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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. 7 billion pumped into this purchase already and it does not even have an engine. I foresee the Thai are going to have another expensive war machine like the aircraft carrier that is a shell without money to buy what is needed to use it constructively. Am curious why they did not use that money to buy planes for their aircraft carrier?
  2. It will never happen since this would be a job reserved for Thais only.
  3. That's what is in the news. But Bangkok has been sinking for awhile now due to the removal of underground water. So the higher sea levels are only adding to a constant current problem that existed before this sea rise. I think last year they said Bangkok would be underwater by 2050 because of this. Noone cares. They illegally tap the water underground to avoid paying a water bill. NOw is the time for consequences and if they do not begin to act, they will not have enough time to build another city to compare with Bangkok.
  4. Does anyone else find these statements contradictory? Why would the family not believe him. If he had a stranger witness it then why not the family? Also, why has noone taken him to a hospital or real doctor to find the reasons this is happening?
  5. they need to cage it or put it down. A tiger that has had the taste of human blood will become a maneater. I sure hope they do not put it back into the wild
  6. The world may be gray in many aspects. But the Katoy are just gay men who like to wear women's clothes. Crossdressers they call them but these are gay also. They think they are women only because they like to act like a girl. But put them in a manly situation and they will act accordingly with or without a D. The gay community as well as the sex community label everything and try to make it acceptable to others. Thailand though as read in this OP try to be role models to increase their numbers and be accepted more. Thailand is more acceptable to having them seen in public. Allowing them to think they are a woman even more. Giving them rights accordingly and even now trying to make the toilet system separate for them so there is no confusion. This does not make it right or righteous. It only goes to show that there is a place for everyone. Albeit, perhaps unwanted in many places even in Thailand.
  7. Your best bet is to go find some comfort in another person's arms. It will happen sooner or later anyway so best to get it over with now. Then move on and find another mate. You will quickly forget how the previous relationship ended and move on into new ones easier. As for all the other replies. Those will just make the days pass quicker but will not fulfill any loneliness or desires you have. They all failed to mention that by the end of the day they are masturbating alone.
  8. something i am sure you have experienced many times haha... Thailand is so caught up on what is perceived instead of what is really happening that the video caught the attention of people who had never seen this before to question it. Show them a video of beach road in the evening or late night or inside a gogo bar and they would not bat an eye. The same for a music show where the singer gyrates in a sexual motion. Even the previous PM had to intervene and set restrictions on how many gyrations could be done in a show.
  9. I believe the same can be said about drug addicts and alcoholics. So what is your point? As for these people speaking out against it. Have you ever heard a non-smoker of cigarettes speaking good about smoking? Or perhaps a person who has never tried a drug saying good things about the drugs? So why can anyone expect people who have never used the cannabis to think it may be ok? In another note. Psychosis behavior may not have been the reason for psychotic behavior. Many Thai have shown psychotic behavior without inducing any cannabis. I do agree cannabis should be limited to adults only and sold only to adults. Minors smoking or consuming it would never result in a positive outcome.
  10. for all i know you are the 8 year old child of Buddha. Point taken
  11. Perhaps.. His handlers are telling him not to worry because they have set it up so that Trump will not be able to run against him anyway with all of the cases against him pending and being heard prior to elections?
  12. Sorry.. you missed that purpose of what was said in relation to your reply. The unvaccinated child would perhaps sicken and maybe die. It is possible. But my message was about the school forcing my kid to take a vaccine or grow up being uneducated. It was also about who joe blow is to tell me I must do that for their own childs safety.. When and if my child gets infected. It would not change another persons childs infection rate or severity. So why force a mandate about it when it should be the parents choice. My child has already gotten COVID 2 times from other school kids. Kids that were vaccinated but infected anyway. So i know for sure what i am talking about. I would not force a drug into my childs body that has no testing done on aging children who have not reached puberty yet. Because they do not know what drastic changes puberty will bring to a COVID vaccinated child yet. There is not enough testing done for this yet. As well, there are now many studies showing that side effects were hidden from being publicized. There are also many reports of delayed symptoms occurring from COVID vaccinated people. I am only saying about things read in news services around the world.
  13. Do you have any evidence he did not?
  14. I am confused alot by you logic. IF an unvaccinated kid sits next to a vaccinated kid. Does this mean the vaccinated kid will get so sick and die or worse? If so, then what is the point of being vaccinated for anything. My kids had the measles vaccines but still caught measles in the school classroom. Even the COVID vaccine does not prevent you from getting COVID. So why should you force another child to do and believe what you want when there is nothing for prevention in that vaccine. Whow has the right to tell me what i should or should not inject into my kid.. If you choose it for your kid and believe they are protected in some way. Then the kid next to them in class getting sick will not affect your child.
  15. I think that perhaps this is about the COVID mandate. Forcing kids to get a COVID vaccine. Not your normal vaccines that have been given and required for the last 80 or more years. I think the news service has twisted what he said once again to suit their agenda. As for requiring the COVID vaccine. That was just plain wrong to force kids to get it or not be allowed into schools. Noone knows yet what affect the vaccines will have on growing kids. Their bodies are constantly changing and that vaccine is relatively untested for these kids. It may damage the population in the future.
  16. Easy to see this was AI created. Innocuous domestic items. plunged into horror? I am curious how the community got plunged into horror really. As for the act itself. It does not show the things mentioned in the article since the AI has not been told to mention how Thai men lose face and then act without regard to life itself. What a shame the Thai man being kind enough to offer a place to live. Perhaps there is more to this story than quoted in the OP.
  17. Just wait till he gets more foothold on the government. If you recall he is not just anti-drug.. He is also the worst for anti-foreigners. I regret when that day will come. But as seen there is already anti-foreigner sentiment being driven out of proportion. I do not think protests will help. Protests recently have had no effect on the decisions made by the ruling party.
  18. Wow.. I thought the police would arrest people who posted fake news. Phuket may be popular, especially with the Russians fleeing the war. But they are not tourists, are they?
  19. I expect we will see a lot more unexpected fires at ganga farms or other serious accidents that can lay claim to their insurance haha... only a couple weeks before they criminalize the stuff... got to get rid of it ASAP... and still get money for it if possible hmm...
  20. This would be most of the people in Thailand i would think. There surely are not many in Thailand who can lay claim to having a half million baht in the bank account or earning more than half a million per year. I can't wait to see the fallout from the country borrowing so much money from the Bank. I hope it makes the baht drop even more though.
  21. This statement alone makes me believe this woman got excited from what the doctor was doing and maybe even had an orgasm hence the tired look. However, the things she said the doctor did seem normal. vaginal check and breast check and nipple check are normal. Even a woman doctor would do them to their patient to ensure not only her ability to give birth but her progression in the pregnancy as well. My wife pregnant 3 times had all of this done in a government hospital as part of her check-up during pregnancy and it was all done by a female doctor with a nurse present as well.
  22. Be real... these types of deals are made with so many types of industries. It has been happening since elections began. Only because this is Trump is it dragged into the social networks views and most likely made into worse than it really is. You really need to look at both parties and who supports them financially. If money is sent to elect or re-elect a prez. You can be sure their campaigns are supported by some large industry. With trump it may be oil and gas. With Biden it may be or been with the pharmaceutical companies. What would you say if you learned Bidens campaign last term was financially backed by drug companies? Maybe even the same companies that pushed the Covid vaccine into everyone's bodies? This is all part of the normal process to get money to pay for their campaign.
  23. he may have a new stepmom the same age as his older sister soon..
  24. you forgot to add that if you do not enjoy it or find problems that are seen or experienced. Do not comment on them. lest you will end up in jail or paying a large fine to someone who can not take criticism. Have fun and if not bite your lip and leave quietly hmm...
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