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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Should it matter the reasons for issuing the warrant to search his home.. If he had been smart he would have opened his door with a smile and permitted them to do what they wanted all the while filming it with his phone to ensure nothing was planted. Then he would have done the right thing.. By refusing to allow entry and causing conflict he has opened the door to show not only guilt in their implications but guilt as well for violating the search warrant orders.. Which now makes him out to be as corrupt as all the other coppers caught.
  2. seems like they want a piece of the 60,000 baht required to be sent to Thailand monthly from abroad for. the retirement visa as well.... or 40,000 monthly for those with a marriage visa. Guaranteed increase in income for the government and we really can do nothing about it if wanting to stay in Thailand.
  3. I am curious about the law here. If you want to call it that... but how can BJ refuse entry to his home if they have a search warrant? Would that not be just cause to arrest him on the spot for his refusing a court order? Did he make a stand-off with his gun to prevent entry? I have seen some videos of how the gang of police like to crash through doors and windows to get into a home to serve a warrant.. Was he exempt from this treatment?
  4. Sure... doesn't it make you feel welcome when police stop you demanding to see passport and checking that you are complying with their laws?
  5. She is rejecting it because the other members of the band are getting contracts 3 or 4 times more money then they offered her because she is Thai.
  6. Actually the way my Thai friends explain it is that, they have no way to change anything. They are helpless as shown with their elections denying the most voted to be their leader. They explained to me even if they tried to protest, their own government would shoot them down and nothing would change as shown before. I think perhaps they are just tired of trying and failing to make things better. Protests get nowhere except landing people in jail or worse here. Nothing changes for the better as they see and want and hope for. They also commented to me about how it will never change with the filthy rich. They are above the laws or flagrantly abuse their wealth and power to stop anything really bad happening to them. Personally, I can sympathize with them. But as a foreigner I only sit back and watch the show haha... If these things happened in my country there would be a civil war for sure. Indictments to even the leader for allowing it to happen. Armies would not follow the orders of their superiors to harm their own citizens. The rich would have their wealth frozen in useless bank accounts and properties until they faced the crimes and did their punishments. But again, this is Thailand. And as a foreigner we can not stand with the just and push for justice or freedoms. So, As with us all in this country. We watch,, we laugh, and we wonder if ever something really will change for the better of the people.
  7. He said he was looking for a genius woman.. He did not say he was a genius.. I think if he was a genius then he would not be posting here how to find a woman similar to himself.
  8. Here comes Thaksin haha.. Just arrived to take over as their leader defacto..
  9. From what the wife is telling is in her news feeds... Thaksin went to the hospital prior to coming to Thailand.. He arrived to Thailand with an official letter saying his medical problems prevent him from being placed into any type of jail and instead he went to the hospital. AS for handcuffing him. That did not happen either because he was wearing a watch valued at about 113,000,000 baht.. Not sure this news in here up to date... Hmm..
  10. What is more worse as seen by foreigners? A black teacher being given the finger and insulted by a Thai student? Or Thai students being forced by the admin, government, and families to save Thailands image by doing this and publicizing it? Hey look at us world. We dont think foreigner teachers are allowed respect, but we will save face and do something because we were told to by the Thais. Hmph.. I think this is more of an insult to Thailand than that of that girl flipping the finger to the teacher. Tomorrow when noone is looking there will still be fingers flipped at the teacher and comments made in Thai insulting her. More so now after being reprimanded and forced to comply by their Thai teachers and school.
  11. Seems quite funny when thinking about it.. The people gangs are unable to do anything because the monkey gangs are protected. They blame the way monkeys are fed there leading to monkey gang war. So basically they blame the tourists.. a few months ago the locals were complaining the monkeys were stealing food from their shops. So it can not be how the locals are feeding them. Seems they should make an island and give it to the monkeys.. Let them fight it out on a deserted island. Protected species or not, they are a danger to the people and the city and to tourism.
  12. amazed they have all these positive numbers. last i checked the thai baht has devalued again and is was at about 34 baht per dollar yesterday. This is a sure sign of the growth happening in Thailand NOT
  13. borrowed haha... i like your choice of words. You must believe all the that is told to you.
  14. So, the man inside shot through the door and hit someone which killed him. Then the 50 police officers opened fire filling the house full of lead in the hopes to hit someone/anyone. Sounds to me like the reporting on this was one sided to make the police look good. But have to wonder how the police knew there were no innocent bystanders in the house sleeping at 2am? Perhaps even a child or wife. One can only imagine. P.S. Photo is not of this incident. Just an example of what a house must look like after getting fired on by 50 guns trying to hit someone
  15. School and government profit from kids wearing uniforms. Then there is the factor of showing social status that may cause conflict in students who do not wear uniforms. Rich will show off their family money and poor will dress accordingly. So there are ups and downs to this issue. As for your comment about military behavior. Kids are being taught at Kg level to march. Military training is mandatory for Matayom 4 kids and older. Scout training is forced on all Primary grade level students and older. Forcing parents to purchase yet even more specialized clothing at every grade level.
  16. My guess is you both are wrong.. Since when ordering a drink they take the ticket and add the drink cost immediately. They leave it in front of you in a cup all the time you are there. Most likely some bar girls took advantage of this and ordered drinks without his knowledge or at the end of his time there they added an extra fee. Either way they should have just called the police to sort it out.. If it was me.. I would file charges against the bouncers for assault, and I would make a case against the gogo bar for allowing it to happen.
  17. Did i miss something? Is P really a politician?
  18. Am i missing something here? All the news coming from Pattaya police swore there was no prostitution in Pattaya. What is this i am reading that insinuates that prostitution was allowed on the beach but NOW it is no longer permitted?
  19. It is quite funny that immigration is checking with neighbors if they know you... I live far from anyone in the mountains.. No neighbors know me.. Perhaps they know about me though through gossip. What to do in this instance? Neighbors are less likely to give their time to come chat with police at a given time, nor are they likely to have their house books with them or ID when the immigration police come.
  20. of course they were not smart. They could have easily avoided being arrested if they kept the money part hidden by using phones to pay bets... or some other means other than cash on tables..
  21. I think the electric company is scamming alot of people during this summer. I went to my home in the mountains for 3 days and nights... Usually the bill is 0 for the month because the house is empty and everything is off... this months bill though was over 1000 baht just for us being there those few days and nights.. We never ran the air except for evenings also.... so we can not understand why the bill is so high.
  22. Some things are better left unsaid haha.... This will be big in the Gov and Army if the video evidence supports the man... He may be lucky to escape with his life still intact as well... or maybe he will just disappear. Who is to say what will happen for his story and video next.
  23. Why are they saying it was secret agents from Vietnam without any proof... May as well say some Thai got paid to kidnap him and deliver him to Vietnam.. again no proof to make any such accusations...
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