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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. In some Asian countries, for instance in S. Korea, the term dowry is no longer used. Now it is called a gift. AKA: Tomato/Tomatoe???
  2. Had a cyst removed from my lower back(an easy place for the doctor) at CM Ram two years ago. Total coast was 1,1,000 Baht. Might worth it just go bye CM and ask either at Dermatology Center or at the Main hospital.
  3. Common sense dictates a store would be more efficient to stock shelves late at night or even early morning. Most large markets in the US stock shelves after midnight or a few hours before they open. Often this is outsourced to a third party. Of course common sense and efficient business operations are rare to nonexistent in the Land of Smiles. Billy Joel once said “don’t go changing, trying to please, I love you (LOS) just the way you are”. I must be getting old because lately I feel “love it or leave it”.
  4. Just for context in some countries there is no national police salary. For example in Campbell CA (this is in northern CA) the starting salary is now well over $100,000. In the city of LA the starting salary is now over $50,000.
  5. But at this pay rate who would want the job? In California many of the fast food places now have to pay $20 an hour? If one makes $24 an hour then this comes to almost $50,000 a year. Why deal with the stress, danger and in many cases the BS of police work for just a little more money?
  6. 25 years probably means he is at the highest pay rate. At 20 years I was at the highest pay rate for my old department. By that time I had longevity step raise, maximum vacation and sick time (which I could convert some into cash) and my retirement pay was now at a very good rate. I beleive the intent of the article was focused on new or newer officers.
  7. Well, this is not new. About 40 years ago the starting pay for many police department in the southeast part of the US was about $18,000. The Miami Police Department and the New Orleans Police starting pay was about $18,000. This led too any cases of some officers having to take second jobs. Some hotels and motels in New Orleans would have uniformed police officers at the front desk at night. This can also lead to poor recruiting, poor retention and in some cases corruption. I cannot imagine living anywhere near London and making under 30,000 per year. In major US cities the starting pay for police officers is at least $50K. This is not counting benefits and now in some cases generous housing allowance.
  8. I grew up really fast when I arrived at Basic Training. My parents were rarely around and spent some years in foster care. My parents did not teach me is not an excuse I can relate to.
  9. If one is concerned about HIV transmission during unprotected (some call it bareback) sex then how about looking at it in another way. I was in S. Korea in December and found out in some pharmacies they sold HIV saliva swab tests. The cost was about $40 dollars and the kit contained two tests. The results would be revealed in 15 minutes. Sounds similar to a Covid ATK test? At this time I do not believe this type of test was available in LOS but I did see oneat a Wal Mart back in LA. On a related matter I was in a bar in Incheon and after a few swigs of Soju I was talking to a few local guys and they said there were agencies that provided bareback services with an attractive partner and the HIV swab test was mandatory. The provider came with the test kit. Of course the cost of this service was rather steep.
  10. Last month the PM wanted faster entry for arrivals at airports. Would this not dramatically slow down the process?
  11. Totally agree. I spoke to a guy who was living in Japan many years ago and he said in order to rent an apartment he had to get a Japanese national to sign as a guarantor. It sounded more like the Japanese person was like a reference.
  12. I got an OA Visa in 10 days from the LA Consulate. Most know an OA requires a lot of documents to be uploaded.
  13. I doubt the Japanese Government will. My favorite country is S. Korea and they have no long term visa’s except for marriage, employment or education visas at actual universities. At this point both Japan and S. Korea have enough wealth and income from exports of actual products that they are not in need of old foreigners to live there. If Korea offered anything like Non Imm OA or even O Retirement I would be there fast. I do believe both countries offer long term visa’s to certain wealthy foreigners. My guess would be investing something like. $500,000 in real estate would be a start. Now back to reality in LOS.
  14. The main issue for Japan is low birthrate. Many working people truly cannot afford to have children. The number of homeless, hikikomori (people who have withdrawn from society) and people who have simply disappeared are growing. I have distant Japanese relatives and they are some of the saddest people I have known. One can eat cheap but to get a somewhat decent place to live in Osaka or certainly Tokyo is very expensive. Just look at the cost of a decent hotel in a major Japanese city. For me i prefer Seoul or Busan.
  15. I am in Chiang Mai and looking to move soon. I have found a place that i like but a few things have me concerned: 1. The electricity is charged at 8 Baht per unit. This seems rather high? 2. The common area maintenance fee is 500 Baht per month. I have never heard of this before. 3. 21 Baht per unit of water. What exactly is a unit of water? The office did not give me a clear answer 4. Residents have to pay 50 Baht to use the swimming pool or 1000 Baht for unlimited use. Then what is the 500 Baht common are fee for? Has anyone seen similar conditions on an apartment or condo that is for rent? At this time I am inclined to look somewhere else.
  16. In the beginning I took it and put up a fake smile. But then I realized it did not matter if I was courteous or considerate. Now I mostly grin, shake my head and walk out. Here in LOS the passive/ aggressive style of response seems to the norm? I have learned through experience that a loud and emotional response to a Thai person is not acceptable. Therefore, I do not respond like that. I did a couple times in the early days and learned that it is not the way here. Also, I never said I never returned the rudeness favor to anyone. I just learned to avoid that kind of response.
  17. If one is veteran USAA or even Navy Federal Credit Union might be an option. Both are geared to serve active duty, retired and veterans. Some in these categories live overseas like myself. USAA in the past was a great bank but no so much anymore. Having an overseas address with USAA has not been a problem (at least not yet). I have heard good tings about Navy Federal and the next time I am in San Diego I might visit a branch there.
  18. Millions of tourists in a 10 day span? Logistically that seem like “mission impossible”. Even if every international and domestic flight was packed along with buses, trains and cars “millions”? Based upon my experience of living in CNX for over 7 yeas the people here are not as friendly as the image that is portrayed. The main draw of CNX are 3 things: 1) It is cheap 2) It is cheap 3) It is cheap.
  19. "Slippery Slope"? ff an IO at a port of entry does not have an objective reason to deny entry then this type of discretion could impact all of us who enter LOS.
  20. Hmm? What exactly could have been done to bar the Swiss guy in Phuket or the two Kiwi's who assaulted the police officer from entering LOS? If one has a valid passport, a valid visa, no criminal record in LOS or in their home country then what other criteria could be applied? The only substantial thing that could be implemented is to have a fingerprint based criminal background check done for all foreigners who want to enter LOS. This can be done like in the OA Visa process and in the US the cost is $50 and the turnaround time is usually a day or two. How many people will want to pay for something like to make a visa exempt entry or even for a 60 day Tourist Visa? I doubt many will bother and look for other destinations. I do not see any changes coming.
  21. Mommy and Daddy had to speak for them on this as well. Will Mommy and Daddy now pay for a lawyer and pay the fine as well?
  22. 1. Why are these Kiwi's not in a hospital? 2. At first I thought these guys were Americans 3. I used to carry a small Walther 380 as a backup for scenarios like this. 4. The "police were attacking me" defense is already in motion.
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