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Posts posted by steve187

  1. you were misinformed at the immigration office, it's not complicated for a 'married to Thai national' yearly extension, money is 400,000 in the bank account in your name only for 2 months prior to the application TM7, cost 1,900thb


     you will need a non-immigrant visa to apply for the yearly extension, visa exempt can be converted within Thailand cost 2,000thb


    if you were married in Thailand, there is less jumping through hoops than if you were married outside Thailand


    a 'retirement' yearly extension is easier but the money is tied up in your bank, 800,000thb for 6 months dropping to 4000thb for the remainder of the year, topped back up to 800,000thb 2 month prior to date of application for the subsequent yearly extension.


  2. 17 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    I saw that post about someone willing, without complaint, to hand over 2,700 baht to a scammer. I did not regard it as an accurate reflection of what you can expect to pay if doing the in/out yourself. On top of the US$30 for the Cambodian visa, I would not expect to pay more than 500 baht at the most in bribes, and would hope to pay nothing extra for the visa and 100-200 baht for same day return.

    i did post that if i was doing it i would drive there myself, and also avoid the 'agents' fee, but without your own vehicle and having to hire a car or car and driver, the costs are starting to rise, car hire, fuel and Cambodian visa would come to 3,000 ish baht plus any back handers that are required, so i think that the link that ubonjoe posted and at 4,000 would not, at this present time for an effortless trip, be too over the top, this is the price that people have to pay to either stay long term in Thailand by repeated visa exempt entries, or to change visa class to something  better for them.

    i in the past used ban pakard/ pong nam ron for reentry stamps for a multi entry non imm 'O' visa, i think then the cost for DIY were under 2,000thb, and a mini bus from Pattaya under 3000thb but i could be wrong

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, timoti said:

    "Your friend" apparently lied to you. I just went there today, they said they don't do visa runs anymore, their email doesn't even exist anymore.


    So much misinformation on this forum.

    1st class operate from the queen vic, maybe the poster was confused re five star - http://www.1stclassvisaruns.com/

    if i was doing it i would drive myself to pong name ron/ban pakard, someone posted that on the 8th Aug they were charging 2700 at the border, so the 4000thb as posted by ubonjoe seems ok see here for other thread - 


    • Like 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, Hmunker said:

    Hi Tim was not familiar with those place names before but on checking I see they are close to each other for the border run.If not those two then what is the preferred Cambodian border run town/city to do then that doesn’t give a problem.



    ban packard (pakkad) is shown here - https://bit.ly/3Rl9aVx or ban laem ( which is about 30km further north), both are in Chantaburi

    • Like 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, vinci said:

    i had a 60-day extension at the beginning of covid on a non-o visa, the kind that you have to leave very 90 days, when everything was screw up and couldn't go anywhere, it was like 2 year ago, from there i went to non-o marriage extension till now.


    as of now my extension will end in 3 week, the wife and i made a last minute decision to travel to Europe 6-8 country in 3-4 month, we have many thing to deal with before we go, looking for some agency to look over the house while we are away, plus looking for plane ticket the price is off the charge, hotel booking, train ticket  and etc.., 3 week is not enough time to deal with many thing, that is why im planning to extend for another 60-days to wrap thing up, plus we are un-decided if we will return to Thailand after the trip, we might go straight to America to visit family and that is why i did not want to do another extend until we return to Thailand, hope that clear up everything

    you can only get 1 x 60 day visit wife extension per entry into Thailand not including re-entry permit entries, if your extension expires, you will need a fresh non imm visa to obtain a yearly extension upon return to Thailand

  6. 19 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    We moved to Ban Chang 6 months ago, and try to eat out at least once a week.  So far, these are the restaurants we have been regularly going back to:


    Piper Tree

    Ciao Bella

    Long Time



    I think we need to venture nearer the beach!


    not sure where piper tree and long time are, ( i see piper tree and long time are on the bypass road, but there is '24' and phala rib hous opposite each other on Tesco road, phala closer to the beach

  7. 7 hours ago, Kevin1908 said:

    I was in Do Home and couldn't find anything. Looks like Home Pro might be the place. I can only assume who ever fitted out the kitchen fitted the tap to the sink unit first then fitted the flexy connection afterwards.

    what other way is there.

  8. On 9/16/2022 at 6:47 PM, AsianAtHeart said:

    That camera wouldn't, but when the image came to the notice of headquarters, the missing plates, coupled with the excessive speed, would throw down the gauntlet to the police department, who would probably then take on the challenge of accessing the data from highway cameras to track the route of the car and figure out where it had gone.  They could catch up with you, given time and the will to do so.

    been watching too many police thrillers, you think they would cctv camera follow you back to your house

  9. 4 hours ago, truthfix said:


    Quick question as I’m looking to exit on 27th, visa expires 29th. Can rtn say 2nd Oct to get 45 days visa on arrival. I went to Phuket’s immigration & was informed I can further extend for another 45 days with them… Does that sound right (as we’re familiar with the save face aspect) or would I be looking at a border run or I suppose I could fly out and back in again no?


    Or will it be a 30 day extension?


    Reason I ask is the 90 days will benefit me getting the UK passport renewed (roughly 12 weeks ish I’m told).


    Can the visa on arrival, moving forward be changed to an education visa or alternatives?

    I don't think extensions have changed still 30 days, only visa exempt has changed to 45 days after the 1st Oct

    as to ed visa's etc, lots of things done by agents, so maybe they can sort one out, but it will cost, almost as much as a flight to UK

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