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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. It's not the Tshirt; it's your bike! I have been riding my bike around Thailand for a few years now. Wherever I go and the occasions I need help, it's amazing. Mend a puncture B15. Free water, pump my tyres up for free, fix my computer onto the bike free, put some chain oil on free. When I go into Temples to look around the Monks want to talk with me about me and the bike, I get looks of admiration almost every day from well-meaning Thais either walking or on their motorbikes.

    You might find it odd but I very rarely have problems with the traffic and the otherwise bad driver attitude.

    I like it here!

  2. 23 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    I avoid watching political propaganda thinly disguised as documentaries as even if I keep in mind that the makers are clearly biased I could still subconsciously take in their propaganda and find myself blindly repeating what they said as if it were fact, I would rather get information on Hillary from outside of the Trump campaign.

    That is why you have a brain. It helps you to work out (when you have watched and heard something) whether the contents, on balance, allow you to arrive at a conclusion that you are satisfied is fair and just or not

  3. 1 hour ago, JulesMad said:

    More than 60% of ThaiVisa members is in favor of Trump... Unbelievable!!!
    Rascist, sexist, fascist, rapist, pussy-grabbing and so much more....

    God bless America, but God left.......

    Sorry, but I am just speechless.... I was under the impression that TV-members were more intelligent and human, so disappointed :sad:

    Have you forgotten the majority that voted for him? Nearly the same margin! Meaning the TV forum "vote" is similarly divided. Seems like you are the only "sane" one around here, but nevertheless in the minority.

  4. I am neither a fan of Trump or Clinton nor indeed of any President USA has had in my lifetime. Give Trump a chance: from what I can gather he is going to take the politics out of politics. He is certainly rough round the edges and he might ruffle some feathers at home and abroad. Who says this will or won't work? he has done his talking, let's see how he acts and what he achieves that can be construed as more beneficial than harmful.

    Now he is in I wish him good luck in his thankless task.

  5. 14 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    When I have dealings with people I have expected them to be honest and fair, as I am. Elsewhere in the world I have rarely been disappointed in 40+ years of working life. Here it is a completely different story, but I still dont think my expectations are faulty.


    Being unable to trust people in a country is an appalling indictment of that country, regardless of where it is.

    The Country has absolutely nothing to do with it. Do you really have THAT kind of thinking? SOME people are the problem.

  6. 22 hours ago, itsuptome said:

    Thais tend to be conflict averse and will often agree to do something simply to avoid confrontation, then go and NOT do it, and hope you get the message. This applies to dating as much as anything else. I once tried to schedule a date with a girl I really liked three times. Every time she said yes and then didn't show up. Eventually I got pissed off and blew up at her. She seemed both upset and a bit bewildered by my reaction.


    They are often better at picking up on these cues than we are and they may not realize that we don't get the subtle hints they're dropping (not that there was anything hard to read about her flaking THREE times, I just didn't want to see it).

    Yes, she doesn't lose face and you never see her face again! Sort of balances out really.

  7. 9 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Isn't there just a tad too much head?


    I can't imagine what it would do to a lager which isn't supposed to be "creamy".


    I much prefer a Real Ale, still, warm (ish), used to love the products from Ringwood brewery when we lived in the area :P


    This is the ideal subject for The Pub :)

    Well, that takes me back: Real Ale, just off the cool. I lived in Somerset, the home of Exmoor Ale. I could use one right now!

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, Jinxed said:


    Ok I understand, so they wouldn't just blindly say yes to follow up meetings if they didn't actually want to go (for one reason or another).


    Don't work or live close so that's not a problem. Thank you

    It's easier for a Thai girl to agree another date and not turn up than to say, sorry, no!

  9. On a positive note: For the last three weeks, I have been enjoying walking around my Super Mall listening to soft background music which is a definite pleasure. In addition, large supermarkets have toned down both the needless racket of Thai music and its volume.


    Let's hear it for the Thai people who have the ability to live without volume!

  10. Some time last year I received in the post a letter that included the Life Certificate for returning to them. In the covering letter it stated I could send it back to them or call a special number. Knowing what the post is like I decided to call them and within ten minutes of answering a few questions that were easy, everything was well.

    My Government pension has continued to be paid without interruption.

  11. On ‎25‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 4:54 PM, Deepinthailand said:

    Poor attempt so 1 out of ten for being a spelling police man. So I was correct

    "Realise" is spelt correctly in British English. "police man" is only one word: 'policeman' in both British and American English is correct. 


    And by the way, I did another 90 minutes of cycling over the period of the midday sun today and I gave you a fleeting thought as I passed by the "Rat and Toad" pub.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    The point is walking in 30°heat is for idiots. What's the old saying mad dogs and (amended to suit) farangs go for walk in the 30°heat.... Thais have it right why go out into the heat of the day if you don't have to. My mrs walks a good few km in the course of her work inside an air conditioned  shop. Where as I now get up at 5am go out into my wilderness garden for 2 hrs in the vain attempt  to slowly tame it. Then I'm  only venturing outside if I have to untill the sun goes down enough to venture to the local markets for food and the odd Chang at the local shop. Every other day the wilderness gets kicked into touch for a ride out on push bike.

    I am not a mad dog but I am an Englishman. I go out into the midday sun more than four days a week and cycle for up to two hours with no ill effects whatsoever! Yes, here in Thailand!  I have been doing that for nearly ten years. I WOULD be an idiot if I did that and I was affected badly by it. I am not, so I do it and I enjoy it.

    What you actually mean, is that you would be an idiot if YOU did it!

  13. I live in Surat Thani. One thing you can do is visit me and we can have lunch or dinner while we talk about the other things you can do, few of which are in Surat Thani City. Surat is a very large Province that includes many places already mentioned by others, though I can assure you that Krabi is not "down the road" nor is Khanom. The Dam is a great place to visit but is nowhere near Surat City.



  14. 27 minutes ago, MiKT said:

    Up and down Phu Kraduen a few times, even in the rainy season, Pho Chi fa, the big one in Nan (I forget the name) we had to camp 1/2 way up to the top, far too many national park walks to remember in Thailand, especially visiting caves.

    Penny Fan a couple of times, small but tough mountains in Korea, in the Harzburg mountains, top of the Peak in HK. Up a darn big hill near the Plain of Jars to visit some HCM trail tunnels. Up the Draks in SA.


    But the really hard graft, we used to walk all the way down Ekamai to Sukhumvit and then into Central for a drink in the evening, the pavement is terrible.


    Its me that's knackered now, she is still as fit as a fiddle.



    A fiddle can't move anywhere without help. I know what you mean though

  15. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:


      I would say that some men brag about having sex with females , some, most do not .

    Maybe its different with a group of lads all having a beer together .

    If you ask some men, some will exaggerate and boast , but generally men will not brag and about having sex with females .

        Some may do , but its usually bravado and sometimes its gay men trying to portray themselves as being straight 

    You are right, but my "many" should not be construed as "most" because that isn't what I wrote or meant. Usually, the men I am talking about don't give this information as an answer to a question; they are more likely to offer it up in the general foray of "men talk" down the Pub!

  16. 8 minutes ago, sanemax said:


       Many of the girls do not feel any shame at all .

    Many are even quite proud to be independent working girls earning good money .

    They regard customers as boyfreinds, and they are quite pleased with themselves for going out and finding a nice boyfreind (Even if is just untill the next day")

    You are right, on all that you said, some don't feel shame but I am not talking about them. I am talking about those who do. It doesn't matter what either of us says on this; it will apply to some and not others!

  17. 1 minute ago, oldhippy said:


    Paying for sex is a conquest?

    Slip of the tongue?

    No! not a slip of the tongue - a general observation not related to punter and bargirl. This thread is about bargirls, yes, some men do brag about the number of bargirls they have been with. As well, other men who tell about their "conquests': winning the girl for sex, against the perceived odds.

  18. 4 hours ago, rogeroc said:

    There is no reason for shame either way ! A bargirl may say she is ashamed just because she thinks that is what the person she is talking to wants to here. I am not sure too many men brag about bargirls either, more likely they are just reporting on enjoying their experience.

    There is every reason for Thai girls to feel shame. Thai society, and those people who sit astride high horses, whilst accepting readily that men's (even married men) desires are OK to be met by "women of the night", openly denounce such women for doing so! Another paradox of Thai culture.


    If you read exactly what I wrote you would observe that shame is admitted in moments of weakness, that is when they are talking quietly and in confidence in someone they trust - like me! I have lived a long time in Britain and in Thailand and my experience of discussions with men and much that I have read indicates very strongly that many of them DO brag about their numerous conquests.

    Conquests and joyful experiences are not so commonly voiced by women, anywhere, especially to strangers and on these forums.

  19. While we are on this subject let's ask ourselves the question why it is that Bargirls seem to be the ones that are of easy virtue and in the main are lambasted here. Without the men, there would be no bargirls! Usually, women don't talk much about the number of men they have been with. In Thailand, many bargirls in moments of weakness, admit they are ashamed at what they do.


    Compare this with the men, who delight in bragging about all the bargirls they have been with but somehow they don't feel any level of shame while at the same time painting pictures of sinful women who are "lower" than them.


    So, may we make the point from the bargirls' perspective? "You can take the farang out of the bar (girl) but you can't take the bar (girl) out of the farang".   



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