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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. Hi mulphy........I like Soi LK Metro for a number of reasons, one being that it`s a short cut through to internet places which I have used in the past.

    The thing is I am usually delayed in getting on line by having a few bevvy`s at either San Miguel bar or LLoydies old place LLoydies bar.

    I often have a refreshing mug of coffee at the corner bar (name escapes me).

    Will pop in and have a bevvy with you as I am back in Patters next week. :o

    Soi LK Metro offers some of the most sordid and perverse entertainment not only in Pattaya but in the world as I am sure you know. It is ideal for the expat who is trying not to get a reputation as a sexpat because the action starts at 11:00 AM.

    A brief glance at a couple of the clubs while drinking bottled water across the street will serve up some amazing sites as to the clientele at two of the clubs. Everyone who is anyone in Pattaya visits Soi LK Metro.

    Soi LK Metro is just around the corner from the notorious Bar Noi that was the subject of another thread here. Of course nothing in that thread was even remotely accurate but I don’t wish to be questioned by the police so I am not going to go into it.

    I like Soi LK Metro so much that I am there almost every evening at 9:45. There is of course a reason for that but since I am a discreet person I will leave that to your imagination.

    The Go go’s there also have reasonable rooms above the dancing floor if you wish to take a nap to refresh yourself after a bevvy.

    I would suggest walking down the middle of Soi LK Metro instead of close to either side as the ladies normally grope the passing customers and some might find this offensive.

    Make sure to take your camera as there is a bar/hotel sign there that is among the most photographed landmarks in Thailand.

    I would offer a word of caution. An acquaintance of mine last week had a very bad experience there.

    Soi LK Metro is well known for being a business owners place to play to take off the strain of the hospitality business and my friend was no exception. One of the artistic dancers at one of the clubs paid a visit to his workplace to let his wife know she was unhappy with the financial arrangements made by the said business owner and his quasi mia noi arrangement with her. It was not a pleasant scene. Keep your identity to yourself and change your name to avoid this pitfall. I use the name Dana when I go there, so you pick another one.

    To sum it up, if you are really kinky Soi LK Metro is the place for you. Soi Six is an more economic alternative but far more dangerous.

    Fox is right on in his admiration of the street.

    not sure who you are Kerry but I'm sure you know me, you paint a very different picture of LK than I have experienced, yes there a few nice bars and owners that attract a loyal client base but the street/soi is generally failing due to lack of passing trade (shame really) it's a walking street wannabee that just hasn't made it, there are about 6 bars that get 80% of the trade the rest are mostly empty, the street needs a theam - something special that will attract customers from a far, there is an unsavory side too but I guess that's the same everywhere, I drink there on a regular basis well almost there - not quite in LK just at the start, anyway that's my contribution.

    Oh and yes the ramps are pretty severe on cars and bikes - totally unnecessary, they should offer a prize for those that can navigate the street without error.

  2. In the Hollywood Disco parking lot in the last 18 months they built a two-story motorcycle parking garage and took it down, built a fairly large one-story mystery structure in front of the entrance and took it down, half built a multi-story structure in the semi-soi to Soi 16 (Soi VC) and took it down, put in some beautiful and large palm trees and removed them, built a spirit house and eye-glass place which are still there. What's up?

    probly the same engineering dream team that built the airport, how many times before they get it right ?

  3. I have lived in Pattaya for 5 years and have basically had 5 years or crap internet connections.

    I have spoken to other people and they all seem to feel the same, slow speeds, unreliable service, and absolutely no help when you complain to TOT or other..

    I thought I would open this Topic to let you all have a moan about your internet.

    I understand there was a Cable damaged in that earth quake near Taiwan. I bet TOT loved that cause they finally have a valid excuse they can use for the next 5 years of Cr*p service. They will be using this excuse for a long time you see.

    That cable was supposed to have been fixed within 2 weeks.

    Why dont all fellow Ferang and Thai internet users have a Demonstration outside TOT offices to complain about the last 5 years of poor service. they find it easy to "Bum us off" 1 by 1 if we go to complain, so why dont we all gather together and complain together, this way we only have to go there once this year. instead of each of us having to phone or go down there many times.. Im sure it will gain some media interest the cameras will be there and it will basically shake them up down there.. and embarrass TOT for being so cr*p.

    They are a discrace to Thailand. an embarassment. and they are expensive and give a poor service.

    Whos up for it then?

    considering a recent form of deregulation the price of BB should be reducing, haven't seen it yet

    I use maxnet and unfortunatley live in the vicinity of 3 internet cafe's, they are always stacked with teenage Thais playing online games so the contention must be well used up in this location, as mentioned above - location plays a big part, i moved a year ago from the east side and noticed a huge drop in performance for the same package, wimax should even things out a bit if it ever gets deployed here, no need for land lines, has mobile phone connections, and voip telephony, the next communication revolution.

  4. Yeah if you wanna pay over the odds!!!

    You can buy it on the street---well the Indian version---in Pattaya!

    all the newbie youngsters need it to keep up with us older guys eh!

    currently 9 times out of 10 if you buy Kam*****a it will be fake, they have recently changed the colour to green in an effort to combat the cambodian rip off

  5. Artereitis Temporalis

    I hope she has enough medication with her, this is a serious condition and will cause reduced mental capacity and confusion if unmedicated

    I can understand her situation, you only need to forget a hotel name and if you are not carrying any reference and are not familiar with the city you are staying............could be a big problem

    if she was robbed it would be safe to assume she lost her bag etc.......very sad indeed

    her entry card should state where she is staying

  6. how did we do today, well it was a hot day nobody wanted to eat, we sold

    300 bottles of water and seem to have missplaced all the bread rolls and fillings

    anyway must run my new car gets delivered today

    The OP is/has done the right thing reporting this

  7. Tried to post this once try again..................

    Been talking to guy who does visa run buses and he reckons Patters will not be affected by the the new rulings.................i/ll just say he offers 10k discount booklets if you go with him on a border run..........i/ll let you to work out who he is.

    Personally i think he is talking out his arse and i told him so but he reckons Patters will be an exception to the rule.

    Dont kill the messenger.........na!
    (why not)

    Plenty of visa agencies in pattaya.

    With loads of monkeys at the front, up to no good

    Thinking they know more than everyone else.

    Pattaya bar room bull shit, as usual,

    What’s new. :D

    that guy is a real dick head :o

    Well now isn;t that a ballsy thing to say, hiding behind an alias on an internet forum, why don't you tell him to his face, my guess is you haven't got the balls

    perhaps dick head is what dick head says

  8. Hi :-)

    Can anyone PLEASE let me have a contact number for someone at TOT (ADSL) in Pattaya who can help me to get Internet access ASAP. I have a TOT telephone line installed and working but the promised ADSL service (which I was told would be operational at the same time as the telephone line) has yet to materialise and it's taking a VERY long time for TOT to get an engineer or similar to me to sort out the problem.

    I've read through the many past TVF posts regarding TOT and some mention contacting a TOT engineer direct. If anyone in or around Pattaya has such a number could they please let me have it?

    Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

    can you describe the problem you are having, maybe there is a problem with your setup/install

  9. Though it's easy now to throw scorn at the airport, I'd like to mention a few other perspectives;

    1. I was a general contractor in California. Granted worked on far smaller gigs, but I know how if one thing on one job goes awry, then all of a sudden a bunch of inspectors and non-professionals seem to show up to probe every nook and cranny looking for the slightest problem - whether real or imagined.

    2. It may have been partly the contractors who are at fault, if it's true they did a sub-standard job (construction and materials) - but I feel in the big picture the blame lays more on the planners - and no one's going to made to pay for faulty planning that took place decades ago.

    3. For comparison, Dubai (and other members of United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf), are building several multi-billion dollar residential complexes on sand fill that are inches above sea level. .....go figure where that will be at in a decade.

    maybe not so much the planners but the implementation of the plan, there is obviously a foundation problem at this site, I'll guess that when the foundation was supposed to be 60ft deep and constructed of certain materials it ended up 10ft deep with the materials in someones pocket, it seems now the whole site is about to submerge

    only in thailand

  10. All,

    Suggestions please, have a new{ish} 3 months Dual Core system, in a Gview case. CPU uses standard Intel cooling. Keeps running too hot 60+ Anyone have experience with the add-on cooling options, e.g. Asus Silent Square, Zalman, Water! etc. Welcome suggestions.

    To answer the obvious replies, I prefer not to use the AC all the time and yes in this cool snap it's running at 49 as I type.


    PS early on I found by decommissioning one of the three case fans I reduced the heat build up, looks like it interfered with the CPU fan.

    anything below 70 is fine, if it starts to creep into the 70-80 area it will either speed up fans or if in the event you have thermal run away the cpu will start to reduce in speed, dual core are not going to be hotter as youy assume, it is a more efficient device and therefore uses less energy and produces less heat, your case fans should create a flow of air through the interior, so 1 or 2 should be extracting air out of the case and the other sucking air in, ambient air temp in your room is likely to be 70-90f, your cpu/gpu are running at 40-80c so moving air from your room through the unit will always have a cooling effect, switching one of your fans off and finding an improvement sounds to me like thay are not working the airflow correctly.

  11. SOUNDS like a hardware problem, if you can remove/disconnect everything you can from the sytem that still allows you to start up, network cards sound cards usb devices extra hardrives so you are left with a minimum configuration, then start up and see if problem persists, if it does then start system in safe mode and see if you still have problem, if you still have problems then your fault is not going to be easy to find, it could be anything from memory - motherboard - power supply - harddrive - overheating (fans not running but should be a warning), personally i'd go for a GPU or CPU fan not running.

    if you boot up and don't do anything does it still freeze up.

  12. Yorkie's large pork pies are Bt 200 each ... whata rippoff !


    correct, pies in Thailand should not cost the same as pies in UK, the is a 1-4 ratio for most things produced locally, only greedy falangs rip people off, these pies should retail for about 30baht, but they ask a price and people are willing to pay, if only they knew

    Want to talk about a ripoff , try Simon's Fish & Chips in Jomtien - they even have a sign by the cashier explaning why they are ripping you off on the prices. :D

    I think I just saw a Yorkies Pork Pie for sale at Friendship Market for 60 baht, not 200 baht.

    As far as Simon's, yes their Icelandic cod is expensive (230 I think for a small portion, chips, and peas), but I must say this was absolutely the best fried cod I have ever tasted (but I am a Yank so don't listen to me). And also enough food unless you're famished.

    If the imported cod fish tasted this good, I would hardly call it a "ripoff".

    This kind of talk should teach us that many tasteless, cheap Charlies want everything in life for free and eat mostly garbage to avoid paying a fair price for decent food.

    I certainly don't want to emulate them! :D

    Like I said.................if you only knew

    would you say the same if you found that the 200baht pork pie you are happy to pay for was produced for 30baht, or the 90baht pork pie was produced for 10baht ?????????? :o

    There are many cheap pigs in Thailand

  13. Friendship have a new line in, made by a company called Euro Gourmet............they do Melton Mowbray pies at 180 baht for a big one and scotch eggs they also do 6 types of sausage, breakfast, cumberland, apple and leek and 3 german types........not cheap though, think the sausage worked out at 400baht a kilo.

    carefore have great sausages and burgers at 140-180baht/kilo, they are fantastic and properly priced

  14. Yorkie's large pork pies are Bt 200 each ... whata rippoff !


    correct, pies in Thailand should not cost the same as pies in UK, the is a 1-4 ratio for most things produced locally, only greedy falangs rip people off, these pies should retail for about 30baht, but they ask a price and people are willing to pay, if only they knew

  15. :o
    Kind of...

    Depends on what the coroner's (or equivalent) verdict was - a verdict of accidental death would involve no culpability on the Danish kiddy's part. Even if recklessness was a consideration leading to a manslaughter judgment, the kiddy is still a minor...

    But then again, you live by the rules of the country you holiday in - them's the breaks...

    Denotes a fundamental misunderstanding of law. A ruling of accidental death simply means no criminal culpability. People are held culpable for accidents every day in most every country. The amount 1.7 million baht is a substantial award in Thailand, and therefore reasonable under the circumstances.

    Aha! Methinks I smell a yank! Wrong use of the word 'denotes'; gets 'most' confused with 'nearly'; and holds an unshakeable belief that the US legal system is correct in comparison to the rest of the world, rather than vice-versa :D Don't you people sue companies for not putting 'Warning: Hot Coffee' signs on cups of coffee and 'Warning: May Contain Nuts' on packets of nuts? :D:D

    You are mistaken. Accidents are the subject of damage awards in most nations. Are you foolish enough to argue that because someone injured somebody else by accident (here the negligent conduct of operating a jet ski where people are also swimming), there can be no responsibility because it was accidental. Accident and fault (culpability) are not mutually exclusive. For example, when a doctor injures a patient during the course of a procedure it would be accidental (unless you would also argue that a doctor would injure his patient intentionally). Notwithstanding the doctor will generally be held liable for the injuries caused by his negligent conduct. If the patient dies as a result of the doctors error, a coroner's inquest may, as you argue, find that the death was accidental (the result of negligence). The doctor would still face damages for the injury caused. Similarly, auto v. pedestrian accidents happen all the time with the driver of he vehicle being found culpable for the pedestrian's injuries. If you want to argue the point, your original statement should have referenced a finding that the swimmer (as opposed to the jet ski driver) had been found at fault by a coroner's verdict. At least, you would have an argument for lack of culpability on the part of the driver under that circumstance (it would be similar to a child running into traffic in a manner in which the driver could not avoid the accident and thus was not responsible for its aftermath).

    As for the term "denotes" the usage was correct. Denote(s) means "to signify directly or literally" and describes the relation between the word and the thing it conventionally names. Here it applies to your claim that the "coroner's verdict" would result in "no culpability."

    BTW my rebuke of your comments has nothing to do with the US legal system. The result is the same in most first world countries (and many second and third world countries, as well). Indeed, very few countries offer an "it was accidental" escape liability card.

    when a proffesional makes a mistake while in the process of exicuting his her proffession whether intentional or not and injiury or death occures they will always be responsible, they are proffessionally trained to execute said profession competantly, there is a certain expectation.........there are exceptions obviously where the recipient is aware of certain risks and a disclaimer is signed, if a dentist pulls a tooth and you die afterwards well I don't think you'd have expected that, if a patient dies during open heart surgery and was informed of the risks beforehand well that speaks for itself, but if the doctor sneezed during the proceedure and cut a main artery causeing death then that is neglegent

    When two individuals decide to engage in a dangerous recreation sport which neither are proffessional then it is deemed they have both decided to accept the risks, the grey area here is deciding whether said individuals after an accident occurs where acting beyond what would be determined as acceptable, in this case either party could have been acting carelessly or both, outcome to be determined by evidence from witnesses etc, it is wrong to say the 15 year old was at fault just because he survived, we don't know all the details but it could have been the chinese guy made an error and caused the collision, in that senario why should there be compensation payed, if you drive a car down a street and another driver looses control and collides with your car then dies..............should you be responsible for damages ?

    I don't think so..........sorry if I have missrepresented your post

  16. I'd love to see the item he's supposed to have broken, a knife with a chain ? if he broke the chain while looking at it I would suspect either it was already broken or of very poor quality and fell apart, I'm sure 2 mins with a pair of pliers would have had it like new again

    I think that Pattaya has become swamped with market sellers, baht buses, motorbike taxi etc etc all looking for a cut of the action and they simply aren't getting it, this then creates decent and a lot of frustrated unhappy Thais, there is an imbalance in this city and it is creating tension and discontent, this all leads to violence and crime.

  17. 4 posts .... my memory must be fading .... I remember only one ..... and besides that I am allowed to give my honest opinion. That's where a forum is for ... is it, clever monkey?

    BTW You might work on your writing style, then perhaps I have a clue where you're talking about. :o

    now perhaps you could type that again in such a way "where" we could all understand

    I assume your native lingo is English ?

  18. Since you're quite a distance away from the WAP, you will want to get the wireless adapter's antenna up high and in a window or even outside on the window ledge. I agree with Crossy that a PCI is the best way to go but only if you can find one like this that has an "extendible" antenna. Otherwise, get a USB wireless adapter and buy a USB extension cable if it doesn't come supplied with one like this one does.

    I have the Linksys WUSB54GP shown in the third link. Recently, I was visiting in a room about 100 meters from where the WAP was located in another building. Luckily, I had a clear view of the lobby where I knew the WAP was located. By placing the WUSB54GP outside on the window ledge (the window was on the 3rd floor) I was able to achieve between 1 and 3 bars signal strength.

    you can buy directional antenna, a bit like mini sat dish, the are very good for picking up distant wifi hotspots

  19. =============================================================

    I think it's a good idea to keep bringing up the subject fresh, People need constantly reminding that...


    I think it's a waste of bandwidth. What purpose does it have? Do you really think ISPs take notice

    and improve the situation?

    ISPs give 80% or more of the local bandwidth they promise. Nothing to complain about. All ISPs

    depend on the international bnandwidth given and needed.

    My POV is quite clear, the situation has been that for years it will not change in the coming years.

    Those who keep on complaining about the slow international connection should not stay here and return

    to their own country (where everything is perfect :o ).

    99 of new opened threads about the same subject pollute the board ....

    hey sniffdog, today I have read 4 of your posts and not on the same topic, all 4 have been basically telling people off for not using search or discussing same topic as a previous post or what ever, if they have not broken forum rules then <deleted>, personally i think a fresh thread on an existing subject is good, especially if recent changes and updates are available, I hate trawling through a thread with 20 pages and multiple useless posts looking for something of intrest, so take it easy mate and relax

  20. Peter, this has nothing to do with bios, it is simply windows XP, you may think you never had a password but my guess is you did at one time and have never had to use it because the logon was set to automatic, the problem now is that windows was shut down improperly and is now looking for your password, another possiblity is that youir password was set to expire after a certain time period, this condition will also prompt you for a password in order to allow you to enter a new one, as for window not shutting down properly, there can be many reasons for this, I suggest you do a search on google, again nothing to do with bios as your system was able to shut down before, don't rule out some malicious software either.

  21. said it before and I'll say it again, greedy falangs that got involved in the property market simply out priced themselve, when you can build 10 houses - sell 3 and make a profit there has to be something wrong

    some poor people that bought these properties at highly inflated prices because they thought they where getting a bargain are in the s--t

    you see although property here seemed to be cheap compared to western prices it should actually have been REALLY CHEAP not just cheap, some cleaver falags and Thais monopolised on this and basically ripped many people off, my rule of thumb in Thailand is everything should be mostly 1/4 the price of same item in the west excluding of course imported goods

    when I came here to live people asked me why i rent and not buy = obvious now

    the next thing that is going to happen is rents will come down, there are already new condo's popping up around Pattaya offering very nice condo's for 4-5k per month, the falangs that think 12-14k per month is acceptable really need to take a rain check, if you bought a property at and inflated price don't expect an inflated rent to bail you out

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