted Human flesh in the jungle may turn into a maneaters. https://tigerwildindia.wordpress.com/2020/07/29/are-tigers-maneaters/ You should do some more reading also....
  20. Is this because the Indian are so careless wearing expensive jewelry trying to show they have money and at the same time allowing ladyboys to get close enough to steal from them? Hmm. You would think after happening many many times before that they would understand and know what happens when wearing jewelry openly in Pattaya. This is a common law in Thailand and other countries. I guess at night you are more vulnerable. So the offence is worse.
  21. 7 billion pumped into this purchase already and it does not even have an engine. I foresee the Thai are going to have another expensive war machine like the aircraft carrier that is a shell without money to buy what is needed to use it constructively. Am curious why they did not use that money to buy planes for their aircraft carrier?
  22. It will never happen since this would be a job reserved for Thais only.
  23. That's what is in the news. But Bangkok has been sinking for awhile now due to the removal of underground water. So the higher sea levels are only adding to a constant current problem that existed before this sea rise. I think last year they said Bangkok would be underwater by 2050 because of this. Noone cares. They illegally tap the water underground to avoid paying a water bill. NOw is the time for consequences and if they do not begin to act, they will not have enough time to build another city to compare with Bangkok.
  24. Does anyone else find these statements contradictory? Why would the family not believe him. If he had a stranger witness it then why not the family? Also, why has noone taken him to a hospital or real doctor to find the reasons this is happening?
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