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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. So once Netanhahu is arrested then what? If Netanyahu is foolish enough to take a trip to Paris then will Macron have the balls to have him arrested and then sent to the Hague?
  2. To become a convicted war criminal one must 1) Be arrested. Who is going to arrest the PM of Israel? 2) Extradited to the Hague 3) Be tried and convicted. 4) Where would he serve his sentence for war crimes? "The Devil is alwasy in the details.
  3. Seems sympbolic? Last time I checked not every nation is a signatory to the ICC. Also, does the ICC have a speical unit that can travel internatinally to exceute these "warrants"? So now Hamas and Israel are now in equal standing. Also, if Netanyahu travels to New York or London will he be arrested and extradited to the Hague? Anyway back to Al Jazeera's nonstop coverage of Israel's war agaisnt Gaza(this is what Al Jazeers is calling it).
  4. This is kind of nonsense has happened to me as well. Instead of sending it back I pay,walk out, and never return. I have experience this behavior from cheap places and unfortunately at some higer priced locations. Only Buddha knows what kind of food will be sent out the second time. Bob on this issue you are not alone. If almost seems like Thai Problem Solving is: 1) Shoot the messenger 2) Ignore the problem.
  5. Does anyone on this forum feel like they have a "normal" marriage with a Thai woman? I mean an actual relationship/partnership focused mainly on the immediate family? Or is something like this not realistic. I have met only two women in CNX who I thought understand the kind of future relationship I was looking for. Both had live in a foreign country in the past. One had worked in Singapore and the oher had lived in San Francisco. All the others were focused in on one thing: We can all guess what that was. It looks like the best decision I have made in LOS is to just stay single.
  6. It can because the aircraft is flying at 200 to300 Knots and an impact with even a soft object at the speed could be catastrophic. Also, the object could get ingested into the engine and we know what happens if a jet engine eats something like geese back in 2009(Miracle on the Hudson which made Captain Sullenberger famous).
  7. I just got analyzed this morning at the Gym: 60 years old, 171 CM and 64 KG. BMI 22 and Body Fat was at 16%. Last time I had Thai Food was chicken with rice last week. As an American i still enjoy a cheeseburger once in a while and my last burger, fries and a Coke Zero was at Shake Shack in BKK. My belief is if one cooks and has a wife/GF who can cook Thai food then it can be healthy. The other issue I have had is with raw vegetables in LOS. Even the places that claim organic sometimes causes GI distress. It has now come to the point that I only eat salad once a week.
  8. In the 7 years I have been in CNX I have been to the Gastroentorologist 10 times and have had two endoscopies and one colonoscopy. Two years ago I stopped eating most Thai foods. An occassional pad sew you once in a while. I eat mostly salads with extra virgin olive oil, oatmeal with honey with almond or oatmillk and my diet is about 95% western/mediterranean. I cannot say Thai food contribued to my disgestive issuse but for the last two years I have been much better. I have never liked spicy food or been fan any curries. This is just my experience and I know many foriegners who eat all kinds of Thai food all day and everyday.
  9. I think change will be difficult in the PI. The PI government wants to convert the Jeepnesy to electric and this has not been received. I believe there are about 40 more million people in the PI than LOS. Also, the PI is a series of islands with very little actual land than can be lived on or even deverloped. For me I have known and worked with Filipinos for many years and feel I could actually relate to them better than the Thai's.
  10. Also, the PI has the SRRV program. Once this version of the Filipino retirment ivisa is granted it is good for life. One has to pay an annual renewl fee to maintain it. I can get another year on my OA visa and then it might be time to settle in Cebu on the SRRV. For more information on the SRRV look at pra.ph.gov
  11. It's almost like "Venus and Mars". We, the foreginers, are on Venus and the locals are on Mars. We have contact nnly to exchanges goods, services and money.
  12. Yes. I gusee you are right. I must have a reading comprehension prolbme.
  13. I was being sarcastic in my statement. Did not say anything about the article being sarcastic. My point is an Ed Visa has been used by some or many as an excucse to stay in LOS for longer periods than Tourist Visas. Also, some Muay Gyms are also "schools" and can apply Ed Visa for a prospective student.
  14. Do you undestand or appreciate sarcasm? I never said it was an endorsement of any visa. I had a neighbor from Canada who is in his mid 60's asked about a Muay Thai Visa from a local gym. The gym advised him to pursue another type of visa.
  15. I never said it was just the Chinese. But it appears many are from China based upon this article. Also, those from other countries who are on 4 hour per week Ed Visa's are not called "tourists". But this articles seems to imply Chinse who are on Ed Visa's are tourists? As usual in LOS: Clear as mud.
  16. When one boards an international flight the TSA checks passports and boarding passes. TSA agents are not Law Enforcment Officers and do not have access to criminal wants and warrants databases. When one enters the USA from an international port of enty CBP(Customs and Border Protection) officers decide if one can enter or not. CBP officers are Federal Law Enforcement Officers. This person's passport should have been surrendered to the court. This decision rests on the judge who is presiding over criminal proceedings over this person.
  17. On a tourist visa applicaiton a criminal background or warrant check is not conducted. Therefore, what kind of people are actually entering LOS on tourist visa's or visa exemption?
  18. I would agree with you completely. Knew a girl in CNX who worked at a 7=11 for a year and she said it was the hardest job she ever had. But she said it taught her to toughen up and deal with all kinds of people.
  19. Tourist on an Ed Visa? Am I missing something? What is the message that is preached to tourists: You are visiting the Land of Land of Smiles, you are not working or studying. So I can now pursue a year long Muay Thai/Self Defense Visa and only I only spend 4 hours per week at the gym? I am not from China so probably not.
  20. It might be time for this country to evlolve or grow up and say "the opinons expressed on this youtube channel are not true". Also, in terms of defammation in other parts of the world actual damage(s) muut have occurred. What is the actual damage when a nobody with phone rants about a country? What next? Ban youtube? "Sticks and bones will break my bones but words expressed on a insignificant youtube channel will not hurt me". Or just a rebuttal video.
  21. 1. 555 2. Never heard of CEOWORLD Magazine 3. I believe in 2023 Thailand had over 28 Millon Visitors. But Japan had almost 25 Million in 2023. Is Japan on this list? Of course vistiing Japan is more expensive than visiting LOS so the fact that the "Land of the Rising" only had 3 milion less visitors is remarkable.
  22. This might work in NY or LA but not in S. Korea. Korea is a place where immigration laws are actually enforced. Korea has many foreign workers but the expecetaion is obey all laws.
  23. I just got the FE and the slim keyboard direct from Samsung Thailand. Total cost was just over 19,000. The Chinese brands are cheaper but I already have a Samsung Phone and laptop so I am now in the same universe for all three devices. Samsung was running a sale before Songkran and the only additional cost was the charger for 490 Baht. For some reason Samsung does include the charger with the tablet. So far the the FE is working very well. I thought about the FE+ but for my needs the smaller FE works fine.
  24. I'm certain the US would accept him with open arms. Also, he is married to American and has a very big house in Santa Barbara. Also, what is the significance of "renouncing residency"?
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