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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. frankly, I think it affects hundreds of thousands, maybe more,

    there is a massive all cash market that the tourists float to the lower echelon thais.

    that never sees the official count and never hits anyone's books and records.

    these people are 100% dependent on tips, and tourists/

    this also doesnt count the push cart vendors, and even the tee short vendor, who is putting kids to school, etc.

    thailand will need a massive bailout,

    and if that happens, real reforms will be forced on the population, as well as a real tax system,

    the elite will have had their day in the sun

    or in this case,

    their day in the a/c

  2. When it hurts the hip pocket things get done, Still got along way to go up the tree before the people at the top are really affected. Dictatorship may not occur as one of the real elite may not want to get involved. The elite are still in the top paddock gorging themselves.

    Dictator has real power which no one is prepared to give up.

    Thailand has piled on massive consumer debt, as well as public debt,

    this is a new ingredient in this puzzle

    people's cost of living is much higher than a decade ago,

    and their debt burdens are growing,

    this will affect the elite, as, they will not have customers

    taxi drivers will be unable to make their monthly expense,

    hotels were at 30% when I was there in january

    this is much uglier than reported

  3. Well you can thank suthep for all of this. if he had kept his word (which he did not) in the beginning whenthe Pm dissolved Parliment non of this would have happened. But he is just too greedy and wants to be the supreme commander of Thailand in a dictatorship similar to North Korea

    Give it a rest. TV have announced a zero tolerance policy on blatant propaganda.

    Why do you think the former disgraced PM dissolved parliament? Perhaps if PTP had acted honestly and within the law none of this wouldn't have happened?

    Stop trying to blame others for the real cause, which everyone here knows.

    I'm confused... what does everyone here know? (Are you talking about the known knowns, the known unknowns, or the unknown unknowns?) I think you need to be a little more specific with your inanity.

    ok Rummy

  4. Doctrine?

    (You got me there. I did not know so I googled it. I still unsure about it.)

    I should have written,


    plain view is actually two words, but its pronounced together, for example,.

    our lustfull words were out, in plain view!

  5. I am on a very popular island right now. It's literally a ghost town. Incredible. Bands playing to empty venues. Not a person there enjoying the music. I feel sorry for the locals.

    Indeed - I have been called a fool for saying this would happen too. And much sooner than many may think possible.

    I've seen some mock 'empty threats' of leaving LOS, and I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

    I'm in KL for a visa to go back one more time, so I may get my belongings, and then I am off...

    I think I'll check back in with this site for entertainment purposes, from time to time in the next couple of years.

    And I'll of course add my visa experience to your blog when I find out the results of that.

    Ladies and gents, there are other hot countries to explore (some with no ridiculous property / aircraft ownership laws too), also with nice beaches... Just a shame there is not a national sport of Muay Thai there also (the original reason for my coming to LOS).

    This visa & military mess is going to hit the Thai everyday people so bad - Patong was a joke last Sat night. Not been in a year and it was a shadow of its former self, in terms of numbers of people.

    And it is going to get much worse.

    Bye 'yall...

    well, at least give some of us a heads up on the new upcoming places to consider moving too, where the US Dollar is strong, and we can still get massages for $3.00

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