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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. 5 minutes ago, mankondang said:

    A life style change means that whatever you choose to adapt, the you stick to your routine religiously. There for choose an exercise program that you enjoy,....if you don't enjoy it, irrespective of the cost, you will not make it par of your life. From your OP it seems to me that cardiovascular training is your objective, and there is no easier way to do this than walking. It needs no training as it comes natural to us all. Your rout can vary, as can your distance, hence adding variety to ward off boredom. It costs very little, just a good comfortable pair of walking shoes. If your in the countryside then taking a camera with you may lead to some nice photos and add interest to your walk. As does walking with family and friends.

    Cardiovascular exercise, for promoting/recuperating from heart disease does not encourage resistance training, such as weight lifting, so joining a gym restricts you to the treadmill, bike and possible swimming, which is another good form of cardiovascular exercise, but take longer to achieve the same results as walk-in, but their combinations have pleasant outcomes.

    Whichever exercise program you chose, may I wish you health and happiness from it.

    Most of your comments here I like but sticking to anything "religiously" is not good advice. One should have a plan that can be adjusted in the light of circumstances.

  2. Starting an exercise regime is a serious business. Others have commented on the wisdom of not buying expensive equipment - they are right. In any event, you can buy a new, perfectly adequate treadmill for a third of B25000.

    I suggest you start modestly until your body becomes accustomed to a sudden change. This means from the point of view of exercise by doing nothing more than a few minutes at a time. The last thing you need is to add injury to whatever existing problems you have.


    Buy yourself some decent footwear that is comfortable and has proper foot support - that will be good for your back, too.

    Get to your nearest open, traffic-free space - a park if there is one. Enjoy the fresh air, walk briskly for a few minutes and then rest, walk a little more. Go home and do it again tomorrow. Ask me to write a very basic walking schedule for you that will help you to build up your efforts while preventing injury.

    Good Luck

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


    It just means you aren't all that observant or sensitive to other peoples feelings.

    I'm not saying that's a bad thing, you are probably much happier in your fantasy world.

    Me, I prefer reality.

    I think you should read my post more carefully! Your remarks are the opposite of what you should be saying. I am extremely observant and sensitive and compassionate. I am one of the most realistic people you will ever meet. If after reading my post again you feel the same then you have had a brain aberration!

  4. Wherever I have been in the world in more than 50 years I have met few people, including children, who are not friendly. I think that says more about me than it does about them! I know how to invite friendliness. I am talking about engaging with them. Because someone doesn't smile at me when passing, I don't count that as unfriendly.

  5. I had a similar problem with my iPad 2 three years old. I took it to my local Apple Dealer (I didn't buy it from there) She pressed the Power Off button together with the Home button on the front and in ten seconds all was well. That was three months ago and no problems since.

    Maybe you tried that already but if you did then I am no help.


    I think it is reasonable that you try another Apple Dealer.

  6. 31 minutes ago, transam said:

    It's not rectangular or round (disc)..............It's a square...........:facepalm:

    Sorry, but you have forgotten your elementary geometry. A rectangle is ANY four-sided figure with two sets of parallel lines with four internal angles of 90 degrees. This includes a square. I accept though, not many people use the term "rectangle" when they mean a square. In the same way that I describe the Thai car tax as Tax 'disc' from habit.

  7. Low Class to whom?

    I think the Thai tourist business thinks they are those who simply don't spend much money, but from this angle they are not appreciating that many first-timers are student backpackers who might easily become tomorrow's high earners. Unfortunately, Thais of most persuasions see no further than today.

  8. If there is national computer database relating to foreigners and their Immigration history, Can the Surat Office tell me if my 90 day processing has occurred in Chiang Mai?

    The 90 day report records are only kept at the office where you do your reports.

    Thank you Joe,

    If there was a problem with processing, would the Office contact me and advise me? For example if I forgot to enclose all the correct information. They have my email address and personal mobile number.

  9. I have applied for the 90 day from my home address in Chiang Mai. My return envelope hasn't arrived there. I just happen to be in Surat now with no plan to return to Chiang mai in the next few days.

    I haven't checked if it actually arrived, I have never done this and always assumed it arrived. My Post office receipt I have but not sure how to check. Where do I go? On the receipt there looks like a Tracking number with seven digits - is that the one? If so, do I need to go to a website or the Post Office?

    Thank you for your time

    Enter the full tracking ID here


    and move the slider.

    Tracking ID is found on the slip as shown here:


    Keep the slip (do a copy),

    Worst that could happen is 2000 Baht fine.

    No other sanctions.

    yes, I did as you suggested, it arrived in the afternoon of 14th in plenty of time for processing before the holiday. Thank you so much for your help. Now I need to know if they DID process it!

  10. I have applied for the 90 day from my home address in Chiang Mai. My return envelope hasn't arrived there. I just happen to be in Surat now with no plan to return to Chiang mai in the next few days.

    I haven't checked if it actually arrived, I have never done this and always assumed it arrived. My Post office receipt I have but not sure how to check. Where do I go? On the receipt there looks like a Tracking number with seven digits - is that the one? If so, do I need to go to a website or the Post Office?

    Thank you for your time

  11. My latest 90 Day report was due on 19th July. In anticipation of the long holidays including this date I filed a report by post, sending it EMS on Tuesday, 12th. My SAE (return envelope) had only the ordinary Thai postage stamp but as I write it hasn't arrived.

    How can I tell if it has been processed? Once I know it has my stress levels reduce and I wait with patience for the slip to arrive.

    My official office to report is Chiang Mai but right now I am in Surat Thani. To prevent the problem for some reason that the process has not been completed, I feel that on Monday, with one day of the grace period remaining, I go to the Surat Immigration Office and try to do it there. Yes, I have copies of the original slip in my iPad and in print form.

    Suggestions as to my best options will be appreciated. Thank you.

  12. I have had my private pension paid from the Norwich Union in UK to Thailand via the SWIFT method for ten years. they charge me about B200. No charges for receiving. It is sent as GBP and I pay little or nothing through the exchange. In other words, I receive the going International exchange rate as published less my. GBP4

    My Government pension for five years already, is paid with no charge by the Government or by the receiving bank here and no discernible difference in the published exchange rate. It always arrives on time except on Public holidays either in Thailand or UK.

    Both sets of pensions are paid into my account around 9am Thai time on the appointed date. When the appointed date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, I am paid on the Friday prior. At Christmas, I might easily receive my Government pension four or five days early so it is available before the Christmas Holidays in UK.

  13. A nostalgic and ironic note:

    Remember the days, not much more than 20 years ago when everyone had to go into the bank for any kind of transaction and only in banking hours? it was mainly free. When ATM's were introduced there were massive savings from reduced labour costs. But gradually, for reasons I am not sure of, ATMS cost a lot more for transactions than labour!

    ATM's are fantastically convenient and I now take them for granted and accept the costs.

    I have yet to meet a Thai person who knows what the letters ATM represent in words. Is it important? No, of course not, just a curio!

  14. If I understand you correctly, you're not criticizing someone for changing their name, but rather them changing their name BECAUSE of superstition...correct? As has already been pointed out, the west has millions who live their lives guided by superstition. And that's not even including religious folks, who are arguably one in the same. So sir, if you're just picking on the Thais, you are in fact Thai-bashing.

    This IS a thread about Thai people.

    Given that many of the threads on this forum are about negative aspects of Thai people and culture, why is it that this thread is construed as Thai bashing? I criticise ("bash") anyone who lives by superstition, religion (not Buddhism), acupuncture, homeopathy, astrology, water divining and any other supernatural belief systems.

  15. So why does it bother you so much.. As per other response, how many millions do westerns throw away at taro card readings, palms being read and so on....... You must be so superior, as suggested coffee1.gif

    The OP doesn't seem "bothered" as much as curious. In any event, you are right about many Westerners falling foul of superstition and wasting money on the supernatural, but they don't change their names because of it, which is the thrust of the OP's message

    "No need to say moreI was appalled and thought this was a 1 of stupidity that I would not possibly ever see again".+ "And I thought I would not see something as absurd as the luk thep doll trend BS."

    The OP doesn't seem "bothered" as much as curious? Curious cheesy.gif Please!

    Sorry the thrust of OP is simply Thai bashing!

    You are right about my comment relating to "bothered" I did read all the post and I had forgotten about the "appalled" bit so I am wrong to say what I did. However, your comment that the thrust is "thai bashing" is your chosen interpretation while the THRUST was definitely about the effect of superstition prompting a change of name. Personally, I think it IS stupid and that is a fact! And I am not Thai bashing!

  16. So why does it bother you so much.. As per other response, how many millions do westerns throw away at taro card readings, palms being read and so on....... You must be so superior, as suggested coffee1.gif

    The OP doesn't seem "bothered" as much as curious. In any event, you are right about many Westerners falling foul of superstition and wasting money on the supernatural, but they don't change their names because of it, which is the thrust of the OP's message

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