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Everything posted by steve187

  1. 2 x 45 day visa exempt entries and 1x 30 day extension will give you 120 days, stay a couple of days in the nearby country where you do the border bounce and your good to go. you may need a flight out with 30 days of arrival to keep airline happy. a night in a hotel that will do a tm30 registration to keep immigration happy for the extension.
  2. why do people post this unhelpful message, this forum is to help people and someone as shown above will have the information, no need to go to an immigration office which for some is a long journey
  3. how can they charge the same, Thai's are free as long as it's their registered hospital, Non Thai's pay
  4. i was hoping to use that service for a trip south and drive back, the ferry could do with stopping on the mainland before crossing to the island, would make a trip down south better than driving
  5. arriving on a visa exempt entry will after 1st October give you a 45 permission to stay stamp, you could get a 30 day extension within Thailand if you need more time 1,900thb, you will need 800,000thb in a bank account within Thailand in you name only on the day of application, no seasoning required at this time, to convert to a non immigrant O visa 2,000thb (not OA) ,you will need to apply at local immigration office with at least 14 days left on this permission to stay stamp, in the last 30 days of the new 90 day permission to stay stamp taht came with the non imm visa you can apply for a yearly 'retirement' extension 1,900thb
  6. you buy which brand you want, something you like according to your budget, too many posters on here push Toyota all the time, i think when chevvy pulled out of Thailand they committed to suppling parts for a number of years, lots of parts for vehicle in Thailand are supplied by companies other than the manufacture, the pickup brands in Thailand are Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Tata, MG, Isuzu, to listen to some posters on here all others apart from Toyota are falling to pieces, worthless, or sitting around not being repaired due to mechanics not knowing how to fix them I bought a Mitsubishi Triton pick up new 7 years ago and it has been faultless over the 70,00Km i have driven it
  7. no in the main reclining seats will be used by most passengers, a few will choose the pods, others the limited rooms, i also think there will be a non-seating area where seating/laying on the floor will be an option, this is the same ferry that was going to run from Sattahip to Songkhla, but moorings could not be found at the Songkhla end
  8. i think you have lost the return flight
  9. why not apply for it with less than 30 days left to expiry
  10. if its a Uk generated pension will HMRC not teat it as taxable
  11. 3 ways i can see are 1 passport expiring will change the length of a married extension 2 60 day wife extension and then yearly married extension, that will extend the yearly expiry date by 60days, but you can only get a 60 day wife extension once per entry. 3 change to a retirement extension you will need to satisfy the 'retirement financials, the new extension will start on the day of application not the 'married' extension expiry date, then change back to a married extension at a later date, you could apply at any time to suit the expiry date that you like. either the 'retirement or the 'married' extensions could be applied for prior to their expiry date some offices start the 30 day under consideration period from expiry date of extension, not application date
  12. surely its count on count off, some sort of mechanical clicker/counter, and the driver should walk though before going to for a kip
  13. there are 2 border crossing near to each other ban pakard/phsar prum - https://bit.ly/3KTpdbx and ban laem - https://bit.ly/3qiyXCM, which is about 20km further north and has a larger market, both crossing are quiet and may be priced differently. i have used both a few times, but not for a few years now
  14. seems to be 6 parts on fmovies
  15. just came across a CIA/KGB 8 part sky thriller from 2014 very good 'the assets' with Jodie Whittaker on fmovies
  16. 21/2 years will cause no problem, if car is older than 7 years take it the local testing station to get it sorted, if not DIY
  17. in the Uk its only forward facing seats that require seat belts, rear facing ie sitting in the boot space in an estate car volvo, land rover side facing etc are exempt
  18. i never said i needed the photo i made a remark. There is always more to the a collision that appears in the report. why would you say 'just another foreigner that can´t drive in Thailand.'' i once followed a car in the Uk and it just swerved to the other side of the road and onto a grass verge into some foliage, was it another person who can not drive, no the driver had had a heart attack. so to comment without the full facts is premature.
  19. RIP, that's a lot of damage to the nissan, but no photo of the damage to the pick up
  20. a legal method of staying Thailand as opposed to a dodgy back hander method, why do people keep advertising agents, when we all know it could end in tears
  21. send them a prepaid envelope, maybe they will return it to you, but seriously what problem is it to put a mask on, i think you are just being petty, there are other banks.
  22. 100% his fault, too fast for the conditions, i didn't read he was an insurance agent,
  23. I worked at Portobella road street market for the local council some years ago, the carnival is a gathering of thousands of people that do not want to follow the normal rules of the area, people that live in the notting hill area where the carnival is held barricade their homes and remain inside at all times the carnival is on. as a lot of the attendees are violent, non law abiding, normal local council staff refuse to work the carnival as did i Stabbings, theft, assault both sexual and non sexual, muggings, urinating on people's property and worse, drug related crime, are rife, just look at the crime figures for the event. its time the event was cancelled or scaled down in some way. already this year there are 100's of reports of assault, one death and 8 sexual assaults
  24. not where you get the term 'government verified' from, more likely they know someone who knows someone in a position to help, what about the financial requirement that are bypassed, yes some agents are completely legal, if they only help with collating the required documents, and maybe stand in line for you at the required office, but others are sailing close to the wind, the same as agents for driving licences, the rules are the rules and in some cases those rules are completely bypassed, there are posts on here where it is posted that IO are allowed some discretion regarding the financials, but why does it 99.9% of the time only happen when an agent is involved.
  25. not the best method or the cheapest, you need a non imm visa to be able to apply for a yearly extension 'retirement' either from UK, or within Thailand as part of a conversion process from visa exempt or tourist visa entry. keep away from agents they are costly and on the whole do something iffy, not quite legal just plain iffy.
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