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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. perhaps the other driver kicked at him causing the accident... no-one can say for sure unless video footage can confirm it.
  2. I would have to agree on this.... it is a dental hospital.. My daughter fell while running and shoved the tooth that was cracked up into the bone. They gave very good service but it was not easy to find doctors that spoke fluent english. broken english at best. The prices though would depend on how you went about it. They have experienced doctors teaching students. You can join their study group and become a patient that is used for teaching. You won't have students doing the actual work but instead they observe and learn what their teachers do. Or you can pay a little more and just see the doctors themselves.
  3. pot calling the kettle black again huh... It looks like more than 10cm deep even with the little dirt taken out by the backhoe. They spend years digging this dirt up and making traffic miserable even for motorcycles. I wonder if that contributed to the hole sinking? Or perhaps washed away?
  4. because in China.. The leader is beyond exemption for being corrupt. Here the leader also worries if the corrupt accuse him then he will get into trouble also..Chinas leader has no fear and does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. Big difference. Here the leader could lose his position and be imprisoned. So the corruption starts at the top and works its way down. No one gets caught unless it becomes made public.
  5. a group now rather than a gang.. It should not be difficult to spot a group of 50 riding bikes together in the middle of the night. Pattaya really needs to do something drastic to end this late night problem that seems to be getting worse.
  6. that really does not matter.. as thailand has laws giving the pedestrians the right of way always. Most likely the Tuk tuk was driving too fast in a rural area or near a crosswalk. having to brake quickly threw out the passenger. Driver would be at fault for not demanding seatbelts and driving erratically.
  7. It is sad. My kids are in Prathum government school. Every day they bring home homework and ask us what to do. Apparently, it is given and rote taught but never explained. They are clueless to doing it. Thailand is rated as the one of the most expensive countries for educating your children. They have one of the largest budgets given by the government yet, most of that money is used for extra-curricular activities. The teachers are not paid enough and have large class sizes. So they want the kids to pay extra for after school classes to be taught correctly. So many schools now have switched to using non-native english teachers and english subject teachers. So they can save half of the money that would be paid to a real native speaking foreigner english teacher. More Russian teachers and African teachers as I have noticed. The whole education system needs a reboot. From the buildings to their methodology in teaching. It is easy to see that if the kid has no self-thought then he will be a follower and never a leader with ideas. So that keeps the population passive so the government and rich can keep better control over them. Ignorance is bliss hmm.. Private schools are a little better. But not really unless the kid themself pushes themselves to learn more and understand. After a child reaches Prathum 5 they begin to understand it does not matter if they learn or not because they will still pass their grades and move on to the next level. I have seen kids washing rooms to pass their grade after failing scores. Even in private schools. But i think the worse part is the parents. They treat the schools as babysitters. They do not become involved in their kids learning. They do not push kids to do their work at home. They blame the teachers and school if the kid is not doing well but give no support if the child acts out or does not do any work in school or at home.
  8. My twist? Or maybe you do not know what is a devils advocate.. Either way. The story itself shows the owner attacked first without provocation.... Hence the self defense idea. However, the caretaker was not convinced and forcefully grabbed Sommai's phone. In retaliation, Sommai slapped the caretaker's hand. The owner throw the first blow.
  9. ohh i am sorry.. you were there and saw everything and know for a fact the owners story was 100% truth... Forgive me for playing devils advocate
  10. as the devils advocate. This story could easily be turned around and it said that woman defends herself from violent landlord who attacks her trying to steal her phone and grabbing her wrists violently. Accidentally injuring bystanders. Since when do landlords have the right to come to your workplace demanding payment and then escalating it by making a scene? It is sad about the child getting injured as well. But this may have been avoided if the landlord did not make such a scene and attack the renter. Being the owner moved to take action this way. The renter merely grabbed and threw the first thing near her which was the oil where she was cooking to escape the owners grasp.. I am just being the devils advocate here because it seems this story is one-sided based on the owners allegations. If I was the renter, I would have immediately called the police and filed assault charges against the owner. And claimed self defence against throwing the oil to escape their grasp.
  11. Sounds like she had a good thing going.. She cleaned the temple and the monks cleaned her pipes. and gave free food afterwards. What more could a woman want?
  12. I sure do hope this Brit has a lot of money in the Bank. Good thing no-one was hurt but for sure the smoke damages to personal property and the building will exceed the million they are predicting. It really does not matter how the fire started now. It happening in a farang condo room. That is all the Thai need to know to start filing cases against the man for the fire and smoke damage.
  13. You are mistaken. The email I got was strictly for travellers in Thailand and specifically for this event. It was unusual to get such an email and the only other times I got this type of email from the Embassy was when they had the protests and there was violence predicted.
  14. the envelopes have already been sent to cover this. So no need for himt o worry.
  15. What a crock.... he exhibits.. he showed signs.. real professionals making the news out to be fact. Yet they throw this grim reminder in as if they know that was the cause of the accident. They should wait until the tests show he was intoxicated and videos show he was at fault. As of now, the man is already proclaimed guilty by being under the influence causing vehicular manslaughter. Guilty before any facts are known at all
  16. i can not imagine the fights that will occur there. My embassy has emailed warnings about it not to go.
  17. so can anyone imagine their testing.. open one bag and take a handful.. do this for several others out of thousands of bags.. ok guys. these were ok so all of it must still be good.. does anyone want to take some home... UHH NO WAY>>
  18. Wow, Not only do the women need to worry about getting fingered by police but now their lawyers are doing it also. Hmm.
  19. Am curious why some people think Thais will not buy it. It is very cheap. Market sellers will buy it and never tell you it is 10 years old simply because they can make a large profit. The same way they buy aged meat and use food coloring to make it look fresh. I just hope that they label on the bags that this rice is 10 years old so people can make their own choice whether to buy it or not.
  20. breaking the membrane would not cause an abortion for a woman who is 2 months pregnant. The sac is too small at that time and the finger would need to go almost to the stomach. Also, breaking the membrane will induce giving birth since the makes the water flow out causing the fully developed baby to push its way out. But again, nothing would happen for a 2 month old fetus. The stress of what happened would be more likely a reason than the finger being inserted there to check her vagina. Or the drugs she was taking.
  21. They do nto need to use the phrase the long arm of the law in Thailand. Now they can claim the long finger of the law. Impossible to make an abortion just by slipping a finger inside the vagina during pregnancy. Especially a 2 month pregnancy. Unless they used a coat hanger to go deep into her womb.
  22. What idiots do they have running the control towers at the airports that allow planes to fly over an event that has rockets shooting into the sky? And with prior warnings it will happen.
  23. I think they should be looking more closely at investigations the Department of Special Investigations were on during his tenure as well. And begin those investigations again to see if that money was paid to cease or change evidence that could have resulted in more elite to be set free. No-one pays out unless they have something to hide or want the evidence to disappear or to stop charges being made. This man's position in the DSI would give him the power to do anything with all of this. I would really like to see the types of investigations that were made and stopped while he held this position. But, I doubt the DSI would bother to do this since it would damage their department too much and a loss of trust would be significant.
  24. Well, I do not think I would call it progressive. Nor do I believe that it is accepted willingly the way you think. Forced acceptance in rural areas or outright rejection would be more likely. That is why the bigger cities have so many. It is important to create a space to aid people in their understanding. Albeit, if they choose or want to understand it. But Thailand has not done this either. Passing a few laws means nothing. This is Thailand and laws made are usually forgotten after a few weeks. Or read and followed differently across the country. Or completely ignored.
  25. Perhaps you are correct. But upon his arrival to China he will disappear in their justice system. He will face many more challenges than paying the bribes here to stay out of jail. His passport will be revoked. His travel pass throughout China will also be revoked. There is a good chance he will be imprisoned there as well. China does not take likely unruly travellers that hit the headlines with bad behavior.
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