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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. Yes because if the atheists "win" the world will be a better place . North Korea, the real paradise on earth.

    Why do you think North Korea is the real paradise on Earth?

    North Korea is effectively an atheist state. The commenter about it being a better place refers only to that fact.

  2. Religion is not a personally acquired belief system. It is almost entirely determined by your place of birth and indoctrination by your parents, who in turn were so influenced by their birthplace and parents.

    Unfortunately, religion makes good people bad and it DOESN'T make bad people good.

    What is the purpose of the OP? Is it a serious research question?

  3. This has been an interesting thread:

    We have heard from those whose attitude is similar to Thais. We have heard of those who hoot at everything and we have heard from those who hardly hoot at all in a lifetime of driving.

    I wonder what other characteristics of people we might infer from those observations?

    I am of the latter category: I have driven in UK (35 years) USA, France, Spain and Portugal and over 13 years or so in Thailand and if I said I have hooted 50 times in all that period I would have exaggerated. I am free of any accidents.

    Like some here, I am, and always have been an anticipatory driver and always know what is around me.

  4. Check everything about this situation. You can offer to take care of her on a monthly basis but handing out capital sums is not something I would be keen to do with a six-month old relationship.

    In Thailand on a retirement extension requires a guarantee of around $25,000 by Immigration. This not a "few" thousand. In a Western Country that amount would need to be more, I think.

    In this forum, we can make you aware of the dangers but we don't know you or your g/f or your exact circumstances and ultimately you will have to live by the decisions you make, whether from your gut or assessing the situation very carefully.

  5. You can't win the war with ants but you can win a few battles! I haven't bought any insecticide of any kind for about ten years. That stuff kills insects sure, but it gets into other places as well and is a terrible smell.

    I use a small plastic bottle sprayer about B15 from your local plastic shop. I fill it full of water and put a couple of dashes of washing up liquid, effectively no cost. The smell is fine and it does kill all ants including the weaver ants and other small insects. Not much good for cockroaches and multiple mosquitos, though.

    Yes, must check your glass if you intend to re-fill with a sweet-type drink. I have inadvertently failed to do this only to see those tiny black things rise quickly to the surface and some stubbornly half way down.

  6. I have seen a few very tiny insects but only in the bottom of the fridge. They are always dead, though I don't know how long it took for the cold, that I imagine was the cause, to kill them. They crept in through a leaky seal. It isn't for me a serious problem.

    Actually dehydration is what likely killed them. Same effect if you put fresh bread in the fridge...in a couple of days all the moisture will be sucked out and it will be dry and rock hard.

    Yes, good point. I do put fresh bread in the freezer ( I buy a few loaves at a time) but that comes out fine when it defrosts.

  7. I have seen a few very tiny insects but only in the bottom of the fridge. They are always dead, though I don't know how long it took for the cold, that I imagine was the cause, to kill them. They crept in through a leaky seal. It isn't for me a serious problem.

  8. Just ONE of the sources I used was about a demonstration by only hundreds.

    Had you been open minded enough to read the others you would know that the others show such opposition and condemnation is widespread and overwhelmingly greater than any support the criminals and murderers such as ISIS receive from Muslims worldwide.

    The 70,000 clerics for example. The thousands of Muslims, politicians, clerics, ordinary individuals, who have signed the open letter is another.

    You will find many more examples if you could be bothered to look.

    You have chosen the wrong person when it comes to truth. When I realise the truth that conflicts with a position I held then I change my mind.

    Your remarks show this not to be the case. The truth does conflict with your position, but you are attempting to belittle and dismiss the truth; when you aren't actually ignoring it.

    You can continue this discussion with others - as I said, I have no sympathy with Apologists or Sympathisers.

    What, exactly, are you accusing me of apologising for and sympathising with?

    You quoted TWO examples of Hundreds. Read your own post. "hundred's that "flooded" London's Streets and "hundreds" that came out holding placards one occasion.

    Please, sir, don't waste any more of my time. I will not be responding to any of it.

  9. ChrisKC,

    I see that when faced with the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support Islamist terrorists in any way, and in fact condemn them, that you have fallen back on the tired, feeble accusations that those who point out this truth are in some way apologists!

    Accusations thrown out many times before by those who have no other argument.

    I have no need to 'apologise' for the majority of Muslims, and am certainly not, and never have nor ever will, 'apologise' for terrorists.

    Your response doesn't address the points I made.

    The arguments and sources you have cited refer to "hundreds" and therefore cannot be remotely considered as the overwhelming majority.

    You have chosen the wrong person when it comes to truth. When I realise the truth that conflicts with a position I held then I change my mind.

    You can continue this discussion with others - as I said, I have no sympathy with Apologists or Sympathisers.

  10. Of course not all Muslims are terrorists but most of the others are sympathisers and they are conspicuous by their absence when it come to condemning those who are.

    Do I, yet again, have to post the long list of Muslims, from political and religious leaders statements to ordinary people demonstrating, who have publicly and regularly condemned Islamist terrorists?

    Such as:-

    Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

    How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

    Open Letter to Al-Baghdadi

    The answer to the OP's question is NO! I don't trust any of them!

    And how do I arrive at my stance? Not from a self-opinionated position but the evidence that allows me to make a balanced judgment.

    It seems obvious that you have ignored all the evidence which contradicts your prejudice and therefore your judgement is anything but balanced!

    Of course, your stance could be justified by the mainstream media's failure to report such condemnation and demonstrations!

    You wouldn't know it from the press but moderate Muslims do denounce terrorism.

    'Hundreds of Muslims flooded the streets of London to condemn terrorism. Media’s response: Silence'

    Although Shia Muslims take part in the march each year to mark the Arbaeen, or mourning, anniversary of Imam Husain - a seventh-century leader who fought for social justice - this year organisers decided to use the event as a platform to denounce terrorism following the recent Isis attacks in Paris, Beirut and elsewhere.

    Organiser Waqar Haider said: "This year we had hundreds of placards which were basically saying ‘no’ to terrorism and ‘no’ to Isis. A very direct message.

    "Hundreds" at an annual event cannot be considered as proper representation of the hundreds of thousands who live in London and whose numbers came out in force recently to vote for the new Mayor! That was their priority - to get power to drive the iron-age Islamic wedge further into our civilised society.

    How could hundreds "flood" the streets of London?? In any event, hardly a consensus, is it?

    How many of 70,000 clerics are in London or Paris? How many go back to their madrasa to continue training otherwise innocents how to maim and kill?

    I stand by what I said!

    Please, no more apologies on behalf of these wretched people

  11. Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

    Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

    If only what you say were true! Of course not all Muslims are terrorists but most of the others are sympathisers and they are conspicuous by their absence when it come to condemning those who are. Why? because Islamic doctrines forbid them to betray their own.

    Any persons. Muslim or otherwise, who act or condone their barbarity are NOT friends or neighbours of mine.

    And religion DOES divide us - by the religious people themselves.

    You need to be careful on that high horse of yours - you may fall off and hurt yourself.

    The answer to the OP's question is NO! I don't trust any of them!

    And how do I arrive at my stance? Not from a self-opinionated position but the evidence that allows me to make a balanced judgment.

  12. Anyone living here is crazy for carrying their passport daily.


    I have carried my U.S. passport in my shirt pocket through at least a dozen countries worldwide daily for at least 40 years.

    Haven't lost it yet, and never got it wet enoigh to be illegible.

    i am so used to the passport being there in my shirt pocket that if I put a shirt on without my passport in the shirt pocket, i immediately can feel the difference in my shiirt.

    Wherever you leave your passport there is no guarantee it will be safe. It is a calculated risk. The Poster above believes in himself more than any other source and consequently has found - until now - a safe way for him. 40 years is a good record so he isn't crazy, is he?

    To save greater inconvenience and hassle later, in the event of loss or serious damage, it IS a good idea to regularly update every page in the passport and have a copy on your mobile devices as well as in the icloud and a printed copy to take with you at all times. You can do this at a minimum of every 90 days.

    Well, that is my cunning plan, anyway.

  13. It is the question in this thread that concerns me. "Are Thais capable...."? Capable suggests that ABILITY is a pre-requisite to express and show feelings of love; it somehow infers intelligence and skill are part of the love equation. In addition, is there a "Western sense" of Love?

    The love between "lovers" is about feelings and is unique. It is different from loving anything or anyone else: chocolate, your children, your Mom and Dad. The actual lovers relationship can contain all nuances and absolutely no bar on topics of discussion that would be inappropriate in other kinds of relationships involving love.

    Too many people, men and women, cheapen the word love by being a bit premature (and deluded) and sometimes before the relationship has hardly started. I know, I have done it myself. We should learn to be sure we "like" before we go the whole five yards with love. In my opinion, stating you love someone and meaning it, strongly infers commitment from your heart that could be broken if unrequited. It should also mean, technically, that you have "burnt your boats" relating to any other actual or potential lovers.

    But we shouldn't deny people their feelings. If they feel it, they are entitled to express it. Will it be true? probably not, not necessarily because they are lying but because each wants to be nice to the other and it is a very pleasant thing to hear and it accelerates the process. An immediate feeling of love is understandable but the long lasting one is what counts!

    When Thai women say they love me, especially before we have even met, I believe them! I say, "thank you, that is a lovely thing to say, I think you are nice, too"!

    Will love really happen when push comes to shove? On balance, I think not. In the context of Thai women and Western men, if a relationship is working in an atmosphere of relative peace and harmony, honesty and respect and a bit of unselfishness then that goes a long way even though real love may not actually be present.

    Me? I like the word "adore"; it seems to have so much more than love within it - but I rarely use it!

  14. attachicon.gifziploc.jpg A 4 inch x 6 inch will fit.

    "Ziploc', avoiding a world of inconvenience wherever you go". Not a major expense either.

    I now keep my passport in a spare bank pass book coverattachicon.gifPassport cover.jpg - perfect size. I got mine free - just asked for one at the bank.

    But it's not water proof.

    Yes, I know, but for the OP he won't be carrying his passport next to water again, will he? My idea isn't to protect a passport against a once in a lifetime accident.

  15. sounds to me like you all need to move on without the parasites. I used to live with Thai girls they end up making more work for me around my house so now I live alone and when my g/f comes to stay with me for a week she has to pull her weight washing ironing mopping floors and cooking ect. I do take her to nice places on holiday buy her cloths but that's all and she know if she's not happy with it, I've told her look for a new farang.

    I am not prepared to discuss ALL my dirty linen in public but suffice to say, some of us are in circumstances that make "moving on" not that simple.

    When I live alone I have plenty of money every month to live on and save. When I am with (as I am now) a Thai woman, I cannot afford to go anywhere else at a moments notice. I cannot easily look for alternative accommodation and I can't search for a new g/f. If this became apparent to my present g/f "woe" would be me.

    I have already "moved on" a few times and if I told you what I have needed to do to make that happen you would accuse me of lying!

    This is one reason why I will never marry a Thai. Same as houses: rent, not buy!

    For some writing on this forum, they have found a true (with the emphasis on TRUE) lovely Thai woman - I am still looking!

    then don't keep putting yourself in these situations where you end up making life difficult for yourself my friend............ easy keep life simple like I dobiggrin.png

    If at first I don't succeed.... give up? No, I live in hope or die in despair!

  16. Thanks everyone. Feel a lot better now. I did get pissed last night and told her to pack her bags in the morning and get. Gave it to her both barrels for two hours. She says she's woken up. Well see. Too be honest I'm pretty sure it's too late. I been flogging a dead horse for 4 years and not even sure there's any feelings left on my part. Ill try one more time for my son. Unfortunately my opening post highlight her good points. There have been many other darker issues also. Really hit the jackpot with this one

    Jesus man I hope you're ok. Pm me anytime if you want to talk about it or just unload. Stay strong.

    Yes, me too, if you want to share with me, I extend the offer of my time and understanding. Chris

  17. OP Kenny202, have you considered a Thai girlfriend/wife – they are educated to take care of their man – my GF say, that a Thai lady loose face, if she cannot take good care of her man...whistling.gif

    My lovely Thai GF almost daily cooks delicious food for me (sometime we dine out), gives me birthday present and birthday cake, and small gifts now and then – the small ongoing surprises like bringing ice cream or crispy pork home or..., matters more than birthdays – and of course chocolate and roses for Valentines Day and make up the bed...wub.png


    ...but perhaps I'm just lucky..?rolleyes.gif

    That picture is so romantic and I would melt if my girl did that for me!

  18. sounds to me like you all need to move on without the parasites. I used to live with Thai girls they end up making more work for me around my house so now I live alone and when my g/f comes to stay with me for a week she has to pull her weight washing ironing mopping floors and cooking ect. I do take her to nice places on holiday buy her cloths but that's all and she know if she's not happy with it, I've told her look for a new farang.

    I am not prepared to discuss ALL my dirty linen in public but suffice to say, some of us are in circumstances that make "moving on" not that simple.

    When I live alone I have plenty of money every month to live on and save. When I am with (as I am now) a Thai woman, I cannot afford to go anywhere else at a moments notice. I cannot easily look for alternative accommodation and I can't search for a new g/f. If this became apparent to my present g/f "woe" would be me.

    I have already "moved on" a few times and if I told you what I have needed to do to make that happen you would accuse me of lying!

    This is one reason why I will never marry a Thai. Same as houses: rent, not buy!

    For some writing on this forum, they have found a true (with the emphasis on TRUE) lovely Thai woman - I am still looking!

  19. It's not the birthday it's the fact you are under appreciated and have a loveless marriage.

    To this day my wife spoils me rotten.

    She is super appreciative of me and shows it every day.

    Just living a dream feeling so lucky

    That's really nice and I imagine you are a nice man. There isn't much luck in it: You both are thoughtful and probably quite unselfish.

    Both partners in the relationship being unselfish has the effect of each getting what they need without wishing for or taking it.

  20. I sympathise with the OP in a big way!

    I had a Thai g/f for three years paid for nearly everything and never had more than B100 in the bank at month's end. In three years, nothing for Birthday, Valentine's Day (same day for me) Father's day nothing from her or two daughters, Christmas, And in that time, I bought nothing for myself - absolutely nothing.

    For her, jewellery, clothes and many other things that I chose carefully and wrapped up, restaurant dinners. Anyway, happy for her to receive but not to give. And unfortunately that is not my whole story.

    Giving her everything including love and affection, time and attention, working hard, I deserved better. My conscience is 100% clear, I was a good man and I still am. I cannot forget but I have accepted and it is past.

  21. So if I steam rice and right after steaming put it in a sealed container, how does bacteria get inside?

    First paragraph sourced from Internet

    Bacillus cereus will have survived as spores in the food all through the cooking process (even at 100C), and are now stimulated to return to a vegetative (growth) state. They can reach 10^5 or 10^6 per gram very quickly. As its name implies, it was attached to most cereal crops, wheat, rice, etc., and is not from the food animal or human food-handler.

    Bacteria continues to grow and multiply in the presence of water or moisture, growing very quickly at room temperature. At fridged temperature they are growing much more slowly so shouldn't be left in there too long either.

    On a general note, Bacteria is everywhere, even in your body, round your eyes and in your mouth with only about 20% of bacteria that is bad and there is 80% "good" bacteria that helps to fight the bad.

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