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Posts posted by ChrisKC

  1. I am very lucky! I feel the heat but it isn't a problem for me. I sleep well all night with the fan on.

    During the day, about fours days a week, I go out in the hot sun and ride my bike up to 30 kms so I am out for an hour and a half. Very thirsty when I get home but I drink lots of water and I am back to normal in a few minutes.

    I think this is the hottest in the thirteen years I have been here.

  2. Many of the commenters on these pages have made judgments as if all the facts are known at this stage.

    32 year old Thai man kicks a 65 year old woman's teeth out on a busy street, then carries on kicking until she's unconscious.

    What further facts do you think anyone needs to make a judgement?

    In case you wonder, my judgement, 5-10 years in jail.

    Proper judgments are made on ALL the facts. There are SOME facts ( the main ones, I agree) that are undeniable. Judges don't determine the final outcome of a case only regarding factors of innocence or guilt. How do you think the judges and Establishment as a whole would treat the case if the Brits had bad-mouthed about the King or insulted Buddha to those Thais? They would be stoutly defended for the mitigating circumstances.

    I am as outraged as you about what has happened but if provocation is proven it has an effect on sentencing.

    Sorry, I cannot agree on the "string 'em up" mentality.

  3. I think it is very rare for a family walking down a busy street, anywhere in the world, minding their own business to be attacked without some provocation. CCCTV footage cannot tell us what was said, by whom, in what manner, or tone.

    I am not sure that we know those Thais (or the Brits) were drunk. If they were then we can understand how they lost their senses.

    Many of the commenters on these pages have made judgments as if all the facts are known at this stage.

    What is certain is that terrible violence was inflicted on that family and the offenders have to be punished. What the severity of that punishment is depends on the circumstances of the case as established by the Police and the Courts, via the many witnesses.

  4. How exactly has Thailand progressed.

    Tractors instead of Buffaloes, what else I have no idea.

    All I see is a nation ready to implode.

    Another amazing ruler full of great promises will turn it all around until the next coupe,not.

    Corruption is rampant, health care is a joke, welfare system a joke, education well you need a degree to work almost everywhere from McDonald's to Swansens so they are worthless.

    What progress has been made from within Thailand.

    I really am surprised so many can actually organise a root in a brothel

    I didn't think it was quite that bad!

    What is a "root in a brothel"? I couldn't organise one of those either

  5. I would say it all depends on what kind of school you want for your children, good and cheap education is hard to find.

    Rent. 12.000 a month for average house.

    Motorbike, 20.000 for a second hand.

    Food, 5.000 a week, for foreign food, Thai food much cheaper.

    Buying a motorbike isn't part of the cost of living - that is a one-time capital purchase.

    The best answer to the OP's question is a minimum cost of living plus whatever he wants to add to his comfort level and circumstances.

    Can get a rented house for far less than B12,000 per month.

    Foreign food for three people I am sure wouldn't cost B5000 per week! Closer to B3000, I would say. There is plenty of food that is not specifically "foreign", like potatoes, rice, fruit and vegetables and so on from local markets - at Thai prices. Many other items: cleaning materials, detergents, toiletries, don't need to be "foreign"

    Try BUPA Thailand for "family" health insurance scheme - they have Office in Chiang Mai and they speak good English. I recommend them. Costs depend on scheme, ages and pre-conditions of Members.

  6. The key words are "perspective, "betterment", "collective" (nationwide) from the point of view of my thread.

    I have used the word "progress" which to be fair is difficult to measure in ways that everyone would agree. Some aspects of progress are seen by some to be positive and others retrogressive.

    By "betterment", I mean whether you think from your perspective, that "bad" things nationally have improved in ways that the status quo has risen and if you have observed them or not.

    By perspective, I mean from your personal point of view, not your personal circumstances. That is, how you see Thailand as a whole from the time you arrived to the present time. This perspective will be determined by that length of time as well as other factors such as what you see as National priorities, attitude, experience, acquired knowledge and your instincts.


  7. From my wife's family whose members spent between 4 and 6 years in school, we now have the next generation of kids , 8 of which graduated from college or university. I'd say that's progress.

    A Thai university? Its not "how long" you spend there its "what your'e taught"

    Or, indeed, what you learnt!

  8. I have lived in Thailand for half a generation. Without believing I have my pulse on the state of the Nation, I am mostly up to speed.

    In that half a generation, I would like to think that some sustainable progress has been made in this Country that we can really be positive about: in education, corruption, death on the roads, nationwide trash, law enforcement, income tax evasion, domestic loans, human trafficking etc.

    But I am not sure I have noticed that sustained progress or, as I put it, "a shift towards the betterment of Thailand (as seen by its own eyes and the world at large) and an active determination to become more worldly-wise".

    If my perspective is ill-judged, I welcome observations that will put me right - I will not lose face!

  9. For the record age gaps in relationships do matter in Thailand with normal girls.

    Totally untrue that Thai woman do not care about age gaps,completely untrue.

    Yes many are with older guys, but I'm not talking about business transactions or bar girls that have now settled for one life long customer.

    Let's be honest now.

    I am sure you are right on this one. Conventional men and women in Thailand engaging in relationships are very similar to those in most other places in the world. The great majority prefer a partner of similar age. Just look at Thai couples to observe for yourself.

  10. Here are two suggestions that are suitable for iphone or iPad

    Not much of a thing but I have a nice compass.

    The other one is a very nice word game called "alphabetty" it's free. I have been using it for some months now and it is really good with more than 200 levels. An intelligent game with many variations and really nice graphics. Good for Thais but more specially for English Speakers from low level to intellectual. Simple to play; no need for instructions., though I can offer some tips to improve your scores.

  11. Will TV when asked rat out posters? Have they already? I think I know the answer but would like to hear it from the mods.

    if I were an Immigration Officer I would read matters arising in this Forum and encourage my staff to read it, too. I would get lots of information, improve my English and as important as anything, gain some insight into Western culture and how Westerners think and feel about many of the issues surrounding visas, Immigration Offices and other matters they believe are important. All this would help me do a better job with greater understanding.

    why would they want to do a better job ?

    You should address your comment to me, not "they". I don't know if they want to do a better job but if it were ME, I would

  12. They should give each Thai licensed to drive a 6 months mandatory driving classes and a final test they must pass before issue of a license. Then a complete driving test. Along with police getting out of these pit stops and stopping them speeding when it happens along with bigger fines. I was fined 400 baht for going 120 kph, I could laugh it off.

    I was fined 400 Baht for going 133 in a 90km/h zone, which of course doesn't have any speed limit signs. I think they only fine you if you are caught doing more than 120.

    However, dangerous driving, drink driving, driving the wrong way down a road, not wearing seatbelts, too many people riding in the tray of a pickup and a whole list of other offences are generally much more dangerous and rarely cracked down upon.

    Usually, people who are caught are persistent offenders. I am not sure how your stated position as a driver being "caught" speeding allows you to be calling the kettle black! If there is a limit of 90 kmh and you were speeding at 133 kmh, in my book that is dangerous driving.

    Am I being self-righteous or riding a high horse? No, I just find driving within the limits unlikely for me falling foul of the law and less likely my being involved in an accident when there are so many other reckless drivers on the road!

    I never think it is necessary to be in a hurry at the expense of safety and the law!

  13. Actually, if you understand anything at all of what he says, you could not possibly make such a ridiculous claim. It's a bit like a maths teacher trying to teach a voodoo believing jungle native to count 1 to 10, only for the native to comment with a grunt or two to indicate their perception that the maths teaching must be some evil witchdoctor.

    Lighten up I was joking. But seriously there is a certain creed followed religiously by atheists too which can stretch credulity at times. There is no proof to the existence of God and there is no proof to God's non existence either regardless of what Orthodox religious or Orthodox atheists say.

    Ah, the classic attempt to deflect when the rational argument is lost...lighten up.

    The whole point is rational thinkers dint follow Creed's, and don't strecth credulity, but have inherently in the basis of logic the need to question, including the logic itself, and progress hence.

    Also, the classic " no proof to God's non existence" has been destroyed for what it is. Humour would jest, there's no proof that an invisible yet sonehow pink T-Rex zooming around the galaxy doesn't exist either. But I don't worship that or insist others give it credence just because they can't disprove it.

    There no such thing as Orthodox atheists. Orthodox is itself a term used in a religious setting.

    You need to be careful with labels. There is a difference between the label atheist and non theist, to name but two.

    But nice attempt at the police branch thing, shame it's still soooo way short of the mark.

    Huh? Sorry to have sinned ( literally 'missed the mark')

    "No such thing as orthodox atheists? Orthodox is itself a term used in a religious setting"?

    FYI get out your dictionary.

    Orthodox means following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice.

    Synonyms: conservative, traditional, observant, devout, strict, true.

    It's from the Greek ortho meaning straight and doxa meaning opinion (nothing to do with religion).

    I believe atheism (or rationalism) is a philosophy, a belief.

    Therefore it is quite correct to say orthodox atheists (who share literally a "straight opinion")

    I think it's orthodox grammar. But I agree that the orthodox view of the word orthodox does possess religious connotations if you wish to use it in the orthodox way.

    Orthodox medicine, orthodox artists, orthodox jazz, none of which are religious.

    God forbid, (oops sorry) I could also say Dawkins was a high priest of his beliefs (the chief advocate or proponent of a particular belief or practice).and you are an adherent (someone who supports a particular party, creed, person, or set of ideas)

    So because it upset you I will amend witchdoctor to high priest, hope that's acceptable now.

    Dogmatic or dogma also have religious connotations and rationalists are often dogmatic in their beliefs to the point of being zealots.(people who are fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals).

    When I said 'lighten up' I wasn't deflecting anything because you fancied I had lost an argument, my first post was being satirical. Do rationalists take themselves so seriously that they have lost their sense of humor and don't understand satire or irony?

    "Police branch thing"? what are you talking about? Your logic is lost on me there.

    Sorry you're sooo way short of the mark but God Bless you anyway

    "I believe atheism (or rationalism) is a philosophy, a belief."

    Atheism is NOT a belief, it is a non belief. Atheism is not a philosophy; it means ONLY no belief in gods or deities.

  14. A bare-chested man at Songkran (for heavens sake), is NOT indecent and certainly not obscene. These terms are appropriate for rape, pimps, paedophiles "Flashers" and their like.

    Yes, it is disrespectful I would argue, outside of Songkran.

    WHO was offended, who was really affected? Come on Thailand - where is your spirit of goodwill?

  15. Why didn't they just keep it personal?

    "Sorry, sir, please put on your shirt" Two minutes and the matter is closed; everyone leaves as friends.

    Instead, the Authorities have definitely lost face - to the World!

    It has caused many people on this forum and elsewhere to damn Thailand (justified or not) and wasted our time needing to discuss it.

  16. Speed limit all cars in Thailand to 80 or 100km an hour.

    Worked on all mine sites I worked at in reducing accidents.

    Thailands is not a nanny state. No thanks. You can even buy peptides in 7-11s here.

    If the stats are correct that means only five or six died in cars, the rest were in pick ups or on motorbikes.

    While it would be good if nobody died, that will never happen, five or six dead in car crashes considering all the kilometers travelled is not too bad. No need to limit all cars to 80kms per hour. It would just add to fatigue. They wouldn't even do that in the nanniest of nanny states, Victoria Australia.

    You make it sound like cars are not part of or almost irrelevant in the statistics. I'd bet if you removed all cars from the roads the number of motorcycle deaths/injuries would be negligible. It takes two to tango.

    RIP to all those who were not the cause of fatalities. May the rest rot in hell.

    I was going to make the point that many cars are "involved" in motorbike accidents with little effect on cars or drivers.

    What do you think would happen if more people who rode motorbikes drove cars if they could afford them? My own view is that there would be more accidents but less deaths!

  17. I can't remember the source but from the entire vehicle registrations in Thailand, more than 30% have no tax or insurance.

    This might not be directly related to irresponsible driving or death on the road but it should be a source of considerable income for the Government.

    Why don't they have a purge on THAT - for a start? Goodness knows what they would uncover when investigating tax and insurance dodgers.

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