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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. I Use Bank of America. There is no fee to send money to Thailand using their banking. But you will need an encryption USB to use their online banking to send money to another country. They do however provide a choice to send thai baht or USD equivalent. The rate of exchange they use is about 1 baht less than the current exchange rate.
  2. What about all those free seeds and plants to any Thai that wanted to attempt growing it? Each plant will make flower so this would make everyone doing it a criminal as well. I do not see this as being the final decision. Too much of the population has already registered to grow as well os getting 2 free plants anytime they want. https://www.insider.com/thailand-gives-away-a-million-marijuana-plants-but-says-dont-get-high-2022-6#:~:text=Thailand has legalized the use of cannabis and is giving,condone the drugs recreational use. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/over-150000-people-in-thailand-register-for-cannabis-planting-as-crop-is-legalised#:~:text=Over 150%2C000 people in Thailand,is legalised | The Straits Times I do not see how they can criminalize or change the laws after doing this knowing they just gave away over a million reasons to make someone a criminal for following their law.
  3. i am told by the social security that the cost of living index for retirees will get a boost in their income from the USA for a whopping 8.9% in January. The most increase ever. I do not believe that Thailands baht value can increase so much so rapidly without some sort of manipulation.. It is not normal for sure to have such a large change so quickly and it was ordered by the PM to do something to increase the value of the baht last month. The comment about China is bulls__t because they are still locking down many places in cities. My friend there has been in lockdown for a couple weeks already just because someone in their neighborhood was tested positive for covid. Also, anyone who travels into China is faced with 5 days quarantine at their government centers and then home self isolation. This was in the news last week. Who would take a week holiday only to be quarantined for another week or 2 returning home?
  4. i would tend to agree. It is safer to drive without a plate or with a faded plate. Noone seems to care about those. Hmm...
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