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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. You read this wrong... So your reply is not accurate.... The policeman asked for an additional 30,000 baht and some sex because he negotiated the deal for her to pay the 300,000 and have the charges dropped
  2. i do not know about you all. But i have been to soi nana many times and have NEVER seen someone checking ID and checking for weapons except at the gogo bars where they glance in your bags and occasionally ask a woman to produce an ID. Soi Nana is more than just that one small stretch where all the gogo bars are placed.
  3. They have to include these things now to keep viewers watching. Thailand accepts LBGT with open arms and it will never be censored. But point a gun at someone in a movie or stab someone or smoke in a movie and it will surely be censored.
  4. a little money to smooth things over and all will be well again. Relax ok. This is still the same Thailand it was years ago. Just more of it is in the news now.. Eventually Thailand will put an end to Facebook and livestream media without censorship and then all will be well again even more so. I do agree with one OP that a Thai person doing something bad is downplayed whereas the foreigner doing the same is exaggerated.
  5. If the article is true. Thailand is off to a great start welcoming the People from Taiwan with stories of accident victims being refused at hospitals and dying on the way to another hospital.
  6. Wife says Rajhabat University is supposed to be a school that educates how to be teachers. This may go on to explain many things about the problems with the Thai education scores and the reason the parent did not want anyone who graduated from their school.
  7. So, In short, if you have gotten a certificate of residency to get a vehicle in your name or a drivers permit or to make a condo purchase in your name. Then you are now considered a taxable resident. Is this only for inheritance tax? Or will it be considered taxable income from profits abroad or income from abroad? Everything I read only leaves more questions to ask. If it is this difficult for a foreigner to know then I can not imagine how difficult it will be for the tax office to interpret. It might be best to plan all money sent to Thailand will be considered taxable until proven otherwise. This is going to be a nightmare..
  8. That might be fine with you. But what about those retirees having to send money monthly to meet income requirements for immigration to keep their Visas?
  9. 2 years and/or 40k baht for causing a man to die due to their lack of treatment. Seems petty amount for a life
  10. They must be gullible though.. And they will get away with this farce. and the people who do speak out will be silenced or ignored. Such is life in Thailand when dealing with the filthy rich.
  11. From what i understand they do not have an extradition agreement with Thailand. What confuses me is that in Thailand sex with a 17 year old is not really illegal. As long as there in agreement and the parents accept the man. I do not really remember all I read about it but, this law for sex with minors is really not a law as per se.. As explained to me by Thais, it's only enforceable if the family allows it to be. I am also confused, how do you tell if a girl is 17 or 18? Did the man ask for ID? Why is not the owner of the bar in prison for hiring her if she really was underage? The police are making a really big deal with their comments about underage sex. But I think it is more for show than anything. 99% chance this German man never asked her age while buying her drinks and asking if she wanted to have sex for money.
  12. She has a way out. Why beg for help or tolerate threats. Loan sharking is illegal and the police should be going after those doing it. 2 days ago the government responded to this problem. https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG231210152040697#:~:text=The Royal Thai Police (RTP,allowing for immediate police action.
  13. Come on guys, they are doing this to please the visitors. Who cares about the people living there every day. I can just picture all the letters coming to them from tourist suggesting these lights so they can see all the crappy boats parked on the sea there and all the extra light to block even the brightest star.. Noone wants to see those things.. Now they will be able to see and catch those tourists that think they can sex in the darkness on the beach or in the sea at night also. Doubtful it will hinder all those old scraggly women vying for customers all night long on the walkway though. I feel bad for them because with all that extra lighting you will actually be able to see how old and scraggly they really are and will most likely make them lose a lot of customers.
  14. Perhaps you forget that he used his position as the prez to purchase land that would be sold to the government and made huge profits from this. You must also forget that he and his sisters method of gaining and keeping power was to pay the poor money to ensure electing them. As well as paying them to go protest in Bangkok when others were near to removing them from office. As for the military overthrowing them her? Perhaps you forgot the details that she was not the PM anymore and was refusing to leave the office in her idea of democracy prior to the general forcibly removing her. And again. It was an Army general doing this. Who do you think ordered the general to do that as well as endorsing the regime? It never ceases to amaze me how people remember what suits their needs and forgetting so much.
  15. yeah... is that not what i said when saying there would be a Civil war? The people in USA outnumber the military in firearms.. People will not just sit and accept things as you say... States will not follow one president into destroying the constitution.. you are only giving rhetoric to suit your desire to show your dislike for Trump. Rather than looking at the obvious that it would never occur without a Civil war.
  16. You Trump haters will say anything whether true or not to make it seem like he could actually do this. You must be ignorant of the procedures needed to abolish parts or the constitution and of the voting rights and laws. Or perhaps you simply compare things to Thailand and have forgotten about what true democracy really is? The only power Trump has regarding laws voting is to Veto a request to change a law. He has no power to make it changed. This is done by Congress and Legislation... It takes large percentages of votes to approve something like that and votes done by different entities. Each of those have their first concern about what their respective citizens want. What you are suggesting would surely create a Civil War.
  17. This guy really twists the truth about everything that was said and done in the video. Trump hate monger or someone who has nothing better to do than change what was said to what he wants.
  18. Surely you are joking. have you ever seen the water machines on the streets?
  19. How do you know they are innocent? You presume a great deal not having to be there and missing the highlight of the how and why they are captured and half naked.
  20. Doesn't anyone remember the last time Thailand offered free Visa to Chinese? They did the same thing then by asking China to offer the same for the Thais. As i recall Thailands request was refused as will happen again this time. So this is a free trip to the upper echelon to visit China for a wasted meeting when China will just refuse it again.
  21. That is only from one hospital. but the news is also only focusing on these numbers in their stories. What happened to the statistics from the other 1000 hospitals? the city, the country? Buddha forbid the actual numbers ever get released making Thailand look bad. Either way, Covid has become less than the flu in symptoms now. So why make such a big deal out of it.
  22. Im not sure anyone else noticed. But in that photo.. The bars in the background do not have a single woman sitting with a man. Anyone who has ever been there knows these bars are full of women who place themselves next to you vying for a drink or something more substantial that pays them personally. Also, usually almost right where the photo was taken at the entrance to the Nana hotel parking there are always women standing who seek short time incomes. All of this seems to be missing in the photos.. Staged by the police there to show how good Nana is. haha...
  23. I do not think i will ever get over how the people who post this rubbish actually it is true. Anyone who has been to Pattaya knows and can easily see that after 2pm the sex life there becomes open and blatantly displayed. Everyone knows about the short time rooms above the girly bars. The same goes for the Thai massage places there who always seem to focus on the private parts to get you excited and then offer to provide you some relief. Everyone who goes out in the evening to clubs knows the Gogo girls hit the discos after work if they have not been bought out of the bar they work in. Haha someone quoted 50% tourism for sex in Pattaya but it is more like 85%. Even those nicely dressed businessmen who come there for meetings go out after for their fun with the sex industry there. It is only the government that downplays it all and covers it up. So how could one video clip damage their reputation about Pattaya as a sex tourism spot? Only because he was a perv who likes little kids and there was a place for him to get what he wanted. I would presume from other articles in Thailand that this happens in many places in the country. Pattaya should not feel their rep is damaged. Instead they should grasp their true identity and profit from it in a legal manner instead of under the table brown envelopes. And in doing so, the chances of underage prostitution would happen less.
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