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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Maybe the late Chris Kyle could have made this shot but very difficult to land a head shot while the target is not stationary. Lots of factors that can impact the trajectory of the round(wind, temperature and even humidity).
  2. Somebody in the stands died. Was this staged as well? Not a fan of Trump but someone with a long rifle in a distant and elevated fired at Tromp. Missed Trump but his three othe people. One died.
  3. I was watching when this happened. Do not know if he was actually shot. It happened about an hour ago. I do not know exactly what happened but CNN said Trump falls at rally. I distinctly heard several popping sounds which could have been gunshots. The microphone was still on and one of Secret Service Agents was heard saying "Shooter down"? SS did excute the proper protocol when this type of incident occurs but it took a little longer to remove the principl from the liine of fire. Trump did have some blood coming from his right ear and raised his fist as the agents surround him and walked him to the SUV. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.c-span.org/video/%3Fc5123735/shots-fired-trump-rally&ved=2ahUKEwjmtLfpjqWHAxWUzTgGHXgNDjgQuAJ6BAgVEAE&usg=AOvVaw2cEf175ryjIMfSYL7xlM7V
  4. In 2014 Poroshenko was the President of Ukraine.
  5. "shocked" bur still neutral? Kind of like Same, Same but different.
  6. The victims family should sue the prosecutor and the Sheriff for incompetence. I am not a lawyer but the prosection has a duty to "disclose" this to the defense. You learn this in the first months on the job. Pure incompetence. Now Baldwin can revive his faltering career as an "inocent man who was the victim of a police consipracy". I see a Netflix limited series in the works. Great acting jobs by Baldwin and Hilaria while they were in court.
  7. No actual number to disqualify but does he look like he will be even alive tomorrow. Everytime he freezes and has that blank stare look it almost seems like he was about to have a stroke. But the gaffes are becoming more frequent and becoming a pattern. When you lose the support of even George Clooney then is the "show over"? Lastly he seems to confuse the fact that "many corporations are in Delaware" does not mean they are actually in his home state. Joe and Janet Yellen (Treasury Secretary) both look like they escaped from a nursing home.
  8. I feel sorry for current WH Chief of Staff Jeff Zients because he has got to be thinking "what can I do?". Joe looked a little more "there" when Ron Klain was Chief of Staff. Everytime he gets that bug eyed stare at something in the distance look I get the feeling he want to go to sleep or is on the verge of a stroke. No guarantee he is upright with a pulse until November. I just hope the military officer who carries the "football" (nunclear launch codes) checks with Sec Def Austin in case Biden orders a strke on Rwanda instead of Russia.
  9. He just had another bad at his NATO press conference. The President of Ukraine is?? HIs current VP is? He said Putin and Trump Speeches for a politician with over 50 years experience are not difficult. I realize NATO has a lot of members now and confusing the leaders of all it's members could be challenging but confusing Putin with Zelensky???? Also, last time I checked his VP is Harris. Not a good luck in front of the world media and in front of our allies. I can imagime Zelensky probably thinking "we have to win by November".
  10. BEER. Sorry for the typo.
  11. I had an overpriced beet at Hooters on Soi 4 last night. It was not dead but it was not like in the past. The usual people were out and about. It was a July evening so it was not packed like it would be in November. I go to Hooters once or twice a year just to see if anything has changed. This part of BKK just keeps rolling along. Even Covid could not kill it. Also, checked out Emishpere Mall which I believe is where the old Washington Square used to be. Emisphere was impressive and I shall go back.
  12. Not a Trump voter or supporter but "look at our economy"??? He has done an extraordinary job or his people have done an extraordrinary job in pushing things that the average American does not prioritize. For example I went to Hertz at LAX in September 2023 and the agent kept pushing an EV. I declined and took a compact gas powered car. Now Hertz is selling EV's at steep discounts. It looks like the key word in the Biden Presidency is "disconnected" with many Americans. This election like 2020 looks to be choice of "the lesser of two evils". If Joe is still upright on election day he might still win.
  13. When he speaks from a script he is fine. When he is asked question or is challenged then "the wheels fall of the bus". So any guy who can read from a teleprompter can be POTUS now? To be fair Ronald Reagan was in a similar state in his last two years in office. I know for a fact that after he left office he and Nancy lived in Brentwood Ca and his secret service detail was more like caretakers then a protective detail. Reagan liked to take walks at a nearby park and looked to be in a very sad state of decline.
  14. I was watching France24's coverage of the election and last week they were in a panic. This week they were relieved. I thought US Media was biased but France24 absolutely hates Marine Le Pen. Today the France24 election panel was discussing the fact that Francois Hollande(blast from the past) was now back in parliamnet. Can Saroczy run again?
  15. When a nation acts like a Used Car Dealership even the Thai Government reallizes "just walk away": U.S. Offers Loan to Thailand for F-16 Block 70 Purchase, Bangkok Rejects Due to High Interest Rates The United States has intensified its efforts to sell the latest variant F-16 Block 70 fighter jets to Thailand by offering a loan to the Southeast Asian nation to purchase entire fleet of the aircraft manufactured by Lockheed Martin.
  16. You just summed it up. Many of the temples (or Wats) are actually tourist destinations. I know some who actually go to a temples to pray for winning lottery numbers. A devoted Buddhist is a rare person.
  17. First time in Kuala Lumpur I was surprised that I could buy beer and other adult beverages 24 hours a day at the local market. Also, the girl who rang my beer pruchase was wearing a hijab. It was not a big deal to her. It seems like Malayasia has seen the light that LOS will never see.
  18. I would disagree with you. I have ben called worst.
  19. He tried and was in office for almost 2 years. Maybe he can go back to California and get a job in a hedge fund. He did very well in finance and once even worked for GS(Goldman Sachs). On the otherhand he is only 44 and his time could come again.
  20. Yes. I knew three who never made it back. All three like myself were in the National Guard. Part time soldiers who made permanent sacrifices.
  21. ? I was deployed twice to A-stan and do not understand your last comment. I spoke to several mid level officers and they believed the US commitment to A-stan was to be like another Germany or S. Korea. Of course this was during the Bush and Obama administrations and as always things change.
  22. I believe the two countries critical for the US in terms building or strengthening alliances are: Vietnam and the PI. Along with the large military bases in S. Korea and Japan China will be covered on this side of Asia and SE Asia. I had thought Afghanistan would be a long term commitment because it has a small border with China and the long runway at Bagram Air Base but Joe Biden had other ideas.
  23. " I have no clue". Ok I will not argue on that point. But many say the US is also on the decline as well. The only real strength that the US has on the world is military power and military industrial complex. Presently which call is answered first: Chinese Ambassador or the American Ambassador? Robert Godec might have to wait. Which country is closer? China. Which country has cultural and historical ties? China. China is allegedly "neutral" on the Ukraine and Russian war. Which side does Thailand support? Thailand is one of the few countries where Aeroflot flies into and out of. In terms of Thailand America is in charge of nothing. Very soon Thailand is set to be the biggest market in the world for Chinese EV's. Declinig birthrate is critical in countries like S. Korea (50 million and declining) and Japan (100 million and declining) but when country has over 1 billion then it will be a while before the negative effects of a declining birthrate will be impactful. In the recent past China was concerned about overpopulation and hence the one child per family was enforced. I doubt the Chinese government will bring back the one child policy anytime soon. Yes, I have no clue and you know so much more than I. I will not disagree with you.
  24. As an American and a vet this sounds like desperation for the US Government to stay relevant in the eye of the Thai Government. BYD just opened an EV manufacturing plant in Rayong. This will generate over 10,000 jobs for the Thai people. The reality is this: Beijing won the battle over influence a long time ago. The US Government should stay focused on it's new best friend in the region Vietnam. How can a government that has over 34 trillion (and growing by the minute) in debt finance any deal?
  25. Might depend on where one is flying from? Europe, Australia, North American or East Asia? Each region has an airline that could be considered good. I am from CA and have been in CNX for years. For many years Singaopre Airlines was great(CNX to SIN to LAX), Then SIA went down the crapper by having Scoot (SIA's budget carrier) fly from CNX. I have also tried Cathay Pacfic and EVA from CNX to LAX. Now the best for me has been Korean (CNX to ICN to LAX).
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