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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. page 13, followed by if you get caught, it was brake failure
  2. we got hit by a young couple and they immediatley ran over to us and the young lady said I'm so sorry.. my brakes did not work turns out she was not driving her boy friend was and she was YouTubing when they hit us it really was brake failure, he never hit the brakes they were too busy yakety yaking DMF's were so smart as to post the vid online for all to see.. Insurance paid, and they got a 500 Bhat fine cost me a week without a car ...
  3. same here .. I have Rentokil come once a month and spary the perminiter / walls ,, the outside is now controlled, ants, centipedes, scorpions had ants comming into the kitchen . they placed a few drops of the gel around and have not ants in a year now I gotta work on the frogs/toads and snakes
  4. The concept alone should have rang the bell ... I want to move to a beautiful tropical island .. to live in a a housing complex where everyone is crammed in like sardines just from the view in this picture alone there are 12 old and crappy looking houses all packed nice and tight, look at the topography map.. then take a google map drive thru the neighborhood next area to the east side is "Kuku/Kukoo that was another tip off
  5. Hatred is a very strong word,, please... use it carefully. I don't have hatred ,, I may hate things, like walking down a flight of stairs whith a metal handrail and a little sliver of metal is sticking out and it rips your hand open .. I hate when that happens .... or someone leaves the screen door open and flies come in and annoy the hell out of me while I'm trying to eat.. her policies ...? it's all there on her website ........ "0" Joy.. is not a policy oh wait.. there was mention of "Price Controls" things that come to mind ... Soviet Union,Cuba,Venezuela There are subltle things like Fixing the open border.. ( but for 3.5 years she's been in charge and all she did was F it up she is in office now and is doing nothing to correct it,, you think that will change ? ) and allow millions of who knows what illegal entries into the US (yes that constitutes calling them criminals) I could attach dozens of articles with gaslighting ( Bull**** ) but nothing that states her direct policies ( except Bidenomics) or the Economic pledges of giving away tax payers $$ to every Tom dik and Harry .. How is she going to deal with the Ukraine money siphon ? people are dying while other people (politicians) are getting rich she's in office now and is doing absolutely nothing about it, you think that will change ? or is this another case of someone wishing they were an American and just chiming in with reckless abandon ?
  6. 'cause she can't have cue cards, telepromptors, notes, an ear piece.. in short she can't string a sentance with any substance together on her own oh........ she also has "zero" as in none, nada, zip policies to run on i'll tell you after the election" say's it all
  7. forget where this is ? or you have not been here very long ..... T.I.T.
  8. trouble is,, using the Bun Gun .. that hundreds of other patrons have used and probably got a little to close to the exit hole many food vendors don't "wash hands with soap and then dry thoroughly before eating and after using the washroom." a lot of restrooms do not have soap and means to dry your hands or cover the food and care not about hoards of flies landing and leaving who knows what or leaving food out in the sun for hours hygiene and food safety protocals are really not high on the list
  9. According to the van’s driver, Mr. Wanchalerm (surname withheld), 30, he was driving his family back from Bang Saen Beach, traveling in the left lane towards Bangkok, ( possibly didn't see the Benz driver flashing his lights for him to get out of his way ) when the Benz suddenly crashed into the back of his van, ( possibly, because he was speeding like a freakin demon and weaving in and out of traffic ) lost control, and hit a barrier before overturning. Shortly afterward, the Toyota sedan ( possibly because the driver was tailgating and also had their nose burried in a phone screen ) collided with the wrecked Benz.
  10. in the last 48 hours.. tunnel collape.. Korat "car park " landslide collapse ( Phuket ) now this section of road in Bangkok again again again .. Maybe the start of a new HUB
  11. duhhhhhhhhhh on the pedestian pavement ..
  12. Motorbikes have brakes, ..... until there is an accident .. then it's "Brake Failure" lights ,, usuallu a traillight that is "out" and indicators.... rarley used.. and if they do.. it's left on forquite a while.. usually until nose is pulled out of the mobil screen oh. don't forget the mirrors . that are often removed. they are "not needed" cause they don't look anyway
  13. I can't go 1-2 minutes without seeing a motor bike rider with their face glued to the screen and plenty of them with 2-3 passengers and going the wrong way
  14. you mean they really don't care... all most of them think about is.. If we overload the vehicle to 3 times it's capacity so the axels bottom out on bumps and we drive a min of 120 kph while weaving in and out of traffic ... cutting off cars ( don't forget the clouds of black smoke ) we might get to our destination 2 minutes sooner
  15. I got worried for a moment ,, thought it might actually be an all out effort to get it done ... but, not dissapointed, there are several slackers sitting around nose to mobil screen
  16. except high cholesterol ( not part of the problem ) (which is controlled by statins), which in itself is part of the problem .... ever considor.. changing your diet ?
  17. You are expats. Your vote in America is insignificant. sez who ??? I live in Thailand and my vote goes to my registered state... and it counts ! .. and my SS payments are not limited because of where I live... ... and my bank accounts don't get closed because of where I live...
  18. watch this and get a good head start
  19. Great off to a good start I.F. 16/8 plenty of protein make sure it's quality ANIMAL High Fat.. this is key, and the less carbs the better "0" carbs is optimun, your body needs zero. and that includes no veggies and no alcohol .. You can do this ... start with 10 short days if you are serious and want real forever results , do your own research... and give carnivore a serious look PHD .. Proper Human Diet and if you need a reference point.. Look up Dr. Anthony Chaffee .. Best of Luck and Good Health to you
  20. The left woke broke gaslighting socialist marxist anti American (dems) are so bad even RFK Jr flipped them off. ..go look in the mirror and start singing I'm PROUD To Be an American until you get it Right
  21. Sounds like a case of the man with 2 brains ..in this case the 'little brain' was in charge
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