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Posts posted by steve187

  1. I obtained a car licence with a straight 'swop' for an idp,i had to take the colour test etc, at the same time i applied for a motorcycle licence, but had to take a written test, and a driving test, which consists of driving around a circuit, negotiating some cones/car tyres, and then driving along a thin slightly raised section of concrete without coming off the raised section, test taken at pattaya

  2. I know a guy who knows a guy who accidently washed his jeans with his passport in the pocket and all the ink ran and it was ruined. Silly fella.

    Yes washing passports seems to be a common problem in Thailand, based on the number of posts that come up on this exact subject on TV....they really must tell their maids to empty the pockets on their clothes before washing them....:whistling:

    I was wondering why so many people store their passports in their pockets!

  3. Hull seem to have changed it policy, i would suggest copy of girlfriends id, with a letter from her, then phone calls to hull. Bristol and Birmingham as lite beer suggested, if no joy fall back to plan B. a two or three entry tourist visa, which could give you six months here or longer with local immigration extensions.

    Keep us updated, as the rules at hull have only just changed.

  4. yoyoyoooooo homie G, iz time yo. iz all bout da money yeh? yeh i love counting those 100baht bills in me wallet... to be honest with u man i love counting me coins aswell....

    the time has come. ya reckon G, noodle shop and those ying yang food shops gets like 2k3k a day yeh? what a dong!

    yo man shizzle G, they aint carrying that much weight with them, so aint worth jacking the shit and mugging G.... yehhhh dawg i feel it too...

    yo man whz up with these ying yangs showing bucks in da publics yo.? ive encounter these oldies digging prolly like 200k in their baggies man... man i almost jack that shiz up man.... yeh g, aint much secutity here man... why work for it man, just take what others earned or some shiz man... thaz been like dat since the golden days.... thaz how we rolll man, thaz what we do man... all bout money man...

    ok man... i feel u

    Is this language English ?

  5. I hate to sound unsympathetic to the victim's family, but I always had the impression that if a person decides to deem oneself a freelance photographer and enter into the midst of a war zone (and that's what Bangkok virtually was at times during the red shirt protests) aren't they accepting the danger associated with that type of profession?

    I might get slammed and called a callus jerk for asking that, but I really always had the impression that a person was basically forfeiting their civil rights when choosing not heed warnings by entering into what is obviously a seriously dangerous situation.

    I agree with this post, yes a loss of life is sad for the family, but it was his choice and the family will have to accept it. all the enquiries in the world will not bring him back, look mat all the reporters killed in wars throughout the world, yes i know it wasn't a war, but if that amount of trouble has been going on for a number of days, the only way to run is away.

  6. Just been reading moneysaving expert, and he is saying Norwich and peterborough (N&P) gold account is offering free overseas withdrawal, they do a Gold Classic which requires £500 to be paid in monthly, of a gold light which requires 5 transactions per year, link here - http://www.nandp.co.uk/current-account/

    He also says about halifax clarity card - 'Our top pick holiday spending plastic is the Halifax Clarity credit card which has no fees on foreign transactions. The only charge is a fairly low 12.9% interest on cash withdrawals, which works out at around £1 per month for every £100 withdrawn'.

  7. Hi Ignis sorry for confusing you , I have a 12 month "O" visa in my passport issued from Hull on the 26th of January 2010 now I returned back into Thailand on the 28th of Oct 2010 which is due to expiry on the 25th of January 2011 .<br><br>After the 25th the "O" class visa in my passport expirys so I must leave Thailand before this date now I am  going down to Singapore for business on the 5th and returning on the 6th however if I use my "O" class I will have to leave Thailand before the 25th however if I get a standard 30 days tourist visa I can stay until the 5th of February   .<br><br>I am not sure if this can be done which is why I wanted feed back from Hull it just gives me 2 weeks extra in Thailand .<br><br>Bye For Now <br><br>Sub101uk<br>

    The point i was making, and i think its something you are not aware of, your 'o' visa is valid until the 25th Jan, if you re-enter Thailand on the 6th Jan from Singapore, by using your 'o' visa (not a visa exempt 30 day entry)you will be given a fresh 90 day entry stamp, if you leave Thailand during this 90 day (stamp) period, obtain a re-entry permit which will keep this stamp alive.

    Visa's are issued by a consulate/embassy abroad.

    Permission to stay (stamps) are given by immigration, based on your visa.

    Visa exempt entry - 15 days entry by land and 30 days entry by air.

    Tourist visa - 60 days entry.

    non immigrant - 90 days entry.

    I am not trying to teach a granny how to such eggs, but visa's and permission to stay are two different things and can be confusing.

    all the best

  8. The reason your laptop requires a fresh install of windows, is windows registry getting clogged up, and slowing the machine.

    One answer to this problem is to install all the programs you require, then do a full back up using a third party program,further back-ups can be done if a few new programs are installed. When the computer gets a little slow do a install using the back-up.

    Mac do not suffer from this problem, as far as i am aware (i'm not a mac user) mac Thailand range here - http://store.apple.com/th

  9. "token compensation" is not full compensation or even meant as compensation but as what it says .. a "token" gesture less than a week after the crash. Lets not turn a good gesture into a bad one .. none of the families have yet rejected these token offerings and their opinions certainly weigh more than ours.

    There is nothing yet to indicate the parents knew she was driving and in fact the mother denied they knew and believed used words to the effect of being shocked. It has been reported this was a friends car. The police have said they are looking into both things.

    My point is... the parents 'should' have know where there 16 year old was - my problem is the Thai's lack of responsibility - for just about anything from driving to animal welfare to their kids.

    In this case the answer 'I didn't know'

    I don't think this is a Thai only issue. Parents all over the world don't know where their 16-year olds are once they leave the house. I will reserve my judgement about the parents blame in this until more facts come out but do believe the family has been doing the best they can to address this tragic event and there is not more we can ask for at this point (less than a week after the accident).

    I agree how parents think the 16 year olds are at a friends, when they are out clubbing and partying, it wasn't the parents car, it was a friends, how many parents have had that done to them behind their backs?

  10. overseas lisences must be supported by IDP to be accepted, unless its translated to Thai and verified by your embassy

    Not correct

    Any licence printed in English or Thai is acceptable ........ but if there are any codes you must provide a photocopy of the key (usually from Internet)

    IDP only needed for non English licences.

    i think that you do in fact require an IDP, not only a foreign licence see here - http://www.thaivisa.com/320.0.html

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