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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. ....

    my ip shows as 117.47.2#.### which is quite normal registered in CA USA


    If you use a normal webpage (port 80), the IP address shown will very likely be the proxy servers IP address.

    Try this url: http://checkip.dyndns.org:8245


    1 - - 12.933N, 100.883E me

    2 1 - Unknown my router

    3 2 - Unknown gateway

    4 3 - Unknown problem trace

    5 1 - Unknown problem trace

    6 - - Unknown No Response

    7 2 - Unknown

    8 2 - Unknown

    9 4 - Unknown

    10 4 - Unknown

    11 4 - Unknown

    12 5 1 Los Angeles if-0-3.icore1.laa-losangeles.teleglobe.net

    13 6 1 Los Angeles if-6-0-0-10.mcore4.laa-losangeles.teleglobe.net

    14 6 1 Sunnyvale if-5-0.mcore4.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    15 6 1 Sunnyvale if-7-0.core3.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    16 7 1 Sunnyvale ix-5-0.core3.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    17 8 2 Unknown g-0-0-0-p141.msr1.sp1.yahoo.com

    18 9 2 Unknown te-8-1.bas-a1.sp1.yahoo.com

    19 9 2 San Jose f1.www.vip.sp1.yahoo.com

    Now this is gonna be a wild guess, but it looks like the packets take an extra path between hops 3 en 7. Not only the 192.168.n.n network is private, but the 10.n.n.n network is well and that one is used in hop 4.

    All ISPs use the private address range in their networks, but if done right you'll never see these addresses or they are represented by asterisk's in traceroutes.

    By the looks of the trace I think your ISP is running a transparent proxy at hop 6, but instead of just rerouting traffic destined for port 80 they reroute all traffic to the proxy - resulting in problems that reach beyond a Thai engineer's comprehension capabilities.

    Try the link above and check if the IP address returned by the webserver is the same address as assigned to your connection. If you can, do some traceroutes on different portnumbers and check if those paths go straight from hop 3 to hop 8.

    Anyway, your ISP has certainly done is bad job in their network. Calling their support desk is useless, the ones sitting their do not know anything more than asking which lights on your modem are on..... If you manage to get through to 2nd or 3rd-line support, you will need a Thai to explain what the problem is.

    My ip shows the same so I'm sure if a proxy is involved, they are certaintly doing their best to stop some of my traffic.

    nodes 4 and 5 above show 90% packet loss when the problem exists, it drops to about 50% when the problem goes away, so they are fltering through something in their network to stop certain types of data

  2. well it has gone down to 10k again, I keep emailing Icare and every thime they call me it is ok then a couple hours laater it goes down, it is ruining my online gameing connection too, speed test shows full bandwidth, they are really messing around with torrent and voip users, here is my latest trace route, seems they are doing their best to stop me from investigating, I now jump straight to yahoo, they are hiding stuff.

    NeoTrace Version 3.2 Trace Results

    Target: www.yahoo.com

    Date: Fri Aug 03 16:13:50 2007

    Nodes: 6

    Node Data

    Node Net Reg IP Address Location Node Name

    1 - - 12.933N, 100.883E me

    2 1 - Unknown

    3 2 - Unknown

    4 3 - Unknown

    5 1 - Unknown

    6 4 1 San Jose f1.www.vip.sp1.yahoo.com

    Packet Data

    Node High Low Avg Tot Lost

    1 0 0 0 1 0

    2 2 2 2 3 0

    3 18 11 13 3 0

    4 85 85 42 5 3

    5 13 13 13 4 3

    6 364 324 344 2 0

  3. GOT a message back that CAT had a problem with one of their international gateways, seems to be fixed now. Still think those ip's are really strange though.

    went down again earlier tonite and is back again now, they are either phucking me around or they do have a genuine problem

  4. there is a bar there call Sams bar going down on the left hand side, the last 2 days there have been 2 girls there attacked and bitten by a cat, it is very possible this cat may have rabies, so just be careful where you put your feet, the bar seems reluctant to get the cat removed. If anyone here knows the owner please pass on.

  5. nip down to whetherspoons pub on soi bukeow just beside the family mart at the top of soi diana, you'll see 2 red telephone boxes outside, go in and have a chat to find out what exactly it is you need for the remainder of your stay, in my opinion they have the best service, good busses and offers of free food departure and the return.

  6. yes I've never seen this either, my guess is my traffic is being routed through some internal equipment that is introducing the 90% packet loss which also ties in with the speed reductions on P2P software from 100k to about 5-10k, my ip shows as 117.47.2#.### which is quite normal registered in CA USA, the traceroute jumps from my modem straight to the USA, don't understand any of this, here's the route

    NeoTrace Version 3.2 Trace Results

    Target: www.yahoo.com

    Date: Tue Jul 31 15:21:41 2007

    Nodes: 19

    Node Data

    Node Net Reg IP Address Location Node Name

    1 - - 12.933N, 100.883E me

    2 1 - Unknown my router

    3 2 - Unknown gateway

    4 3 - Unknown problem trace

    5 1 - Unknown problem trace

    6 - - Unknown No Response

    7 2 - Unknown

    8 2 - Unknown

    9 4 - Unknown

    10 4 - Unknown

    11 4 - Unknown

    12 5 1 Los Angeles if-0-3.icore1.laa-losangeles.teleglobe.net

    13 6 1 Los Angeles if-6-0-0-10.mcore4.laa-losangeles.teleglobe.net

    14 6 1 Sunnyvale if-5-0.mcore4.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    15 6 1 Sunnyvale if-7-0.core3.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    16 7 1 Sunnyvale ix-5-0.core3.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    17 8 2 Unknown g-0-0-0-p141.msr1.sp1.yahoo.com

    18 9 2 Unknown te-8-1.bas-a1.sp1.yahoo.com

    19 9 2 San Jose f1.www.vip.sp1.yahoo.com

    Packet Data

    Node High Low Avg Tot Lost

    1 0 0 0 1 0

    2 75 1 3 119 0

    3 135 9 10 119 0

    4 11 11 3 225 199

    5 12 12 4 215 191

    6 ---- ---- ---- 234 234

    7 155 13 35 117 0

    8 120 13 34 117 0

    9 79 13 35 118 1

    10 135 13 33 117 0

    11 281 219 244 117 0

    12 292 223 248 117 0

    13 282 215 238 117 0

    14 304 234 258 117 0

    15 326 225 257 118 1

    16 349 238 263 117 0

    17 295 228 255 118 1

    18 372 229 260 117 0

    19 304 228 262 117 0

    you can see the packet loss on nodes 4 and 5 and the private ip being used, my isp is TT&T maxnet, anyone else on maxnet have a route similar to this ?

  7. interesting post but not reletive to my problem, the ip address I posted is reserved for private networks and cannot be assigned to the WWW, this means that my connection is being routed from my router straight into a private network behind a firwall into some devices on a local network, packet loss to this is 90% making P2P useless.

  8. Right something very strange for all you IT gurus on this forum, my traceroute shows that my connection is being routed through a node with ip address - this as you might think is not my local router, it is external and comes in at node number 4 of my routing, that is before it even gets to CAT Telecom, it suffers from 90% packet loss when pinged which would explain why my connection has dimminished to almost nothing, I suspect this is some sort of monitor that my connection is being diverted too taking packets of data and disrupting my connection rate with P2P software

    anyone else have any thoughts on this ?

  9. So what does a phone have to do except go ring-ring and SMS ? Long battery life for granted but 2-5k sees you with a great new phone - no ?

    I simply hate typing in text on number keys as I use my mobile to check all my messages whilst I am out of the office. The E90's keyboard is great. Used to have the Sony P990 but found the keys a bit too small.

    The E90 is also the first phone I've ever had on which I can browse normal websites on instead of the WAP text-only sites so I can also log onto the corporate website on it.

    10/10 from me

    I am puzzled, you said you had a P990 but you couldn't browse normal websites, the P990 has a full HTML browser and is symbian based same as E90, it also has a touch screen with virtual keypad, you can type with a stylus which I find very convienient, yes I do have a leaning towards SE, the P990 is just better for me in every way possible, some may say the camera is a weakness but anything over 3mp is just a waste unless you need very large prints. Everyone to their own I guess.

  10. anywhere between 50k and 70k a month will keep you very well in Pattaya, the difference of 20k might mean social habbits neeed trimmed slightly but perhaps not a bad idea anyway

  11. None whatsoever. It sounds ridiculous. Singapore is a low interest rate jurisdiction. 10% my arse.


    Yes, fascinating website but please direct me to where you get 10% interest rates in Singapore. I checked the current DBS website for example and S$ accounts are struggling to get 1%. You can get Oz or Kiwi dollar accounts in Singapore paying around 5% but that's much lower than you would get in Australia and NZ for the same thing.

    So, I repeat, where are the 10% tax free bank accounts in Singapore?

    fixed deposit rates on this page, what is it you don't understand ?


    Those rates are not per month they are per year.


    Priceless. Please don't tell me he thought those rates are per month? What a financial wizard.

    dear old gharkness, those are the rates you get PER YEAR.

    Nice one mate. :o

    those links where posted here buy someone else a while ago, it clearly states per month, so don't blame me, that aside there are many finacial intitutions that will give a handsome rate for money tied up for 12 months or more.

    'What a financial wizard" we could do without comments like this. We're not all the real deal like you obviously are.

  12. I have been to Karat about one year ago and reported what I saw then. I can't imagine it has changed that dramatically in one year. Do you want pictures?

    Phil so you base your total opinion on the corridors to the rooms and some photos you took, I have yet to be in a condo building that looks like a hotel, in 9 karat I have seen some of the most luxuriuos rooms ever, 90sqm with marble fittings and floors and a beautiful sea veiw, as already mentioned the building and facilities are well looked after, it probaly needs a lick of paint which doesn't seem to bother anyone but you, but I don't live in the corridor, I think the opinion of people living there is of more value than from someone who stepped inside for an hour and took a few pictures of the corridors, so stop trying to defend your worthless post ....................enough said.

  13. Hi there,

    I lived at 9karat for a long time and I've found little bad to say about it. There is very good security and the problems of the past are just not found there anymore. I never saw anything "fishy" or suspect during my 1 year there. The staff are wonderful and the value is terrific in the best location in town. There's even various side roads if you want to avoid Klang altogether. Sukhumvit is mere minutes away. They also have a restaurant and motorbike rentals.

    One side overlooks an elementary school. The other is a sea view. The sunset is unparalleled. The price is starting at 5000/month for a furnished rental. The pool is massive for those who enjoy doing laps. 24 hour in house uniformed Security runs to any calls to their private phone line. Just call out your room # and they come running in minutes. There's 2-3 guards on duty 24 hours a day. They have been helpful in countless ways.

    Don't even compare 9karat to Nirun. News headlines aside, 9karat has a large team of cleaners mopping the corridors daily and always flash a smile in passing. The garbage disposal is discreet and tidy (unlike Nirun who leaves the large garbage bins in front of each main door which is offensive and smelly if I have to make just 1 comparison).

    If you have any questions, ask me because I'm a 9karat survivor and I would stay there again with no hesitations. I don't like 9karat bashing because I feel it's often made by people who haven't lived there or are misinformed. I have no ownership there, just a satisfied customer. I'm one of many.

    well said, I am typing from there now, been here for 2 years, it amazes me how people post here giving advice when they actually don't know any more than the OP, some people just like to be heard it seems, 9 karat has a few minor issues but doesn't everywhere,

    POSITIVE ............

    good location

    good security (cctv throughout)

    friendly staff

    good facilities (pool, shop, poolside resturant, laundry, fitness suite, wifi if you're close to my room)


    nice views from high floors facing west


    Some room renovating going on continuously (sometimes very noisy although time limited after 12pm only)

    some maintenance issues (lifts etc)

    parking for bikes open to weather for most (my Honda Blackbird exposed to rain)

    Anyone else wants to comment please do so only if you has first hand experience yourself

  14. None whatsoever. It sounds ridiculous. Singapore is a low interest rate jurisdiction. 10% my arse.


    Yes, fascinating website but please direct me to where you get 10% interest rates in Singapore. I checked the current DBS website for example and S$ accounts are struggling to get 1%. You can get Oz or Kiwi dollar accounts in Singapore paying around 5% but that's much lower than you would get in Australia and NZ for the same thing.

    So, I repeat, where are the 10% tax free bank accounts in Singapore?

    fixed deposit rates on this page, what is it you don't understand ?


  15. Hi guys....actually...just got my multi entry "O" visa from Hull yesterday (Saturday)...cost £100 valid for 1 year...I believe I can get 15 months stay in Thailand with this visa..obviously having to do the "visa run" every 3 months.....roll on July 31st :o

    well that's good news, I had a feeling what I heard was not quite straight forward, perhaps an individual issue with one person.

    I have had 2 12 month Mult 0's and hope to get 2 more then I hit the magic 50, why they have an age limit is beyond me

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