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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. Does anyone know exactly where the music festival will be taking place.I live on beach rd. in Jomtien and don't know where the pattaya sports stadium is.

    same place as the bike festival, go south on beach road until you get to that main junction then turn left and keep going to sukumvit, then continue straight across, it's about 3k up on the left

  2. Thailand voted the most popular tourism destination by Irish people

    Thailand has been the most popular tourist destination for the Irish people, while the number of Irish tourists travelling to Thailand is growing by 4,000 - 5,000 per year.

    Deputy Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Surapol Sa-wet-se-ra-nee (สุรพล เศวตเศรนี ) said Thailand has won the prize of Best Long Haul Destination in Asia and Australia, arranged by the Irish Travel Trade News. The prize was announced at the ITTN Award Presentation held in the Republic of Ireland. Under the survey conducted among members of the tourism industry of Ireland, Thailand received more votes than such countries as Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

    As for the Thai-Irish tourism situation, the TAT said the number of Irish visitors to Thailand shows a stable growth with 16,518 people coming during the first four months of last year, an increase of 14.48 percent from the same period of the year earlier. In 2005, over 50,000 Irish tourists travelled to Thailand. The number of Irish tourists to Thailand averagely increases by 4,000 – 5,000 annually.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 13 March 2007

    another confusing article, if I'm reading te whole article correctly then the title should read - Thailand the most popular Irish tourist destination "in Asia"

  3. I have never had a problem in Pattaya although I don't rent bikes due to the horror that I have heard. Also, I personally don't know anyone that has a problem there. But, at times, Pattaya does make me a bit nervous.

    I always ride here. The fact that I've never had a problem yet does not make it safe. If you ride in the wrong areas late at night it shouldn't take long before you find trouble.

    another stupid post, how on earth do you call the main road in and out of pattaya a "wrong area" are you kidding, sorry but that is just plain stupid, just like people claiming that walking on the beach front in a holiday resort is asking for trouble <deleted>, I have travelled many cities in the world and been on many holidays abroad - YES there are places that are not advisable to go and I've always checked it out before hand, where the phuck do advise people not to go in Pattaya ?

    this really makes me angry, he authorities simply are not doing enough to make this city safe for its intended purpose...tourism

  4. Searched the web, and this seams to be a conmen problem, I don't have time myself to find the answer (sorry) but I'm sure if you do a goggle on it you will, all the best :D

    I've the same thing, but I didn't get anything that solved the problem.

    Thanks anyhow, I'll google some some....

    and gharkness, I'll try what your suggestion...

    I hope this solves the problem....

    :D at wit's end...

    it will :o

  5. I've been getting this error message on my new 64-bit computer that's running an ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 video card with 256 mb memory. This message commonly pops up and freezes the screen when I am playing a game that requires just a bit of graphics acceleration - NBA Live 07.

    Here it is...


    I have already reinstalled the driver but the message is still popping up. My computer is using AMD Turion 64 mobile Technology and it has 512 Mb of RAM.

    Any idea what's going on here?

    go to the MS download site and download and install .NET Framework 2 you can search in google for a direct download link.

  6. the charge should have been attempted murder, when are the police going to start sending the right message to these phuckers, this is getting well out of hand, for those that still think pattaya is a lovely holiday beach resort..................take the blinkers off, pinch yourself, waken up

  7. Yup, I'd go with a hard drive failure, from the little info you have provided your system starts and sees all the hardware then windows tries to boot and stalls i.e. just stops, this is a classic sign that there are areas on your hard drive containing vital boot files that have become corrupt/unreadable, my advice to you right now would be go get another hard drive, install your operating system on the new drive, then connect your old drive to the machine via modular bay or USB and try to recover your data,

  8. Pattaya is dead ? Try to cross Tappraya Road here in front of View Talay....try to find a baht bus going to South Pattaya that is not packed....go to Noon RistoranTino and see if you can find a free table....perhaps some of the "resident tourists" have packed but they got replaced by the Russian cheap fortnight hordes.

    who sit on the beach in the early hours and get shot dead by a Thai trying to steal a mobile phone.......ahem

    I tend to lean on the side of the OP here, the only place I actually see constantly busy is walking street and (to a lesser extent) a few of the other hot spots around the city, soi 8 7 6 2 - anywhere outside these locations unless very popular will have shutter down for good in a few months, as the numbers of visitors go down crime will go up as the locals look for other sources of income.

    not a nice senario, the city authorities did not do enough to keep a firm grip on things, now they are well and truely on the back foot.

    Monty, your post is almost backing up some aspects of the original posters point, you are busy but you are also in a small resort outside the main city, my guess would be quiet and peaceful with self sufficient facilities at the right price, that's good business.

  9. It's a shame that many people are only now being made aware of this incident, it really wouldn't take that much effort to display some posters around the city, condo bulidings - shopping centers etc.

  10. SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: March 1st 2007

    Regardless of catching the killer I also agree that they may not have been killed at the beach, look at photo 1 - either Tatiana was sleeping with her head on her friends shoulder or she could not have been sitting up - if she was sitting up her right upper leg would have been on the wood frame of the chair, hardly a comfortable way to sit i'd say impossible

    they both may have been drunk and sleeping, the robber ran up in 9 secs and just shot them sleeping and took nothing.

    this whole thing is extremely weird





    Good work Thai Police !!

    This would be a great way for the Thailand police to show they are up with the rest of the world.

    how come the camera is following him ? also if these cameras are up high on a poll the angle doesn't seem right

  11. If, just if, the girls were killed elsewhere

    Do you really believe the women walked topless to the beach? if not then, where are their clothes?

    .. and be kind enough to put them in the beach-chairs.
    A 9mm slug fired at close range goes right your body, but the sand under the chair is strangely clean of blood, and the chairs free of bullet holes. How do you explain that if the girls were shot while sitting on them?

    you will not get a wide spread of blood in sand, it will be absorbed in a small spot and sink into the sand, also you don't always get massive bleeding from gunshot wounds it depends on what the bullet strikes near the surface of the entry or exit point, hitting a vien or artery deep in the body will bleed inside the body, an arm or leg is more likely to bleed than the abdomen. So not all your theories are correct, as for taking belongings well I don't see and bags or purses around only a mobile phone, I do however think there is something not right about this whole thing, I cannot believe anyone would run onto the beach shoot 2 sleeping girls and run of with or without belongings, I say sleeping because the girl in the left chair with her head on her friends shoulder was shot in this position (if shot on beach)

  12. SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: March 1st 2007

    Regardless of catching the killer I also agree that they may not have been killed at the beach, look at photo 1 - either Tatiana was sleeping with her head on her friends shoulder or she could not have been sitting up - if she was sitting up her right upper leg would have been on the wood frame of the chair, hardly a comfortable way to sit i'd say impossible

    they both may have been drunk and sleeping, the robber ran up in 9 secs and just shot them sleeping and took nothing.

    this whole thing is extremely weird

  13. continuance from thread before

    ok,,,,,,,,I have read some posts over and over and thie news thread aka the girls is just b^^^^^^^t

    has anyone here got a real clue as to what is going on.............If you don't have a real CLUE......... then there is nothing to say BECAUSE INCLUDING ME..........YOU HAVE NO IDEA

    Perhaps mafia is a good result for Thailand............Deckchair attendant would not be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    close the thread if you want mighty mods ,,,,,,,,,,,,, no rules broken here

  14. Blimey! Sounds like you cannot wait for your visa to run out so you can get back to your happy,crime free motherland.Depends on WHERE you live in Thailand.Every country has its darkside or didnt you know thatbefore you came here?
    The Nation

    "Police said they were shot and killed on beach chairs on the Jomtien Beach at about 5 am. A security officer of a nearby resort said he heard gunfire and saw a Thai man rushing up from the beach and fleeing on a motorcycle. He checked the beach and found the two Russian women lying dead on the beach chairs."

    What brave chaps these Thais are when they have a gun against two women sun bathing in deck chairs or when there are 12 of them kicking a drunk farang on the ground. No wonder their military is so pathetic - beaten by Laos in 1988, nealy beaten by Burma a couple of times and too cowardly to send reinforcements to help patrols under fire in the South.

    Couldn't agree more with this post - the fact is most Thai people are cowards. I used to think Thai people were caring, kind and genuine. It's amazing how quickly you change your opinion of them when you actually come to live here!!!!

    dark side, I keep hearing this same bull from posters here, YES every country/city has it's problems in certain areas which most people are aware of, BUT PATTAYA IS A HOLIDAY RESORT - A PLACE WHERE YOU GET MURDERED FOR SITTING ON THE BEACH, A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN'T WALK THE BEACH PROMINAD AFTER 6PM OR YOU'LL BE MUGGED ROBED DRUGED BEATEN UP OR RAPED

    THIS IS A HOLIDAY RESORT................GET IT ?

  15. i go to jomtien beach often for picnics ect... the chairs are tied up through the night, and this happenned at 5am in the morning, it must have been still dark - so its unlikely they were arguing with the chair man, as there are not many people around at that time. the chairs are all tied up around trees ect through the night. maybe they untied them and helped themselves to free chairs - maybe the chair man was raged at this, they do lose there temper very quickly these thai people. maybe time will tell. i hope they catch the person who did it. this has put me off from going again now. this is very bad news for pattaya.

    this sounds pretty close to me, the security guard also stated they did this often, the thai guy obviously didn't like the girls using his chairs and table in the small hours so he killed them, these girls came here for a phucking holiday, this is not mafia or anything else, these girls where murdered by a crazed thai lunatic of which there seem to be many many more, mafia hit men don't shoot people in the arm

    Don't know what else to say.................this is just shocking


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