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Posts posted by steve187

  1. 3 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    The way things are looking the "freezing of pensions" is least to worry about. What if they decide that they will not pay new state pensions to anyone living overseas? Would not surprise me at all. Looks quite likely that state retirement ages are going to be raised again soon. From April 2028 the minimum age to start receiving private pension will increase to 58 (from 55).  They could even go as far as reducing state pension for those of us with private or company pensions.


    misread as state pension instead of private pension, so deleted 

  2. 7 hours ago, MartinL said:

    I'm sure I've read on some government website that pensions are uplifted to full UK rate if returning to UK permanently from a 'frozen' country - or going to live in an 'unfrozen ' country. If a pensioner subsequently goes to live in a 'frozen' country again, the pension returns to being frozen at the level when first leaving the UK. That is, the pension isn't frozen at the new, uplifted level.

    only if returning for a short holiday

  3. 3 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

    There was never any will by government to end frozen pensions, even in a decent economy. Now that the country's finances are in a dire state, there is even less chance. And whilst my pension is also frozen, I do have some sympathy with government on this point. We were all told up front that our pensions would be frozen when we left, the choice was ours. It's a bit rich to complain after the fact, just because triple lock exists. But, if it's that big of a deal, why not go back to the UK for a couple of years and make the uplift permanent? I did that in 2018 after being away for 16 years, four months later I was regarded as UK resident.....I subsequently returned to live here once again.

    when the UK left the EU, pension increases should have stopped for expats living there, but no somehow they the government managed to allow the increases to continue, so if it's a priority or high profile enough it can be done, i wonder how many people benefitted from that change in the rules to allow the uprating.

  4. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I don't believe that the airlines ask for passports anymore, however, as others have mentioned, however if they do, best to provide them with the exiting passport, e.g. UK, it would only be for identification purposes and you would provide them with the UK passport when exiting when both countries, they are separate to immigration, so there won't be any issues, besides when exiting Thailand, they might ask for her Thai passport, easily provided.


    The above said, when your wife is exiting the UK, she has to exit on the UK passport.


    When she arrives at Bangkok, she has to use her Thai passport, this way there will be no visa requirements at either country.


    Just make sure she has 6 months validity on both passports, although I do believe Thailand is not strict on their Citizens returning on expired Thai passports, but that is something I wouldn't want my wife to try on.


    When you arrive at Bangkok, go to the Thai passports exiting section as someone else suggested, and your wife can ask if you can exit with her, we have always done this and never had a problem, besides, that is one way of beating the Que's, if any.


    Good luck.



    i think you will find all airlines check passports, how else would they know you have one, and that it has 6 months validity left, and that you have permission to entry the country you are travelling too. ie visa. 

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  5. 23 hours ago, siftasam said:

    A belated but very sincere thank you for all your replies.

    The problem seems to be now out of my hands(?)


    I felt soreness on my right side last week and thought at first it was a kidney infection/ UTI. I had a similar soreness 10 years ago that turned out to be very small kidney stones which thankfully 'passed'.


    I went to a different hospital, had a blood test, a urine test and an X-ray.

    The culprit is gallstones, so once again a doctor has advised that my gallbladder be removed.


    I see no alternative since I'm told there's nothing can be done without surgery to stop or ameliorate the problem; so next week I'll check that this is possible now considering a problem I have (high PSA prostate level) and a problem I had last year (a DVT in my leg).


    I'll read back over all your wonderful comments and recommendations and, I'm sure, I'll comment on them more.

    Again, may I thank you all very much indeed!

    sorry to hear that bad news, where exactly were the pains on your right side, on the side or towards the back, 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Thomas KH said:

    Pattaya police suggested the victim to get a good recovery and come to them if she intended to press legal action against her boyfriend. Police did not immediately press charges on their own.


    I do not understand how charges cannot be immediately pressed by the police and prosecution. This is an offence which should be pursued with the public interest in mind. Delaying prosecution gives him a window of opportunity for flight and impunity.



    where's the evidence without her

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  7. 44 minutes ago, eboy said:


    "You would apply for a one year extension of stay during the last 30 days of the 90 day stay from the non-o visa
    You need to have a non-o visa to apply for the extension based upon retirement."


    At the end of the one year extension what happens? Do you need to leave Thailand and repeat the entire process, or can you just extend again for one year, year after year?

    new extension every year

    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Joeski said:

    I forgot my international driving license and got pulled up the roadside and got fined 1000 baht. I plan on getting a Thai License, until I get the Thai License is there anything I can do to avoid the 1000 baht fine.

    by forgot international drivers permit IDP (not Licence), what do you mean, you have one in Thailand and left it at home, or forgot to get one in your home country, where is your own country licence, having a IDP is the best way to obtain Thai licence

  9. On 11/7/2022 at 10:54 AM, sezze said:

    What about the high speed railroad going from Suv. to Pattaya ? I flew in the past several times from U-Tapaoand besides being a very local airport there was no benefit from flying from there . It is closer then Suv. , but in time , the difference is not huge ( ok 45m vs 90 min ) . In order to get more tourists , maybe it is a good plan , if Suv is working at full capacity . Otherwise , high speed railroads are much better option imho .

    with the 7 road extension i would think within 30 minutes you coulsd be in pattaya subject to traffic within Pattaya


    lots of building work going on the east side of the airport

  10. 54 minutes ago, Leaver said:


    If I was going to Samui, I would, along with many others. 


    Once again, do you think this service will still be running 6 to 12 months from now? 

    no guarantees in life. I think they will try and get it sorted, but too much red tape,

  11. 23 hours ago, lujanit said:

    The article says


    "eighty percent of the rate prescribed under (11) of the annual tax rate annexed to the Motor Vehicle Act B.E. 2522 as amended by the Motor Vehicle Act (No. 14) 2007 for a period of one year from the date of registration of the vehicle."


    So it is not three years and it is not on the government tax when buying a car.

    how do they calculate yearly tax on electric vehicles

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