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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. there is one feature on laptops that many people don't consider but you should UXGA and WUXGA (widescreen version)

    If you are paying $2000 for a laptop and it doesn't have this high end LCD panel then the chances are you are being ripped off, to get this as an upgrade on new purchase will usually add between 300-400 $ and they do make a difference, I wouldn't consider buying a laptop without UXGA, the screen clarity is like comparing a newspaper to a glossy magazine, encredible, I run my laptop at 1900/1200 and the clarity is stunning, a friend of mine bought a laptop same time as me same - make and model but had XGA panel, he always wished he'd got the UXGA screen, the difference is night and day

  2. The award winning SE P910 has it all does it all, battery lasts 4 days on full charge and can be bought for 8K

    new model out now but will wait till the price drops 29k too much for a phone

  3. Maybe not really so differnt then the US years ago. I was a farm kid we learned to driving tractors on the farm, not for fun but work after school and the breaks' Got my first license at 14 as my father was legally blind, it was a special license that allowed me to drive for family needs.

    I took the standard adult driver exams to get the license.

    I was well into 30's before I had my first accident. Needs in farming area can be very different then in the Cities.

    10 year old on a public road might be pushing it a bit, even in farm communities.

    I suppose a pointed out it would depend on the kid, but in any event if he had not passed the drivers tests then he should have been on the farm not public roads. A far a I'm concerned that gose for adults as well. (TT) Tis Thailand good luck,

    same in the UK and it's legal.........................kids in early teans are allowed to drive tractors etc on public roads within the vicinity of the farm

  4. OK people, the job is done. Thanks for the advice.

    Quite straightforward, if a little time consuming. The version of XP that I now have seems even more bloated than my old version - a lot of processes run at start-up and I need to determine which of these are really necessary. Also now have IE7 - whether or not this is any better than IE6 remains to be seen, although it is supposed to be more secure.

    Only one small niggle, and it's not anything of consequence, concerns the latest Windows Media Player (Version 11). There seems to be a bug affecting the Visualisations when playing audio files - the display slows right down if I switch from full-screen mode to normal mode and I can't recover from this without reselecting the visualisation type (problem is with the swirly displays only). It didn't used to be like this on the old installation, which had a previous version of WMP. I don't think that it's a display driver problem as the offending visualisations play perfectly in Power DVD. As I say, only a niggle really but does anyone out there experience the same problem and, if so, have you found a solution? The MS on-line help is not very helpful, as usual.


    don't know the spec of your machine but make sure have the latest drivers for your graphics card, this should fix your display media problem

  5. what is wrong with your current xp install, unless you have a serious amount of virus or other infections that you cannot get rid of then I see absolutly no reason why you would want to do this, sometimes I take a cleanup hour and uninstall all the crap that I don't need want or use anymore, then defrag the HD and my system is whistleing again.

    Obviously you've never re-formatted and then clean installed windows in a machine

    which has been running for a year or more !

    well qactually many many times, I pretty sure more times than you have and for various reasons, windows will of course slow down as you load more and more crap, you can just as easily remove it all leaving you where you started, a reinstall is not required, one single thing that will slow your system down in many way is something like Norton AV, it monitors everything you do, open files, email, downloads, surfing etc etc, you can't take a dump without going through norton first, so what might be obvious to you may just not be as you think....obviously :o

  6. there is software out there that will display your GPU and CPU temps, I have this on my laptop it sits in the system tray showing both temps, the one i have is designed for dell laptops not sure if it will work on yours do a search for I8kfanGUI

    as mantioned above it sounds like an over heating problem but to be honest it could be any piece of hardware failing including the PSU block, does it happen on battery, try unplugging the mains when the problem persists like it did yesterday, when on battery the cpu usually goes into a speed reduction mode to save power and with that it reduces heat called speed step, do a swearch on the internet for your model of comp might be a common issue with your machine, you could also check the log files on XP to see what it flags up just before shutdown, my machine tells me that the system shut down due to over heating when I reboot, this is related to the bios, yours may not do that, you may also have a virus or other nasty SW running, check your task manager.......................can't think of anything else right now

  7. core duo

    2 meg memory

    100G + HD sata

    17" wuxga 1900/1200 19" if you can get it

    at least 7700 graphics with 512 memory NIVIDIA or ATI 1900 +

    DVI out

    A7 - G series or W2

    Get close to this and you will be good for a few years

    none of them have wuxga LCD panel which is rather dissapointing for the price

  8. what is wrong with your current xp install, unless you have a serious amount of virus or other infections that you cannot get rid of then I see absolutly no reason why you would want to do this, sometimes I take a cleanup hour and uninstall all the crap that I don't need want or use anymore, then defrag the HD and my system is whistleing again.

  9. might seem like a mute point but in the west we are used to facing the door, you may find it easier to face the wall. Thais have the ability to squat right down where we westerners don't, not sure if toilet habits from a young age allows thais to do this or it is just a body flex thing that they have in general.

  10. FF you probably already know this but I'll post anyway, I text to the UK sometimes and it was a while before I could get it to work, the default UK number I had in my phone was 0044 ********** this did not work for sms, I had to use the format +44, I'm sure you already know this but just in case.

  11. my sms service from 1 2 call has been down for nearly 2 weeks, yesterday I got 35 text messages all at the same time from system messages to personal sms from friends, they definately have a problem, just think of the money they make from all those support 1175 calls from customers, and also those test sms messages people send to check if it is working, we are charged for it all, AIS make money on it all, perhaps another scam, support 1175 should be free.

  12. well I'm a die hard IE user, never had a problem with it, currently using ver 7, I honestly prefer to keep my third party programs to a minimum.

    only comment I have about the new interface is what they did to the favourites menu system, definetly a step in the wrong direction, it takes me longer to navigate to save a link than in the old interface, hate it.

    recently removed Norton antivirus as my subscription was up for renewal, decided to try something free, no problems yet, also removing norton cured some problems i had before, system wouldn't go into standby, some fan utilities and clock utilities wouldn't work properly, game speeds increased.

  13. TT&T has got to be the worst internet service provider on earth. I have their 512/256 Maxnet 4 Home ADSL package. Not only is it rarely 512 kbps speed as advertised, but at least once a week, if not more, it drops service completely, usually when I am in the middle of important work. Usually it is out for hours, but sometimes even days.

    Every time I call the TT&T call center to notify them that service is out. Every time I choose the English option, every time I get a representative that speaks little or no English. I tell them my ADSL signal is out, they take my mobile phone number, and promise me a technician in my province will call me back. Rarely does the technician call. When he does, he speaks no english at all. My Thai friend translates for me. His advice is always "turn off and turn back on the router", as if I haven't already tried that 10 times. They have no other service or advice to offer. Usually I just have to wait a couple more hours or days until ADSL service magically re-appears.

    I have tried various ways of trying to talk to a manager or someone who can actually tell me why 2-3 times a week I am losing my ADSL signal. I always get the same "can I have your mobile # and a technician will call you back". The apathy and incompetence regarding customer service in this country can be astounding, and certainly is not world-class.

    How can Thailand think they will ever be any sort of technical hub (allow me a derisive snort) if they can't even provide reliable and high-speed internet access? What they've got (and from what I know it is not just TT&T) is so unreliable as to be useless. I can no longer do my online business here and am considering leaving to Singapore, which is a lot more progressive. This should be embarassing for Thailand, and you would think it would be top priority to fix, as the world demands a decent internet connection these days. Is this another example of 'mai pen rai'? No wonder Thailand is still a "developing" country.

    Why does TT&T's ADSL service go out 2-3 times per week, and why I am still expected to pay full price for it when I get no customer service whatsoever and I myself am losing hundreds of dollars a month from this downtime?

    and their billing leaves a lot to desired, I had a question about charges and went to the office and asked for a full printout of my account, they made some excuse that they couldn't/wouldn't but I demanded it there and then (told them I got one before) so upon looking through my bills and payments I discovered I was one month in front of my payments even though we pay in advance, I rekon they get an extra month out of every customer because most don't question it, when I sat down to explain it took me a good hour to go through every payment and every bill until the manager finally said yes you are right

    Now here is where it gets a bit tricky, I suddenly had an arrears show on my bill 6 months later, so I went in and questioned it showing my fully paid bills from my last encounter, well anouther printout was produced and guess what - it didn't match the first one there where payments dates records that had beem\n altered but some bright spark at their main office accounts, I still had the original printout and all my receipts, the long and the short here is the will scam you for an extra month if they can, so my advice is keep all your bills and payment receipts.

    When i signed up I payed 2 months in advance for say March April, I started the service on the 20th so they owed me 2/3 of March usage and payment my bill for May was only 1/3 of my subscription which would have been correct except I got an arrears on my account 2 months later saying I was a month behind, be careful what you pay and keep all records

    and yes the service is <deleted>

  14. quote .................. the policeman in charge of the station where the accused is based says it is a private matter and wont say much at all.....................

    I think this statement says it all

    How can this crime against an inocent member of the public suspected to have been committed by a public servant be a private matter, is that guy for real..................lock him up too.

  15. Thai men must be the bravest in the world, as far as I'm concerned this animal lost face when he and his cohorts attacked a young girl, lets see, thai men fight with clubs knives bottles guns etc etc - usually in large numbers - usually on one poor victim male or "female" or falang, maybe thai men need some fundamental schooling on how to be real man

    disgusting and very very disturbing

    hope this young inocent girl can pick up the pieces and continue her life without any further retribution (unlikely)

    yes we have our fair share of criminals and discusting people in the west but they are usually seriously mentally disturbed sick people, this guy had his chat up advances turned down by a young girl so he and his 2 wonderful mates attacked with a large knife and cut her are arm off, <deleted>

    how she didn't bleed to death is beyond me, someone must have been very quick thinking at the scene to save her life.

  16. Have tried the call centre but when I tell them I have an MDA pro PDA they hav'nt a clue. Yes with a Nokia or Samsung they just send an sms which you save and hey presto settings sorted. I need someone to go into their settings and let me know

    Server name


    port number

    server address

    conect via

    wap version

    Cheers again Dunc

    the gprs is simply server name wap

    dns etc auto

    the wap account is proxy port 9201 no user or pass

    hope this helps

  17. I am fully aware that the problem is not with the ISP, but in saying that our ISP is a customer of CAT telecom - we are customers of our ISP's, this is the general problem with this infrastructure, we are all relying on one service provided by one company with one network, if they cannot keep it running sfficiently then the whole country suffers, it's about time they opened this up and removed the monopoly, I understand this has already be partly achieved in kind but I can't see it changing unless there is some outside investment and we all know how that has been phucked up recently

    They need to open these gateways up and allow outside investments, "it's my ball and nobody is playing with it - you might be better than me" plus a few people high up the chain are making loads.

    Micro capitalism called corruption and control, what a nasty combination

  18. You know what people.

    The last couple of months, i've seen so many topics, about non working internet

    here, my eyes are falling to sleep.

    Not to discourage such posts, just an observation.

    A topic where users praise their ISP service, and only have good things to say

    about it, that would be an eye opener :o

    These posts help people understand if their connections are bad because of problems at their end or if it is a general problem with the ISP. Perhaps they are annoying to you, but they are very useful to those who participate. I, for instance, will now not spend time trying to figure out if something is wrong with my computer.

    I have both a TTT connection and a TOT connection and things are running very, very slow for both here in Pattaya.

    Internet in Thailand is much to talk about, it has taken me a full 15mins just to get to post this reply, it is not about people having faulty equipment, it is not about having so many topics on the subject, it is about WHY there are so many topics on the subject, simple answer is - the service, network, infrastructure, reliability, usability, expertise, professionalism etc etc is quite simply extremely poor, since the undersea cables where repaired the service has been the worst I have experienced in Thailand for 3 years, it was actually better when they where using a work around while repairs where made, <deleted> are they doing, I did a trace route earlier and it went from Maxnet straight to USA back to BBK then to Austrailia back to BBK then Germany and on to the USA again - <deleted> is that all about, it seems they have no idea what they are doing, my guess is they will attempt to fix a problem themselves then when they have made it 10 times worse and a week later they will call in some outside help to sort it for them...............I would love to see some customer service benchmarks put in place with performace scoring measured against service providers in the west, they would soon realise the meaning of survival of the fittest, they just have no idea what reliable means.

    tried to run the TV speed test but couldn't even get it to load

    the mobile phone network isn't much better, they have reduced the bandwidth or "rate" on the network so much that is is becoming almost impossible to have a conversation from mobile to mobile, the quality is horrendous, where is it going to end, have they heard of a guarantee of service

    extremely pi**ed of with this bull

  19. Anyone managed to get hold of God of War 2 yet? It was supposed to be released on March 13, but still no copy shops have it, or original retailers either. Anyone know what's going on? One guy said Malaysia as an answer, whatever that meant...

    don't know, i guess you'll have to wait, I'm waiting for IGN's Supreme Commander, looks awsume

  20. I just ran the TV speed test and the results speak for themselves

    I live in Pattaya

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 25 kbps (3.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 174 kbps (21.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Why have Broadband when dialup is faster

    I ran a trace route and it seems we are now being routed through Hutch in Hong Kong Global.hgc.com,hk - this seems to be where the problem is.

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