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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. anyone ?...

    are you using the interface software supplied by TOT, without more information it sounds like the lan connection to your router/modem has broken down, that would account for the no access, my only experience with tot is from a friend who had a bad lan cable preventing connection, the ADSL was working fine with all the lights

    also check in notepad that your keyboard is putting in the correct letters, I know in the past a friend had a similar problem with a password, he didn't realise his keys where not typing the correct codes and as you can't see them on a password he didn't realise

  2. I went to a TMB ATM in pattaya yesterday, I atempted to withdraw 2000baht using the quick cash feature, some thai message came up on the screen and no money came out, I attempted the same transaction again and the machine came up with a messagein English (which I must have missed the first time, the message said Quote - Possible Equipment error - please count cash, well there was nothing to count the cash tray did not open and I didn't get the 2 X 2000baht I had requested, the money was deducted from my account.

    Any help would be appriciated and anyone that has experienced this before


    PS after the experience at TMB I went across the road to another machine and was able to withdraw 2000baht

  3. my tt&t maxnet was getting me 100k downloads most of the time after a free upgrade from 512 256 to 1024 512 but the last few days my maxnet speed has been showing 1536 512 and gets me 150k download, i don't know why maxnet increased my connection to this odd speed but i isn't complaining, i use utorrent

  4. the price is b5 everywhere save for: dolphin to sukhumvhit, nakula, over jomtien, pattaya tai north late night. those are b10

    A ride along Beach Road terminating at/close to Walking Street also has drivers insisting on 10 baht.

    Otherwise from my experience 5 baht is not problematic for a falang in central Pattaya who acts like he knows what he's doing.

    5 baht and a thankyou works for me (depending on length of journey) , if I don't have change I insist on change first then I hand over the note otherwise (as I have experienced before) they will drive off without giving change even from 100baht, I had trouble once when I got a B'taxi beach road and at the end of the journey I offered the guy 100baht note (looking for 90baht change) but insisted on change first - he didn't want to play and started to get angry, I reached into my pocket and gave him the 6baht change I new I had and walked off.

    I usually base what I give on my own estimation of length of journey - even 20baht

    Now motorbike taxi's really take the piss, they are always looking for 40baht for a short journey I always give 30baht and say thanyou, as mentioned above a similar taxi ride in Bangkok would cost 35baht and that could be 4 people, 2 up on a motorbike taxi here and they are looking for 80baht !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. look on the net, there are many meds for fungal infections, you need to be careful as they can be a strain on your liver, I would strongly advise not drinking alchohol while taking them, depending on your infection you could be taking for several months





  6. A friend of mine asked a question that I answered but I'm not sure I was correct so I want to ask it here.

    Please only answer if you know you are correct, opinions are no better than my own thoughts

    Considering the requirements 800k or 65k month, suppose you have 50k per month pension leaving you short by 15k per month to meet the requirement, is it a simple case to then add 15k x 12 = 180k into a bank account to make up the difference ?




    so if I have 800k in my bank account for a year and need to renew my retirement visa I need to transfer another 800k meaning I will then have 1.6 million baht then the next year 2.4 million baht, after 10 years of renewal I will end up with one very large balance, I think the officer you spoke too needs some educating, of course the alternative would be to transfer the 800k out then back in every 9 months, hardly practical, perhaps some of these Thai officials need to read up on the rules themselves.

  8. I'll try again

    I have no objection to threads that accumulate 50 pages of discussion - that is fine, the comments here specifically relate to these threads taking place in the News area of the forum, this area has a dedicated purpose - it is not a general discussion area, it is my opinion that these valuable threads are being cluttered, if these posts are made in the general topics area then i have a choice whether i read them or not but if posted in the news area and i want to read news - then that choice is removed, nobody is saying don't post 50 pages - just don't do it in a national news feed on the forum, lets keep it for news and a few on topic opinions rather than the missdirected off topic dribble that people think is relevant in a specific news item.

    What is wrong with dicussing Thaksin in "general topics" then we can all get on with reading the news and not having hundreds of "OFF TOPIC CLUTTER/CRAP"

    not sure why some people don't understand this simple point I'm making,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,how big is this thread going to be ?

    Try then reading the Bangkok Post for news and let the forum get on with its purpose, which is discussion and debate.I'm not even really convinced the forum needs a "news" component at all and that is not to undervalue the useful work done in supplying articles.News items when supplied should be a catalyst or reference point for discussion.The assumption can be made that those interested in political discussion keep themselves up to date on current events in Thailand.I don't see much point in supplying articles of the "Thailand and Sri Lanka to increase co-operation on religious matters" type, since these are unlikely to provoke much if any reaction.

    oh right - we don't need a news area on the forum now - speak for yourself, nobody forces you to go there, nobody forces you to do anything, but there is a certain amount of organisation required on large forums like this one.

    one of the problems on a forum is the reluctance for people to accept other peoples opinions and suggestions, we have I'd say about 30% of the regular posters here that just disagree and argue with everyone, it's an inherent inferiority complex and compells people to just argue and disagree with everyone and everything

    anyway I'm done here, I made a point - some got it and some didn't and some just don't want too

  9. But ThaiVisa is a discussion forum, and the news forum has been running like this since its inception.

    Take a look at some of the earliest threads there for example.

    Are you suggesting that the news forum should be free from all discussion and speculation, and only contain news bulletins?

    you are trying to generalise to make your point (what ever that is) go get a discussion going on the free adds part of the Thaivisa Forum - oh you can't because it is not for discussion - you cannot generalise - news is for news - adds are for adds - general discussion for people that want to post 50 pages of off topic crap which I and other members don't have to read through to keep up with the news.

    and no i'm not suggesting it should be free from blah blah blah just not a free for all, if someone can provide another source to read Thai National news online then I will never visit the new area again because it's just so full of crap

  10. My opinion is that creating more threads and forums is like moving one pile to a different spot, same pile.

    How can a thread like "Thaksin Calling it quits" be closed, especially with the coming elections?

    I think it's fine the way it is.

    because it's not really a thread, its a news announcement for all to read and keep up with what's going on

  11. I think we should listen to people who compain once again. What is it exactly that they want?

    For the most part of the first page it looked like they simply don't want long running political discussions. Creating a subforum might ease the congestions but threads aren't going to become shorter.

    hope my previous post explains as you have missed the point entirely.

  12. I'll try again

    I have no objection to threads that accumulate 50 pages of discussion - that is fine, the comments here specifically relate to these threads taking place in the News area of the forum, this area has a dedicated purpose - it is not a general discussion area, it is my opinion that these valuable threads are being cluttered, if these posts are made in the general topics area then i have a choice whether i read them or not but if posted in the news area and i want to read news - then that choice is removed, nobody is saying don't post 50 pages - just don't do it in a national news feed on the forum, lets keep it for news and a few on topic opinions rather than the missdirected off topic dribble that people think is relevant in a specific news item.

    What is wrong with dicussing Thaksin in "general topics" then we can all get on with reading the news and not having hundreds of "OFF TOPIC CLUTTER/CRAP"

    not sure why some people don't understand this simple point I'm making,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,how big is this thread going to be ?

  13. my point is really the off topic drift that these threads take, as news items they become unfunctional, thats why i suggest if dicussing thaksin is something people want to do then go and create a thread about thaksin but not in the news area of the forum, the news threads are very specific about the subject, the follow up content from members is not, all the thaksin threads could easily be in one thread for general discussion leaving the news item for updates and addition info, it is also important that any post on these news topics is explicitly on topic, some of the posts on these news threads are important, provided they are on topic there is no problem. I think this area of the forum is being cluttered to the extent it is now unfunctional, I was going to say abused but a bit extreme i think.

  14. OK, I posted this on the tail end of a huge thread in the news clippings area of the forum, it's just a few thoughts I had about improving the experience in that area.

    why are old threads still alive, is every post directly related to the original topic, my point here is every time i open "Thai news clippings" it is the same few news items that remain at the top and have done for a very long time, having threads of 300 or more off topic posts on these news items is a waste of time, "on topic" posts related to the news item is fine but to create these monster threads in this section of the forum is impractical, is a visitor here going to read through hundreds of off topic posts just to make an on topic comment about a news item

    May I suggest to the moderstors and forum members that if you wish to discuss something unrelated to these news items that you start a new thread in the General Topics section, this would greatly help reduce the clutter in the news section. e.g. If you want to discuss "Thaksin" start a thread in the "general discussion" section titled as such.

    I understand it is difficult to moderate this but to be fair "off topic posts" in other areas of the forum are often not tolerated.

    I like to read news related topics and visit that area on every visit to the forum but it is difficult to find the lastest news because of all these old out of date off topic monster threads that seem to dominate there for months.

    My simple request is - please can everyone keep posts "on topic" and directly related to the posted news item, this would make that area of the forum "News" a much more pleasant and practical experience.

  15. why are these threads still alive, is every post here directly related to the original topic, my point here is every time i open "Thai news clippings" it is the same few news items that remain at the top and have done for a very long time, having threads of 300 or more off topic posts on these news items is a waste of time, "on topic" posts related to the news item is fine but to create these monster threads in this section of the forum is impractical, is a visitor here going to read through hundreds of off topic posts just to make an on topic comment about a news item

    May I suggest to the moderstors and forum members that if you wish to discuss something unrelated to these news items that you start a new thread in the General Topics section, this would greatly help reduce the clutter in the news section. e.g. If you want to discuss "Thaksin" start a thread in the "general discussion" section titled as such.

    I understand it is difficult to moderate this but to be fair "off topic posts" in other areas of the forum are of ten not tolerated.

    I like to read news related topics and visit this area on every visit to the forum but it is difficult to find the lastest news because of all these old out of date off topic monster threads that seem to dominate here for months.

    and yes - I have just posted an off topic post on this thread

    My simple request is - please can everyone keep posts "on topic" and directly related to the posted news item, this would make this area of the forum "News" a much more pleasant and practical experience.

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