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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Retired American Police Officer here and most people forget when the “real” event actually happens. Panic is usually the first reaction for most.
  2. Not defending the RTP but getting to everyone in this type of circumstance in a rapid manner is essentially “mission impossible”. Otherwise BKK can become like Manila where most shopping malls have actual security guards posted at all entrances along with actual bag searches. One can imagine how long it would take to get people into the malls if actual security procedures were implemented in BKK.
  3. Simple Question: What kind of Visa could you obtain to live in the “Land of the Rising Sun”? I would like to live in S. Korea but the only option for an American not married to a Korean or on a work visa is the 90 day Visa Exempt entry. People complain about Thailand but it has been the easiest country to obtain a long term visa if one is older than 50.
  4. Just my thoughts on this: I have been a pilot for over 30 years and I just think an airport with a single runway should not operate 24 hours a day. Even LAX with 4 10,000 foot runways terminates most flight operations at midnight.. The terrain that surrounds CNX airport does not make it conducive for reverse operations (that is take off and land to the south). But always remember: TIT. Safety is just lip service.
  5. The big question now is who will Gavin appoint to take her seat?
  6. I got a deal at an Extended Stay location in Torrance for $128 a night. It was basic with a kitchen and in a relatively safe area. I rented a Kia Soul from Hertz at LAX for $60 a day. If ones does not have a need to be back in the US then i would suggest not going.
  7. Actually I am more Foreigner than Beach Boys. This inspite of the fact that I went to Hawthorne High School which is the same school the Boys went to. I hate to say this but one of few positives was that Charles Shaw wine (2 Buck Chuck) at Trader Joe’s was only $2.99 a bottle. The cost of everything else was pretty much absurd.
  8. I have had True Move H for 7 years. For the last 7 days I am getting text messages from one number that appears to be spam. I have blocked that number but True has charged me 123 baht for receiving these messages. On my plan i am only charged if I send text messages. I went to the True store at Maya Mall and was as usual treated rudely. I did not get an explanation(this is because the employees at this store do not like to answer questions). In the end I was told this charge will be removed. I have not switched to AIS because I am in the few months of visa extension and I am leaving LOS. Lately the overall True Move H experience has been poor.
  9. But then I could buy Coke or a juice in plastic bottles. Also, salads were for sale in plastic containers.
  10. Just got back and it was great. Stomach feels fine. The wallet does not. Interesting thing about LAX is this: No more plastic bottles of water are for sale. Instead water now comes in an aluminum can shaped like a bottle. This attempt to save the planet cost $4. I love California but it is getting out of control..
  11. Not the meaning of your comment. Of course in the end it does not matter because everyone has an opinion. This does not mean I have to understand your comment.
  12. I just got back for LA. Gas was $6 a gallon.. The only good news I have had in weeks is the Baht going over 35.
  13. A grand ceremony, photo opportunity and headline in the press. Next day, more of the same, same.
  14. If you like buttermilk pancakes then try Butter is Better. Two locations: one is on Chang Klan road close to Pantip Plaza and the second location in Hang Dong.
  15. Priorities for safe air travel: 1. Extend and widen the runway. 2. Install an ILS Cat 3 approach to enable aircraft in less than optimal weather. Making these changes will enable more aircraft to land. Also, larger aircraft could come in on a regular basis. More larger aircraft (B777 or A350) will allow more passenger to arrive and depart with fewer flights. But of course “TIT” so I doubt these changes are even on the list.
  16. Not in my case. My pension is much higher than 65K Baht. My pension agency answers external inquiries as long as I authorized the confirmation of my income to a specific inquiry. Also, I am not British.
  17. I will KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid: Of course I am not calling you or anyone on this forum stupid. My point has always been these points: 1. Confirming someone’s income from a governmental agency is a common practice. I worked for a governmental agency and had my income confirmed numerous times by external inquires. Otherwise how could I have obtained a loan? 2. As long as the applicant signs a waiver or authorization form the agency that runs the secure pension database can answer one simple questions: “The person states he or she makes XXXX amount per year. Can your agency confirm this?”. That is pretty much it. 3. I have never said anyone is lying. You did. 4. I breathe just fine, I have always done better and I always try. 5. I am not arguing with you because i do not know who or what you are? I am simply responding to your comments. 6. I do not need to keep trying because my point has been information from any secure database can be confirmed as long as secure process is followed.
  18. An external inquiry to confirm an income does not need to access a secure database. A confirmation letter or email is what most financial institutions use to confirm income. “I guess you think they are lying”??? A guess is like assuming. “I just don’t get it”? I never asked you to get it”. This is just my perspective.
  19. My specific income is verifiable. If not then how does a bank verifiy my income so I can get a loan? If a bank can verify then the a US Governmental Agency can’t? Or won’t? Verification of income is the “Thai Way”? My point is and has been always been certain income is verifiable. If I was a self-employed digital nomad in Chiang Mai with multiple sources of “gig” incomes then it would be a different story.
  20. Just rented a car from Hertz at LAX. Made the reservation directly on the company website while in Thailand without a VPN. The daily rate was about half of what I would have paid if I had made the reservation while in the USA. I do not have a Thai Drivers License and have always used my CA DL.
  21. I have never melatonin in at Boots or Watson. I usually get some when I back int the USA or order it from IHerb.
  22. Crap? I said certain incomes are readily verifiable. Government pension pay is probably the easiest income to verify. If this is crap then so be it. If the Thai Government wants incomes verified by an Embassy/Consulate then it is now “BS
  23. 100,000 Bath a month in India??? That should have raised some eyebrows.
  24. Good ideas but a restaurant in San Francisco recently banned Police Officers from entering because they were armed. I know it's San Francisco but Gun Free Zones sometimes come with unintended consequences. It is a very complex problem that has many facets and I do not see a workable solution. I grew up Los Angeles and was street cop there for 20 years and nothing ever changed. It was like ground hog dog for 20+ years. The worst years for gun violence were actually in the mid 1990's. The only difference I see now is in the growth of mass casualty shootings. 30 years ago there were shootings almost every night with a small number of victims. Now a single shooting can result in a large number of casualties.
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