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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. I have been dealing with Immigration, almost exclusively at Chiang Mai for 14 years. I have had my share of delays but I have never had a complaint to make about any aspect of their service and have found all Members of the staff demonstrating the same level of courtesy, respect and patience as I do. 

  2. I can now give a definitive answer to my question.


    There IS a service (yellow sawng Taow) from San pa Tong to Lamphun. I am not sure where it starts in San pa Tong but I know it terminates at the bus station in central Lamphun. It leaves on the half hour (on time) and the trip takes half an hour. I have made the trip both ways. The fare all the way is B20. the distance is about 20Kms. I was waiting for my outward journey at the junction of the main road in San pa Tong which is at the Chiang Mai end of the general town thoroughfare and the signposted Lamphun Road.

  3. I asked a shopkeeper at the Lamphun road in San pa tong yesterday who assured me the yellow song tioaw goes to lamphun every hour. I have yet to discover this will actually happen. If not, I will pay the driver more to take me there. I am also hoping I can make the return trip.


    I will let you know.

  4. Thank you but I want to go from San pa Tong to Lamphun, not from Chiang Mai. I used to live in Lamphun but only ever went to Chiang Mai. The blue song tiow starts at Warorot (as does the public blue bus) and, as you say, goes down the the road where the river is on the right, past Duke's and Rimping. Goes all the way through Saraphi and actually stops on the road in Lamphun that is only 300 meters to the Railway station. A couple of years ago the fare all the way was B15


    Anyway, today, I found a way to Lamphun from San pa Tong, so hopefully, I won't miss my train on Tuesday morning.

  5. Some advice please


    I need to go from San pa Tong to Lamphun railway station next Tuesday morning. Is there a regular bus or sawng taew service I could use? If so, where does it leave from ?


    Thank you. I have ridden  my bicycle for this trip before but I have luggage this time making that difficult.

  6. My TOT was down last night and until about 08.30 but now seems to be working perfectly. I am South of Chiang Mai. I don't know where else in the Country there has been a problem or not.

  7. Although I am not responding here to how to stop ants getting in, I do have a solution of killing them instead of using ant spray, that is expensive and smells terrible.


     For ten years I have been using an ordinary plastic spray bottle, not more than B20. I fill to two thirds water and a couple of squirts of washing up liquid, more or less B0. It is very effective and smells nice too. One pull of the trigger is enough. Not only ants... Try it!

  8. 2 hours ago, Lamkyong said:

    some of the replies are in my opinion are missing the all important op point

    he felt he was being cheated  no matter what the amount  if correct the driver  was attempting/did   cheat his customer  full stop

    I agree there is a principle here. It is not always prudent to pursue a principle for the sake of B20, especially where there is a problem of language and possible serious conflict. Unfortunately, the evidence is a bit weak. There is a difference between suspicion or the possibility of a mistake by either party, and obvious blatant cheating.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Docno said:

    Well, isn't that why countries spend money to attract tourists ... to bring in more money? They're not doing it for charitable or humanitarian reasons. Given a choice between a 1000 backpackers and 100 'rich folk', which option do you think most countries would go for?

    But in the long term, "backpackers" can become rich people. Sustainable tourism is based a lot on returning visitors.

  10. Interesting post. I think it would be an idea to have a couple of months holiday  and see if there are tendencies developing towards your fears.

    If your relationship is strong and you both have continued faith in it, maybe all will be well. Arguably, why change a winning formula?

    I am disappointed in one aspect in your post and that relates to the shape of your wife seemingly being the main tendency for YOU to stray.

  11. 9 hours ago, georgemandm said:

    Pregnancy and Security Screening

    I have a concern about the full-body scanners that are popping up at airports everywhere. I'm concerned about the kind where you plant your feet and raise your arms above your body for about five seconds. 

    I'm newly pregnant with my first child and am trying to find some solid research on these things. I can find a decent amount of literature in terms of general health safety, but hardly anything trustworthy about the potential effects on a pregnancy (at any stage). 

    I admit to being hormonal right now, but I started to cry today when I realized I went through a full-body scanner at an airport early this month without even a second thought. Pregnancy message boards online are filled with paranoid women, I realize, but reading through them made me scared that I might have unknowingly/unnecessarily caused harm to my unborn child. 

    Should I have opted for a pat-down? Or should I opt for pat-downs in the future? I would love to see some information on your site about these new machines with regard to pregnancy, especially since I will be flying quite a few more times before giving birth. The technology seems relatively new, which makes me even more uncertain about which advice to follow. Has there even been time to do significant studies on the effects to a fetus during pregnancy?



    There are two kinds of scanners. The radiofrequency scanner does not use ionizing radiation, so neither you nor your unborn child would be exposed to any radiation that is hazardous. 

    The "full-body" x-ray scanner uses a very low-energy and low-intensity radiation, so that the unborn child is not exposed to any radiation that could possibly increase the developmental risks of radiation to the embryo. 

    The energy of the x-ray beam is so low that it does not penetrate the skin and just makes a picture of the outline of your external torso. Your internal organs receive almost no dose. 

    For more information on these devices, see "Safety for Security Screening Using Devices That Expose Individuals to Ionizing Radiation." 

    Remember that radiation is all around us. These very low exposures represent no increased risk to the unborn child. If you are healthy and have no personal or family history of reproductive or developmental problems, then you began your pregnancy with a 3 percent risk for birth defects and a 15 percent risk for miscarriage. These are background risks that all pregnant women face.



    hop this help you I would use google if you need to know about things like that



    There are millions of pregnant women flying around the world. Surely, if there were problems with scanners there would be a notice to this effect??






  12. 15 hours ago, bubblewrap said:


    Check their website, down to 6900.

    I have been to the website and it seems that the studio (not sure they can call it that really, it's only one room) and that is B6900.


    I sent them an email yesterday to ask a couple of things but had no reply (seems I have that effect on some people) One of my questions relates to a "6.7 queue size fridge" I have never heard of such a thing and neither has a search in Google revealed anything useful. Any ideas? From one of the gallery photos it looks like something pretty small, though I can only see part of it.


    Thank you all for your positive help. Right now, I do have a cast-iron back up option which has come my way in an amazing coincidence.

  13. 8 minutes ago, bubblewrap said:

    I had a look on their website and it doesn't appear that you can book the one month rate but how about booking a night or two, which is dirt cheap anyway, and seeing what gives when you are there, which who've already alluded to anyway.  Good luck.

    I know I can do that but I have a problem. I have a few belongings that are with me at the moment in the hotel. My plan is to be sure I am booking into somewhere for more than a few days that will allow for a Carrier to pick up my stuff in Surat and deliver to an address In Chiang Mai I will actually be at.

    I really don't deserve to be in this wretched situation but I am the victim of a Thai woman!!!! 

    It's pathetic, I know: I want to cry but I have to stay calm and strong.

    Thank you anyway for trying to help me.



  14. Just now, ChrisKC said:

    Sorry, I didn't know my message went in there. I simply pressed the key to start a new topic from the first forum page. Then hoping it would be placed in the correct one. Anyway, what is the correct one? I am guessing it is the Chiang Mai forum - how can it get there now?


    Just now, ChrisKC said:

    Sorry, I didn't know my message went in there. I simply pressed the key to start a new topic from the first forum page. Then hoping it would be placed in the correct one. Anyway, what is the correct one? I am guessing it is the Chiang Mai forum - how can it get there now?

    I see you did it already, I beg your pardon

  15. Just now, KhunBENQ said:

    Are you sure you want to search for that CM residence in the "Marriage and Family"/"Marriage and divorce" forum?

    I move this to Chiang Mai forum.


    Sorry, I didn't know my message went in there. I simply pressed the key to start a new topic from the first forum page. Then hoping it would be placed in the correct one. Anyway, what is the correct one? I am guessing it is the Chiang Mai forum - how can it get there now?

  16. I am 1000 miles away from the Airport Residence in Chiang Mai.  I have written 3 emails to them about their monthly suites being available for B6000, B6500 but I have received no replies. I would be happy to go elsewhere but my searches are proving frustratingly fruitless. My mobile phone is out of action.

    Right now I am in a hotel and need to leave here for Chiang Mai within about three or four days.


    Please will someone who would be prepared to visit the Airport Resident in Mahidol Road and ask if there is availability for said suites. Maybe even have a look at them and come back to me and let me know.


    If you would do this for me I will be so grateful and I will take you and your spouse out for dinner when I arrive. Please send me a private message and thank you so much for helping me.


    Chris, alone in Surat Thani

  17. 9 hours ago, samsensam said:


    where i come from it's the norm for people to help each other, so much so that it's not note worthy.


    it says something when an act of kindness is so unusual that people feel the need to comment on it.



    I think it is nice when people have pleasant experiences and to share with those who like that, compared with the majority of subjects on this forum are of the complaining sort and usually provokes rather than inspires.

    Not all people come from where you do!

  18. 2 hours ago, balo said:

    Stay away from the tourist areas and most Thais will be nice and respectful , if you respect them back.  Unfortunately the bad side of the coin is there too, try to argue with a Thai and you can't win .

    When I lived and worked in Greece I could  discuss politics, and lots of different topics freely , we could have arguments that went on for hours (Greeks loves a good discussion) but it would never end up as a problem .


    In Thailand you need to know your limitations as a foreigner, sometimes I have a problem with that part of the Thai culture, and yes I miss Greece.. 




    The problem with the "tourist areas" is that most Thai people automatically think of a foreigner as a tourist but as many of us know, many thousands are not tourists. Talking of "respect" I don't wait for them to respect me first - I am the one to engage with them; old, young and children alike; they like that, especially when I speak Thai with them.

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