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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

    that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

    by her desire


    Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

    What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

    Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

    Thanks for the laugh, mate

    The first one didn't like the year long affair I had w the wife of a guy from Poison, and the second thought I was having affiars with everyone...which I wasn't....she was just bat shit crazy......she didn't get a dime, I walked away from $2,000,000 in a company that I let fold, and the first one, $1,000,000 in a company I let fold, just to gtf away from them........not quite the same as, giving them the money, those were my losses to get a clear head......let me know when you can stand up after that.....I am still standing, still rocking..... and now playing in the (sand0 box of a girl 22 years younger than me......I only dislike Bangkok when the a/c is off and I can't get to the market to get real beef,

    getting on the MRT is better than being on a NYC subway,. ANY DAY, and frankly, if you are riding in from Queens, the people all look the same, so, sometimes I am not sure where I am or what era I am in......

    I do know when my (on salary) girlfriend, surrogate, house-(wife) is driving her fairly new car, that I am going to arrive at my destination, in style.....

    I am not here complaining about bkk,

    other than, it has been closed for a few weeks in parts, and now I won't be able to see one of my other sweet 31 year olds who is flying in from Toronto, because, it wouldn't be right.............

    see, even guitar players " grow " morals

    just not, lest thou be judged

    peace out, homey

  2. I have never believed that any man or woman is predisposed to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex. What I have observed in my 66 years is that people are drawn into sin and perversion by the same means that the Devil has been using since the Garden of Eden when he tempted Eve. Every person is tempted in their lives by "the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life"...so that is "by sight, by touch and by their desire for a better life". A person can be totally committed to their marriage, then all of a sudden another person crosses their path that represents an overwhelming temptation, and they succumb. One's spouse is "reeled in" by someone who looks good to them, then gets too close and experiences something that feels good to them and then they are manipulated by that person with the promise of a better life. It can be another man or another woman. Sin has no boundaries...it will take you further than you want to go and make you stay longer than you want to stay!

    In my case I was married with my former Thai wife for 18 years and we lived in the US where we were members of a 5000 member church. We were both highly visible because we were both involved in ministry together, and our marriage was the envy of our church family. I treated my wife with dignity and respect and strived to live the same life behind closed doors that I did in public. I was totally devoted to my wife and our family and am confident that I was very attentive to my wife's every need, and I worked hard to accumulate adequate resources so that we could live comfortably in retirement.

    One day while in my office I received a phone call from a trusted neighbor saying that my wife and two strange men appeared to be moving out possessions from our home. I rushed home and found the house void of her personal effects and divorce papers placed on the kitchen counter. I went straight to the computer and discovered that she had plundered our joint bank accounts. After several failed attempts at reconciliation we were divorced in Mar 2010 and her motive remained a total mystery to me until 1 1/2 years later when I discovered that she had been having an affair before our breakup with a younger man, and she eventually married him. She walked away with half of our marital assets and now she is set for life and enjoying the resources of her new man who appears to be well to do financially.

    During the period of our separation many couples from our church attempted to counsel her, and I too had talks with my pastor in an attempt to "get my head around" all that had happened. My pastor had the belief that some women just get to a point in their marriage where they want their freedom...at all costs, and for no other apparent reason. However, all along I suspected that my wife was having an affair, because in my estimation and from my own personal experience...nothing will make a woman give up a loving and committed relationship with her husband...except she be tempted by another man or woman.

    Yes, it's true that we don't know both sides of the story in the case of the OP. But what I do know is that even if he were the perfect husband, if the wife was tempted beyond her own personal capacity to resist and carried away by her own lusts, then he should not blame himself. No man can be held responsible and accountable for the sins of another. What the OP is feeling right now is the "collateral damage" from the blow of betrayal. It is a dastardly wound and one that is not easily healed. So please...go light on the guy and let him have his voice heard. It's good therapy for him and we can all learn a great lesson from his misfortune.

    What I want the OP to know is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am now happily married to a wonderful Thai woman and I am totally blessed beyond measure. Hang in there OP...you can't see where you're headed if your always looking in the rear view mirror. Get up every morning and add a new brush stroke to the painting of your future, and before long an image will begin to appear and hope will guide you and be your best friend along your journey. I'm rooting for you!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Post and Thanks for sharing with us.

    But one question to you if you please.

    Had you been is some Missionary in Africa and poor as ...as...as a Church Mouse...do you think she would have left you even then?

    He can believe what he wants,

    Many people do not choose to be gay,

    they are pre disposed to being gay,

    and keep it to themselves until they can sort out what happened to them, who they are, and how to remain accepted by their families and peers,

    they are pre disposed, they are in fact, born that way,.

    they cant help it, they can only adjust to their reality

    Scarpolo, I appreciate your comments. I am sure that you are sincere in what you believe, but with all due respect, it is no more a fact that people are predisposed to being gay than it is to say it is factual that "there is no God in a place called Heaven"! Folks will be debating both of these issues until Christ returns, and then we will all know the facts and the truth, but I respect your right to have an opinion.

    Anytime someone leads in a statement with "with all due respect" it is generally followed by an unsolicited recital of a persons bigotry.

    If the shoe fits......

    We will see your world view when one of your kids or grandchildren turn out as gay, lesbian, or something other than your perfect model of human kind,

    but I assure you, your very own bible states that all men were gay, "in the begining" and God saw them all screwing eachother, and determined, it wasn't good, so, he gave them females....

    sorry, but, that's from your God, your bible, your church, so, enjoy the pew

  3. I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

    that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

    by her desire


    Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

    What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

    Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

    Thanks for the laugh, mate

    You forget to add up the rest of the posts;

    it was already costing me the same to live in a condo hotel,

    the girl now, comes free.......that's my personal math, you could play w the numbers all you want....

    a cleaned clock, is a cleaned clock,

    You faslely assume there was only, one clock....

  4. I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

    It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

    It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

    And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

    they will just buy it,

    Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

    Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

    they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

    they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

    It just sounds to me that you were one of those poor emasculated men who never got to wear the trousers in your Western relationships - probably cos your wife/wives pulled them on before you woke up in the mornings laugh.png

    So you rock up in Thailand where your buck really does gives you the control over women you always thought it should.

    You just came here for the tail and to lick the deep, emotional welts across your heart - hence the puerile, antagonistic posts

    Pretty predictable, really

    I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

    that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

    by her desire

  5. I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

    It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

    It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

    And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

    they will just buy it,

    Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

    Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

    they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

    they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

    It just sounds to me that you were one of those poor emasculated men who never got to wear the trousers in your Western relationships - probably cos your wife/wives pulled them on before you woke up in the mornings laugh.png

    So you rock up in Thailand where your buck really does gives you the control over women you always thought it should.

    You just came here for the tail and to lick the deep, emotional welts across your heart - hence the puerile, antagonistic posts

    Pretty predictable, really

    I am a musician, we don't have the problems that you think....

    and licking, yes, there will be some of that tonight, for sure.....

    but it won't be my wounds......

  6. I have never believed that any man or woman is predisposed to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex. What I have observed in my 66 years is that people are drawn into sin and perversion by the same means that the Devil has been using since the Garden of Eden when he tempted Eve. Every person is tempted in their lives by "the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life"...so that is "by sight, by touch and by their desire for a better life". A person can be totally committed to their marriage, then all of a sudden another person crosses their path that represents an overwhelming temptation, and they succumb. One's spouse is "reeled in" by someone who looks good to them, then gets too close and experiences something that feels good to them and then they are manipulated by that person with the promise of a better life. It can be another man or another woman. Sin has no boundaries...it will take you further than you want to go and make you stay longer than you want to stay!

    In my case I was married with my former Thai wife for 18 years and we lived in the US where we were members of a 5000 member church. We were both highly visible because we were both involved in ministry together, and our marriage was the envy of our church family. I treated my wife with dignity and respect and strived to live the same life behind closed doors that I did in public. I was totally devoted to my wife and our family and am confident that I was very attentive to my wife's every need, and I worked hard to accumulate adequate resources so that we could live comfortably in retirement.

    One day while in my office I received a phone call from a trusted neighbor saying that my wife and two strange men appeared to be moving out possessions from our home. I rushed home and found the house void of her personal effects and divorce papers placed on the kitchen counter. I went straight to the computer and discovered that she had plundered our joint bank accounts. After several failed attempts at reconciliation we were divorced in Mar 2010 and her motive remained a total mystery to me until 1 1/2 years later when I discovered that she had been having an affair before our breakup with a younger man, and she eventually married him. She walked away with half of our marital assets and now she is set for life and enjoying the resources of her new man who appears to be well to do financially.

    During the period of our separation many couples from our church attempted to counsel her, and I too had talks with my pastor in an attempt to "get my head around" all that had happened. My pastor had the belief that some women just get to a point in their marriage where they want their freedom...at all costs, and for no other apparent reason. However, all along I suspected that my wife was having an affair, because in my estimation and from my own personal experience...nothing will make a woman give up a loving and committed relationship with her husband...except she be tempted by another man or woman.

    Yes, it's true that we don't know both sides of the story in the case of the OP. But what I do know is that even if he were the perfect husband, if the wife was tempted beyond her own personal capacity to resist and carried away by her own lusts, then he should not blame himself. No man can be held responsible and accountable for the sins of another. What the OP is feeling right now is the "collateral damage" from the blow of betrayal. It is a dastardly wound and one that is not easily healed. So please...go light on the guy and let him have his voice heard. It's good therapy for him and we can all learn a great lesson from his misfortune.

    What I want the OP to know is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am now happily married to a wonderful Thai woman and I am totally blessed beyond measure. Hang in there OP...you can't see where you're headed if your always looking in the rear view mirror. Get up every morning and add a new brush stroke to the painting of your future, and before long an image will begin to appear and hope will guide you and be your best friend along your journey. I'm rooting for you!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Post and Thanks for sharing with us.

    But one question to you if you please.

    Had you been is some Missionary in Africa and poor as ...as...as a Church Mouse...do you think she would have left you even then?

    He can believe what he wants,

    Many people do not choose to be gay,

    they are pre disposed to being gay,

    and keep it to themselves until they can sort out what happened to them, who they are, and how to remain accepted by their families and peers,

    they are pre disposed, they are in fact, born that way,.

    they cant help it, they can only adjust to their reality

    • Like 1
  7. The OP`s main concerns should be that now his Thai wife has become established in his country, she maybe able to take him to the cleaners via the divorce legal system, where in the West the philosophy is; what belongs to the wife, is hers, and what belongs to the husband, is also hers.

    Has he thought of that?

    My advice is; be prepared to receive a lawyers letter at any time and start covering his a-se while he has the chance.

    I am deadly serious about this.

    dear boy you really are living in the 90's with this.... may I inquire as to where you come from?

    I have already petitioned for divorce and the court has recognised that she has received the papers but failed to respond or act accordingly.... thus I can and will divorce her for several reasons.

    Because I already owned my property and she never paid a penny towards the mortgage or any bills in the house she has no right to strip me of my assets, we were married for 3 years and no children.... this info is in among the last few pages....

    cheers for the concern thumbsup.gif

    I come from the planet Zorg, where common sense prevails.

    If you believe that your wife cannot legally gain a share of your assets, whether you owned them prior to your marriage and also that because you allege she paid nothing towards the mortgage or the upkeep of the matrimonial home, than you`re living in cloud cuckoo land my lad.

    Under the law once your wife, either common law or married lives with you, than it becomes the matrimonial home and she has as many rights over the property as you do, plus she is entitled to 50% of any equity accrued on the home.

    Perhaps you consider that because your wife is a foreigner living in your country, she is naive and will conveniently step out of your life without any claims from you whatever. But I can assure you her Thai friends will no doubt show her the way and the lawyers will advise and guide her through the divorce and how to gain her entitlements from the marriage. Whatever, her lawyers will insist that your wife receives some settlement from the divorce.

    I am not saying this to be malicious or just for fun, similar happen to me years ago.

    What i said in my previous post still stands, as all I am saying is; beware and also seek some professional advice before flying over to Thailand again (which can also strengthen her case against you) as if your wife is now out of the picture, because she is not.

    You should recognise that you have a problem over and above just her lover, which I am trying to make you aware of, and how you decide to handle this is at your own discretion.

    I am sorry this is something you would prefer not to hear, but unfortunately if not sooner than later, this situation is going to smack you right in the face with a vengeance.

    Good luck to all who sail in her.

    I do not know UK law, but, US law is clear:

    what was obtained before the marriage belongs to each individual,

    what is "acquired" during the marriage, is marital property, unless in a trust, or some specific agreement, ie; a dividend on an asset acquired before the marriage, would not be marital property,

    where some people fail, is when they retitle old asstes into the marriage,

    that is a mistake, and doesnt prove love, it proves lack of brains and good advisors

  8. If you go into any university town at night you'll clearly see that most of girls are with a Tom. I know it's a phase but nevertheless shows that they have a propensity towards bisexuality.

    "Most of the girls are with a Tom...?" I'd say that's a gross exaggeration. I live in a university town and although there are quite a few tom's/dee's, they are still in the minority. Many times, girls will hang together, hold hands, and act like a couple when they're just friends. An Asian thing. So how can you possibly tell? And the fact that Thailand is much more tolerant than the west and other societies allows same sex couples to be less discrete. Try this in Russia.

    Good Point and so very true.

    In many different Cultures you can see that with Men as well. As you said, it just means a close friendship with them when holding hands. Which means don't judge what you see until you fully understand what it was.

    But for the rest lies a question.

    If a 20 Something Pretty Bar Girl, can sleep with a Fat Middle Aged Man, she just met, for money, then why can't there be some who do the same with Fat Middle Aged Women, and for the same reason?

    Women also probably pay better as they would be harder to find, with far less known bars, I would think, and probably using there Husbands Money.

    The short answer is this:

    A customer is a customer is a customer:

    they go with who they are told to go with, and if it is a bar girl in chiang mai, they are usually so drunk, they have no idea who they are with

  9. Also the real remorse that I feel is the fact that this woman used me, my social status and savings in my bank account for her benefit to get her ILR visa, it was me who filled out the paper work, me who took her to the UKBA on the day of the appointment, me me me on everything.... she couldn't and wouldn't even go to the doctor alone I had to take her there, she was no way independent at all, this is why it confused me that it was so easy to up and leave me and go out in the big wide world on her own....

    Trust me on this,

    her life will not turn out well,

    AND if she truly deceived you,

    what comes around on her, will not be pretty,

    dee's get beaten up by their Tom's, on a regular basis,

    she doesnt know the world she entered,

    and she will be soon be back, to scar another,

    if not you

  10. I know of at least three Thai women who are going to leave there pricks of husbands, as soon as they get there ILR visa, and i say good luck to them, if there husbands had treat them like human beings instead of a accessory, Some even have GPS on there wife's phones to know where they are at all times . two sides to every story, so i have been told in he past.

    Don't mince your words mate, please tell me what you think of me... an anonymous person you don't even know on an internet forum...if anything I was the reverse to what you are describing above, maybe that's where I went wrong...

    but as the old saying goes, two sides to every story indeed but you've only got 1 way of thinking haven't you...

    are these men really pricks or do they have reason to be... glad you not my mate cos if that was you planning on leaving your thai missus once you had gained residency out there or whatever do you think they'd keep quiet about your secret? prick or not?

    Yes I do keep my secrets but it piss me off to see all these bleeding hearts describe how they have been let down, ripped off. BY Thai women. And i was not having a dig at the poster, Just another Point from a different angle. if i have offended the poster it was not intentional.

    I am the OP, you didn't offend me one bit but really from what I have seen and experienced first hand regardless of our relationship and who was nasty to who, a person stringing the other along so they qualify to stay in a country makes them just as bad as the person they are slagging off, if not worse.

    A liar, a devious person that will do and say anything to get support from others to get what they want and they don't care who they hurt in the process...

    in my case I am over the initial split but what happens now if I do meet someone else and want to take it further? my hands are tied till I get the divorce sorted and the woman that I fought hard to get here with the UKBA who refused the first visa and we had to appeal, the money I threw at getting her here, all the time I spent with her teaching her English so she could pass her exams to stay here, the people I knew who had Thai partners that I introduced her to who all made her feel welcome...the woman who said 'I do' when we got married who now I find out obviously had no intention in staying with me regardless of what I did for her, what I gave financially or in my time.... i'd be careful if I were you as them crocodile tears you've seen from the 3 women married to pricks looking to do the bunk when their paper work is sorted may be as genuine as a ralph lauren shirt bought in patpong in my opinion....

    this woman was introduced and welcomed by my family and friends...she's cheated them as well...

    Are you to have us all believe that she "planned" all this well in advance?

    Maybe, she just fell in love with the dyke because she sucked on it longer and harder?

    I doubt seriously, you believe this was a long term con

    its just the way the dice rolled brother,

    you knew she was thai,

    you were warned by many of your friends, in advance

    you can't play victim here,

    she left you, for more reasons than you disclose to us, and females don;t just "become" lesbians,

    they always were, and you missed the clues

  11. If only you had known sooner - you might have got the chance to join in.

    Yes it is a shame....but I am afraid by the pics of her contacts on the facebook page I have seen that I wouldn't have got a look in with the toms, they look more like fellas than me.... and my ex is 100% a dee....

    you see as a caring and loving man who was fully committed to the marriage I do have in the back of my mind the thoughts that she has been brainwashed by one of these manipulating toms, would make sense as I have let her know that she is free to come collect her stuff anytime, she also has a tax rebate cheque that turned up recently that she doesn't want... said give it to charity or something, it's for over £300....

    All of her local Thai friends that she has on the other facebook page are not added as friends on this one...

    Freaked out...yes I am, feeling inadequate no I am not (sly dig above about my horizontal skills got me chuckling)

    Weird times....

    do not play any games with that tax check, or expect to be arrested, unless, you still have a joint account....even then, you cannot sign her name, be careful with anything to do with gov't checks, mail, etc., you could be in the middle of yet another setup you aren't aware of

  12. You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

    Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

    Two different girls

    Five minutes ago in another thread you said you are renting your current GF. Not true?


    She is on a weekly lease.....

    I skipped on the "option to buy"

    I am paying my way, weekly,

    smart enough to know, not to pay anything in advance, particularly after she told me that thai men, offer to give her money all the time, (but she doesnt think they want sex) surely, these were customers wanting to make her a mistress, but, she apparently was able to fend that off, until recently,

    she chose well with me,

    but I am on a very short lease.......

    I don't like the attitude, I am gone.....and that's getting closer by the day........

    I was referring to the consumer slaves I have met here, normal girls, with normal jobs, who spend all thier money on Louis Vuitton and Chanel, and a host of other garbage they think gives them status........those girls I avoid, because they will never be satisfied, my last wife taught me that,

    I find whores to be more honest about what they need and want

    At least they know what they are, and don't pretend to be otherewise, unless it is to their school mates from the other provinces, who don;t know they are whores, just somehow, fortunate

    • Like 1
  13. You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

    Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

    Two different girls

    Five minutes ago in another thread you said you are renting your current GF. Not true?


    She is on a weekly lease.....

    I skipped on the "option to buy"

    I am paying my way, weekly,

    smart enough to know, not to pay anything in advance, particularly after she told me that thai men, offer to give her money all the time, (but she doesnt think they want sex) surely, these were customers wanting to make her a mistress, but, she apparently was able to fend that off, until recently,

    she chose well with me,

    but I am on a very short lease.......

    I don't like the attitude, I am gone.....and that's getting closer by the day........

  14. BTW, immigration offices do have an interesting mix of people, and, the best place to meet someone in thailand, as, they will NOT be thai....

    There is a thread on this website titles, Thainess. and farange wont ever get what it means,

    I wonderif that poster "gets" that, we aren't all fools, we do "get it" and we think it is pure bullsh_it and an excuse for not being a better person, thai or otherwise?

    thai-ness, is nonsense......people are people, I have been all over the world, as I am sure many on these threads have, and thai ness is nothing more than an excuse for not being a better person

    You wrote, "BTW, immigration offices do have an interesting mix of people, and, the best place to meet someone in thailand, as, they will NOT be thai...."

    So how many not Thai women have you lived with in Thailand?

    None yet, and the one I am now, with is about to lose her meal ticket.....

    She can go back to work and wonder what what wrong, as she sits and waits for her next customer

  15. We should not in any way be bored by this topic. It is of endless interest and merriment!

    Anyway which wife/gf?

    1. The one you met in the hotel lift while trying to work out how the key card worked and it turned out she owned the hotel

    2. The one you picked up from the floor as she fell off the escalator at Swampy because she was having a little argument with her i-phone?

    3. The one you bribed the check in girl at Thai Airways to seat her next to you

    4. The one you met clutching a bottle on the beach in Koh Lanta with no clothes, because she could not remember where she left them

    5. The one whose mother asked if you would teach her English

    6. The one you met in the gentlemans room in Thermae who said: Where else are you going to meet a nice guy

    7. The one you met on the Internet who asked you for 10000 Baht for her air ticket to come and see you and upon your understandable refusal bought her own ticket

    8. The one you met in Waitrose in the Kings Road in London who asked if you could explain why 1 Dragon Fruit was the same price as 2 kilos in Udon Thani

    9. The one with no driving licence and no insurance who, in her Benz, knocked you off your bike outside RCA but paid your hospital bills

    10. The one you met in a place you should not have been in, turned out to be short of ready money but owned 2000 rai in Petchabun and an apartment in Frankfurt

    Good locations for meeting nice ladies would, I suppose for an impecunious foreigner, include:

    1. Shoe departments in Paragon, Emporium, any Central Festival

    2. BTS...give up your seat

    3. Immigration Offices, Police Stations and Universities

    4. Banks...high on the list and ATMs, where many people appear to require instruction on the use of.

    5. Dog grooming parlours in posh areas

    6. Smarten up, buy a suit, get your teeth fixed...Get a job

    Avoid, for the most part, bars, massage parlours, beauty shops, checkout girls, noodle stalls, mobile phone shops, waitresses, petrol pump attendants

    The wisdom and experience of other posters will be appreciated

    BTW, immigration offices do have an interesting mix of people, and, the best place to meet someone in thailand, as, they will NOT be thai....

    There is a thread on this website titles, Thainess. and farange wont ever get what it means,

    I wonderif that poster "gets" that, we aren't all fools, we do "get it" and we think it is pure bullsh_it and an excuse for not being a better person, thai or otherwise?

    thai-ness, is nonsense......people are people, I have been all over the world, as I am sure many on these threads have, and thai ness is nothing more than an excuse for not being a better person

  16. So instead you have girls that you can satisfy. wai2.gif No wonder you come Thailand.

    I came to Thailand to visit a friend, after promising for 15 years that I would.

    After being here for 3 weeks, I could see, I wanted nothing to do with him, or his lifestyle, and met a girl I liked, and have now moved in with her. I will soon be moving out, but not because I don't like her, I do, when she is drinking, but apparently, unless there is alcohol in her blood, she is an unhappy girl, that can't manage a real smile....

    funny, it wasn't like that at all when she was visiting me in my condo....

    After I leave her, the last thing I will give her is this advice,

    "ask your father, why he left your mother, with 3 little kids"

    and try not to follow in her footsteps, because, her mother lives in her head, and also lives in her bank account,

    I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,

    sadly for her, she is destined to become her mother.....alone and miserable

    You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

    Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

    Two different girls

  17. Tell me the difference ? I had both varieties I think and the only difference is the amount of money invested?

    You tell me the difference, OP? My Thai wife costs me a fortune. She's my wife.

    I took her on and promised to look after her through marriage. I can't back out now.

    Unconditional love doesn't have a price 555+

    How will a farange know when a Thai girl really loves him?

  18. I think you have been living in some seedy areas, that's all. That in itself is negative.

    Four months mate, you only just scratch the surface.

    Brother, I am in a gated community, surrounded by what would probably be considered wealthy Thai's

    wealthy that is, until their 3% teaser rate mortgages adjust and they are confronted by 50% more in mortgage payments,

    they will sell their teenage daughters

    this is a fact

    I saw the, "Buy your teenage daughter" truck going through my gated community this morning. Somchai was on the loud speaker quoting the top current rates.

    The part i liked best about this article, was at the end, when it stated "prositution is illegal in thailand"

    from what I have seen, it is their number one commodity


  19. I think you have been living in some seedy areas, that's all. That in itself is negative.

    Four months mate, you only just scratch the surface.

    Brother, I am in a gated community, surrounded by what would probably be considered wealthy Thai's

    wealthy that is, until their 3% teaser rate mortgages adjust and they are confronted by 50% more in mortgage payments,

    they will sell their teenage daughters

    this is a fact

    • Like 1
  20. get used to it EVERYONE hates americans whereever they are. unfortunately online has far too many of them so thats what you are seeing.

    So its all about americans? I wonder why they hate americans lol

    I don't, but do wonder why you lot tend to be so flaky (false even?) and speak too much. giggle.gif

    On your op, I don't know about negative farang but think people fall into one of two categories: those who have realised how it really is here (you need to have been here at least three or four years full-time to quality) and those who have very thick skin.

    I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

    It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

    It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

    And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

    they will just buy it,

    Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

    Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

    they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

    they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

    • Like 1
  21. and why oh why, the thai apologist on this webboard always get upset for minor stuff.

    Hope we dont make you cry or disturb your sleep, little queeniecoffee1.gif

    Nothing about apologizing for Thailand, I would just say growing a pair and going on with life.

    Wrong, it is the thai apologists that need to grow a pair, and get a life. Why are they so sensitive?

    They're irritated by the complainers, who usually bring their problems upon themselves and can't take responsibility. As I said, most don't seem to have very much experience living in other places. If you want to see bad driving, go to the Middle East, double pricing, try Africa or again the Middle East. While they're at it, they may as well complain again that Thai's don't speak English.

    Thailand is so far, by far, the place where I have seen, the most hookers, the least educated and the ugliest females on the planet,

    that said, there are some pretty one's. but take off their makeup and they no longer look the same....

    and, what is it that makes them all want to bleach their skin?

    I could make a fortune by opening a skin whitening salon, but, then, I would have to play the police, the mafia, the police bosses, then the "new" police boss, <deleted>, they are the gestapo here, they even rape girls here and get away with it, in fact, this entire country is one big rape,

    of farange

    • Like 1
  22. and why oh why, the thai apologist on this webboard always get upset for minor stuff.

    Hope we dont make you cry or disturb your sleep, little queeniecoffee1.gif

    Nothing about apologizing for Thailand, I would just say growing a pair and going on with life.

    "Most of the people I see whining about Thailand, seemed to have never lived very many other places"

    Totally agree as a lot of these posters think they have overpowering knowledge of the world living among 60 million in Thailand, I have worked in NYC population of 60 million, and several other countries.

    By NYC do you mean New York?

    If so, since when does NYC have 60 million?

    NYC has, and has for decades had around 8-10 million people living in the actual city, with another 6 million entering and leaving daily


  23. Farang is such a huge word and ugly word that is given for any person that is not Thai. Making a statement that Farang are negative depends on each persons understanding of what each person says or wether any person agrees or not.

    There are as many negative and positive people all over the world and coming from al walks of life, unfortunately I have experience Farang to be type casted of being too different, fat, loud, most being negative. If you put yourself in our shoes , me being Farang to Thai standards and if I meet a Thai person anywhere in world who is drunk, very short, lazy, would you be happy for us to typecast Thais all being this way?

    I believe you will Answer your own question, time to change hats, by the way, I'm Mexican, now I'm no longer a Farang since you now know where I'm from.

    Wish you much happiness and positive thinking smile.png

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Mexican is still farange to the Thai's


    Farange is what they call ALL foreigners,

  24. You are lucky enough for the THB 15k /m some have lost million and got deported on top and many have committed suicide, when you say : your girl friend, do you beleive that you are the only one? its so easy to get a type of escort for the when you are in need. It will cost you much less without in your mind any commitment towards her. One trick they also like to play is to break and see your reaction, then if they find that you cannot live without her. They will turn you mad.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    That backfired big time on my girl,

    she walked over a verbal misinterpretation,

    I let her go, and started tasting some of the more variety ofdelicacy here,

    and then when she started sending me the "miss u" text messages,

    I let her back in.......and, there havent been any more of those silly games

    she said I was the only man who ever let her go like that,

    interestingly, my last wife used to say similar things, ie., none of her games worked on me....

    now that I think of it, I had another g/f that used to say that too, that I was able to see right thru her,

    really, like there are so many unknoen variables when it comes to females..........right

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