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Posts posted by steve187

  1. 10 hours ago, gimo said:

     Make no mistake , I was told about 6 months ago , by someone in the know here on Thai visa, that I could do as I posted -- arrive on a 3 mth visa and apply by showing 2 mnths of minimum k40,000 bht coming in to my bank and get a Thai child visa , and that I could extend it a year later , with 12 more months of the same  .It's posible a mistake was made and it was mixed up with 2 months of 400,000 k in bank for 2 months . Anyway I was shocked by the bad news at immigration today -- been preparing a lot of stuff for a long time .

    converting a visa exempt or tourist visa to a non-immigrant visa would only give you a 90 day permission to stay stamp on issue, not a year 

  2. 2 hours ago, FriendlyFarang said:

    In most government hospitals yes, same rate for Thais and foreigners.

    There are some who have dual pricing, but these are usually in tourist hotspots, not a village hospital in nakhon nowhere.

    how can they charge the same, Thai's are free as long as it's their registered hospital, Non Thai's pay

  3. 4 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Not going to Songkla, that's a shame, got a few friends down there. 


    i was hoping to use that service for a trip south and drive back, the ferry could do with stopping on the mainland before crossing to the island, would make a trip down south better than driving

    • Like 2
  4. 38 minutes ago, tgw said:

    is there a ferry or a boat from Pattaya to Koh Chang ?




    1 hour ago, gearbox said:

    586 passengers and 15 rooms...that makes 39 passengers per room. Interestingly what kind of rooms they are????

    in the main reclining seats will be used by most passengers, a few will choose the pods, others the limited rooms, i also think there will be a non-seating area where seating/laying on the floor will be an option, this is the same ferry that was going to run from Sattahip to Songkhla, but moorings could not be found at the Songkhla end

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Alas mine doesn't. [nakhon pathom IO]
    30 day under consideration date is the day you apply.

    And the visa stamp starts 30 days after the consideration stamp.
    Thus I lose time.

    Also goes for my 90 report, if I send it online 15 days early and it's done immediately I lose 15 days.

    why not  apply for it with less than 30 days left to expiry

    • Confused 1
  6. 3 ways i can see are 

    1 passport expiring will change the length of a married extension

    2 60 day wife extension and then yearly married extension, that will extend the yearly expiry date by 60days, but you can only get a 60 day wife extension once per entry.

    3 change to a retirement extension you will need to satisfy the 'retirement financials, the new extension will start on the day of application not the 'married' extension expiry date, then change back to a married extension at a later date, you could apply at any time to suit the expiry date that you like. either the 'retirement or the 'married' extensions could be applied for prior to their expiry date

    3 hours ago, hotchilli said:


    Yes... they give you the 30 days under consideration date on the day you make the application.

    When they stamp your visa it's dated 12 months from the day of the application...

    so technically he could move the date forward.

    some offices start the 30 day under consideration period from expiry date of extension, not application date

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

    I've just finished watching seasons 1 & 2 of The Hour. It's a behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller in Cold War-era England that centres on a journalist, a producer, and an anchor-man for an investigative news programme. It was very good IMHO. Well worth a look. I got it from torrents-csv.

    Not many seeders, so it took ages to download, but well worth the wait.


    seems to be 6 parts on fmovies

  8. I worked at Portobella road street market for the local council some years ago, the carnival is a gathering of thousands of people that do not want to follow the normal rules of the area, people that live in the notting hill area where the carnival is held barricade their homes and remain inside at all times the carnival is on.

    as  a lot of the attendees are violent, non law abiding, normal local council staff refuse to work the carnival as did i

    Stabbings, theft, assault both sexual and non sexual, muggings, urinating on people's property and worse, drug related crime, are rife, just look at the crime figures for the event. 

    its time the event was cancelled or scaled down in some way.

    already this year there are 100's of reports of assault, one death and 8 sexual assaults

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