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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. plus all the recent military activity recently and placing claim on arctic locations against international treaties, don't know anybody else thinks but these events are quite disturbing considering what is going on in the rest of the world, Mr nice guy Putin is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare


  2. it seems from what I have read on this thread that eating anything in pattaya is expensive especially seafood, and I'm talking Restaurant here not Thai corner noodle shops etc I have even found it expensive to buy seafood to cook at home, seems that the sea food chain is very well tied down here.

  3. I think these VOIP companies will change the method they use to collect funds from calls, currently they get part of the 0844 0845 premium as payment, perhaps after these changes they will offer normal phone numbers to mobile users and charge a subscription, a bit more hassle but still possible.

  4. First which mobile service works at your area? AIS, DTAC , TRUE move, Hutch or what?

    Second you can buy an Aircard connected to a USB port and a SimCard for the available service and connect via GPRS, Edge, CDMA or what ever service is available in your area.

    You need to check out to be sure what you can use before you buy anything. Go to the lacal Mobile Shop for to get the info about existing bmobile Service.

    I agree with this, get an adapter (aircard) that allows you to connect a sim card direct to your computer if the faster EDGE or CDMA are available.

    GPRS will not be much faster than you have already

  5. Download a program called Gspot, it will run media files and check if your system has the correct codec loaded to play the file, if this checks out then you most likely have a hardware problem, do you eve use headphones ? if so is your sound working through headphones, if it is then your problem could be the headphone socket which has a switch that channels the sound to headphones and turns off speakers when you have a plug inserted, sometimes this socket can become faulty where you will not get sound from speakers even when theres nothing plugged in.

  6. right, i am going to assume a few thing here because I don't want to read through the thread again

    you have a laptop ?

    which means you connect unconnect on a regular basis

    you seem to indicate you have many usb connections

    all this should work 100% of the time BUT we are talking Microsoft and hardware all trying to work together

    and youuuuuu are pushing it to the limit (if all the above is correct)

    things will not work if you are plugging unplugging many many external us devices.........yes it should but ohhh we look for perfection and

    it is not with intel amd or microsoft

    what is think you shoud do.........buy a decktop PC for your business and have everything working, then use your laptop for what it was intended

    you look here on this forum for a solution.......I think I have provided it, if u don't have a laptop then I suggest you back up your data and get a good reliable deckop for your business

    PS i just got in from a night of beer and ............hope this helps

  7. I would guess that most of the eateries in Pattaya would fail to pass food handling inspections that are carried out in the west, I would also guess that most have not got a clue how to manage a healthy kitchen, Thailand is a warm country, it's amazing how quickly a bit of meat or poultry can go off while uncooked or unrefridgerated, also we must not forget that there is a food chain, food handling must be observed from feeding to eating.

  8. Aren't they a tad old for this kind of behavior?

    These are exactly the sort of people we do not want in Thailand. What makes it worse is they are from my bloody country. :o

    good attitude toward ppl.

    ? I know him also, don't know the other guy so I won't comment on them individually, they both need to do some deep thinking about how they

    address other people.

    I'm glad he's ok

  9. he have somehow managed to block the database results from torrent websites on maxnet, the page loads but shows no results from a search, if I disconnect my connection the results then pop up, this is simply inconvenient as I can then connect my WLAN again and do as I like. Don't quite know how they are doing this, tried it on my GPRS connection and no problems, they seem to be blocking a particular response from the webpage to browser to block certain data, this will block all data like this from all websites. If I disconnect my WLAN the data displays

    Anyone like to guess how they are doing this handshake interuption.

  10. yes I'm with TT&T maxnet, I would say 50% of the sites I have tried to access tonite I cannot load the final page, seems they may be trying to filter out certain sites, this is starting to really annoy me, I'm now considering using some sort of secure VPN tunnel out of Thailand, childish control freaks but a major pain in the ass.

  11. even though gharkness does tell a good story people with any sense can surely see wats happening . :o .

    the two incidents I spoke of in my original post happened in sams bar, this cat is not tethered in sams bar so it is free to roam where it likes.

    maybe you could explain in more detail exactly quote "see what is happening" you've lost me.

    this is my last reply on this thread, I have nothing more to add.............just be careful of stray cats on soi 8 folks.

  12. I can honestly say that who ever said that there is cats biting people with rabies at a bar called sams bar in soi 8 is talking absoloute rubbish ,i am personally very good friends with the bar owner and have spoke to the owner recently and she has not been informed of any such incident,and she also asures me that nothing of this kind has taken place witch is 100% true.oviously somebody has a personal vendetta against her.And to all those who do read this posting i can honestly say try Sams bar for yourself you will have a great night there with some of the best uk club music around old and new.And maybe a dance with a little cat. :o .cheers all listners.

    I can honestly say I have nothing against sams bar and have no idea who owns it, it is no concern of mine, my sole and only motive for posting this message was simply to raise awarness about cats if you happen to be drinking in that area of soi 8 and not particularly sams bar,, I have first hand knowledge of both incidents at this bar (I am not telling lies) or making this up, although I will say it probably could have been any of the bars in that area, one of the people attacked is sitting right next to me as I type this, they are currently on a 5 tier innoculation for rabies and also a course of antibiotics for the infection the bite caused, they would not have gone for treatment only i insisted.

    Both the unprovoked attacks happened on the same bar stool in the same bar, the cat attcked the ankles of both victims while they where sitting.

    I posted this warning because as has already been stated on this thread that if a cat attacks you without provocation it is highly likely it has rabies, rabies is fatal if not treated, I don't understand how the owner of sams bar is not aware of these attacks and if they are it is very irresponsible not to do something about it.

    Sorry azzer if this post has angered or offended someone, it was not intended.

  13. on a dematologist in pattaya to look at a sudden dark patch on my leg that look extremely suspect, I don't want to go BPH, possibly a clinic or another hospital where it is known that they have a skin specialist, BPH out of my price range.

    many thanks in advance

  14. if you just want to reduce size then DivX or XviD is best, you can play these file either direct video link to your TV from PC or write them to CD and play them on a compatible DVD player, quite a few DVD players (about 80%) have the DivX logo. There are also recording devices that will record in this format too which is very handy, phones, video cameras etc. This means you can take these small hi quality files and write them straight onto a CD to watch in your DVD player, soon to come to market will be DVD wifi/network enabled devices and setop boxes that will all play DivX files straight from your PC via wifi or lan, hopefully we will all have DivX compliant phones, PDA's, video cameras, DVD players etc. then we will have a video standard that works for all, I am currently watching a DivX movie on my TV right now and the quality is superb, file size in DivX AVI format is 700mb origonal DVD almost 5gig.

    Currently getting a video from your phone or video cam or other recording device to where you want to store and watch it is a nightmare because you have to convert different formats for different devices.....DivX could change all that soon.

  15. Draft beer at 55baht is a rip off, also check the size of the glass

    Bottom line - if you pay the same or similar price here as you would at home - you are being rippped off

    Don't like pizza

    Worst place for stealing your money is the shell petrol station South pattaya road,

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