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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. I know I'm going to get a lecture for this but money is a limiting factor right now.

    the immediate problem I have rght now is I am dehydrated, I have been taking loads and loads of water with electrolite suppliments in it all day - probably about 4 ltrs worth and it ain't going anywhere, I still have not been for a pee or anything else for that matter, dehydration has been one of my issues last few days so I started drinking electrolite suppliment water to try and rehydrate

    my urine system has basically ground to a halt.

  2. OK maybe it is just chance that the French people that are immediately in my little world just happen to be very loud ones

    CarlBKK - the guy in the resturant got the look first, then the motion to move, and I'm sorry but I was not rude he was, I totally disagree with you.

    as for my girlfriend she would probably have thumped him. That wasn't the point of this thread, it was a generalisation that any french people that I currently come in contact with seem to talk very deeply and throw their voice, I thought I read somewhere that this was a trate of the french and how they speak.

  3. OK first if you are french I am not trying to insult you or degrade the french in any way, it is just an obsevation I have made recently, they seem to always want to extend their voice to a point where it is annoying, in my condo building there are a couple of french guys live on my floor but quite a distance away, when they are talking you'd think they where right outside my door, is it just bad manners or is there an underlying reason

    I nealy had a fight once in a restuant where i was eating quietly with my girlfriend, the next this this guy gets up from his table and move over and stand about 2 feet behind me - french and voice like a fog horn and starts talking loudly on the phone, I couldn't hear my self talking let alone my girlfriend, I turned round and motioned him to move away (he could have gone to the footpath which was about 10 feet away, he then got extremely anoyed at me giving me a dirty glare, I got up from my table and again asked him to move away at which point his friend got up and motioned him to go outside and appologised for his behavior, not the end of the incident but I won't elaborate any further, could have been any nationality but he did have a very loud voice.

    so anyone else think the same as me, comments from french national welcome, perhaps you can spread some light.

  4. found the queen sinkit, spent most of the day there getting examined and xrayed, I think I'll be glowing in the dark, not a bad place, the young doc I saw was very atentive and thorough, have to go back Tuesday, he thinks all I have is a prostate gland infection but would like a consultant to take a closer look, must say I'm very relieved that he didn't find anything really nasty (who says Thais have small hands and fingers oooch) thanks again guys for the help and encouragement, men tend to leave things to where prevention becomes nessesity, unfortunately I am one of those....1000baht well spent.

  5. the unfortunate thing here is that you know the back ground, it certaintly would have been better not knowing anything and buy the house off a Thai woman at a bargain price for a quick sale. As already mentioned she is ripping this guy off not you, I would go through the paperwork very very closely, most falangs will own a share of a property in such a way it prevents its sale without his permission

  6. The frozen T Bone steaks in foodland are gorgeous, a decent sized one for about 100 bt. i recently had to stay in hospital and when i got home somebody made me one, i licked the bone clean - it was lovely.

    considering foodland is not the cheapest for food in pattaya then you have made my point for me, why should you pay 500baht for the same in a resturant, that's a 5X mark up, I do buy meat in foodland and also Carrfor, the local stuff is fine.

    and for those that buy imported beef and lamb etc fair enough, personally I like the local produce and that's what you get in most resturants whether they claim it is imported or not, rule of thumb is that places where Thais don't eat are elevated, placess where mostly thais eat are priced correctly, I'm glad they don't have dual pricing

    I believe there are two economies here in Pattaya, Thai and Falang, Thais would very rarely eat or shop in Falang type places unless a lady with falang hubby or BF, if you as a falang can eat and shop in Thai places then you will find things very very cheap.

  7. guys we are in Thailand, if you pay more or even same here for food than you would back home then it is a complete rip off, everything here should be 1/3 of the price........everything, the mugs that pay for this rip off are ruining it for everybody.........somebody is making a pile of money from the stupid falang here and it is probably a falang

  8. So i memtion that farangs pay for sex & its silly ? as for the married with children shit well whenever i hear people talking married or not they seem to always get on the subject of "i have had her" or short time or something to do with the prostitution scene.To make asumptions that i'm here for easy sex {if i pay} is typical of the juvinile why of thinking of alcoholics & demented silly old old old men {the viagra great grandad dads army}As for the ones that are ranting on about all the so called victims .Well just how caring are you when all you do is put the boot in when someone has abit of missfortune.Oh i'm sorry you do give to some jungle people that you dont know because your shagging there daugther & she would piss off & leave you to rot in your own shit if you didn't.Yes the truth hurts but a least it is truth.Ask yourselves this ,when was the last time you gave your children in your own countrys allowance ?Then tell people your so good because you would rather give it to the inlaws to keep them in wiskey than give it your own.Why? well because you can't get a shag without paying for it.& what you want is more inportent than your own flesh & blood .sad sad sad

    yes my friend had a bit of misfortune when he was locked up and had to pay 300k baht, I have a lot of sympathy, I have no sympathy for the person that was selling him an illegal sevice that was guarteed 100% to be OK

    you are taking this topic way off base, lets try and keep it on track, if you want to post about alcholics ,silly old men, prostitution. viagra, jungle people, shagging your daughter, inlaws, whiskey etc etc....START YOUR OWN THREAD

    BTW you may also consider a few sessions with a therapist, I think you have issues. :o

  9. Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

    I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

    Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

    :D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

    So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

    Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

    where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

    1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

    if he is such a friend why don't you simply ask him what is going on ? ask him if he ever offered people a 1 year type B or O visa without them ever having to leave Thailand, the only place these visa's are avalable are in the UK, he was taking peoples passports and getting a 1 year visa stamped from Cardif including exit and entry stamps, the individual and their passport never left Thailand, I am pretty sure there are now a few very worried people around town who have yet to visit Imigration

    You are the one coming out with accusations about someone who is not here to defend himself and also providing no evidence for your accusations. I only know Sean socially, and all i knew is that he had a travel agent and visa run business and like i said in a previous post i have only ever used his business once to book a plane ticket to Manilla. Maybe what you are saying about Sean is true, maybe it is not but if you insist on running him down then please provide some evidence.

    what sort of evidence would you like ? I am simply shareing my experience on this forum, i am not telling any lies or making anything up, i have never met the guy so my comments are general towards any person that is providing illegal services to customers anywhere, if he gets caught serves him right, like already said, why don't you ask him if you know him so well ? now unless he's a liar like you think I am then maybe he will tell you what you want to know.

    the first advice I was given when I came to Thailand was not to pay for dodgy stamps or visa's on my passport, I never have and never will

  10. ... 80 baht for 2 beers

    Two beers in a Pattay bar for a total of 80 Baht? Is that possible, even during happy hours? Or was it 80 Baht per bottle and Arno and his friend each paid for their own beer?



    there are many bars you can get tiger beer bottle for 35baht.

  11. Eighty baht in the checkbin. Certainly he was not drunk. Two beers for eighty baht and he doesn't leave the change? Not WeHo by any chance?

    quite right 'n all ,

    i mean everyone who neglects to tip ort to have a bottle bounced off their noggin ,

    what is this world coming to ...................... :o

    a 23% tip is a bit extreme, if you where bar hopping and left a 20baht tip for every drink you had that would be rather extreme, we all know how change is given in these bars, i try to stick to the <10% tip, if it had been me i'd have taken the 20baht and replaced it with a 5 or 10 baht coin, now if i'd had 5 or 6 beers then different matter

  12. I eat from the food stalls, noodle sit downs all the time, never had food poisoning yet

    What's stopping the KFC worker hokking into your chicken burger out of your sight before serving it to you with a smile?

    weho you are a scare mongerer

    SO DO I and never had a problem, I have had problems at McD and was quite sick for a number of days, do they wash their hands.

    the biggest problem i have with thailand are toilet habbits, there are many bars and restuants i frequent in the town and people do not wash after visiting the toilet and when you consider certain habbits in there then it becomes a big discusting problem for me, cooking or serving drinks ice etc with soiled hands will cause problems, some of these places don't even have soap

  13. Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

    I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

    Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

    :D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

    So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

    Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

    where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

    1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

    if he is such a friend why don't you simply ask him what is going on ? ask him if he ever offered people a 1 year type B or O visa without them ever having to leave Thailand, the only place these visa's are avalable are in the UK, he was taking peoples passports and getting a 1 year visa stamped from Cardif including exit and entry stamps, the individual and their passport never left Thailand, I am pretty sure there are now a few very worried people around town who have yet to visit Imigration

  14. Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

    I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

    Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

    :D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

    So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

    Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

    where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

    1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

    I will not publish names on here, not my business, I will say this, I was with one these victims at immagration when it happened, they where arrested and taken to Pattaya police station and locked up, even though the police where told of the source of this fake visa at the time, they did not got to Seans business and arrest him, which I found very strange, private court action is all they could take and Mr Sean has been extremely uncoperative. My personal oppinion is that this guy is a crook.

  15. I think the bottom line here is simple, several people have been arrested at immigration recently (one a personal friend of mine) because the visa stamp on their passport was a fake, they where all provided by this guy Sean, he promised the visa they would get would be 100% ---- well apparently they where not, all these people are now facing upwards of 300kbaht + court appearance and deportation, they are all seeking damages from Mr Sean who has suddenly decided they are all ex customers, now if this guy sean has become a victim of his own racket then I say "serves him right" and yes as I stated earlier in this thread that this could be a stitch up to effectively end his illegal activities

  16. Yes, he does operate in the "short-cut visa trade"and he warns the customer of the risks, but it depends on the customers wallet and needs.

    I think that he's been set up for something else, possibly even by the Immigration Office.

    I don't think he needs any ' Setting up .'

    If what you say is correct. he was making a profit by falsely/ ilegally obtaining Visas, so he has been arrested. No matter how good a guy he is to have a beer with, Thai Immigration Police are just doing their job.

    I kinda feel sorry for the people who will get caught out with falsely obtained visas in their passports, though if they realised the risks and knew that the visas would not be 100%, then they also must face the music.

    hopefully so must he, although I doubt it very much, lets see what follow up to this there is.............lift the carpet I have something to hide out of sight.

  17. I've known Sean for many years. He's a pleasant bloke; he's generous, polite and very good company.

    He's well aware of the intricacies of the visa business in Thailand, especially the visa regulations. He'd be a fool to buck the system because of that and because of the risk to his family and his Company "The Visa Shop". Yes, he does operate in the "short-cut visa trade"and he warns the customer of the risks, but it depends on the customers wallet and needs. He does help people to obtain genuine visas also.

    I think that he's been set up for something else, possibly even by the Immigration Office. He does do some "negotiation" with the Immigration Police on behalf of visa transgressors and, maybe, this has finally come home to roost.

    I have also know Sean for many years and he has never done the wrong thing by me. Only ever tried to help me.

    My thoughts are that he has up-set one of the boys in Immigration and it was pay back time or more tea money needed.

    Lets wait and see the out come before we convict him.

    Cheers Tony

    Cheers Tony

    are u serious, this guy who I don't know and don't care for was running a racket here in pattaya, my guess apart from the people I am aware of that had dealings with him would dearly like a hand round his neck, a friend of mine is already out of pocket to the tune of 300kbaht because of mr sean nice guy's illegal dealings, when approach after the fact several weeks ago he suddenly became very hard to find......I don't know him but I can assure anyone reading this thread friend or not........he has stiched many people up BIG TIME, hope he ends up getting what he deserves, oh yes some people are stupid for falling for it but he offered a service that was not what he promised and many people are angry........................phukhim.....sorry i mean ahem

  18. I've known Sean for many years. He's a pleasant bloke; he's generous, polite and very good company.

    He's well aware of the intricacies of the visa business in Thailand, especially the visa regulations. He'd be a fool to buck the system because of that and because of the risk to his family and his Company "The Visa Shop". Yes, he does operate in the "short-cut visa trade"and he warns the customer of the risks, but it depends on the customers wallet and needs. He does help people to obtain genuine visas also.

    I think that he's been set up for something else, possibly even by the Immigration Office. He does do some "negotiation" with the Immigration Police on behalf of visa transgressors and, maybe, this has finally come home to roost.

    there are several people i know of that will be very dissapointed with this news, they where pursueing him for damages due to visa arrests at PI, there have been many cases recently detected by pattaya Img, they where all obtained through sean, PI where aware of this, my guess would be he was stitched up, the local authority decided to shut him down....too much heat

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