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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. I agree with the aversion to the statement, "they are not for that purpose" but,

    for what purpose, and for who's benefit, is the reference?

    there isn't a girl in the sex industry that got there, because it was their first choice.

    that said, we all make our choices and we are all looking in the mirror, regardless of where the girl was "found"

    they reflect who WE are, like it or not.

    those honest with themselves can find honor amongst theives,, or, is that not true too?

    For myself it makes no difference, some of the most absolutely horrible SOs I've ever had had nothing to do with any aspect of the sex industry, and some of the most wonderful did.

    I honestly believe the quality of your relationship has more to do with YOU, how you act, treat her, handle her and the issues important to her, more so than any "quality" of the girl herself. Avoiding relationships with sex workers might possibly increase the odds of having a good one, but IMO not by that much.

    Sounds like you want to be a white knight, and want a prostitute for a wife / partner. Please they are not for that purpose

    No believe me I'm mostly motivated by self-interest, I just believe that interest is best served by a fair exchange of value in all areas of my life, at least as much as I can manage.

    Sometimes I give more than I get, I believe what goes around comes around, will get it back from someone else another time, but I never put myself in a position where my long-term financial security is at risk.

    And I don't judge people based on their choices of work, what they choose to do with their own body if they're not hurting anyone, sex workers are just as much valuable people as any other job category, more so than many bankers and lawyers IMO, people making a living off of the misery of others selling drugs or alcohol, setting up insurance scams etc.

    You are of course free to choose yourself what different categories of people you want to live with, marry or otherwise associate with on whatever basis you like.

    But "they are not for that purpose" is a fundamentally wrong way to talk about any category of human being IMO.
  2. All I said was, I was told not to ask "other" men,

    I don't give a rats ass about a girls past, as long as it is passed,

    that said, the same guys also said, "you can take a girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl"

    there is no way I won't second that....

    I am a but more realistic about females after being married twice and having affairs with very married women,

    one a freakin newlywed............oh, the virtues of those pure amercian girls,.......

    I will take a thai girl any day,

    but not one with tattooes of spiders on her neck, or massive wings on her back...........

    not that I don't like that, I just don't want a meat cleaver found next to my dead memberless corpse

    I was told this was the most dangerous question to ask a man in Thailand, so I don't

    I assume they all have a past, because, they all do

    better off being happy if you like her, and not bother with the past

    Are you that gullible
    • Like 1
  3. They ALL are selling themselves, at every turn, whether openly, or not.

    I met my g/f in the usual places in thailand, and appreciated her honesty about her life, and why she didnt want, or need men in her life,

    I had already been briefed on what to expect from thai girls, and this one is "no different"

    what astonishes me is their outward conservative values, but not when it comes to "working"

    I dont get it, but would rather have a girl choose to be with me, rather than chase affection,

    That cost me $2 million US with my last wife,

    this one is far better and I am happier than ever, as I don't have to worry about "her past"

    I know all about it,

    on the other hand, it never ceased to amaze me how many "low life's" my last wife, from Brazilian high soceity had <deleted>-ck-ed around with,

    for crissakes, the last one I met had no teeth and she was a sucker for anyone with a tattoo,

    much happier now with an honest thai girl who is not ashamed of who she is/was, w/e

    she is gorgeous has a great body at 5'7" 98 lbs is 32 and I am nearly 54.....

    ask me if I give a shout0shit about her past?

    it all washed out long before I said hello

    Why do certain members believe all tv members are with bg or former bg, is it beyond the realm of possibility in their minds that many here may not be.

    It's because in real life every white guy I meet seems to have a hooker partner.
    They claim she isn't, but when I meet her she obviously is (and quite a lot appear still available).
    So extrapolating my personal experience, leads me to believe, the forum members are also lying.

    Not all bar girls, some worked TLL, some worked coffee shop, some worked massage/bar/karaoke/brothel.
    But essentially they all worked selling themselves at some time or another.

    Not all, there must be some guys on the forum with non sex worker Thai partners, I probably just haven't met them yet.
    And there are some forum members I know, but have never met their partner, so can't say was or wasn't.
    • Like 1
  4. If she wants to stay married, she wouldl be wise to stay away.

    Obviously he has cheated before, she just wanted to see if it would be hard or easy, as the "rules" of the game are different here,

    She knows what she faces at home, knows all his friends, knows all his hangouts,

    What she didnt know was that everything she ever heard about Thailand was spot on,

    and, that every hotel lobby has a massage room,

    and every female, for the most part, will sell a part of her body,

    it's just a matter of price.....

    Once she heard it was $20 US, that was it

    I am confused by the fact that OP plans to move to 'Thailand/Cambodia, " which are obviously two different countries with two rather different cultures and mindsets.

    So, which country are you actually planning to move to?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I think Thaivisa scared her away and she's cancelled all plans of coming here completely 555..

    • Like 1
  5. Chemistry rules the relationship hormone, not the mind.....A man can "want" to cheat, sleep, have any woman he sees, but unless she has the chemical attraction, or wants to be paid, he want her all he wants,

    Sadly, for the wives, there aree so many thai girls who are needing men, money, food, shelter, etc., that, none of this matters to (some) of them.....

    I speak from experience on both sides,

    I am with a girl lwho is the exact opposite of all I describe, owns her own house, car, independent of any man,

    but fell for me, and can't understand how all her defenses "failed" her..........

    luckily for her, I wouldnt jilt, cheat, lie, or otherwise sin against myself, or her, so, her instincts, (hormones) have not failed her,

    they have enabled her to overcome her fears, and now we live together, in her home

    I don't think it matters if she's kept herself in shape or not; didn't stop Ashley Cole cheating on his wife, Cheryl (how smoking hot is she?) with a strumpet from a West End nightclub, did it?

    Men just like variety and if they can get it without being caught, most of them will take it.

    I quite agree with your last statement. Many men in the west will cheat with women who are often times less attractive than their wives/GF. Hugh Grant is a good example, but there are many others. Some guys just want/need to be with someone different.

    And in Thailand, that someone different is often a young, hardbody.

  6. what are you saying, that thai girls are telling the truth to faranges, who they dont ever expect to see after their visa expires?

    I had a few interesting conversations with the Mama Sans in Chiang Mai, when they wanted to know why I refused to buy their ugly girls drinks.....in didnt take long, and she moved the girls away

    what part of my post was off?

    that thai guys hide their prostitutes, or that the farange walking w prostitutes are truly walking with "nice girls" who recently lost their high tech jobs? (another great line)

    The Thai men don't want to be seen, and the farangs don't care; that is why, and, they don't think they are with hookers...they think they are the first boyfriend in years, because, that is the standard line here.......

    Also, many thai women simply do not want anything to do with thai men,

    and have had their fill, so to speak of thai men, and their "culture" of disrespect;

    that said, there is a young culture in thailand that are splitting from the ways of their families and taking on western culture, and hope their boyfriends, who become their husbands won't cheat,

    I see plenty of young thai couples that look like they are good family people, and I trust that they are,

    the older culture? forget it,

    the mothers don't care if their daughters are prostitutes, provided they send home some of that loot; monthly

    try telling that to mom back home

    KANELA im not sure where you will want to live in thailand but if you moved to kanchanaburi there wont be a problem for you, there is absoulutly no sex industry in that province whatsoever, however you might find the people are particually unfriendly in that province

    Really ? There's sex industry everywhere in Thailand just it's only openly visible in tourist areas as Thai men won't be seen with hookers in public and really can't understand why farangs do.

    Whether it's a local karaoke bar, hairdressers, massage place fronting as a clean massage place or the golf course, it is everywhere but kept out of sight.

    Gee guy you are going through the, I been in town two weeks syndrome. Trust me after a couple years you will look back and say, "why did I ever think that stuff let alone write it?"

    Dude, you are way out of line. Keep mouth shut for a couple of years at least and look and learn. It's an ancient country with an ancient culture and habits that will not be unlocked by a Farang in town for a few months.

  7. What do you mean, Farangs only like bar girls,

    why are you leaving out the strippers, hookers and massage girls?

    farang ONLY like bargirls,so how convenient .

    So she can only hope the be an old thai 's mia noi !

    Thais dont sweat ....they never worked!coffee1.gif

  8. Nonsense!, try jilting a brazilian girl,

    I did, and she deserved it, but, scorned is mild, on fire crazy, is more descriptive

    She is really obsessed with the topic of Farang faults, isn't she?

    It sounds more to me like she was jilted by a Farang and now has a deep hatred of them. From what I understand, these ideas are drilled into Thai children's heads both in their communities and schools, so it might be caused by that. Either way, if she's obsessing so much about this, you can be sure that she's generally a miserable and unhappy person who wants to blame others for her lot in life. I might ask her if Farang are so awful, why do all the women on woman's products marketed to Thais in the store look Farang? In other words, if Farang are so terrible, why do 99% of Thai woman want to look like them?

    BTW, if she is only a teacher hired by the school and she is being offensive toward a portion of the class, why don't you just report her to the administrators and make a formal complaint?

    Hell hath no fury like a Thai woman scorned........w00t.gif

  9. no, you cannot legitimize your statement, as a whole, BUT, any racist willing to not back down, is my kind of racist,

    and <deleted>, where is there not racism?

    Is it racist if you dislike an entire race for valid reasons? Generalizations that hold up for 99% of the race? It would be hard to generalize all whites as having a certain set of characteristics but some smaller, less diverse races may exhibit certain disgusting, vile traits, no?

  10. 100% truth, why, does it bother you?

    Other than the crazy dog business,

    Is she wrong?

    I am with a thai girl for 4 months and although I have met her mother, in the north country,

    I have yet to meet ANY of her friends, as she is still unsure about our relationship,

    and, we are living together for a month, at my request

    As much as I would like to agree, I cannot, most blacks in the USA hate whites, and openly show it.

    The "westerners" for the most part in Chiang Mai from what I have seen are Australian and British, with a mix of Dutch, German and French.
    Every now and then, I found a fellow american, but very few,

    The attitude in Chiang Mai, is every thai girl is a whore,

    I had people approach my thai girlfriend, repeatedly,
    luckily, I no longer have anger issues and she can tell them to screw off well enough on her own,

    but if it is racist for them to hate the westerners, they have a real good reason in chiang mai,
    from what I have experienced in chiang mai, the westerners are all there for the same reason,

    and it isnt to treat girls nicely

    Any more sweeping generalizations while you are at it?
  11. The reason Thai's don't sweat is their horribly high sodium diet and the fact they dont drink enough water

    If they didn't have a diet that consisted of near garbage, mostly pig related, and the skin of chickens, they would sweat

    most of them, are dehydrated, but KFC and McDonalds is here, so, say hello heart disease and fat as cows thai women

    farang ONLY like bargirls,so how convenient .

    So she can only hope the be an old thai 's mia noi !

    Thais dont sweat ....they never worked!coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  12. The Thai men don't want to be seen, and the farangs don't care; that is why, and, they don't think they are with hookers...they think they are the first boyfriend in years, because, that is the standard line here.......

    Also, many thai women simply do not want anything to do with thai men,

    and have had their fill, so to speak of thai men, and their "culture" of disrespect;

    that said, there is a young culture in thailand that are splitting from the ways of their families and taking on western culture, and hope their boyfriends, who become their husbands won't cheat,

    I see plenty of young thai couples that look like they are good family people, and I trust that they are,

    the older culture? forget it,

    the mothers don't care if their daughters are prostitutes, provided they send home some of that loot; monthly

    try telling that to mom back home

    KANELA im not sure where you will want to live in thailand but if you moved to kanchanaburi there wont be a problem for you, there is absoulutly no sex industry in that province whatsoever, however you might find the people are particually unfriendly in that province

    Really ? There's sex industry everywhere in Thailand just it's only openly visible in tourist areas as Thai men won't be seen with hookers in public and really can't understand why farangs do.

    Whether it's a local karaoke bar, hairdressers, massage place fronting as a clean massage place or the golf course, it is everywhere but kept out of sight.

  13. Thai girls that are pretty and speak English?

    I beg you , post the places

    if you go trying to chat to pretty young thai girls outside of bar zones, big problems surely will be in your face very very quickly, of that you can be sure.

    in what way ? any thais ive encountered in public have been polite and many of the hot chicks are well educated

    and will switch to english if they see your thai is not very good for conversation .......

    i actually prefer meeting women that dont do the bar scene in other locations

  14. That is a joke, right?

    What would cost a man $300-$600 US, in any of the major cities, cost $40-$60 here, and the girls are young and pretty.

    No marriage from the West, will withstand Thailand,

    mine didnt make a year in Los Angeles, and I hadnt strayed,, she only "felt" it was coming

    OP: If your partner is so inclined in Western countries arranging for a sex worker is a phone call away for a young attractive Asian or Western women, albeit more expensive than Thailand. Indeed it's not so difficult to pick up consenting women, including married women, who seek a bit of an adventure. I believe the reported general stat is Western countries is 40% of people have had sex outside of their full time relationship with a similar divorce rate.

    Unless your partner is inclined to paying for casual sex, a Mia Noi (Google definition), easily 'distracted,' you have no need for concern. I know some Western couples if the often denigrated city of Pattaya who have long term stable relationships. However, I guess the bottom line is could husband handle a divorce both emotionally and financially.

  15. As much as I would like to agree, I cannot, most blacks in the USA hate whites, and openly show it.

    I have met countless westerners who have the exact same attitude (in reverse) about other ethnicities/nationalities when I grew up in the west. I have met even many westerners with Thai partners in Thailand/abroad who think the same as she does in reverse (everything Thai sucks, blah blah blah). Actually, on balance quite a lot in the latter category - it's pretty odd when they have kids and cannot even conceal how much they hate a fair chunk of the kids' makeup - no wonder so many look krueng end up as total screw ups.

    As per the description of the person in Tennessee, usually the hatred is kept slightly concealed, to be revealed once the person has sized you up (either in some cases to annoy you, in other cases because they think you will agree).

    As with most racists, she sounds like a bit of an idiot, and possibly mentally a little unhinged, and I would almost try to avoid her, except that she does provide amusement value as the Thai Archie Bunker - next time she starts ranting, perhaps asking her to stifle herself. As Simon43 said, a video recording would be really good, I love watching All in the Family.

  16. Other than the crazy dog business,

    Is she wrong?

    I am with a thai girl for 4 months and although I have met her mother, in the north country,

    I have yet to meet ANY of her friends, as she is still unsure about our relationship,

    and, we are living together for a month, at my request

    Call me naive but this does not sound like a normal teacher's behavior especially her statement on your dog, I am a bit skeptical about the entirely story, some part I can see it, but the other part does not seem to add up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  17. I have been to Chiang Mai several times and described it and most of Thailand, as an "open air" xxxxxhouse,

    I am from NYC,

    does that solve your problem?

    Thai people are not monogamous, and Thai women EXPECT their men, to get sex from the outside,

    try and solve that riddle,

    everything you have been told, is true,

    it is all about sex for sale here, and incedibly, they all say they same thing, that they havent had a boyfriend, or sex, in years.

    I'll echo the above, unless you choose to live near the tourist traps you'll never know, where do you anticipate residing?

    After living in northern BKK for some years I only discovered we actually have a local knocking-shop when my wife pointed it out to me (why she chose to tell me I still don't know).

    We thought we would start in Chiang Mai then later to Chanthaburi.

    • Like 1
  18. I need a good referall,

    I live by Safari World, but can get to anywhere in bkk for the right dentist,

    I need a cap, yesterday, over an exposed nerve

    Agree you have the right to your opinion but it is not mine. I have three members of immediate family who were dentists (US) and never had painless treatment until treated in Thailand (and Thai treatment dates back more than 40 years - dentists here now are ages better and among the top and trained and practice all over the world). The reason they work here is that like most Thai (and most any nationality) they prefer to live in there homeland with customs they understand. Here most clinics have specialists doing one thing and that is a huge plus for the customer as they know what they are doing from having much more experience than the normal one man practice of the US and many other countries. Oh yes - I am speaking 9 hours after a 2nd molar extraction; so not just idle talk.

  19. I can benefit from having the dentsit phone number, with 20 years recommendatio, for sure,

    I had a cap pop off a back tooth a few weeks ago, and frankly, don;t understand why there hasn't been any pain, but it is over due, and so I am to have it recapped, thanks!

    my 19 year old son just had all four taken out by a really great dentist in Bangkok in his office. Just local Novocain. He was in pain 3 days and better after that. The same dentist has worked on my family for nearly 20 years. Done numerous inplants for my wife and all of our cavities , root canals and whatever. He is excellent if you want his name and phone. He is down the street from the Dusit thani. Not in a hospital. Can do everything. Pretty amazing since I have used dentist in the states. They are so specialized you have to go to 3 of them to get many issues worked on.

  20. Not in it for the money?

    And, just how long will you stay with "your" man, thai or farange, if he fails to buy you that Louis Vuitton bag you showed him 5 times at the mall, or that pair of shoes he thought you looked so good in?


    if it isn't cash, it is gifts,

    no generosity, no heart, is not limited to thai girls, or any girls,

    enuf said, or do you disagree?

    will you also pay for the theater tickets, if so, text me

    10,000 a month was a bargain I would say. Now I will raise her "allowance" to 13,000 per month. Still a bargain. Yeah, no money no honey. I know that. Most of us men must pay for the partner one way or the other.

    Are there any men out there that get all of what I get for free? You guys are studs and kudos to you!

    Not ever Thai girl is after money believe it or not.

    It seems to me you lack self confidence. Instead try and do some real soul searching instead of ATM card withdrawals, you may actually find a loyal Thai girl who is genuine and values your time.

    • Like 1
  21. Really, breaking and entering, not a crime, ok.....you win.........

    He is a fool.

    My g/f repeatedly refused keys from me, before I moved in with her,

    and when I stayed in hotels, refused to take the duplicates.

    Anyone who thinks otherewise is entitled to their opinion, but the reality is,

    she committed a felony, and he is letting it slide out of desperation, and you are validating his lack of awareness to the situation.

    she didnt call,

    there was no contact,

    he didnt know she had a key,

    she didnt live there,

    she walked in like she owned it,

    and now apparently him.

    I would change the lock, and take the key,

    not sure about whether I would want her around,

    she may have just been tossed by her last new boss,

    and, she was out on the street at 1AM,

    you guys are both, comatose

    Actually, I see it differently.

    He said, unless I mis read this, that, with a key he did not know existed, she just opened his door, and (I shall insert) when she saw he was there, picked up a mop and started cleaning;

    not fell in to his arms?

    this was a thwarted robbery in my mind,
    he is lucky she came to rob him alone,

    had there been a few thai guys with her, we would have read his last post yesterday, and never heard from him again,

    let me repeat,

    with an unknown key, she just opened his door......that usually, BTW, is a crime, in any country

    No, I doubt she's a thief, very very few of these girls are, they're on a much more lucrative game than that. Note she could have cleaned him out when she had much better opportunities beforehand.

    True some might be surprised about her making a copy of the key to his flat, but by local standards, that's just her showing how much she cares, she was just checking to see if he'd brought another girl back yet or not.

    Now that she sees he hasn't, she'll be reassured that he does indeed care for her and only her.

    Most likely the greener pastures she'd moved on to weren't as green as she thought.

    So he's in a better position than ever to see if he can get her to stick around for a bit longer without just giving into her unreasonable demands.
    • Like 1
  22. Actually, I see it differently.

    He said, unless I mis read this, that, with a key he did not know existed, she just opened his door, and (I shall insert) when she saw he was there, picked up a mop and started cleaning;

    not fell in to his arms?

    this was a thwarted robbery in my mind,

    he is lucky she came to rob him alone,

    had there been a few thai guys with her, we would have read his last post yesterday, and never heard from him again,

    let me repeat,

    with an unknown key, she just opened his door......that usually, BTW, is a crime, in any country

    This is a bad accident waiting to happen......and it will all play out, right here, in the ether........

    An unknown key?

    No outrage?

    Right to cleaning?

    have you had an HIV check?

    do you not know when you have been lied to?

    where is the line drawn between lying and stealing?


    Two things strike me here:

    1) why didnt you immediately take her to the bedroom, and then

    2) after she left, change the key?

    Because he wants her to stick around obviously, he's been clear about that from the start.

    If he'd had her replacement there then there would have been a scene sure, that's why she showed up unannounced.

    What's this about lying and stealing? Maybe I missed something, but I thought the only problem was he hadn't given into her demands for more money and was sad about her leaving. . .
  23. This is a bad accident waiting to happen......and it will all play out, right here, in the ether........

    An unknown key?

    No outrage?

    Right to cleaning?

    have you had an HIV check?

    do you not know when you have been lied to?

    where is the line drawn between lying and stealing?


    Two things strike me here:

    1) why didnt you immediately take her to the bedroom, and then

    2) after she left, change the key?

    DON'T DO IT!

    That is, don't give her a guaranteed increase.

    Just hand her the lump sum, as a present to show how much you love her.

    Repeat once in a while, of course only when she's giving good value for money, but make the timing more or less random so she doesn't know when to expect it.

    That way you don't have to set up an explicit performance-bonus plan, might make her feel cheap but more to the point once any payment scheme has become routine they take it for granted and stop with the extraordinary efforts.

    Just keep a separate account she doesn't know about, deposit into it regularly as she earns it. If she comes up with sick buffalo stories, you've got a fund she's already earned you can happily dispense. If it grows and grows you can give her nice gifts and surprises to increase the odds she'll stick around a bit longer. . .

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