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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. The most worrying one is

    Article 11: Those who send data or electronic mails to others without revealing their identity, or by posing as someone else, in an act that disrupts the others' normal computer use: subject to a Bt100,000 fine.

    Most of us here do not reveal our identity and de facto we pose as someone else (our pseudo).

    So now we should have a registered ID and an email with our own name?


    this is specifically aimed at spamers

  2. My internet went down for about 3 hours today and when it came back on it had been upgraded to 1024/512, I did not request this upgrade it just happened, anyone else got experience of this

    I live in Pattaya, previous speed was 512/256, it has definately changed

  3. detonation is the easy part of bomb making, timers, tilt switches all very basic to anyone that has a basic understanding of simple electrics, finding the right material to detonate is more difficult (the primer) don't know what these people where trying to do but again the point of my original post was simply that the news reports didn't make any sense when lined up with actual activities

    Last night I was with 2 people and we where talking about the situation, going from the reported news the 2 guys where convinced these cars where loaded with explosives, I told them that there was no explosives involved just gas cylinders and petrol, they didn't believe me, but i do understand why they would think such a thing, the news reporting hype would have lead anyone to believe that.

    Even now they keep saying "packed with explosives" this is very missleading. and the guy in scotland wearing a suicide belt, again that has not been confirmed, he was wearing something that was removed and checked, no report as to what it was.

    PS when I say explosives I mean semtex or some other purpose manufactured high explosive bomb material

    "fast moving events" we are now almost on the 3rd day and still hearing this crap. Fox news is the worst.

  4. latest just 5 minutes ago - this is what I talking about .....quote

    Man seen running away from car PACKED WITH EXPLOSIVES IN LONDON - exact quote

    My worry about all this is that it is a diversion of some kind, not sure how but it all just seems a bit strange, 3 attempts to make an explosion and they didn't come close, are they really that stupid ?

  5. listen to fox news any moment police update to see if they actually disclose what these so called devices or bombs actually where and the danger or likelyhood of danger thay actually existed.

    I believe this could all have been a lot worse if these people had of had the resource materials and knowledge.

  6. ? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

    So what would you call a bomb ,

    a device like a car full of gas bottles nails petrol and a crude timer is a bomb

    they are called car bombs, ,, crude yes but still a car bomb

    eh harder than you think without a primer, but i see you have heard something in the news i haven't heard, there was a timer ? and what was this timer going to do, waken the driver so he could light a match.

  7. The bbc reported that a mobile signal was to set the bomb off ,,

    (gas bottles are classed as an explosive)

    the gas in the bottles heats up and expands then explodes = explosive's

    and just waht was going to cause the detonation ? maybe they had a box of matches, sorry but the press is still being very missleading, you me and others may be able to conclude some facts from what has been said but the general public won't, bomb to them means explosives detonators big bang, again i am not saying these people where inocent, they set out with the intent on killing and injuring - no debate there and not the intention of this thread, i just find the news reports missleading, now if you just disagree because you like to argue wether right or wrong like lots of people on here seem to do i'm not interested, my point was simple and obvious.

    Oh and definition of a bomb would be a device rigged to cause an explosion by means of detonation, like I said already, I have not heard of any means by which these gas cylinders or anything else for that matter could have been detonated, again you are missreading the intention of my post, the press reports are very missleading, people believe the london cars where bombs with explosives that failed to detonate, that is inaccurate, wether you could define them as bombs at all is debatable Glassgow being a fine example, mobile signal ???? like i said missleading reporting

  8. you have missunderstood my post, I just find the media coverage missleading, these where very crude attempts to kill people, that is far from what the media is reporting, I have lived in N.Ireland all my life and been somewhat in direct touch with terrorist attacks, I'm not saying these individuals intent was innocent, they obviously where intent on injuring and killing people but it should also be disclosed that their attempt was poorly planned equiped and executed, hardly what the media is reporting is it ? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

  9. 1. They keep referring to Bombs on the news (there has been no disclosure of explosives found on any of these vehicles) I believe very bad reporting, people are being mislead, official statment from BBC news ........ A controlled explosion was carried out on the car, packed with 60 litres of petrol, gas cylinders and nails, in Haymarket, near Piccadilly Circus. NO MENTION OF EXPLOSIVES

    2. They moved in on the vehicles very quickly again indicating no explosives involved

    3. They have not stated at any time the presence of explosives refering to these cars as potentially explosive devices (suggest referring to the gas cylinders)

    How many people here are under the impression that these cars where packed with explosives with a suicidal driver with a finger on a button that didn't go off

    my take on all of this is that there where a group of people that thought they could drive cars loaded up with petrol and gas cylinders crash the cars into areas packed with people and get the gas cylinders to somehow explode, probably quite nasty if it had worked but hardly the work of expert terrorists, not easy to get a gas cylinder to explode like that

    The glasgow incident is probably exactly the same crude attemt as in london..................no explosives

    I just find the reporting on this very missleading as to what is exactly going on and with what.

  10. Go to http://openvt7.blogspot.com/

    View Talay Jomtien Condominium (1999) Co., Ltd appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court.

    You may read their appeal at http://openvt7.blogspot.com/ then you understand the builders' side.

    It's a must read.

    If someone wouldn't mind translating from legalese to plain English I'd be interested in what it says.

    It’s easy to understand! Their was a regulation in the Building Control Act called “Issue 8” which set 100 meters from the sea shore before you can build any building over 14 meters high. Then a change was made in the regulation of the Building Control Act called “Issue 9” which changed the measurement from100 meters to 200 meters. Now the new law reads 200 meters from the sea short before you can build a building over 14 meters high.

    But city hall and vt7 thinks the change of 100 meters to 200 meters means you measure not from the sea shore but from the “mean sea level” 200 meters. That is you measure a 100 meters to in the direction of the land from the “mean sea level” and 100 meters in the direction of the sea and added together it equals 200 meters which equals the same measurements in original “Issue 8”.

    “Mean sea level” is the middle point between high tide and low tide level. The Building Control Act does not explain what is meant by the words sea shore or where to stare or how to measurement of 200 meters.

    Now they wait to see if Thailand has laws and justice or a little smoke in plaintiffs face and tea in someone else hand rules?

    After looking at those vt7 amazing profit margins, build at 10,000 bht. a square meter and sell at 65,000 bht. a square meter it hard bet against the tea winning.

    I have posted many times about the rip off profit margins in all types of properties here mostly driven by greedy falangs then adopted by Thais when they found out how much they could charge for a residence and get away with it, people you are being robbed, a 4million property is more likely worth half that, I would say something will happen here that will cause a massive sale of property at very reduced prices, they will be bought by locals and the cycle begins again.

  11. perhaps asking to speak to the boss to make a complaint may have had some impact, he seems to be inerested in public relations and improving pattaya's image outside thailand, the contribution from the police has a big impact on image

  12. HD has become corrupted?

    Possibly a device driver got corrupted since you can start up in SAFE mode. Try uninstalling your video driver and starting in normal mode again.

    According to my Device Manager, the Surecom PCI Adapter (Network adapter) is not working...Would this be the problem?

    your network driver is most likely showing a problem because you started in safe mode without network support.

    like the previous poster suggested uninstall your video drivers and perhaps any other drivers you have the install disks for and try rebooting, you could get lucky, you may also try creating a new user which creaes a new profile and see if you can start with that - then you can migrate all your data to the new profile (user name) then perform a disk scan/repair. something on your HD got corrupted when the power dipped.

  13. the fundamental problem in Thailand is simple, they make laws and implement them, then they see they are not working or having the desired effect so they tighten them further, they get into this cycle of introduction tighten failure, the real problem is enforcement prosicution and penalties. The laws simply are not enforced by the authorities.

  14. Minister Mongkol will be a popular man with those airport authorities round the world who derive a large slice of their income from duty-free sales. He'll also be popular with the airlines who'll have to pay increased landing charges if his plan goes through :o

    Indeed. As popular as the airport at Singapore (which doesn't allow duty free ciggies either).

    Great move; smokers are the losers of the planet. The less of them the better.

    Get a life will you.With all the pollution in the world you decry abit of tobbacco smoke.Yet you will fill your 4x4 up with d or p & drive around polluting everybodys lungs with the fumes {get real & give your head a good wobble }

    ok here is something that may shock a few people here, we have been brain washed about smoking by our health experts and governments for years - yes it is harmful, but just how harmful is it ?

    Do you none smokers believe that cigarette smoke is the most harmful element you breath into your lungs everyday, well i got news for you - it isn't by a very very long way, gases produced from the burning of fossil fuels are the most toxic element you can inhale into your lungs far exceeding cigarette smoke, yes we see statistic produced from various sources about lung cancers etc etc, but how many of these surveys include the inhalation of extremely toxic fumes we are all exposed to every day sitting in traffic jams or just driving around

    i'm not endorsing smoking - it is bad for you full stop, but it sure ain't the worst we are ALL exposed to everyday not by a long shot

  15. so true, the Thais will do something or commit a crime knowing they will be caught. The same is true when it comes to driving a vehicle Just drive with reckless abandonment, have an accident, no problem.

    I quess they figure Budha will look out forthem

    maybe they do get away with it, you hear about these cases but unfortunately never hear about the final outcome, my guess is they do get away with it after negociating a settlement with the BIB, a million baht can make things dissapear.

  16. Hello everybody, I made a dash for freedom so to speak, I didn't want to remain in the hospital any longer than I absolutly needed too, although I will say the standard of care had nothing to do with it, it was very good, I came home with meds and a thermometer and with the support of my doctor on the phone (sheryl) I felt reasonably sure I would be fine, I have been quite Ill and am still not eating food as yet (almost 2 weeks now) but my digestive system is able to absorb water normally for he first time from yesterday, my diagnosis is somewhat of a mixture of things that all contributed to my ingestive shutdown, the findings from the colonoscopy where - Ulcerative colitis in a lower portion of my colon, diverticulitus, and an infection in my colon, I still have a fever due to the conditions but I'm pretty sure that things will settle in the next few days, I still have a bit to go yet and my next step may be to take the results etc to a specialist in bangkok for analysis under Sheryls guidence, Sheryl has been a momument for me throughout this ordeal, I don't know what I would have done without her, I have also recieved supporting calls from other TV members and it has been overwhelming.

    Thank you all for your continued support throughout this challenging time for me, when I get this behind me I hope I will be able to thank some of you in person.


  17. I.m at Home tammi, I have a bit of a temp now and again which almost leads me to believe I may have an infection as opposed to anything else, I'm not sure any kind of growth would make me have a fever

    go hospital tomorrow morning

    I am feeling ok, has a chat with Sheryl and she was extremely helpfull and I have no doubt will be going forward

    thanks everyone

    PS I keep seeing lovely food on the TV, it's killing me - I can even smell it.

  18. guys you are really something else, you nearly brought a tear to my eye, my number is 0861134312

    I think I will be fine, I am actually feeling a bit better today although I think that is because I haven't tried to eat anything, I tried a few spoons of rice yesterday and it caused me real problems

    cheers guys, i owe you all a big pint when i am better.

  19. Thanks everybody for the very very good advice, Tammi thanks for the offer and yes I am doing all this alone (not easy as I get the impression some of the staff in that hospital are not too happy about falang being there) went to the hospital first thing this morning, got some fluids and some more tests, my prostate is fine.

    I didn't want to spill all this out here but here is a summary

    My colon is blocked near the rectum

    I am in constant pain

    I am unable to absorb water because my colon has shut down operations

    I have not eaten any food now for about 8 days ....... too painfull

    I am going for a colonoscopy tomorrow to find out what the blockage is

    When I drink water it just goes straight through and out the back (with a bit of effort - yes even water is difficult to get through) so

    the water is not being absorbed into the body through my colon as it should, my kidneys are having a break

    I had a long chat with a good english speaking doctor today and I took the opportunity to ask some

    good questions about the hospital success rate for operations etc, he said he would have no hesitation himself using the place, they have a very high success rate for problems like mine as they are very common, nothing specialist

    so if I need surgery I will have it done there I think.

    Thanks everybody for the help and advice, I'm quite well tuned into things usually but sometimes you can do too much thinking, my head is up my ass at the moment (pardon the pun), I.ve had a splitting headache for 3 days also on top of all the rest

    Thanks peeps and sorry for sharing.

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