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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. they would have to move a lot of schools, not a bad idea actually, why they are where they are is beyond me

    just mish mash way pattaya was thrown together over the years, no thought whatsoever, maybe another excuse to trash falangs that have invested in business here.........................hidden agenda of the thais i believe................they are children really

    if you have a bar or other business here that you are renting from a thai...........watch how they take it off you for nothing, just a guess but all this stuff must be going somewhere

  2. i know it's been posted before but i still can't find the beach that can be accessed by farangs, tried before but was turned away by army checkpoint

    can someone please provide precise directions - possibly a map

    thanks in advance

  3. two fires on walking street in establishments that are not open "no cameras" both incidents people heard loud bangs before the fire

    is there something they are not telling........very fishy to me

    I would imagine they would not want to advertise the fact that these may have been more sinister

    if there is something going on people have a right to know regardless of consiquences

  4. IME the only guaranteed fix is to back up all your data and nuke the whole operating system. ie re-format and re-install everything. Unfortuately your PC never quite has the same 'feel' as before.

    Thats exactly what i would suggest...

    back up all your personal data/stuff you wanna keep then format the drives and reinstall from scratch... its good practice to do this on a fairly regular basis anyway, i pretty much rebuild my PC once/twice a year

    Given time, every version of Windows that's ever been issued seems to gets slower and slower - I also resort to saving my data, reformating the drive and loading windows again

    usually because well all load our machines with a load of unneeded crap hogging resource

    OP you mention firefox is using up lots of resourse, does your file take as long to open if you shut down all unnessary programs, can you take a screen shot of you task manager and programs that are running and post it here, uyse print screen key then paste into paint and save as jpg file.

    I tend to disagree with the idea that a reinstall of OS fixes all, it is not actually true, yes an OS fresh install will certaintly perform faster but after you have installed all your crap again it will be no different. reInstalling the OS may not fix your problem, you could have a hardware fault, if for example you try and install XP and you have a disk problem you will be in a right old mess then.

    Here is what I would do, find a benchmark you can use to measure (as you suggest above "opening a file")

    1. Identify all programs and services running, make sure they are legit and needed. Task manager

    2. uninstall any virus and anti spam software you have, uninstall anything you don't use or don't recognise) Add/remove programs

    3. Check for any programs hogging large chunks of system memory (you mentioed firefox)

    4. Start system in safe mode and Defrag your hard disk (system tools) check the speed this operation is performing (may indicate a hard disk problem)

    check speed again and get back to us with results

    BTW, I would not discount a hardware problem, lazy drive,

    if you where in pattaya I'd come and have a look for you.

    good luck

    I think if you had carried this out at the start your problem would have been identified, when you have a problem like this you need to get to the bare bones of windows by uninstalling everything then if problem is gone start to install things as you need them checking for problems as you go

    well done

  5. Thanks a lot for the detailed description. Would never dare to click around in that area without guidance! :o

    Partial success. The secondary channel was set to PIO only and I changed it to "DMA if available". However, the current mode is still set to PIO an doesn't change. Primary channel was set to DMA and current mode was indeed Ultra DMA mode 5 as described by Monty.

    Startup was still 3:45 and and loading that spreadsheet with double click from the explorer took this time 56 seconds. Interstingly, this time were no other programs open. Last time I had Firefox already running.

    you need to perform all tests with nothing else running, especially firefox, also shut down your antivirus and any other active protection you have enabled

  6. drive failure is usually to do with the mechanical side of things and is very fatal.

    My experience proves otherwise. Most drives I've had to deal with had failed due to corruption which, with the right tools is almost always recoverable.

    I don't count data corruption as a drive failure, hard drives ship new with corrupt areas on the surface which are mapped out when a low level format is performed. I guess it's an individuals interpretation of failure

  7. The hardrive in my Apple PowerBook G4 crashed two weeks ago. I took it to the Apple Repair Center at Rama 3 and they told me they could not recover the data. B U T, the tech at the Apple Center at Thonglor J Avenue retrieved all my data, stored it on their disk. After Rama 3 replaced my H D under warranty, Thonglor restored everything on my laptop exactly as it was before the crash for THB 1600. It was a lot of running around, but I feel very lucky. You don't have an Apple do you? I'm investing in an external drive for backup as soon as I get back from Songkran.

    I would suggest there was nothing wrong with your drive - or very little, total data recovery on a truely damaged drive is almost impossible, the odd time you can be lucky and swapping out the system board can work, drive failure is usually to do with the mechanical side of things and is very fatal.

  8. Thanks a lot for all the replies in such a short time!

    Defrag: I do that from time to time, but just as for those clener programs, it doesn't seem to make the comp any faster.

    msconfig: That one was interesting! I booted out several processes, namely:

    tfswctrl: HP's own drive letter assignment process. Superfluous!

    imjpmig: For typing in Asian languages. Doesn't happen to me that often...

    tintsetp: For writing in Chinese....see above

    PicasaMediaDetector: Finally I found a way to turn that nuisance off!

    Soundman: My soundcard is fried anyways, so why bother..

    Unlocker Assistant: doesn't do what it promises, totally useless.

    sgtray: supposed to remind me of backups but never did. Gone for good.

    SDTrayApp: Spyware Doctor must not start with the system. or??

    TaskSwitcchXP: Some fancy ALT+TAB stuff, came with my Windows. Nuked.

    movie-XL: shows trailers from new movies in German cinemas. A must have! Especially without soundcard....nuked!

    Still running are:

    atiptaxx: Driver for the VGA card

    avgnt: AntiVir, I feel better with it...

    EabServ: Driver for the buttons on my laptop that I never really use

    HP Wireless Assistant: Will the laptop still run with wireless LAN and Bluetooth without it?

    PTHOSTTR: No idea what it is, better leave it untouched.

    SynTPEnh: Touchpaddriver

    vsnpstd: something for the webcam

    mobsync: For synchronizing offline files. Needed in my case

    DesktopSearch: Copernic. Cannot live without it.

    ctfmon: language bar. Needed as I have to type in Görrmänn once in a while.

    Now reboot.....will be back soon :o

    just seeing this post now, what a right load of crap you have running there, don't just stop these progs from running - uninstall them, remeber what you have when you do a fresh install of OS.................nothing.

    BTW PTHOSTRE is .............Adds Security Manager System Tray functionality - do you need this, does XP install it ?

  9. IME the only guaranteed fix is to back up all your data and nuke the whole operating system. ie re-format and re-install everything. Unfortuately your PC never quite has the same 'feel' as before.

    Thats exactly what i would suggest...

    back up all your personal data/stuff you wanna keep then format the drives and reinstall from scratch... its good practice to do this on a fairly regular basis anyway, i pretty much rebuild my PC once/twice a year

    Given time, every version of Windows that's ever been issued seems to gets slower and slower - I also resort to saving my data, reformating the drive and loading windows again

    usually because well all load our machines with a load of unneeded crap hogging resource

    OP you mention firefox is using up lots of resourse, does your file take as long to open if you shut down all unnessary programs, can you take a screen shot of you task manager and programs that are running and post it here, uyse print screen key then paste into paint and save as jpg file.

    I tend to disagree with the idea that a reinstall of OS fixes all, it is not actually true, yes an OS fresh install will certaintly perform faster but after you have installed all your crap again it will be no different. reInstalling the OS may not fix your problem, you could have a hardware fault, if for example you try and install XP and you have a disk problem you will be in a right old mess then.

    Here is what I would do, find a benchmark you can use to measure (as you suggest above "opening a file")

    1. Identify all programs and services running, make sure they are legit and needed. Task manager

    2. uninstall any virus and anti spam software you have, uninstall anything you don't use or don't recognise) Add/remove programs

    3. Check for any programs hogging large chunks of system memory (you mentioed firefox)

    4. Start system in safe mode and Defrag your hard disk (system tools) check the speed this operation is performing (may indicate a hard disk problem)

    check speed again and get back to us with results

    BTW, I would not discount a hardware problem, lazy drive,

    if you where in pattaya I'd come and have a look for you.

    good luck

  10. what is wrong with the sound from your machine exactly, is it the sound quality (probably the internal speakers) the sound volume (internal speakers) what type of sound are you after ? I use my laptop as my music center and have it plugged into my hifi and it is superb, only reason I would require and upgrade would be for improving the sound stage dolby digital etc. you can buy a set of external speakers or use headphones if you want better quality/volume

  11. if you gently tap the screen frame does it change, give it a good tap with a solid object, if so i may be able to help, worst case will be a screen replacement, you can order on ebay and get a friend to send to you here in pattaya, fitting is easy, be prepared to pay about 10kbaht or more for the screen, hopefully it is just a bad connection somewhere

  12. OK I'm not sideing with this guy but considering the area in pattaya, a good looking girl late at night, a drunk man (thinking impaired) and the very broad term "molested" If he really did something very bad then lock him up, deport him and bann him from Thailand.

    I for one would like to know exactly what he did, if he perhaps was a bit over zealous and annoyed the girl with some stupid antics (intent is the big question in any crime) then I hardly think he deserves anything more than a good telling off and a small fine perhaps, when Thais get the cold shoulder from ladies they hack their arms of with a big knife. This will be dropped and the victim will get a few k's for her trouble.

    and the very broad term "molested"

    according to the thai newspaper , he grabbed her sexual organs and buttocks.

    Is that "molestation" enough for you? Or perhaps grabbing a woman's body when she is unwilling to be grabbed (as stated in the news report post by SRJohn) is acceptable as long as its only "stupid antics"?

    Just curious how you'd feel if it were your daughter or wife walking home alone after dark and some drunk guy came up and accosted her? Would you consider it acceptable stupid antics then too?

    read my post very carefully, as I have already stated - if he did indeed do what has been said then lock him, my point was simply that news reports here in thailand can be somewhat inaccurate, I take everything with a pinch of salt, you wheren't there and neither was I, do you now understand what I said, don't know what you experience is in Thailand but it is showing.

    The was a story a while ago about a sweedish man that supposedly got his hand inside a girls virginia while leaving the toilet at a well know disco in walking street, she was the singer and this poor guy ended up paying her a lot of money just on her word, look it up and educate yourself.

  13. OK I'm not sideing with this guy but considering the area in pattaya, a good looking girl late at night, a drunk man (thinking impaired) and the very broad term "molested" If he really did something very bad then lock him up, deport him and bann him from Thailand.

    I for one would like to know exactly what he did, if he perhaps was a bit over zealous and annoyed the girl with some stupid antics (intent is the big question in any crime) then I hardly think he deserves anything more than a good telling off and a small fine perhaps, when Thais get the cold shoulder from ladies they hack their arms of with a big knife. This will be dropped and the victim will get a few k's for her trouble.

  14. well done chaps, congrates to the courts for upholding the law and disregarding power and money, i'm sure that these giant buildings are not total thai projects......................keep us up to date on things as they progress

    there will be some very unhappy people that have already invested big money on this project....take care.

  15. go to connections ....start - connect to - show all connections

    right click on your wireless icon and select properties

    scroll down to TCP/IP

    then properties

    you will see several options through the tabs set them all to automatic, when finished your done there

    next log into your router usually enter the username and password (admin admin on mine) provided in documents, usually under menu - WAN advanced setup, find the menu where you enter a username and password, put in your provided info from isp

    check you have dialtone on your phone and that it is noise free, make sure you have the router connected directly to the line and not through the filter, you should be good to go. you should see your router in your wifi search, connect to it.

    some of the info I provided will be general

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