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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. Trying for a baby is not the preserve of the man alone. This is a discussion that should be between the man and the woman involved. Their own unique circumstances and philosophy of life will help determine the wisdom of having a child or not.


  2. It seems there is a culture that insists that everyone has to be entertained whether they like it or not!

    You are right. The noise is bad enough and so excruciating at times, I have had to move away until the noise goes away. What rankles with me is that most Thais couldn't care less about what is actually disturbing the peace - wouldn't last five minutes in many countries as the Police would be called and the "disturbers" would be stopped and warned against further troublemaking!

    Many Thai people don't like it either but tolerate it because they don't have the balls to complain!


  3. 3 hours ago, Chicog said:


    His net spend is 243 million a year over 20 years.

    And most of that has come in the last couple of years.



    Even Wenger has realised that you have to spend stupid money to compete nowadays, thanks to all the dirty Russian and Arab money in the game.

    Good points on the net figure in transfers. But then there are the salaries paid after that as well. All silly money that Football fans pay for.

    What irks me is that all that money goes on Players who are tired after running only 20 kms (12 miles) a week in actual matches.

  4. On ‎02‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 1:07 PM, Baerboxer said:


    Yep, Arsene Wenger is certainly consistent at not achieving anything. 20 years of mostly mediocrity and failure. As Jose put it " an expert in failure".

    Seems like the perfect choice for the FA.

    Most of my research (not opinion) tells me 15 trophies in 20 years for Arsene Wenger. My research also shows  that over that 20 years he has managed on an average of GBP35million per year (buying Players) to maintain a side of quality, capable of top 4 football in every one of those 20 years in the best League in the world. Arsenal are the second most profitable Club in England and the fifth in the World.

    This all shows me he can handle coaching, his (many) Players and is a significant "player" in the Club's business department. It also shows there is little more the Fans, you or me can get from a Manager over such an extended period.

    By the way, I am not a fan of Arsenal but I prefer the balanced view.

  5. 18 hours ago, Xircal said:

    Duterte is following the same path that Thaksin took in 2003 when he was in power. Before being ousted in the 2006 coup some 2800 drug users were arbitarily killed in extra judicial killings. An investigation conducted in 2007 however revealed more than half of the victims had no connection to drugs at all.


    The same is happening again in the Philippines with Duterte using his 'War on drugs' policy to eliminate political rivals and cement himself in power for decades to come. Without an effective opposition in place nothing stands in his way anymore to divert the country's wealth to line his own pockets and those of his family.


    If your second paragraph is FACT supported by evidence or citation then of course everyone should be against it,  but I suspect it is your opinion. Which is it?

  6. 2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    Nothing at all against Arsene Wenger. However,I can't really see how he can be a perfect fit, in light of the fact that for the last 10'ish years he's won very little at club level. He may be scandal-free but he's almost trophy-free too.

    England have won few trophies, if any, since 1966.


    Aresene Wenger is the most successful Manager in the history of football. Not by total number of trophies, but by consistency with one Club: 20 consecutive years in the top four of the Premier League of WORLD football. Most Clubs don't reach top four in any year despite having good Managers. How many matches? How many Players  has he had to manage?

    He would be my choice - I just wish he was English!

  7. 6 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    how did you know what i did?


    I will give you a clue: You said you went fishing and caught some fish. In the course of doing that you cast your LINE (not your rod) into the water and the bait on the hook enticed a fish onto it. You subsequently reeled in the fish to the bankside and concluded that you had caught a fish.   Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out!!


    Am I right?


  8. 2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    He could sort the drug problem out very quickly bt legalizing drugs and then work on a treatment program. Once the money is taken out of the equation- the solution becomes much simpler.

    Something I subscribe to - legalise it all!  I have not thought out this idea to take account of all the potential consequences and implications but if it were that simple, I would love to know why the idea hasn't caught on.

  9. 11 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

    I like the guy but he's targetting the wrong people . He should clean up the muslim part of his country .... but that's too difficult ... easier to hit the druggies.

    He's got the euro's figured out : "European Union a "group of idiots in the purest form."

    Maybe he has decided that the drugs is first and he will sort out the Muslims later.

  10. I am not sure what to think! I am with many of you on considering Duterte a bit of a loony. But he has seen that attempts by all other countries to suppress illegal drugs use fail over many years. Duterte is hardly a diplomat but has been elected on a promise that he is going to sort out the drug problem in his country and no messing with such fanciful things as trials and time-consuming justice.

    He says he is trying to scare those involved in drugs to stop and if they don't he will dispose of them.


    What about the 700,000 that have surrendered? If that is true and they stay "surrendered", the policy seems to be working. 3000 killed so far (who we assume are hardened criminals for which there is proper evidence) is the price to pay for a potential 700,000 already saved souls.


    Duterte is killing people and shouting about it from the rooftops. His analogy with the Holocaust is ill-chosen and this kind of rhetoric has for many people compromised his end purpose, leaving him with less sympathy for his stated cause. Other country's leaders kill many people but prefer political-speak to justify it. The difference, I know, is he is killing his own people but so is President Asaad with the outside support of President Putin.


    On balance, I am unable to reach a conclusion I am really comfortable with.

  11. If it all works out, good luck to you, but while admitting that some responses on here are rather cynical, it nevertheless remains an actual fact that the chances of success of the sort you want, is very unlikely.

    We all realise though, that the benefits you have over most of us of being "super" and "good looking" might work in your favour.

  12. 3 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    i took my son to a fishing park. we threw in the rod time after time and within a minute each time had a fish on the line. we reeled in fish after fish and after a while of seeing the fish and their mangled mouths i decided that this was not the type of fishing i really wanted my son to get involved in.  probably wont bother going there again. doubt any one would count a fish caught at a fishing pond/farm as a record catch.

    we probably had more fun feeding the big fish at the tiger zoo with fishing rods with no hook.

    Why did you throw the rod in? As an angler for more than 50 years, am I missing a trick here?

  13. On ‎26‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 0:18 AM, JJGreen said:

    Must be cheap in pattaya.

    Last time I bought some Mcdonalds I remember a set being about 180 baht or less...
    kfc was similar...or 120 baht for 8 drumstick looking pieces..add some fries and drink...not sure that's 10 times either

    The real criminality of deception is Starbucks and their clones...
    165 baht for a iced coffee?? Now that coffee is on a par with 3in1 Birdy


    And compare that with the coffee you can make at home. Yes, proper ground quality ( Boncafe B100 for 250gms) and prepared in a coffee machine for B2. Starbucks and their like are not scamming but they are certainly "ripping off"

  14. 10 minutes ago, barryw52 said:

     1. 90 day online reporting only works on Internet Explorer 11 (not the Edge browser on Windows 10 either) or maybe earlier versions of IE. It does not work with Google Chrome or Firefox or Safari browsers or any other internet browser.

    2. Your passport must be on file via the Thai Immigration computer system at a major Thai airport or entry point. If you got a new passport in Thailand it will not work until you reenter the country on that passport. 

    3. If you have not exited and reentered Thailand for a while i.e a few years your not on the computer system and it will not work.



    So, I last re-entered Thailand in February 2015 and got a new passport in January, 2016 that now contains my current retirement extension until April 2017.  Does that mean I cannot do a 90day report online?

    I would add that my TM6 from that re-entry is in my new passport and has been used at least three times for postal 90 day reporting with no problems

  15. 26 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can submit your application from anywhere. But when you get to the 2nd page you have to use the address you used when you applied for your extension. 

    Sorry to be a pain but I can't find the "pinned" topic.

    I have two questions: what is the time frame of submitting report online and what is the current link to the site that actually works. I have two links both of which brings me to "page can't be displayed". I am using Windows IE The link I used is this one given to me by another Forum Member: http://www.immigrati...004/en/base.php

    (is it incomplete)

    Thank you

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