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Posts posted by steve187

  1. Wish you luck.

    First trip go there on a tourist visa double entry. While you are there get married in Thailand. Put 400,000 Baht in a bank account in Thailand. Keep the rest of your money in the UK.

    Leave Thailand go back home and apply for a Non Immigrant O visa. Then apply for an extension of stay one year at a time when you are in Thailand. If you are lucky enough to get a job then you can get a work permit while you are on a Non Immigrant "O".

    Failing that if you do not want to put 400, 000 Baht in a Thai account. When you go back home AFTER you get married in Thailand get a Non Imm "O" Multiple entry. With you will have to leave the country every 90 days. Road trip to a land crossing will do the trick. This will do you for 15 months if you time the exits and entries correctly.

    Remember when you back to the UK for your Non Immigrant "O" Visa take your original Marriage Certificate and a copy of your new wife’s Thai ID card. Better still get her to change the name on it after you get married.

    Best of luck... remember 40000 sterling will not last forever and you are only 37. Maybe you could start some sort of business when you are there (not entertainment). In any case you need to give some thought to long term income.

    why leave Thailand to obtain a non immigrant 'o' visa, after marriage a 60 day visit Thai wife extension could be obtained, that would give the 400,000baht time to season, then a one year extension of stay based on supporting Thai wife could be applied for.

    a one year multi entry non immigrant 'o' visa could also be obtained in kuala lumper, with 100,000 baht in bank account, if that route is followed.

  2. RussBKK

    To give you some breathing space get a 60day visit thai wife extension from immigration cost 1,900 baht.( form tm.7)

    then if you still have money shortages, Kuala Lumper will issue as other posters have said a one year multi entry non immigrant 'o' visa, which will allow 15 months in Thailand with 90 day border runs,

    I know its not perfect, but its a solution that will allow you to stay here.

    It would seem the thread has been hijacked by people with calculators

  3. Eva air have a special offer on 31300baht 1 month stay, and 33300 3 month stay, see here - http://www.saveflights.com/

    i have been quoted 34750baht for a 3 month open return flying out early april, by mtt see here - http://www.mtt-pattaya.com/

    I have also been looking at the cheaper airlines as you have listed and after doing some reading kingfisher came out on top but who knows? i would prefer one of emirates, Qatar or etihad, but they are all looking at high 30,000's

    did a quick check for late Feb , for 21 days Qatar were showing at 33,00baht see here - http://matrix.itasoftware.com/view/flights?session=979916af-85e5-4d03-8e3e-219b55739856

    good luck which ever way you choose

  4. The Garden Resort @ Kai Bae beach is also quite good. Cheaper than The Chill, it's not on the beach but just a short 1 minute walk to the beach. The Garden Resort is composed of high-grade bungalows and is quiet. Lots of greenery as well. I like Kae Bae beach the best as it's a quiet beach, but still some restaurants and pubs if one is interested.

    we had a free buffet there on the thursday night, good food nice gardens, i think the prices were less than 3,000baht, set back off the road inbetween some shops, would only be about a 5-10 walk to the beach,

  5. Atycib

    Its so nice to see that you have no prejudice against Thai women,as you seem to be a guest in their country.

    How many men have been screwed over by their home country women coming from the upper end socio-economically. men in all countries think with parts of their bodies,other than their brains, when choosing a partner.

    Thai food is available in your home country, and flights leave every day.

  6. Because people like the OP are the reason that immigration laws in Thailand are get more strict every few years. that's why. I agree--there is no excuse for this crap. He deserves to be busted and sent home.

    so no grey area in your mind, you have never broke any countries laws, speeding, no seat belt,etc.

    give the man a break, he has been here 25 years and has caused no hassle to anyone.

    How many people are there scattered around the world, in the same situation, it can not be compared to someone overstaying in a country, where they are entitled to benefits, here he has no benefits, only a better way of life, no-one is paying for that.

    Some countries give amnesty to long time overstayers/illigals

  7. Fundamentally it's not right to prevent someone from walking on any piece of land in the world at will, I mean really what an audacity to claim one can own part or all of a planet.

    But then again there are the practicalities, ie, UK would sink under the weight of a billion people.

    Full marks to OP. Just leading a life on this earth! Anything wrong with that really? I mean as if us humans don't jump through enough hoops already.

    Good point

  8. I did a fresh install of xp sp3 on an old computer with problems yesterday and when trying to update, microsoft state they have stopped selling xp, and no updates are available, if you are buying then get windows 7

  9. But you do require onward transportation to qualify for 30 day visa exempt entry and it appears you will not have that and airlines can deny boarding in that case. Better to get your tourist visa before you depart and then you can cross a border to obtain visa or visa exempt entry if not enough time.

    I flew into BKK on December 29, 2010 from Amsterdam without onward transportation with no problems and they never asked......


    you were lucky on that occasion.


    You could get a double entry tourist visa, or if possible a 90 day non immigrant visa, your girlfriend could get a single tourist visa (60 day stamp)or double (2 x 60 day stamps)they are free at the moment. extensions of 30 day can be obtained at local immigration offices (1,900 baht)

  10. Go to your nearest test station and ask what is required, at pattaya for foreign licence not covering motorcycle , i had to take written, colour,reaction and depth perception tests,and then a driving test around a small course, no video was required as i obtained a car licence at the same time for which my international licence covered me.

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