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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Stop being childish and get on with something intelligent!
  2. Shows how much you know me! ALL my comments remain unstrange and valid
  3. Waste of the chance to make a sensible remark. My comment remains valid!
  4. Looks like what you are actually saying is, you are difficult to please! Happiness that I enjoy doesn't involve being rich or drowning in women! Happiness for me is freedom from stress
  5. Pure speculation has little merit!
  6. You have a lot to understand - My comment remains valid!
  7. Sorry, poor comment from you. One does not reach conclusions at the beginning of a topic -
  8. Seems like all those ideas were in your head before them!!
  9. Absolutism is never the way - culture compromise much better! Preserving Thainess is not my idea - it is the Government that thinks Thailand is the only place in the world.
  10. Plenty of teaching and not much learning! The teaching in Thailand is to blame not the students! I have been here long enough to realise that it wont change soon. Must preserve "Thainess"
  11. Not smoking anything would be my advice! The lungs don't like any kind of smoke! Isn't the pollution enough for you??
  12. Not a third world country and in any event, very little on your list actually affects you. In my case, I have opinions on these matters but again, I am unaffected, It doesn't mean I don't care but I have no control over any matters good or bad. I just control myself - that is to say I don't allow such things to bother me in my everyday life!
  13. To those offered an inch, they will often take a yard but in my case that would be an exaggeration. I have never been inclined to brag about matters of matters irrelevant! At the same time I recognise the need for some adults to engage in boys' playground humour And for that I can't even compensate you with a look of mild mirth!
  14. I did cross my mind and that is why I stated as such in my comment. If SHE was the one responsible for writing the bill, whether for 3 or 4, how does the Manager know it was incorrect, human error or not? If the Manager was responsible for writing the bill, then - if you are right - it is he who made the "human error"
  15. Speaking for myself - certainly not! And you are not the kind of person I would wish to prove it to!
  16. Bob, I want to believe you but there seems to be an anomaly with your report. You said at first that the girl said your bill was for 4 beers and you had only three - so far so good. After the argument the Manager came over and checked the bill to state the bill should be for 3 beers, not as the girl said, 4 But my question is, if the bill was a written note, how can there be confusion about how many beers were ordered and consumed between you and the girl and/or between the girl and the Manager. Did the girl change the note from 3 to 4. Or if there wasn't a written note (bill), how could the Manager "check" it and make another judgment?
  17. Bigoted and pointless would be better words!
  18. I just wash and shave! Very rarely do I lose face!
  19. I have never had the need to have my mental state examined by a Psychiatrist. Are you still a patient?
  20. That's what a Trump fan would say, not a Harris fan - or of any use whatsoever to help the OP
  21. So a request from the forum for help to avoid being stopped (caught) by police officials in the course of their duties to enforce the law! Something we keep saying on here - more enforcement! In any event, based on all the incidents reported, ALL of Pattaya is the "Dark Side" - of Thailand
  22. 2014 was 11 years ago! Not exactly up to date is it?
  23. You know what I meant - don't be manipulative!
  24. It is SOMETIMES derogatory! And in many cases of its use over 20 years living in Thailand it is NOT derogatory! This not my opinion but a fact involving myself!
  25. No need to "think" - the post includes clearly they are!
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