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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. I’m not surprised. I booked a RT from BKK to LAX on Singapore Airlines back in June for September 2022. I paid $890 in economy. The same flight combination is about $100 higher now.
  2. Some pension plans have a time limit as to how long a survivor can collect benefits. I do not know specifically what Boots policy is but 5 years could be the limit?
  3. Anyone heard what will become of the Ban Din Ki hotel?
  4. The only thing I can complain in terms of prices in Thailand is wine. A bottle of wine that costs $10 in the US is at least $20 or more in LOS. Everything else is pretty much cheaper or about the same. For comparison if a liter of gasoline is 50 Baht then it would be about $5.35 per gallon. This is based upon 3.75 liters to the gallon and an exchange rate of 35 Baht to the $1.
  5. Sqwak, is a term used in aviation as well. So it has nothing to do with your ASS-umption. Also, water and salt is now medication? I did not know that. Generally speaking medication is any drug or preparation used to treat and cure illness. Next time I get an illness I will use salt and water. FYI-When an air traffic controller tells a pilot to change a transponder code.the command is “Sqwak”. I express my opinion and own facts. The command to Swakvfr = set transponder code to 1200. These are facts and I own them. VFR= Visual Flight Rules. But I guess you are not familiar with the aviation and I am not familiar with the medical field.
  6. I did not bitch and moan about a 300 Baht charge because it was not medication. In fact I was charged 1000 Baht for a 7 day supply of Amoxicillin. This I am bitching and moaning about. The 300 Baht was for a small bottle of saline and disinfectant. I was a regular at Ram Gastro. I have had 2 endoscopies and a colonoscopy and was very pleased with the doctor and procedures. Do not mischaracterize my comments because you are not qualified to judge me.. Also I don “sweat” over 300 Baht. PERIOD. “
  7. I'm from Los Angeles and the Dobbs vs. Jackson decision by the Supreme Court has no impact on abortions rights in California . When I was 32 I briefly dated a 37 year old woman. This woman was highly educated(Berkeley undergrad and Harvard Law). She was doing very well as a Lawyer in LA. One night after some wine she told me something rather shocking. She told she has had 6 abortions. I asked her why 6 abortions. She replied "did not take birth control pills because of the side effects and did not want my partner to use a condom." I then said something that <deleted> her off: You use abortion as your method of birth control. She then told me "my body, my choice and I will have an abortion without any limits". She told me to get out her house. Never saw her again. I don't judge but this was when I understand what many Pro Choice advocates believe in: Abortion on demand and without any limits. I don't think this is realistic. I am a pro choice and feel abortion under some conditions should be legal: 1. Forced pregnancy as a result of rape. 2. Medical Necessity to protect the life of the pregnant woman or birthing person 3. Fraud. In cases where a man lies to a woman by telling her he is sterile or had a hysterectomy. I can't see forcing a woman to carryout a pregnancy started out of a lie. Don't know what the Supreme Court would feel about this? 4. Failure of Birth Control Methods; I believe if a woman is taking birth control and gets pregnant then she should have the option of terminating this pregnancy. The next two are controversial 5. If a child will be born with a physical deformity that would require a lifetime of care. The woman then should have the right to consider terminating the pregnancy. The Pro Lifers would have a stroke with this. 6. Poverty with little hope of escaping from it. Of course the Pro-Lifers would argue for adoption. But the truth about adoption is prospective parent are picky. Doubt many Black, brown or mix-race babies are in high demand from adoptive parents. The other option is foster care. This is not a great option either. Abortion is not guaranteed under the constitution and currently there is no federal law that protects it. The Democrats need some new leadership and a overall plan to respond to this decision. Blocking roads, protesting in front of Justices homes and making veiled threats are not productive. The Pro-Choice movement and the Democrats need a unified strategy and at the very least consider the following: 1. Win the White House in 2024. By then Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito will be old and probably retire. 2. Get Pro-Choice candidates elected in State Legislatures in abortion restrictive states 3. Draft and enacted abortion rights laws. Not an easy thing to do but there are brilliant legal minds and wealthy donors who are pro-choice. Where are these wealthy pro-choice donors now? The Pro-Choice advocates and the Democrats have known for 50 years that Roe vs. Wade could be overturned. The day has come. What now? The ball is now in their court. The Pro-Lifers got exactly what they wanted.
  8. What makes a police officer smile? Welcoming tourists and providing excellent customer service? If that is the case then takeaway my firearm, handcuffs, and ASP Baton. This PR campaign will last about a week and then business as usual. I used to hear this line all the time “be more like Officer Friendly”.
  9. As a retired cop be cautious whenever a police officer smiles at you.
  10. Anyone here on the forum remember when Nancy Reagan said “Just Say No”, to Drugs. How did that work out? Anyone else recall the DARE program that many US Law Enforcement Agencies tried out. DARE-Drug Abuse Resistance and Education and how did that work out? The Cat is out of the bag. With Cannabis the good will come with the bad. More money will be collected but some will spend more time just getting high. Who knows how things will turn out.
  11. I was there today. A sign is posted in Thai on the front door. The sign is only in Thai but there is map of a Bangkok Bank Branch near Thanin(?) Market. I was told by a bank employee that I can go there when this branch closes. She did say I can handle all banking matters at any Bangkok Bank Branch(we shall see about that). I do not plan on going to the Thanin Branch.
  12. I had to do this as port of my OA Visa application back in January. I kept it (KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid.); I stood in front of a mirror while holding my passport data page against my face and took a selfie. I saved it as a JPEG file and uploaded it onto the E-Visa site. It was accepted and the Visa was approved a few days later. Just take a simple selfie while the passport data page, save it and upload it.
  13. So Immigration Bank letters will be provided at the Thanin Market Branch only or at any Bangkok Bank Branch? I was just told any location will help you?
  14. I shower twice a day and once at the gym. Is there a prize for this?
  15. Yeah it's me. I am repulsive but I am generous. But what does that matter?
  16. Then you have bee lucky.
  17. I have been living fulltime in LOS for almost 7 years and have given up on trying to understand Thai woman. When I first arrived my apartment complex had three woman and a ladyboy in the office. The ladyboy was the most beautiful. very friendly and most attentive. The three women in the office could care less when I went to the office. But the Ladyboy always greeted me with a smile and was always attentive. I thought this was different but based upon my experience if you want affection and passion the last place to look might be a Thai woman. Every Thai woman, no matter the age, that I have dated never expressed any kind of warmth or affection. Even when we were alone. Thai people generally do not express affection in public but I thought it would be different in private. But I was wrong. The Thai women i have dated are pleasant, polite but "there was no fire". I have learned not to expect western style affection or passion from a Thai woman. The only really passion I have felt from a Thai woman has been anger. This is my experience only and for others it will be different. What do I know? I'm just another old dude living in LOS who still can't understand Thai People(especially the women). I just try and get along with everyone(sometimes I fail but mostly I get along just fine).
  18. The human mouth is a filthy place. I once arrested a woman who bit her husband. She went to jail and the husband had to spend the night in the hospital. I thought the ER doctor was kidding when he said "it might be better to be bitten by a dog". Ah, memories.
  19. It looks serious because they are now packing up the wine and spirits at Tops. Oh well Tops was not having a going out of business sale on wine. Bata, the show store had sign that said "70 % Sale". So far no official word from Bangkok Bank Logically, of course this does not apply in LOS, the nearest Bangkok Bank branch is on Nimman and all accounts should be move there?????
  20. I am trying to understand Thai women This may take a long time.
  21. This is the income requirement part: Those in the high-income earner bracket must have an average annual income of US$80,000 for two years before applying for the visa. Notice $80,000 USD per year or equivalent not in Baht(I have seen a news article that states Baht and this is incorrect). My annual retirement is close but I do not qualify for this visa. Thinking logically(this does not always apply in LOS) someone who makes $80,000 per would have many options in terms of Visa’s and even countries. Now I will take off my logic cap off.
  22. Just left KSK and i have never seen so many cars and people there. I guess there are some going out business sales? The selection of milk at Tops was pretty thin. My guess the end is near and no need to order more inventory.
  23. I know a lot of foreigners who go to KSK almost everyday just for coffee, pastry and spend hours there. Unlike the new malls KSK has a lot of tables where one can just sit and have a coffee. The bottom level where Tops is located is still rather busy with the DQ,, Amazon Coffee and other food vendors. It will be a shame for the theses businesses to close. I will really miss the Eve Laser Print shop(this is where many get copies and documents printed). Once a place like this closes “temporarily” it is doubtful they will come back(unless a new owner is willing to invest a lot of money to modernize it?). RIP and it looks like Maya and Rimping will now be my regular place.
  24. In the beginning the claim was made by many in the former administration that the vaccine would prevent infection. But now it protects against severe illness. This is expected because this is a new virus and much still needs to be learned. But lockdowns, closing schools, zoom calls and forever masking are not the answer. These are the things that Fauci has pushed for again and again.
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