What about all those free seeds and plants to any Thai that wanted to attempt growing it? Each plant will make flower so this would make everyone doing it a criminal as well. I do not see this as being the final decision. Too much of the population has already registered to grow as well os getting 2 free plants anytime they want.
https://www.insider.com/thailand-gives-away-a-million-marijuana-plants-but-says-dont-get-high-2022-6#:~:text=Thailand has legalized the use of cannabis and is giving,condone the drugs recreational use.
https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/over-150000-people-in-thailand-register-for-cannabis-planting-as-crop-is-legalised#:~:text=Over 150%2C000 people in Thailand,is legalised | The Straits Times
I do not see how they can criminalize or change the laws after doing this knowing they just gave away over a million reasons to make someone a criminal for following their law.