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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. I have known a farang for a few years in LOS that I just looked at as a stereotype, put up with his waffle and smile.png .

    The other night having a few beers he came out with, "Anyone who follows a religion is a _anker", I replied.

    "I am in no way religious, but my dad, Sgt.Maj. ________ in his later life became the Deacon of his local church, are you calling my dad a _anker"..?. He waffled a bit losing his rag, so l repeated the question. He said "Yes".

    Well that was my 'bridge to far', l got up, told his wife he was f_____ crazy and left..

    There has always been other stuff too. So did a bit of research, came up with 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder", read it all and it is this guy to a 'T'. This guy has been chucked out of bars upsetting folk with his mouth.

    Am I off topic..? laugh.png

    It may come as news to you that many people regard religion as a mental disorder.

    Christopher Hitchens said it best with: " Good men will do good, and evil men will do evil. For good men to do evil - that takes religion".

    My own quote on this is: Religion makes good people bad and it DOESN'T make bad people good

  2. I don't normally recommend particular books for people to read as I am aware that my tastes and theirs could be different. Once in a while though, a book comes up apropos of nothing special; I read it and be so glad I did.

    Please look at these two titles (links below to reviews)

    "The Skallagrig" by William Horwood


    "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold


  3. Personally, i have absolutely no interest in what people read or in telling them what i read. Cannot for the life of me understand the logic behind it.

    The title of the thread is clear enough. Your kind of logic suggests strongly that you wouldn't open it. Then you tell us you don't understand why anyone else should be interested.

    Curious contradictions of logic I think

    If i see a road accident, i look, doesnt mean i want to be in one. What a close friend or rellie read, i can understand an interest in that, but a complete stranger, Not in the least.

    Am I to understand then, being a member in a forum of strangers that unless you know them, you are not interested? Nearly 600 posts you have made suggests you are interested. Which brand of logic do you follow?

  4. Personally, i have absolutely no interest in what people read or in telling them what i read. Cannot for the life of me understand the logic behind it.

    The title of the thread is clear enough. Your kind of logic suggests strongly that you wouldn't open it. Then you tell us you don't understand why anyone else should be interested.

    Curious contradictions of logic I think

  5. I love reading. Recently I have read the Classics of Ken Follett, the autobiography of Bill Clinton, and now wading through the collection of Jeffrey Archers'. When I was in England I had a library of books but not practical to bring them here.

    Slightly off-topic but in the many houses I have been in, in 13 years I have seen very few with any books and sorry to say many of them are Teachers.

  6. I live 1500 kms from you and My Tesco Supermarket didn't have Meadowcraft spread for nearly two months. I bought some in TOPS and it was B99 instead of the usual B89 in Tescos so I thought it was possible the Suppliers had put up their prices and Tescos wouldn't go with it. However, last week it was in the fridge again at B90. I like to buy something called "Mother's" something - exactly the same but B76 and available in Big C.

    I mention this as it is likely that whatever Tescos does, it is copied nationally and therefore not a single blithering idiot.

  7. Ok, so the guy who cut off the dog;'s paws should go to jail. I agree.But here is the problem. First of all, it wasn't the dog's fault for running around freely. It was the owner's fault so the facts are that if the owner who apparently had been asked and warned on numerous occasions not to let the dog run free had done her job the dog would be fine today. So who is "really" at fault here? The owner.

    A few years ago some farong guy used to walk his dog thru a neighborhood and it got attacked by a cop's dog and badly injured. I recall the guy taking a knife with him and the next time the cop's dog attacked his dog the guy killed it. Curious what the outcome was.

    Now, I take issue with people saying having all these dogs is a cultural thing. Pure BS. You won't see any dogs running around the Convention Center in Chiang Mai. Why not if they are so revered? I guess the elites don't want their women and kids chased and jumped on. Or maybe they don't want their fancy cars pissed and sheeet on.

    I have been to Prachuap Khirikhan lately and just got back from Krabi. Guess what? Hardly any dogs. They don't want the damn pests bothering the tourists I guess.

    I have personally moved from three different expensive apartment complexes because of dogs, the last one a lady had 20 dogs living across the street from the complex. I put up with it for three years even called the cops who actually did come out but did nothing. They told me everyone complains but they can nothing. There ya go folks. Thais do illegal and stupid things because there is no accountability or law to prevent it I guess. Or maybe just not enforced like so many other things like burning etc.

    I moved out and scoped out a new rejuvenated condo building about a dozen times before I moved in. I made a comprehensive list of all the issues that needed resolving before I agreed to move in. One of them was the fact that four dogs live on the complex. In fact, every single time I would meet with the owner or a rep we got chased for two blocks. I said I won't move in unless you get rid of them. Not only did she agree, I put it in my contract. They agreed to get rid of them and signed off on my lease agreement.

    Now, seven months later the flucking dogs sit on the steps outside my door and howl and bark all night long, continue to chase anyone and everyone who comes to the complex and bark all night long. The owner has done nothing.

    So, I once again took a Thai person's word (stupid I know) that they would get rid of the dogs.

    So I ask all the dog lovers out there what to do and please don't say move. should I move? I'm the one paying 15K a month for rent not the f...... dogs.

    Would I cut off their paws? NO. Would I poison them? Does anyone know where to buy poison that works? Rat poison doesn't work.

    And I assume poisoning the owners would be a bit more of the problem. What I have learned is that talking to the owners does NOTHING. They smile and promise a laugh at you and do nothing.

    So, I am open for options on what to do. But time is running out. Maybe someone knows of a service that could pick them up. No one claims to own them so no one should get upset when they disappear.

    Again, to all the dog lovers what is your solution to the problem other than move and bitch and moan about what the guy did?

    I have been to Prachuap Khirikhan lately and just got back from Krabi. Guess what? Hardly any dogs. They don't want the damn pests bothering the tourists I guess.

    I went to Prachuap Kirikhan too, a couple of months ago. While there my gf and I bought food to have a picnic near the beach. The moment we got out of the car we were mobbed by maybe 30 or 40 macaques that systematically wrenched all the food from us to leave us with nothing within a single minute. It was really scary! Dogs don't do that, so it's not much to do with "bothering" tourists which those monkeys obviously do.

    But unlike you, I accept and move on; I don't feel the need to exterminate them.

    I do, however, sympathise with your current plight.

  8. I love these threads. You got old blokes asking older blokes what they will do when they get "old" lol. Must be the only country on earth where remarkably all the old folk still have all their teeth and hair and look far younger than their actual age. Contrary to all we know about science, genetics and aging somehow manage to be fitter, faster, more athletic and have more sexual stamina than guys 5 or more decades their junior. Amazing Thailand eh! Sheesh talk about believing your own publicity. Cough cough I'm calling BS on that one

    You, Sir, may have an excess of pride over humility but I do not. I don't lose face by admitting I have lost faculties if it is true. I for one do not claim capabilities that I do not have. Out of you and me, I am the one that knows what I can do and you do not. There are no lies, no exaggeration and no BS.

    On this occasion, your "knowledge" of science and genetics has failed you. I issue you with a challenge: I ask you to name ANYTHING that a 71 year old man such as I should (sic) be suffering from and I can reply honestly (as I write) NOTHING! I don't even wear glasses.

    Be sceptical by all means but being cynical, bigoted and a know-all requires only that you recognise your future silence will be golden for those of us that don't fit your personal stereotype.

    Tickled a nerve did I mate? Can't see how I am a bigot but anyhow the point is many posters were trying to say how they are better now when they were when they were younger not about what you should be suffering from. Nothing wrong with being fit for your age but you couldn't possibly have the same level of fitness as a 20 year old. No need to get your nose out of joint just a healthy dose of perspective or then again I could be wrong and all these fat old alcoholics running around really are hansum men eh? My apologies

    Thank you, I appreciate your response. and apologies accepted. I am a lucky and quite exceptional man health-wise and like to say so. To be challenged as to the truth of it does "tickle a nerve" so I assert myself! In comparing myself with people much younger than me, I mean those who are not an athlete, which means the average person. I am an athlete for nearly 40 years but can't possibly outdo those younger who are actually trained athletes; but then I never claimed that.

    I am not just fit, I am incredibly healthy. Have absolutely nothing wrong or out of sync. I have never been in a hospital bed, never had a disease, never had a serious accident, no allergies, never taken regular medication, nothing chronic like backache, no asthma, no acne, no rheumatism, arthritis, no prostate or hernia, no diabetic tendencies, no varicose veins, no high blood pressure or too much cholesterol. no broken bones. have a head of hair and teeth. Oh, and my brain? It loves work and oxygen and it gets plenty! I have bags of energy and curiosity.

    I am not fat or ugly. 175cm tall and only 60 kgs and always been that way. What is my secret?

    There isn't a "secret" I try to run a balanced and generally stress-free life - and it is working!

    Yes, I know, tomorrow I die from a stroke or heart attack.

  9. Foolish man, he should have just left poison out and done the job properly

    Your Sick

    That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

    The tone of your comment suggests very strongly that your assertion you are "totally" against animal cruelty is not true. Are you the one that thinks we shouldn't kill animals for food? You do not condemn that man for being cruel to the dog for cutting off his paws in an act of barbarism; instead, the impression you give is one that the dog got what it deserved. if the Owner was lying why punish the dog?

    Maybe you are not "sick" but your attitude towards animals (dogs in particular, I suspect) is twisted and leaves little room for anyone to respect you for it!

  10. It's inhuman to eat animals, cruel and necessary. People here even eat chickens feet they get cut off as well

    It's NOT inhuman to eat animals. If it was, you and I wouldn't be here as, before farming, our ancestors had no choice but to hunt, kill and eat them. It is INHUMANE to kill them in ways that involve unnecessary suffering.

    I would assume that chicken's feet are cut off when they are dead!

  11. There is probably some house close by where they are keeping fighting cocks, strap spikes on them and let them slice each other up until one dies, but that's ok cos it's still legal here. Why is nobody campaigning to get widespread and regular animal cruelty like this banned in Thailand?

    You are right, absolutely despicable and unforgivable cruelty. But it only exists because of gambling which ISN'T legal.

    How does any of this equate with Buddhism? So much hypocrisy - no shame, no guilt or humility in sight.

    Sometimes I am ashamed of my fellow man!

  12. I love these threads. You got old blokes asking older blokes what they will do when they get "old" lol. Must be the only country on earth where remarkably all the old folk still have all their teeth and hair and look far younger than their actual age. Contrary to all we know about science, genetics and aging somehow manage to be fitter, faster, more athletic and have more sexual stamina than guys 5 or more decades their junior. Amazing Thailand eh! Sheesh talk about believing your own publicity. Cough cough I'm calling BS on that one

    You, Sir, may have an excess of pride over humility but I do not. I don't lose face by admitting I have lost faculties if it is true. I for one do not claim capabilities that I do not have. Out of you and me, I am the one that knows what I can do and you do not. There are no lies, no exaggeration and no BS.

    On this occasion, your "knowledge" of science and genetics has failed you. I issue you with a challenge: I ask you to name ANYTHING that a 71 year old man such as I should (sic) be suffering from and I can reply honestly (as I write) NOTHING! I don't even wear glasses.

    Be sceptical by all means but being cynical, bigoted and a know-all requires only that you recognise your future silence will be golden for those of us that don't fit your personal stereotype.

  13. The best insurance is to preserve your body and mind with adequate lifestyle.

    Good idea. So hookers only every other night then? coffee1.gif


    Get real .....at 70 years of age, a different girl every night is a thing of the past, my friend.

    He does not say what he does with the hookers or if they are the type you are thinking.

    maybe he is into crocheting or carpet weaving cheesy.gif

    If you are referring to me, you are more mistaken than you think. Actually, I don't need hookers, I have a g/f that engages me every night and sometimes in the daytime as well in activities that leave me carnally fulfilled and STILL have energy enough to go for a 25km bike ride.

    And I don't suffer from premature congratulation!

  14. This has absolutely nothing to do with age and everything to do with attitude, state of mind and health.

    Now I am 71 and can do ANYTHING a 25 year old can do (except join an under 25 Club) and could easily cope with a hooker every night if I wanted to.

    If you want to know what I would do if I was physically or mentally lacking - I don't know!

    Change your screen name to Bull shi* ?

    There is no need for nasty remarks! I have described myself as I AM, not what I wish to be. If you have evidence of my insincerity then I wish to hear it and defend myself. In the meantime, you know nothing of my capabilities and I reserve the right in the context of the OP, to say what is actually true.

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