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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Fauci is the director of the NIH. Doubt he has much contact with anyone except his staff. He probably spends a lot of time in staff meetings, zoom calls and in the past on TV and radio.
  2. I agree. Cheapest wine I could find today was 375(Australian), I was considering a bottle of Coppola Vineyards(California) red but at 1400 baht a bottle I had settle for the cheaper stuff. A glass wine with anything makes for a great day.
  3. Constantly looking behind while at ATM machines(I am American, grew up in Los Angeles and just can’t let this habit go, even though I am in LOS). Also, double checking to see if my wallet is there and double checking to make sure my door is locked. Again, as an American who grew up in Los Angeles this was considered normal.
  4. Ditto. No one should be demonized or threatened. But it appears Fauci was the face of the "Shut it down" strategy.
  5. So what? He is the face of the Covid response in the US. He has had two booster shots. He has been the God of masking. He has not tested positive. Sounds like a mixed message? This is what? Do you have anything to add?
  6. Anthony Fauci tested positive. He has two booster shots.
  7. For the past 7 years I have been loyal to Chiang Mai Ram hospital. All of my medical needs have been serviced there . The first three years I was pleased with the service and did not mine paying private hospital costs(the major services I had done at Ram were two endoscopies and one colonoscopy) The Gastroenterologist was outstanding. All other services were relatively minor. The last two visits to Ram were very disappointing. On the first visit the doctor prescribed a weeks supply of antibiotics. On the second visit I was prescribed another week of the same antibiotics. But this time the cost of outpatient medication was 50% higher. I went back to Ram and asked about the 50% inflation for the cost of the same medication. I was told there was a charge for a 150 Ml bottle of saline solution. Ram charged me 150 Baht for this saline. The normal price for the same product is as low as 40 Baht. I was also charged 150 baht for an 80 Ml bottle of a disinfectant. The main ingredients of this disinfectant are similar to common mouthwash. In the end it is 300 Baht but these two items were not itemized and when did saline become medication? Also, I was never given the option to buy these items at the local pharmacy. Oh well it is what it is and time to find another hospital. Now I am asking for those members on this forum if they have visited McCormick Hospital or Bangkok Hospital? Also can anyone recommend another hospital in Chiang Mai that I should consider? If anyone has visited these two hospitals could you me tell if you are satisfied with your experience. I am not asking for anything specific and I know the pros and cons of going to a private hospital.
  8. As I was leaving the gym this morning in CNX I saw a woman walking on the treadmill. She was wearing a mask. The gym does not require a mask when one is using the gym. She was talking on her cell phone while wearing a mask. I have never seen this before. She was the only one using the gum at the time. Does anyone wear mask while using a treadmill or other cardio machine?
  9. I have lived in CNX for 6 years and was a frequent visitor to LOS for 20 years. I still don't understand Thai people. I always try to be generous in terms of tipping and I even give money to homeless people on the streets. In Chiang Mai there is woman and a toddler who are homeless. They usually roam Huay Kaew Road from Nimman down to Somphet. A few months ago it was raining and she was trying to stay dry with cardboard boxes. I felt bad for her and gave her some money. She took the money and walked away. From time to time I see her on the streets and usually I give her 20 or 40 baht. Each time she just takes the money and keeps walking. Last week she came up to me while I was waiting for a Songtao and put her hand out. I gave her a 10 baht coin(All I had was a 1000 Baht note). . She was not happy and demanded more money. I declined and she walked away. This is the first time where a homeless person was upset because I did not give her enough money. For comparison while I was in Seoul, S. Korea I gave the equivalent of $1 dollar to a homeless guy and he got on his knees and thanked me. I seemed to recall most Koreans showed appreciation when I tipped at restaurants and even at the hotels I stayed. I can't recall the last time I was show any appreciation for leaving a generous tip at any business in Thailand. I have been told tipping is not common in Thai culture but is not showing appreciation or even gratitude not part of Thai Culture as well? Or does it just apply to foreigners? I still intend on tipping and in some cases give money to homeless. Often I feel like I am at a different wavelength with most Thai people. Even if I was fluent in the Thai language I doubt I could truly be compatible with most. A few years ago I met a Thai woman who lived in San Francisco for a few years we got along mostly well. She was the only Thai woman that I have met in LOS that I saw any potential for a possible relationship. There was little to no hope with the other Thai woman I have met Living in LOS has been fine as long as I have limited contact with most Thai people. I am courteous to them and in turn most have been courteous to me. So I do not have any major complaints but I just don't understand the people of LOS. My guess is I never will.
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