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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. I do not know what is meant by "training facility"...do they mean a facility to incarcerate youth? or a vocational school?

    It's a Remand Centre, only 3kms from where I live and on the same road. There were incredible scenes from about 6pm for an hour involving police cars, ambulances and rescue vehicles racing up and down the main road. All vehicles had their sirens on full blast and for quite a while I imagined all sorts of things. I think from what some of the locals said that rival gangs within the Centre were fighting over who would get some new "recruits" that were on their way to the Facility from other towns around Surat Thani.

    This is the first serious incident there for a very long time.

  2. At that time in the morning I would have expected that quite a few people would have seen it and might even had a chance to video it on their smartphone. I can't say I have followed this case closely but this kind of incident should have sparked something in the media that I might have missed

  3. Education? There is plenty of teaching going on here but not much learning. Thais do not learn from teaching or their experience!

    Not wearing a seatbelt is only a victimless crime when there aren't any victims. Everyone, family, loved ones connected with a person involving injuries or death, are also victims. If a policeman comes to your door and tells you your daughter was in an accident and died because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, do you say? "Up to her, she made her decision......"

  4. When we leave our doors open or leave valuables lying around we don't deserve what might happen next. We don't need to be told we are stupid at a time when we need a bit of understanding and sympathy. Stupid people make mistakes and are stupid often. So, do intelligent people make mistakes, are forgetful, not quite vigilant enough and do stupid things sometimes?

    Nobody but the scammers themselves deserve to be scammed. The woman was innocent but very naïve and greedy and invited trouble. Too much emphasis is being placed on her rather than the Scammer who in this case has been found out. She has lost money; we hope he loses his freedom.

    It is the crime that has to be the punished not the stupidity.

  5. cyclists are not valued as human beings like motorists. This is a world-wide issue.

    Ironically, the cyclist usually owns a car and makes good money at work. sure, SE Asia might not fit this generalization.

    Some bikes are now 10,000 USD.....

    But we are pests of the road, getting in the way of society, trying to improve our health and enjoy the scenery while drivers usually hate us. You ride in a pack!!! they yell, while the driver goes 100 in a 50 speed limit, while texting and sometimes smoking/drinking. they use their power over us, able to kill us at any moment.....bullying, which sometimes results in death.

    i say 20-years per death, but that's just me....

    I would love to buy a bicycle here but far too dangerous. Years ago I used to do a lot of time trialing and loved it but better not to ride a bicycle and live. Sad really.

    I have just arrived home from my bike ride of about 25kms. It isn't dangerous to buy a bike, neither is it dangerous to ride one. if you haven't even bought a bike how have you decided it isn't worth it? I have been riding my bike for more than 13 years in Thailand. Chiang Mai, round the moat, the Hang Dong Road, Doi Saket Road, Mae Rim Road, all round the villages - hundreds of times. I have ridden around Udon and Khon Kaen and more recently around Surat Thani. In all more than 20,000 kms.

    In all that time I have had no incident of any kind. In fact the statistics show that more accidents happen in the home than on the roads.

    Come on, mate, don't be a pussy cat, buy yourself a bike and go out and enjoy some fresh air in the countryside. Yes , be careful and vigilant.

  6. Hence why i would never deal with family..farang or thai in a business sense.

    The actual job was so small and easy . 3000 \baht a few beers and some white whisky . The hard bit for me was getting the wire off and lifting the posts back out . The ground was very soft black earth from the lake so easy to dig , but not for her brother . He knew they all fell down but still came to my house without a blush or

    care . But this motorbike thing left a bad taste in my mouth as i could have had 10,000 baht myself but gave it to him on my wifes advice then he lost the money playing cards .;

    Still looking for the same advice , should i not be upset with and stop him first comign to my house every day secondly stealing food ?

    You seem very upset over losing 10,000 baht. If tomorrow you lose 10,001 baht, are you going to go on a murderous rampage through the village?

    Seriously, the quantity of money you are referring to is an insignificant amount. Move on with your life. Stopping living it as if it were you are a drama queen.

    This thread is little about money, it's about the principle. There was a recent thread about people being short-changed by satang but it is obvious they were not concerned about the money itself.

    You are able to dismiss in a one-minute judgment the long experience of the OP who has had plenty of time to feel the way he does and hopes he can attract a bit of sympathy and SOME support by sharing his plight with others on here.

  7. What a nice positive thread.

    I have been a traveller since I was 15. Many wonderful journeys, particularly on the trains in UK and Europe. In ten years from 1960 I visited most towns and cities in the UK and most of the Island groups including Scotland and Ireland. Many fond memories of the things I saw, the experiences I had and the people I met.

    One journey on our honeymoon, we went by train and ferry from London to Malaga - complete disaster due to the French rail strike in September 1969. it's the stuff of a lengthy story too long for this forum.

    And another disaster on a combined trip of a plane journey to Morocco combined with a cruise in the Mediterranean - with Clarksons - remember them?

    When you travel a lot there will be the good, the bad and the ugly but I wouldn't change anything.

  8. I don't really know who is winning over the period - the stores or me! I DO know I have "won" twice. Once when I was given change for a B1000 when I gave them a B500 note that they effectively gave me back. I didn't think of it until I got home.

    Last year I bought a 5kg bag of basmati rice B450. It was in my trolley and as usual my trolley's contents were compared with the till receipt. There were only a few items in the trolley but the bag of rice was by far the largest physical item with nothing covered up. I thought as I left the Makro store that I had more change than I was owed but didn't check until got home to discover I got my rice for free - not on the till receipt.

    There are two points here: firstly, the Checkers often don't do their job properly, as in my rice scenario, leaving the till girl to later try and explain a shortfall of B450 (at least) and secondly, we should check everything before we leave the store but we don't, do we? It's not especially convenient and not thought of as necessary, but a lot less than a potential visit back to the store.

    Customers make mistakes and Workers make mistakes. Isolated incidents should be treated for what they are. Workers do deserve being fired if malpractice is proven.

  9. UK is not a Country; it is a collection of four Countries though I accept it is administered at the "national" level as one.

    America is not a Country; it is a continental land mass of which the United States of America is one of many countries within it.

    No, the UK is not the most corrupt as a fact, only someone's uninformed opinion.

  10. She is guilty and deserves everything she got her fault not her school not what you call local scrotes!!!!. Her and no one else

    I think I said that too, but her background, upbringing, education and choice of peers made it difficult for her to choose any other path in life.

    And yes, I have been here a long time, it used to be a wonderful country, but it is not now.

    I am not sure how many poor young people there are in Thailand but if we use the example of bargirls who seek to "better" themselves, we have about 4% of those who do so. My guess is that the percentage of young people who engage in drugs is equally small, leaving 90% of the so-called disadvantaged finding legitimate ways to earn a living.

  11. Arvos = afternoons a British colloquialism

    I am British but I have never heard of this word. I have looked it up and I can find no reference to it except as "arvo", something Australian.

    Can you confirm this word as officially existing through an authoritative source?

    It's an Australian colloquialism. Similar to barbie for barbeque, egg nishner, or coming the raw prawn. A simple contraction. Australians like economy with speech.

    So it isn't British then, is it? A contraction is a shortening of something! "afto" is a contraction of afternoon; "arvo" is a completely different word and cannot easily be deduced from the original word. I accept "Barbie" is a contraction of barbeque that I have heard often.

    And what is an "egg nishner"? that isn't a contraction either. What is "coming the raw prawn"? It isn't very economical speech if you have to explain what it is in yet more words.

  12. Arvos = afternoons a British colloquialism

    I am British but I have never heard of this word. I have looked it up and I can find no reference to it except as "arvo", something Australian.

    Can you confirm this word as officially existing through an authoritative source?

  13. My bill this month exactly B1400 but I am lucky. There is a fluorescent light not far from the house that belongs to a restaurant about 200 meters away and the Owner pays me B800 per month for that. It is only on for about 5 hours a day so my bill in essence for my usage only B600 but that was a high month because of the very hot weather, keeping two large fridges going and the aircon about two hours a night.

  14. For me there are no current drawbacks from living in Thailand.

    I have no such feeling as is implied in one thought-of drawback: that of Immigration regulations - that are necessary. I am not in total agreement with the 90 day thing but I accepted it long ago and it is now out of my mind as an inconvenience.

    It isn't easy for foreigners to buy land for the very good reason that it would be exploited, arising mainly from the great difference in land values between Western foreign countries and Thailand, not to mention substantial differences in income levels. Protecting Thai people from this possible exploitation seems fair to me. So I have no issue with that.

    It's true that accidents happen in much greater numbers in Thailand from reckless driving and drunk driving etc, but not a "drawback" for me initially or subsequently.

    If I have any gripe at all about Thailand, it is that the major problems that were here when I arrived are still here half a generation later.

    In another thread running concurrently with this one, I stated that the reasons I came to Thailand remain the same 13 years later. Those reasons are: It's cheaper for me, the climate is better for me and I still have faith in Thai people and their culture.

  15. The things you miss (like those reported by the OP) on a holiday when returning home are trivial and easily forgotten. I thought the question refers to people who live here and if they left what would they miss?

    My answer if that is the case is that I would miss the things that brought me here in the first place:

    It's cheaper to live, the weather suits me more than back home in UK and, of course, the Thai people and their culture.

  16. Had to check, "other" as the question posed, lists Buddhist and those two ideas do not fit together...

    "Other" could be Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Jainism, Mormonism, Scientology, not to mention more than 40,000 (yes, really) sects within Christianity.

    Sometimes unwarranted, but my faith is in real people.

  17. I think there is little case for anyone being agnostic at all. This is because in arriving at a position of being unable to decide about the existence or otherwise of a god, it pre-supposes the probability ratio is around 50:50. In these circumstances being agnostic is reasonable and fair. Absolute truth is virtually unattainable and therefore, technically, we could be agnostic or undecided about anything.

    On the particular subject of whether there is any god or not, the evidence for, is slim indeed and this evidence hasn't changed in thousands of years. The balance of probability/doubt therefore, is more realistically closer to 95:5 that there are no gods and this should be sufficient to deny Agnostics their stance.

    I am an Agnostic concerning the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe. Because there are billions of galaxies and billions of stars in those galaxies, we arrive at a decision from statistical possibility/probability that there might/must be life.

    In contrast with my argument above we are talking here only of statistical considerations not evidential ones.

  18. Sorry, I can't fathom who (MW72 or Suradit69?) doesn't understand what I said about atheism and North Korea. and I am not allowed to reply in the correct place.

    Well, it makes sense to me! Kim of North Korea may be worshipped but only in the sense that propaganda tells us and certainly not in the spiritual sense. In any event. worshipping a human is not religion and Kim's dynasty is NOT a deity "as such" or otherwise. North Korea is an atheist state and actively discourages religion, nevertheless, though, there are a minority of Buddhists and Christians living there.

    Kim is real and therefore we believe he exists. For an atheist, god doesn't exist - quite a difference I think.

  19. It is early days yet but it gives me some hope for this world to see the Atheists leading the way. A majority would be nice but longest journeys begin with small steps.

    Yes because if the atheists "win" the world will be a better place . North Korea, the real paradise on earth.

    You've got to smile when ignorant people try and equate NK to atheism. That country with its cult of the deceased great leader who is worshiped as a god. Yes, that is what atheism is all about. Atheism is about thinking rationaly, reason, enlightenment. They are in pretty short supply in NK.

    Looks like could do with a healthy dose yourself.

    The only single thing that is common to ALL atheists is that they don't believe in a deity. Some atheists are definitely not rational or enlightened except in their non-belief. That is why your opening sentence is flawed. North Korea IS effectively an atheist state.

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