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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. This is a ChickenSxxt move. If he actually had any balls leff (Markle probably has them in a sack) he would take his passport to the Briitsh Embassy and renounce his British citizenship. Ironically I am watching season 4 of The Crown( the episode where Margaret Thatcher is meeting with the Queen). Olivia Coleman is great as the Queen but Gillian Anderson is awful as Thatcher.
  2. A judge always impacts how a trial proceeds. The Mark Furhman tapes with his therapist should have been excluded. But Judge Lance Ito allowed them to be played in court and in front of the jury. These taps were part of his therapy sessions where he uttered the "N" word repeatedly. I have testified in criminal trials over 100 times and I could tell in the first few minutes whether a judge was pro prosecution or defense. Judge Ito was married to Margaret York. That is Captain York of the LAPD. At times during the 11 month trial it looked like Ito was pro defense? Of course this is just my observation and I could be wrong.
  3. I recall working an LCar(one officer) that Tuesday night 30 years ago. I heard over the primary West LA frequency “8A1 respond to a prowler now at 875 S. Bundy. This is where Nicole Brown used to live. I knew the first officer who arrived on scene and he said it was the most bloody scene he had seen. Ironically I encountered A.C. Cowlings a few days later. Cowlings at the time was Simpsons’ best friend and was driving the Bronco. The rest is history. Also, not guilty determined by 12 people who were not smart enough to get out of jury in less than 4 hours after an 11 month trial says a lot. The one one person who I really feel for is Fred Goldman, Ron’s father. Fred did get some justice in 1997 when a civil jury awarded him and his family over 30 million dollars against Simpson. But he has yet to collect one cent from Simpson. Fred said “no great loss”. I would agree with him, I said the same when Johnnie Cochran passed.
  4. Agreed. Ever hear of a company called Vinnell(Saudi Arabia). Many retied Colonels end up there. Arms Manufacturing and Defense companies have a lot of employees, shareholders and lobbyist so the "train" has to keep rolling. I know for certain many companies are already preparing for major contracts in Ukraine as soon as the shooting stops. Over 60 years ago Eisenhower gave a farewell speech where this term was first heard in public: The Military Industrial Complex.
  5. The Admiral should be like Macarthur: "old soldiers never die, they just fade away". I have heard of two definitions of NATO: 1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. When did LOS move? 2. No Action Talk Only-I heard this from a old soldier who served in Europe.
  6. The Analysts at Maybank need to study other countries with casinos. Casino(s) will have a positive and negative impact. Gambling addiction could explode in LOS if casinos are built. I have been to S. Korea where there are a fair of number of casinos. One of the most impressive casinos was Paradise City in Incheon. I have also been to a city casino near the train station in the middle of Seoul. At this particular casino only foreigners were allowed. I later found out some other casinos in S. Korea allow Korean nationals only 4 visits per month. Spoke to a local and he told me this was to curtail gambling addiction. Just imagine a casino in Pattaya or BKK? Everything will be just great?
  7. Yes he was an ASS but he was right.
  8. #3 is minor but when it happens on a regular basis and the Gym membership fee is nonrefundable then it becomes a moderate issue.
  9. I thought standards of courtesy were universal. Apparently I was wrong. I was not talking about things like cutting in line or a buzzer not working. But when a business shows someone blatant hostility and rudeness just for coming in for service or a driver leaving a slippery surface where a passenger would step on and then laugh about it? To me this is concerning. Of course this is just my opinion.
  10. I am not a touchy, feely or sensitive guy but I would like courtesy. If I show you courtesy then it should be returned. I am not like some who feel "they all hate us". However, at times I feel the same way. If you are open for business then expect someone to walk in and expect service. If you are a driver logged into Grab then expect a rider to hail you. As a driver ensure the floor of the vehicle does not have a slippery substance that could cause a rider to slip. Lastly, if a business publicly states that it is opens at a certain time them do so. ff not then change your opening time. This is my point about this subject: This country is very inconsistent and often it's people react with anger when one simply asks a question. Lastly I will reveal a detail about myself that probably makes a difference on how I am treated by the locals. I am an American but I am not caucasian. When most Thai first see me I believe they think I am Chinese because I am of Asian descent. I believe this is what sets the course for my interaction with Thai people. I know many Thai people have had negative interactions with Chinese but I am not a rude Chinese person. For me this will always be a losing battle. For grins once I told a Thai person that I was Chinese and this was met with a warm smile and "shei, shei". So I should learn Mandarin and go with the flow. Anyway, just another day in the land of smiles.
  11. Thanks. You know me so well. You must have been present at the clinic to witness my "retentive" attitude?
  12. Based upon my experience of living in 6 countries it is not like everywhere.
  13. Your opinion. Therefore, you must be correct.
  14. Ok thanks. Then getting upset when a patient shows up at a clinic is acceptable? Laughing at a passenger who slips and hits his head when he enters a car because the driver left a slippery substance on the floor is acceptable? Got it. I have lived in 6 countries and I have not had similar experiences.
  15. This guy in BKK is ready(just a little early). Now he has time to upgrade his equipment. Apparently he thought the water gun fights would last for 3 weeks and not 3 days. The article says he is a visitor from China.
  16. I guess most have never heard of North Korea but many know of South Korea? My mistake. Next time I will make a South Korean reference.
  17. I just took a shower. Thanks for the reminder.
  18. I think you just summed it up. I had a professor in college who said “ time is money and money is life”. This is not true in LOS.
  19. Now I know 0700 actually means 0730 or 0800? Schedules and timetables have little meaning or value in LOS. Unless it negatively affects them. For instance if a train or flight is delayed.
  20. Did most Thai people get the message that the current PM and government want 40 million arrivals this year? More arrivals mean more problems, more “bad” guys and more chances of cultural misunderstanding and/or misinterpretations. Some the locals I have met act like they want the borders closed to foreign arrivals, Sarcastically I asked them “have you ever been to North Korea”? They did not get the joke.
  21. That is why I do not say much to most locals. All I need to do is buy a product or service. At times the product and service are not great but there is not much a foreigner can do about that. This has been the most difficult lesson I have learned. But at times I wonder why? The I get back to reality.
  22. It is more an observation than a complaint. I have learned that most locals hate it when a foreigner complains. Therefore, I I rarely give feedback to the locals.
  23. I have lived in Chiang Mai for over 7 years and “ I will never understand the local people”. Recently the following interactions have occurred: 1. Went to a well known clinic that is part of a major hospital for a bood test. The clinic opens at 0700 and I showed up exactly at that time. All the employees seemed upset that I showed up at 0700. Got the blood test done but the cashier had not come to work yet. This made the employees ever more upset. I waited until 0800 when the cashier showed up and paid for the blood test. The clerk then slammed the receipt on the counter. I later found out that the clinic employees get to the spend the first hour relaxing because most patients do not show until at least 0800. I guess “ it was my mistake for showing up when they opened”? 2. Used to go to a gym that opens at “0700”. During my time at this gym they would open at 0730, 0800, 0900 and once at 1200. I asked the employee and eventually the manager about the inconsistent opening times and all got was a smile but no answer. I found another gym shortly after. 3. I recently booked a Grab car. When the car arrived I entered and slipped on the floor mat and hit my head on the door frame. The floor mat had a slipperysubstance and when I pointed this out to the driver she started laughing. I guess this was funny to her. The slippery substance looked like Armour All? Is admitting to a mistake and apologizing to a foreigner not possible?
  24. This could be more common when casinos are legalized in LOS.
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