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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. A friend has a small business manufacturing specialty foodstuffs. Currently he tracks batches and shipments in some messy spreadsheets and labels everything by hand with stickers. Obviously this is error prone and difficult to track at a glance.

    I could knock him up something quickly in Access for him but I was wondering if anyone could recommend a stock / inventory system or database geared towards thai business?. Would need to be dead simple for data entry & reporting - nothing overly fancy but with options like barcode scanning / printing etc. I'd rather buy something and get him involved with a vendor for support than develop it and be his ongoing lifeline if you know what I mean.


    Access is your best bet for low cost simplicity, the aternative would be costly and more complex using barcodes and scanners etc

    it really depends on the nature of the business and how slick you want things be

  2. I heard that there is an on going problem since early last year about a guy who seems to turn up in pattaya just to get drunk and fight.. he fights anyone he can including bar girls (for no real reason behind the attacks)

    Then he's very very stooooopid (and so far lucky)

    Sooner rather than later he will come up against someone with friends who are all tooled up and ready to go.

    Then who pays the cost of his funeral?

    seen him last night having another row with a girl, this guy and his mate are nothing but thugs, I believe they have an interest in a bar not far from where this incident happened, it would also appear that things are not going so well business wise, empty or closed most nights, probably the reason for the anger and irrational behavior...............things are not going as planned in Pattaya for them

  3. Well they did it in Bangkok - no reasaon why they can not in Pattaya if they choose to!

    did what in bangkok, are you serious...........................this is all about ................ wait for it yes tea money

    if you want to show nud_e........you gotta pay

    pity certain people wheren't as straight as the press release would have you think

    money makes the world go round.............in pattaya it buys new cars . houses............blah blah

  4. I always get my change first from baht bus drivers if I don't have small coins, I show them the 100 50 or 20 note and ask for change first, some get a little irrate but they know why I do this - so I get my correct change. I got stung too many times, the good drivers don't care as long as they get the proper fares, the bad ones are those that get irrate.

  5. Walking beach road, beach side, 3am, wearing a 24 gram gold necklace ... how dumb can you be?

    As I keep pointing out THIS IS A BEACH HOLIDAY RESORT why is the beach road an unsafe place to be any time night or day, my point is - it should be, this just points again to the general failure of the authorities to make the tourist/holidays areas of this resort safe, yes we will have the retoric - every city in the world has places people shouldn't go, NOT THE MAIN TOURIST AREA OF A TOURIST RESORT - THE BEACH <deleted>

    I blame the police for not being proactive as opposed to reative, pretty piss pure

    yes there are areas in pattaya where I certaintly wouldn't go at night but they are not tourist areas, the BIB need to start getting off their butts and do some police work instead of sitting around waiting for a phone call.

  6. anyone noticed the increase in girls and LB hanging around walking street at night, I would suspect many of them worked in the soi 6 bars that are now closed, I know a couple of them and that is what happened to them, the bars they worked in closed, suprising thing here is I know for a fact one of them was Thai owned

  7. Maybe a government road safety campain on TV - then a police clamp down on the people who break traffic laws might have some impact, enforcing wearing of a helmet seems to be the only thing the police are interested in, I know it would be a tall oreder and would take years to change the mindset of road users but it would be a start, once the police start fineing people they may gradually get to realise that driving up the wrong side of the road etc. is wrong dangerous and costly.

    very tragic thread, three young girls dead

  8. I'm pretty sure that video would have been interesting, I'm also sure that certain bank accounts should have been checked after these events, money changed hands all right

    how does a court of law have no power over evidence held by the police, how can a court make any kind off judgment when the police with hold critical evidence, the case should have been thrown out due to lack of evicdence, Thailand "what a seriously flawed mindset they have" similar to having a car accident, it's your fault because if you hadn't been in the country it wouldn't have happened..............I think I could reason better than that when I was 4

    This guy lost 17 years of his life because some crooks saw an opportunity to pocket a large sum of money.

  9. I was actually at this scene (not involved) and tended this guys head wound which was quite severe, he was left unconcious lying on the road, the guy that hit him was about 30yoa 6'6 17 stone, he had been involved in a fight the night before with the bar girls in the same area, i believe he assaulted one and then 10 of them proceeded to attack him, it would appear that this guy likes to fight for his pleasure...................hope he gets locked up - might save him some grief because if he tries the same soi14 walking street he might find himself in hospital for a spell or worse

  10. Love it, people talking about PCIe cards, but read the question again. This person asking about what is possible with AGP.

    Quick calculation for changing to a PCIe mainboard, cheap mainboard 3000 Baht, cheap DDR2 memory 2x 512MB =3300 Baht, VGA card 5000 Baht, processor 6000 Baht is already about 17,300 Baht.

    17,300 Baht is surely something else as just paying 5000 Baht for a good Asus 7600GT 256MB VGA card?

    He can just change the motherboard, no need to upgrade the memory or CPU - He said money wasn't a problem and somebody suggested a 10,000 Baht AGP card, My point was a 3,000 motherboard with PCI Express and a 7,000 baht PCI Express graphics card would be money better spent.

    7600GT won't play new games particularly well (perhaps medium settings). Which may well be fine, but spending that sort of money on an AGP graphics card that will not be able to be used ever again if he wants to upgrade his PC at some stage seems wasteful.

    I agree, do the MB upgrade then your investment in a GC won't be wasted, eventually you will want core duo.

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