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Posts posted by steve187

  1. sorry but doesn't post 5 say that he has a re-entry permit, that he has been using in 2010??

    quote - It is an O-A and I have been coming in & out of Thailand for the past year . . sounds like from the replies that the mutiple entry permit that I have been using during 2010 dies as of mid-January 2011 and that if I wanna do the same again for 2011 I will need to get a new multiple entry permit? I can get that at my local Immi office with proper forms and baht I am guessing? quote

    I was only thinking that if he was using a re-entry permit, then maybe he only had a single entry visa.

  2. AS uptheos said - Ditch the fried stuff and fatty meats, up the lean chicken and fish (not fried) plus veggies, drink loads of water, exercise if possible and watch the weight drop.

    This would be a good model to follow, I say everyday I will try, but................

  3. :rolleyes:

    I now am retired, and live in Bangkok.

    Yes the Baht/Dollar rate is a concern...but it's still possible for me to live in a comfortable way here. I would be better off if the baht weakend, but I've been planning/saving for my retirement for over 30 years...so I knew what I was getting into long ago...........

    And stay out of the "Farang Ghettos".


    Very sensible post

    I agree stay out of the busy areas and move somewhere a little more normal and you should be fine, just plan and take your time with the big expenses, - vehicle and home, renting is a good way to go, it doesn't tie up money and gives you the freedom to move if required at short notice, especially in the early days of moving here.

    You can live as cheap as you want to here, it all depends on how much western food, beer and late evening entertainment you require?, monthly household bills are very low.

    All the best with your plans.

  4. Rather than thinking in terms of working as an adviser paid or unpaid you might think in terms that you are donating your time and expertise ... you might then qualify for a 'Non-IMM B' visa as 'doing business' in Thailand which is a category that does not require a work permit.

    ... and before the boo-birds chime in I received two consecutive one-year Multiple entry 'B' visas on just that basis.


    sorry i can not see where on the link you posted, it says that a work permit is not required, in fact point 3.1 states 'Upon entry into the Kingdom, applicant or his or her appointed representatives must apply for a work permit'

    Am i missing something?

  5. Just as a matter of interest, i have just returned to Brisbane on expiration of my Non Imm O, at the Thai consul they tell me that, provided i can show that i can support myself ( nothing about 800000bht) they will renew it, but they say do not come till a couple of days before i am due to go back. It will cost me $A90 but a marriage visa will cost $A250, so theres no guessing which one i will get. Brisbane have always been very friendly and helpful to me.

    sounds like a single entry for $A90A and a multi entry for $A250

  6. The helmet-shops found all over BKK sell helmets of the brand "Real" for THB 1200 and these meets both EEC and DOT standards. These are available in Size S to XXL, while most crap helmets are only available in "free size". Second hand (or stolen) helmets is probably much cheaper. If anyone can afford to buy a motocy, they can also afford to buy more than a powerranger plastic helmet. The government should make it illegal, to wear helmets that doesn´t meet the DOT standards. Helmets for children of all ages should also be compulsory. I have never in my life seen any child in Thailand wearing a helmet.

    I have seen quite a few children sat on the front of motorcycles recently with proper fitting helmets on, more so than i have seen in the past.

    I look at girls driving along into the sun, with their left hand shielding the sun from their eyes, and i think to myself ' why dont they just buy a helmet with a sun visor', but i think it is the Thai mentality not to wear a helmet, but it is also infectious, how many westerner do you see also not wearing a helmet, and they should be more aware of the risks involved.

    But i also agree with some posters on here that we, as westerners come here to get aware from the 'PC' brigade, speed camera everywhere, as well as other silly rules, one of which is not being able to use a newcastle brown crate as a hop up on a building site, how many people have died falling off the same?. so do we really want those same silly rules to spread here?

  7. I read somewhere about a new airline flying from the UK to Bkk in the winter and UK to USA in the summer, i think they were flying from a regional airport, maybe Birmingham.

    I visited their website, i have looked but i cannot find the website of the original post.

    Does anyone have any knowledge of this airline?

  8. I just bought a samsung 2tb 3.5" harddrive for 2,810 baht, a sata dock is about 700 baht, thats a total of 3,500 baht or there abouts, for a 2tb external harddrive, which is faster than a usb external model, and will run cooler.

  9. Seems like a good idea to come here, but in all reality its hard to earn a living here,as posters have said before its all been done to death here.

    My advise would be to form some sort of a plan for the future, and make as much as you can over in the UK, to enable that plan to work.

    Not what you wanted to hear, but better to hear it now, than to give up everything in the UK, come here and have to return to the UK at a later date to make a fresh start,

    Does your wife have UK citizenship? because if on ILR, a return to the UK, after a failed attempt to live here in excess of 14 months, would cause problems.

  10. Personnel visit to Hull with an appointment are £10.00, special delivery is required which is about £6.00 ish, Hull will charge an additional £8.00 to send back by special delivery, but you can send a pre-paid addressed envelope, and clear special delivery pouch, available from the post office will will save you £2.00 or so.

    Someone will have to be in to sign for the special delivery package, which should be back 2 days later, send monday receive back Wednesday.

    You will require forms ab and ad from the hull site, you may have to add .doc to the ab and ad files to open them in microsoft word.

  11. This is taken from my link.


    Provided your full licence or driving permit remains valid, you may drive vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes and with up to eight passenger seats, for up to 12 months from the date of coming to GB.

    I think the problem will be in hiring the car, driving it will be ok on your UK driving licence, as if stopped by the police you will have 5 days to produce it, and the replacement should be with you by then, as you have already applied.

    The UK is now awash with speed cameras etc. bare in mind that any fixed penalty tickets, if driving on a foreign licence have to be

    dealt with by a court appearance. ( hopefully you will not get any)

    Hopefully your replacement licence will arrive in time to hire the car.

  12. If there is no way you can obtain a re-entry permit prior to leaving, then it would seem you will have to chance using the multi entry non 'o', in your old passport, if that fails they will give you a 30 day visa exempt entry, which could be converted to a visit thai wife extension, and then reapply for a yearly extension, you should be ok getting on the flight as the airline would think that the multi entry is still valid (i think)

  13. Re-entry permits can only be issued by the office that issued the extension of stay.

    As far as i know, your multi entry would still be valid, unless it has been cancelled, this would give you a 90 day permission to stay stamp if you arrive before the 27th december, but it should have been transferred to your new passport, if you do go this route, you would have to start the extension of stay process all over again, within the 90 day permission to stay period.

    So it looks like your between the devil and the deep blue sea. it would seem that as many posters advise on TV, always obtain a re-entry permit at the time of obtaining your yearly extensions.

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